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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36712674 No.36712674 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.36712727

The drama channels are going to love this one.

>> No.36712743

Am I supposed to know who this is?

>> No.36712764
File: 769 KB, 1029x1089, 1649697615170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>misspelled words
larp but she's cute so I'll forgive her

>> No.36712765

She's just like me fr fr

>> No.36712932

She's thrown up blood two times tonight. Likely ulcer from pent up rage like that Malcom episode.

>> No.36713098

>I knew I shouldn't have collabed with m*les just that one tim- ACK!

>> No.36713144

look at this fool who carefully corrects all his typos before hitting post

>> No.36713476


>> No.36713508


>> No.36713562

not even

>> No.36713580


>> No.36713609

you get upset people stopped replying to your bait elsewhere or what, just post the bf image, get banned and be over with it

>> No.36713686

>Talking about vtubers on the vtuber board is bait

>> No.36713705
File: 745 KB, 1000x1000, 1638784894776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let Shondo's deteriorating health distract you from the fact that in 2022 Moriko "BatAtVideoGames" Kyoho was banned from twitch for posting Dicks in the official Monster Hunter chat, Suspended from twitter for telling Morbius Memers to kill themselves, yellow carded in a divegrass friendly for the attempted assassination of Gawr Gura, suspended again on twitter for being a chronic shitposter, and insulted the Italian people with a terrible parody account until she was unbanned.

>> No.36713714

I will take that as a yes. RIP Shondo-chan. We barely new you.

>> No.36713746

any medical fags here? what's the diagnosis?

>> No.36713749

You could have just written based 50 times and gotten the message across

>> No.36713770

No, she didn't take it.
She (rightfully) doesn't trust doctors/hospitals, but that's why she's probably going to die from whatever it is she has.

>> No.36713777


>> No.36713780

A quick WebMD look shows that she has the death. She has -13 hours to live. It's fucking over shondobros

>> No.36713797

fr fr no cap?

>> No.36713818

Cute larp

>> No.36713829

damn I hope it's nothing serious

if shondo dies it would be incredibly iconic th
she's already scary like there's a paranormal aura around her

>> No.36713837

nobody unaware of her cares, and people who do care have two different generals that discuss her
you're not disguising what this catalog shit's always been about, just look at the other one on the board already

>> No.36713870

Try writing that again in English.

>> No.36713886

whatever your delusional minds wants man

>> No.36713889

Fauna killed her

>> No.36713921

I think Champyons love their oshi more than Shondophrenics

>> No.36713928

>Fauna tries to revive Clover with alchemy
>Shondo's internal organs are taken as part of the exchange

>> No.36713929

already did it once, apologies if you need more reps; it is SEA hours after all

>> No.36713984

I understand that English is a very difficult language to learn, especially for those whose native language is not a romance language, but this is an English speaking board and your nonsensical gibberish just comes off as spam.

>> No.36714036
File: 10 KB, 327x237, 9A3AEBE5-F54A-4BE6-A512-5DE0DDC08B10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acronym we use for people who spit out blood. Dont know anything about this girl but assuming she’s a young white woman I’d go with autoimmune. Maybe lupus.

>> No.36714069

I believe this rrat

>> No.36714101

You try sending tweets while throwing up blood.

>> No.36714148

fuck you, my sister has lupus and she doesn't cough up blood

>> No.36714178

>no u
anyway have fun self bumping to get your kicks, you'd probably get guaranteed replies still just posting in /lig/

>> No.36714190

If the condition was (((acquired))) after 2021, autoimmune sounds like a good bet.

>> No.36714233
File: 620 KB, 1073x1571, BD2EF461-E183-4DFC-B940-8A5836E7CD9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all lupus manifests the same which is why we use points criteria to determine it

>> No.36714297

I thought you were supposed to get a heart attack from it, not cough up blood?
Or are the effects random like a gacha?

>> No.36714348

Oh, so she’s incredibly based?

>> No.36714378
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>> No.36714441


>> No.36714452

Stupid laplus. Need correction

>> No.36714451

former 11 BMI anorexic, schizoaffective, anemic, bunk lung from covid and later pneumonia, vegetarian

>> No.36714487

>what's the diagnosis?
Schizophrenia and attention seeking behavior.

>> No.36714549

coughing blood is pretty bad no matter what, it's a sign that your internal organ is damaged in some way. desu with you she probably only has few years left to live.

>> No.36714590

>she didn't take it
Based. I will now subscribe to this menhera.[/spolier]

>> No.36714602

Fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.36714610

Yep. Menhera.

>> No.36714631
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>> No.36714656

spooki I'm sorry she hurt your feefees you should tweet some more about it

>> No.36714677

Lol, how the fuck to do you get 11 BMI and not live in africa or some shit. Given how malnourished she is and how shit her immune system is if she has fever its probably another case of pneumonia.
Would love to see her Xrays. They’re probably fucked

>> No.36714705

Silence, vaxxy.

>> No.36714717

The effects can be random because it destroys your immune system. But the most common is blood clots and as a byproduct heart attacks. I know a couple of people who got the vax that now complain about random chest pain and developed random food allergies to stuff that they regularly ate just fan before.

>> No.36714719

Fuck I wish I was a radiologist

>> No.36714760

I don't know, she apparently got so bad she couldn't climb stairs and had an intervention by then. Implied her woman parts no longer work either.

>> No.36714762


>> No.36714805

>tfw I fell in love with a curvaceous skeleton
Her ribs must look like the columns of gods temple.

You can get old medical equipment on the internet relatively cheap. Including x-ray-machines.
Don't let your lack of 9 years of rigorous training stand in the way of your dreams!

>> No.36714834

I just meant I know a guy who works 15 weeks out of the year making two radiology salaries while working from home, but hey alright

>> No.36714885

That’s the ROAD specializations for you hell to get in, but living easy once you’re done. Too bad I wasnt in the top 5% of my class

>> No.36715038

This begs the question: was she unbearably cute and pure and got bullied for it to the point of anorexia and self-destruction, since roasties are the vilest creatures known to men and hate innocence, or did she become that cute afterwards?
Why do the cute ones have an expiration date bros? It's not fair.

>> No.36715055


>> No.36715108

yikes, thats even worse.
Did this fucker hang? I hope he/she did.
And I hope she did get to see it.
And since thats fantasy, I hope she survives her abuser and gets to piss on their grave.

>> No.36715139

There was a girl that was incredibly cute in my high school. The other girls were jealous of her so they bullied her and destroyed her self esteem. She ended up self harming and developing an eating disorder. One day she disappeared, hopefully she switched schools and got the help she needed…

>> No.36715236

she was fat kid with undiagnosed schizoaffective in cheap backwater british school ill equipped for such things
just a terrible childhood and likely abused by her birth father

>> No.36715272

My reason for hating women has always been how they treat other women first and foremost and how they treat men after that.

All of my past girlfriends opened up about the amount of bullying they received and both developed issues because of it.
I'm not saying boys can't be just as evil. In fact I think they can be worse if a ringleader is a genuine sociopath, which happens all to often.
But imho there's more sadism involved when girls are doing it, even without a top bitch who has a sociopathic streak in her.

>> No.36715393

She wants man's dick that hard?

>> No.36715531

if shadow dies, will Fauna be devastated?

>> No.36715817

these fake menhera bitches never posting pics
if your twitter media ain't scars and blood fuck off

>> No.36715854

>why isn't a vtuber only posting 3dpd pictures
I think you're on the wrong board, hell the wrong website

>> No.36715902

>if your twitter media ain't scars and blood fuck off
that's for the alt

>> No.36715984

yes, also 100% chance she talked to her about the cat death, since she also had a traumatic cat death semi-recently

She had pneumonia and covid and it fucked up her lungs, so I'd bet it's something related to that again.

>> No.36716071

I would need proof before i kneel. They are bending halfway in a painful squat position.

>> No.36716129

I kneel...

>> No.36716164

this is all well known in /lig/
bat is an unmatched shitposter

>> No.36716361

it was her dad. and she lives in bong land, so he's probably sitting in a pub right now all drunk

>> No.36716507

I guess she couldn't handle that "beast"

>> No.36716562

trying to pull an Ironlung?

>> No.36716572

I don't watch her but I hope she gets better soon.

>> No.36716620

she has talked a long time about having issues but she refuses to go to the doctor. yes i know he's evil and is trying to kill her entire family supposedly, but it's not like he's the only doctor in the UK, lol. hard to empathize when she ignores her health like that.

>> No.36716636

Unlike Ironlung, shondo has 5 people who are financially dependent on her vtuber work and she continues pushing herself every day to take care of them.

>> No.36716645

What is her blood type?
In my opinion, she really need to seek medical help for proper diagnosis. Anyways onto desk diagnosis. And so the cause on why she's coughing blood is
There's a study that shows there's a significant increase in prothrombin time (PT) for groups that adhere to a vegetarian diet. It means blood clots does not readily form immediately. Since she had covid and pneumonia, there could have been lesions in her pulmonary system that doesn't heal immediately thus coughing blood. Her vegetarian diet also explains her low BMI. anorexia also doesn't help because she doesn't consume enough nutrients to heal herself. If she's having fever, it might point to an infection either from pneumonia or outside causes, which in turn increases body temperature and lowers blood clotting.
Overall, I suggest she goes to a doctor for proper diagnosis and medication.

>> No.36716658

Misandry symptoms, many such cases.

>> No.36716738

don't worry, AIs are close to putting these people out of their jobs

>> No.36717267

Is this real?

>> No.36717297

Yes, everything you read /here/ is real

>> No.36717365
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what in blazes are you blathering about?

>> No.36717421
File: 125 KB, 1260x1572, Fc98KxWWIAEJ8a_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch streams.

>> No.36717455

maybe if there were 80 hours in a day I would have time for that my nigger

Just gimme a qrd

>> No.36717813

Don't forget getting banned from twitter for threatening to beat shondo up.

>> No.36718075

I can fix her

>> No.36718500

Thanks doc

>> No.36718715

who tf? why should we care?

>> No.36718883

He BF looks to have a big cock to hurt her throat like that, zamm

>> No.36720604

Hope she's ok

>> No.36721018


>> No.36722756


>> No.36722953

Not me.

>> No.36723143

She's gone so far into the 19C frail girl larp she got herself infected with TB/consumption.

>> No.36723405 [DELETED] 

Ironglung literally has a daughter though. Yes, they don't live under the same roof, but she pays the bills.

>> No.36723761

Enjoy your ban, but anon you are replying to is an idiot. Mouse supports her parents as well and recently bought them a house.

>> No.36723908

EnJ0y yOuR BaN
God, what a fucking nigger you are.

>> No.36723944

I don't make typos.

>> No.36724045

you seem upset

>> No.36724844

>reddit alternating uppercase and lowercase letters

>> No.36725030
File: 67 KB, 197x218, 1602388819895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that timing with Clover
What, was he her horcrux or something?

>> No.36725121

vshojo is the reddit corpo

>> No.36725260

>criticize males
>fucking dies
How did tempiss get away with this

>> No.36725303 [DELETED] 

side fx from too many jabs, this is happening globally and not being reported. My family doctor quit his job because he refused to go along with sticking ppl with it.

>> No.36725387

it was an anti who was sperging out

>> No.36725429

tell us more, Alex

>> No.36725463

I can save her.

>> No.36725669

I hope it's just an ulcer and nothing worse. Poor Shondo.

>> No.36725850

That's basically flirting for Shadow.
Don't waste your time. They've been brainwashed too long to come back to reality. The sickest people around me are the ones that are vaxxed and boosted.

>> No.36729663

>Bitch gets blowback
>"I'm dying"
Every fucking time.

>> No.36730750

You joke but more people cancelled streams this week than all other weeks combined this year...

>> No.36730997

spooki there's still hope for you, just stream

>> No.36731068

God hates lolicons and lolicon panderers. They belong on the cross, but our mighty Lord can cast his judgment in other ways. Amen.

>> No.36731073

Not a medicalfag, but I'd say that it has to be bleeding in the stomach. She would be coughing it up if it was in her lungs, and it wouldn't be coming up at all if it was anywhere else.

>> No.36732062

medfag here but even lung-based lesions leading to hemoptysis (coughing up blood) can be perceived by some patients as hematemesis (throwing up blood) patients sometimes aren't the best at describing their symptoms which is why physical exams and other methods such as imaging is necessary. Certainly can't just diagnose it off a tweet.
Given she is very malnourished and probably doesn't eat very well, it's not unlikely that she may have developed stomach ulcers which can lead to her throwing up blood, but given her past likely untreated covid and pneumonia episodes it wouldn't be surprising if the lesions would be found in her the lungs either.

>> No.36732284
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I threw up blood, never went to the hospital and I am still alive

>> No.36732476

Shondo’s unvaccinated dumb nigger

>> No.36732808

And since she's already gotten COVID, should not get a jab. Probably still has antibodies and her current illness is because she's a gremlin that lives like a hobo.

>> No.36732866
File: 87 KB, 849x459, CA75B3C8-C832-48FA-8274-CA130F51F951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn’t she friends with Fauna too? Damn, kirin can’t catch a break.

>> No.36732881
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3rd year medfag here

shondo's menhera who does not trust doctors, if she does not die that'd be near miracle

>coughs up blood
either her lungs are failing due to untreated covid or there's something seriously wrong with her stomach or intensines, could be cancer or stomach ulcer or mix of both

she will likely die if she does not get treatment asap as perforated stomach ulcer would let bacteria infect peritoneum and good luck getting rid of bacteria that spill literally everywhere without sepsis. if its stomach cancer and shes coughing up blood then its already something that requires chemotherapy and potentially spread to other organs

in other words grab popcorn and some pepsi, hoes dying

>> No.36732957

its possible that its all cause she didn't get jab and covid raped her lungs and only now they are giving out.

besides girl with anorexia's immune system is shit at the job, even if she felt fine after covid its likely it wrecked most of her organs and it's gonna take decades to recover fully

i can only say good grief, cause i hate anyone whos friends with pippa

>> No.36733153

>hoes dying
If she dies, she dies

>> No.36733204

>sub 1k chuuba
why would anyone know her?

>> No.36733227

You probably have a stomach ulcer and if you don't get it taken care of it will just get worse and worse over time

>> No.36733553

Is she still dying?

>> No.36733581

Faking her death to join her friend in hololive

>> No.36733597


>> No.36733607

She will if she keeps doing shit like that. Botulism will fuck you up if you don't get it treated, and with her other health problems, it would absolutely kill her..

>> No.36733630

>Fauna's beloved cat dies
>Fauna's beloved friend is dying
okay, which one of you witches casted this hex

>> No.36733633

If she dies now Fauna will litetally stop streaming for months or just graduate so pray she lives

>> No.36733716

Fauna graduating would force Cover to introduce a new EN gen, so it wouldn't be all bad.

>> No.36733988

The bitch probably did it to herself trying some online witching guide during one of her episodes and linked her life with faunas cat

>> No.36734002


>> No.36734032 [DELETED] 

Oh no she’s dieing I need to gift her 200 subs

>> No.36734048

WAIT. Did Shondo make Clover a Horcrux/Phylactery?

>> No.36734103

>Making a cat older than you your phylactery
That seems like a bad idea

>> No.36734162

20+yrs medschool lecturer here
With that kind of "diagnosis", I highly doubt you're even in medical school.

>> No.36734197

from expired yogurt?
although I have to say a nosebleed from expired yogurt is weird, that part was probably coincidental and fuckin terrible timing at the same time as you're experiencing foodborne illness

>> No.36734217

>My family doctor quit his job because he refused to go along with sticking ppl with it.
What does he do now? Correct me If 'm wrong but don't most people in medicine go all in and only have their license for medicine and not much else?

>> No.36734226

Anyone got the pic of her wrist scars?

>> No.36734325

my knees...


>> No.36734349

This fauna's cat?

>> No.36734458
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Yep. She was cute, but alas

>> No.36734496
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>> No.36734811

Yogurt doesn't "really" expire. It's technically already expired when you buy it, it just gets more yogurty as time goes on.

>> No.36734911

>older than shondo

>> No.36734927

>nosebleed and puking blood from old yogurt
It really was a larp to get out of the collab kek

>> No.36734931

I'm pretty sure Shondo is supposed to be twenty.

>> No.36734996

tourist here
collab with whoms't?

>> No.36735001

Clover is 22
Shondo just turned 21 I believe

>> No.36735024


>> No.36735039

Shondo’s 20 or 21 now, Fauna was grooming her since 16

>> No.36735072

Wouldn’t even be mad personally, the idea of someone who doesn’t speak Japanese in a collab with 8 native Japanese speakers who don’t speak English is really stupid

>> No.36735109


>> No.36735124

The saddest part is that they didn’t even mention her. Everyone in the collab is a 1 or 2view with one girl having 120ish viewers. Probably all mad they couldn’t leech off the stupid gaijin, she’s the golden goose of the family

>> No.36735156

I can save her.

>> No.36735175

>its possible that its all cause she didn't get jab and covid raped her lungs and only now they are giving out.
Nah. The "it would've been worse had you not gotten the shot" is a flawed argument. You don't know an unknown. The vax is trash and literally makes you more illness prone. Her anorexia and not getting sun expose is why she's ill.
>i can only say good grief,
It's 'good riddance', you illiterate, jealous, femoid nigger.

>> No.36735185

So whose gonna bite the dust first, her or mouse?

>> No.36735192

I would buy her bloody vomit and drink it.

>> No.36735245

you don't even need to buy an X-ray machine you can make your own ghetto rig in your garage out of like an old microwave or w/e (see William Osman)

>> No.36735266

Same. Her and Gura's puke would go for at least $1K.

>> No.36735273

2 months out of date? How does that even happen, how do you not notice that and eat it anyways?
Like shit I've been poor but what is it about these chuuba girls and subhuman living conditions? It's too much to be a coincidence.

>> No.36735391
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Shondo, Pippa and Gura should do a mold review

>> No.36735394

Mouse's deterioration is stable but pretty slow, big question is how hard her planned house move hits her. There are charities - angel wings and so on - to help it go smoother but it'll still be a big risk.

>> No.36735646

wtf is a 20 year med lecturer even doing here

>> No.36735649

why is she like this?

>> No.36735681

Dangerous mix of german and japanese genes.

>> No.36736077

>the saddest part isn't faking illness to skip a collab with your mama and family because you're a numberfag, but my schizo delusions about what everyone else in the collab thought about it

>> No.36736295

Shondo literally only collabs with 2views

>> No.36736366
File: 133 KB, 618x874, 000e991aca17c4243083e5d195b04a6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude nice

>> No.36736581

>two most autistic and destructive nationalities
>having a kid
Yeah that explains it

>> No.36736775

Is she and Fauna friends?

>> No.36736814

Fauna wouldn't even exist without Shondo, she is her oshi and the reason she started vtubing.

>> No.36736875

isn't that kinda reversed, shondo mentored her in ASMR and she convinced shondo to become a vtuber

>> No.36736955

Yeah Fauna started making ASMR because of Shondo to get close to her too. Then Fauna convinced Shondo to get into VTubing because Shondo had always wanted to but had been too afraid. >>36736875
Neither would be in the places they are today without the other. It's cute

>> No.36737002

And yet shondo screwed it all up due to being fucked in the head

>> No.36737158

For real? I don't even see Fauna following her on Twitter

>> No.36737175


>> No.36737199

Don't forget Wemi.

>> No.36737221

Why doesn't she go to the doctor?
I've heard of food poisoning causing you to shit blood, but never to vomit blood.

>> No.36737250

>panders to /vt/ once

>> No.36737260 [DELETED] 

doctors are evil kikes secretly trying to poison you and sell your dna to the glowies, don't trust them

>> No.36737333

Glowies could get your dna by paying homeless people $5 to dig through your trash

>> No.36737368

>dig through your trash
I don't let hobos in my house

>> No.36737414

You don't track your trash after it leaves the house.

>> No.36737427

>after it leaves the house
it doesnt leave the house

>> No.36737491

>he doesn't have an incinerator

>> No.36737598

Yes it does
You don't either.

>> No.36738536

Where can I watch her stream?

>> No.36738575
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>> No.36738645

ASMR streamer, friend of a holo. Very high voice but able to decently voiceact as a succubi or paralysis demon, check her youtube.

>> No.36738686

IIRC, shondo didn't like fauna becoming fauna, since shondo dislikes vtuber corpos

>> No.36738760

dead rrat, fucking slayed mortal kombat fatality

>> No.36738788

is this another Ironmouse?
if so why isn't she getting AIDS treatment then? lack of paypigs?

>> No.36738792

They are still cool after a period of Shondo being salty about LL joining Hololive. Fauna even reverted to Lily to send a video message to Shondo for a birthday stream.

>> No.36738858

>doesn't like corpos
Shondo adores Hololive, has since 2018. I don't know where this rrat comes from.
The reason she won't join one is because she's too schizo and knows she'd ruin a manager's life, couldn't take the pressure, and is way too connected to her character. She said she'd never give up being Shadow.

>> No.36739701

Can you really fix a girl like this with your dick?

>> No.36739821
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Fauna should just force her to live with her, i am sorry but Shondo mother is trustworthy for keeping her alive

>> No.36740018
File: 43 KB, 480x480, FAUFAU (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meant to say isn't trustworthy.
Someone fucking save her

>> No.36740028

it's basically
>shondo felt betrayed, friends took sides, communication broke down for awhile
>they made up and talked some, shondo puts forward being a huge fan of fauna, can be seen in her chat for her song debut etc
>charity stream, shondo gets drunk, starts to get really said and says talking to her friend is like talking to a robot and she hardly recognizes her anymore
>birthday stream, shondo receives a recorded message from lily (someone had backed out of calling in, may've been her)
>more recent times, she says they talk a lot more and seems happy about the time they spend together
>same time, says she'd never consider hololive EN with their current management, that she'd only consider it if it were ran like JP

>> No.36740404
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>> No.36740593

studied in cheap ukraine medical school, moved back to my home country during russia fiasco

what can i say, its easy to get degree when u need to earn money

>> No.36740601

Speaking of, isn't Bat also always on the verge of death?

>> No.36740641

No but she does have covid right now but she's a bat so, like, lmao

>> No.36740710

Jesus this anon is 50+ years old what the fuck are you doing here

>> No.36740741

Post hand

>> No.36740798

>An academic
Just lol...

>> No.36740803
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>> No.36740861

nice try but there is still the shutterstock watermarks inn the background

>> No.36741274
File: 210 KB, 760x497, Screenshot_20220514-221646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36741355

I mean, Fauna gave her a shout out on stream a couple weeks ago.

>> No.36742123

that means its working trust the science biggot

>> No.36742185

Based recognize based

>> No.36742239

How do you even throw up blood?

I am 33+ and have been smoking/drinking since I was 16.
(okay, I do regular sport, dont eat sugar and eat really well, but still...)

>> No.36742571

When you want to get out of a collab without saying it one can try many magic tricks.
Is like kids saying tummy hort just to avoid going to school

>> No.36742870

lol you chuds are hilarious she's an antivaxxer who got long COVID (which btw the Science says vaccination prevents) and now she's reaping the consequences of listening to you nutjob whackos.

>> No.36742906

>she's an antivaxxer
uhhhhhh based? i will now watch your oshi if she doesn't die

>> No.36742927

You're also wrong, she isn't anti-vaxx, just didn't get the jab because she doesn't go outside. She says she's going to get it she just hasn't had the opportunity yet because she doesn't fucking go outside.

>> No.36742935

Ulcers in your case

>> No.36742991

She has Mallory Weiss syndrome, constant vomiting caused the characterized by longitudinal mucosal lacerations in her esophagus that caused the vomiting of blood. She should get better within 72 hours though..

>> No.36743000

I got your long covid right here

>> No.36743099

Peptic ulcers are the most common cause.
People with extreme forms of ulcerative colitis or Croh's Disease can sometimes vomit blood.
Some form of digestive system cancer is always a possibility.

>> No.36743236

Forgot to quote this post, I don't know the Vtuber but from what i am reading in this thread it is the most likely diagnosis, those lacerations heal on their own though, usually.

>> No.36745603
File: 470 KB, 1381x574, 1603897805505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want her to kill herself from overworking. She supports her entire family and I salute her for this. But she needs to take care of her health too

>> No.36747969

Is she trying to pull an Ironlung?

>> No.36749349

NTA but 32 year old medfag here . I visit because /mep/ exists and other places dont really talk about reine, my brother in law is a 43 year old cardiologistfag who still goes on /vg/ to shitpost about destiny and gacha games.
You can never really quit 4chan, you can take breaks but your latent degeneracy compels you to go back time and time again

>> No.36750402


>> No.36751768

Faking for attention at this point.

>> No.36754140

No it isn’t? I coughed blood a lot when I got the COOF, but it was because I injured my throat with all of my coughing, so the blood was from the injury to my throat (I know this because the blood was bright red)

>> No.36754699
File: 38 KB, 702x350, 1632788572158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36759527

cunny bros.........

>> No.36760495

She'll recover

>> No.36762506

not yet but close enough. And why yes, I am a chumbud and do enjoy cunny, thank you very much.

>> No.36762639

This is a good thing.

>> No.36762701

best post itt kek

>> No.36762824 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 900x1273, Red Alert 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This website is being used by the transatanic.
The name of anime for medical rape.
That is why you are never banned here.

Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes The Plan to Implant Humanity with Cancer Viruses

>> No.36762876
File: 246 KB, 693x601, averagecunnybro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based cunnychad

>> No.36766528

Are you going to tell me about how the demiurge fortifies his reality temple with cute anime women to dampen our willingness to transcend?

>> No.36767240

Yes she is a huge liar, but grammar errors are not proof of that

>> No.36767293

RIP liver.

>> No.36767766

And of course this ojisan is in the mondo shondo thread..

>> No.36767824

Actually that would fit perfectly, people keep going "it's tuberculosis!!" forgetting that that's an archaic fucking disease that barely exists in the developed world. Maybe indonesians and indians catch it frequently but the incidence rate where shondo is is like 7 out of 100,000, or 1 in 14,285.

alcoholism leading to liver problems leading to portal hypertension leading to throat bleeding? much more common, hence much more likely. I hope it's not true because fuck she really is at death's door if so but I mean, it would make more sense.

>> No.36768163
File: 182 KB, 900x1273, t r a n s a t a n i c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That and everything else from now on
Things are going to be very lucrative around here.

>> No.36769404

She needs to stay away from mold
