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36725612 No.36725612 [Reply] [Original]

The signs and symptoms of pulmonary TB disease may include the following:

•Cough (duration of > 3 weeks)

•Chest pain

•Hemoptysis (coughing up blood)

•Loss of appetite

•Unexplained weight loss

•Night sweats



>> No.36725958

I hope she joins en3, they need someone like her...

>> No.36726313

They've probably decided on EN3 already, she should be aiming at 4.

>> No.36726786

this doesn't deserve 2 threads, migrate

>> No.36726959

My prevailing theory is that Clover was actually her horcrux and when he went, now she's gonna go with him. He had lived so long due to dark magic in the first place, he was supposed to be immortal too but somehow Fauna messed up his kitty feed and the spell broke..

>> No.36727012

i hope Fauna loses everything she holds dear

>> No.36727045


>> No.36727301

it's fucking over...

>> No.36729465

am waiting till end of the year for their debut

>> No.36729757

>•Loss of appetite
>•Unexplained weight loss
These two are literally related you know.

>> No.36729993

Stating the obvious. You will write a good manual for dummies.

>> No.36730222

Rip Joe Rogan

>> No.36731576

yep, no red flags here, and /vt/ will not be full of bait threads every time she takes a break

>> No.36731765

she said she threw up blood you retard, not coughed it up. Throwing up means vomiting so it's probably either an ulcer or stomach cancer

>> No.36732479

She'd probably be fine if she just went and got it checked out, but she's too stubborn and would rather die than leave her house.

>> No.36732612

They'll make baits from anybody

>> No.36733396

just mold

>> No.36733485

>Two months old expired yogurt
Is there a single vtuber who isn't a completely disgusting slob? Why is filth and moldy food such a common theme?

>> No.36733512

people who go outside a lot aren't typically drawn to the streamer lifestyle

>> No.36734611

Doesn't she live in the UK? Why doesn't she go to a doctor?

>> No.36734673

She deserves 20 threads

>> No.36735897

The filth and expired food kinda comes with the package when you have various forms of depression

>> No.36736924

Shondo likely knew it was expired, she's talked about eating expired food her family leaves in the fridge too long really often because she hates waste.
She won't go to the doctor because she doesn't leave her house. Even when she was on her fucking deathbed from pneumonia she wouldn't go.

>> No.36737023

Too menhera to join. This has already been well established already. She also doesn't want to

>> No.36737274

TB literally eats away at you.
There's a reason why its old name was "Consumption".

>> No.36737469

And a sufferer might be called a consoomer.

>> No.36741750

No they're not.
You can lose weight without the loss of appetite.
However, loss of appetite over a long period absolutely can make you lose weight, but it takes a while and it is fully explained - not eating.
t. hasn't eaten for 4 days solid and weight did nothing.
The human body can survive without food for a very fucking long time, months even. You forget we lived in the wild like many other animals. Most animals can survive for long periods without eating. Water is the important thing, water keeps the flow, without that you're fucked.

>> No.36742724

Isn't Shondo super weak for real? I think she is uderweight or has anorexia or something like that. That would explain her frail body.

>> No.36742831

Yeah, she's got an eating disorder as well as a cocktail of mental health issues that result in extreme neglect of her well-being.
She also refuses to go outside so she probably hasn't seen a doctor in many years.

>> No.36743960

She's a bit menhera and thinks her doctor is evil and out to kill her and her family.

>> No.36744281

If you're not memeing.
Thinking your doctor doesn't have your best interest in mind is more than a "bit menhera"

>> No.36744441

It's true, she really does think her doctor is evil. It's not really as crazy as you might think though, her doctor came to her house to see her grandfather when he was ill last year and declared he was fine and would recover in a couple of days. He was hospitalized the next day and died of COVID days later.
The same doctor also said her mother was fine for months and kept prescribing her different drugs until it got to the point where she passed out from blood loss and needed an ambulance, she had 5 or 6 transfusions and the hospital said they were amazed she wasn't in a coma due to losing so much blood. Her mom was later diagnosed with pretty late stage cancer and the doctor had no clue. Apparently later on the doctor asked her mom what radiotherapy was when she went to see him in the middle of her treatment.
Shondo's told the story a few times, apparently he's a really old guy and some type of immigrant. Probably some old Indian since she's Brit who had his training in a third world country in the 50s. I don't really blame her for not trusting him.
And since she lives in the middle of nowhere apparently there's no other doctor she can go to.

>> No.36744663

Hopefully she grows her channel to the point that she can move somewhere with an actual doctor

>> No.36744698

The other thread doesn’t say anything about pulmonary tb. Why are you pretending to live a fantasy of being a moderator you faggot? Do you want to do it for free that bad?
