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36704041 No.36704041 [Reply] [Original]

Does Mori deserve Kiara's forgiveness?

>> No.36704103

Mori doesn't even deserve a good morning from Kiara

>> No.36704181

lol fat

>> No.36704268

I do like the desperation on display

>> No.36704323

You mean, has she earned it. The answer to this question is “No”.

>> No.36704395


>> No.36704461

They should both cease to exist, along with the rest of HoloEN

>> No.36704512

After more than a year of being a cunt, Mori came back to Kiara like a puppy with its tail between its legs for some reason

>> No.36704538

Mori was talking in chat while Kiara was streaming and talking to her (via voice)
OP is just a schizo trying to create drama from literally nothing.

>> No.36705631

>meanwhile chugging alcohol

>> No.36706459

Oh no drama sisters they're planning on a original song together, don't look

>> No.36706578

Mori appears to be mentally ill and saying/doing a bunch of strange stuff. Like apparently she wants to collab with Reimu

>> No.36706686

she does, she's a very good friend to Kiara

>> No.36711095

She was drunk again wasn't she

>> No.36711107

No. You.

>> No.36711129

I'm not a deadbeat. Is something going on with her?

>> No.36711184

Mori deserves graduation. Forgiveness is off the table. Mori is a miserably unsalvageable cunt. She deserves obscurity.

>> No.36713589

Why should she ever suck up to Mori?

>> No.36713663
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Would you forgive her for pulling the "I watched it 50 times" shit?

>> No.36714373

did she pull it a second time? i know of the first, but wasn't aware of a second time

>> No.36714682

During the Shrek watchalong she lied about having watched heart challenger (I think, might have been another song) but that conversation isn't clipped because it takes way longer before Kiara realizes she's lying.

>> No.36714862

Kiara would be an exhausting and overwhelming friend to be around but when she was gone and you lost her presence, you’d eventually grow the fuck up, get your priorities straight, and realize that she was a blessing and was far more important than whatever now-forgotten horseshit you were concerned with that made you blow her off when you had the chance to be around her.
One day (maybe already) Calli is going to wake up and realize she was blessed to have a co worker like Kiara who wanted so badly to work together doing fun things and showing her the idol ropes and everything. Calli could have been like Reine is. But no, she thought keeping up an edgy dipshit “stonk and independent” persona was more important. Bitch should feel honored to get a kiss on the cheek from Kiara.

>> No.36714876
File: 47 KB, 696x696, sorry mori that phoenix pussy is mine for the plunder so i'm going to wreck my new office by making her slooge in every room and record it and send it to your drunk ass to finger yourself to like the cuck you are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over Takamori drones.

>> No.36714940

Seeing how Mori treated Kiara made me legit examine myself. I thought about whether there had been anyone who tried to be my friend or be closer to me but I brushed them off like a tool. I’d hate to have done that. You’d think somebody who was treated like shit in school would be more sensitive to that but I guess Mori learned the wrong lesson.

>> No.36715056

Yeah, I feel like Kiara would be like Leslie Knope. Exhausting to be around but incredibly hard working and caring.

>> No.36715087


>> No.36715345

Nah, Mori takes friends for granted and thinks she doesn't have to do anything to keep a friendship going. After she lost Kiara she had a realisation that the same thing happened many times before in her life. Now, in a desperate attempt to fix thing with Kiara, she tries so hard to become friends again. But since Kiara feels like she's been stabbed in the back by her (something she has experienced many times before) she is hesitant about it.
The best thing that can happen for them is to lock both of them in a room for 4 hours and let them talk things out.

>> No.36715468

This comes to a head when a real hardship hits and your cool friends are all suddenly MIA and you realize the Kiara pesky types are the ones who are always there for you when it counts. Calli’s dad will die or something and trash tasters will suddenly have urgent things to do, leaving her to bawl and blubber and cry to someone like Kiara…if she hasn’t ruined that forever.

>> No.36715491

Post the streamable or catbox where mori comments or Kiara's KING cover

>> No.36715517

Why do most posts on vt read like petty high school drama you’d see in a kids show?

>> No.36715665

she has to defeat zun in a drinking contest first

>> No.36715801

Why so much seethe about takamori recently? Do you really not have anything better to do?

>> No.36716196

because this is literally an e-celeb gossip board

>> No.36716801

Some weirdos who don't like that they are being publicly more friendly to each other now and who bring up over year old shit like it matters while conveniently ignoring that Kiara said it was like she never left Japan when Mori visited her in Austria because they were able to pick their friendship back up where it left off back in Japan. The people who make these types of threads are basically numberfags, except for relationships.

>> No.36717249

Why is she scared of diet?

>> No.36717381

All of these ships feel so fake and forced, yet have a genuine friendship buried underneath them. If Kiara didn't push hashtags and just let her chemistry with people be self-evident, they'd feel a lot more natural

>> No.36719548

I'm sorry to hear you're autistic.

>> No.36719975

The gossipy bored housewife hens of /vt/ are being melodramatic bitches again. Nothing new.

>> No.36720030

she doesn't even have it kek if Takamorinigger would actually watch kiara they would know how she deals with dissapointment

>> No.36720124
File: 724 KB, 2048x1814, FXZ0NLCXEAA37Qd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of whether she deserves it or not, Kiara has already forgiven her
However, she has also moved on

>> No.36721744

they should hold grudges forever

>> No.36727160

>like they left it in Japan
So, dead and horrid

>> No.36731127

>The best thing that can happen for them is to lock both of them in a room for 4 hours and let them talk things out.
Only if Kiara had a knife.

>> No.36732119

She either started taking her meds or dropped opioids recenty.

>> No.36733604

Mori admitted to being a shitty friend to kiara during her holofes watchalong and wished she did things differently
Kiara has had a long history with friends that treat her like a business associate that gets dropped once Kiara isn't useful to them anymore.

Mori got added to that list and now Kiara is only professional with her, and Mori regrets it because everything she worked for so hard is already plateauing and she wished she didn't treat kiara cheaply

>> No.36733957

>Only if Kiara had a knife.
there is a reason boarhunting had to be done with spears

>> No.36735844

Don't risk it, consider a superior polearm: halberd.

>> No.36736680


>> No.36736706

>Does Mori deserve
The answer is always no.

>> No.36736778

Unless it's scorn, hatred, ostracization, isolation etc etc

>> No.36737201

Laying it on a little thick, Deadbeats. Use less bait next time.

>> No.36737379

The rest? hey now fucker leave Shork out of this k

>> No.36739089

They literally went on dates together when Mori was in Austria. Mori eas forgiven a long time ago.

>> No.36739588

You ship was fake all this time retard

>> No.36740142

So was your english teacher and your ability to understand the non-literal.

>> No.36740220

They're already on good terms again. Mori and Kiara have been working on their original song and both have been making plans for an onsen trip for the EN girls who are visiting Japan.

>> No.36740536

It's really strange realizing how far they've drifted, now thinking back to that iconic karaoke they did together before Kiara left. They really were close then.

>> No.36741648

>Mori is more comfortable supporting Kiara in a relaxed manner instead of doing stupid fucking tsundere lesbian roleplay
What a fucking bitch.....

>> No.36741688

Or, and hear me out, Kiara doesn't owe her shit.

>> No.36741877

>But since Kiara feels like she's been stabbed in the back by her (something she has experienced many times before) she is hesitant about it.
Where has Kiara shown any reluctance to be friends with Mori recently?

>> No.36741979

Kiara is one of the most stupidly loyal friends you could possibly have. You have to be a genuine shitheel to screw that up.

>> No.36741991

calli claimed to love kiaras april fools song but there was no song made by kiara on april fools
??? fucking bitch

>> No.36741994

you think about this way too much. here's the correct and normal way people use "pavonashi" or "pomutori" or whatever
>oh it's a collab with those two chuubas I like
>I can tell from the hashtag
there done, leave your schizo at the gate

>> No.36742052

If she's such a tough butch, why doesn't she just start lifting

>> No.36742087

This man just came from reddit, please welcome him.

>> No.36742125

Go back to your 20 IP thread.

>> No.36743664

Why do you guys call Calli "Mori"?

>> No.36743798

>this entire thread
Holy fuck I can smell the estrogen from my computer screen.

>> No.36743882

You left your gear out again, sis

>> No.36743936

Calm down mr. peepants, there is only so much tears I am able to drink

>> No.36743966

mori did the ogre transformation and then kiara moved on. turns out real life is not like mori's favorite movie, Adam Sandler Turns Into An Ogre

>> No.36744041

She should have Shreked it Like it's Hot

>> No.36744148

at least he didn't say dogwater

>> No.36744636

Also, Mori says how good a company Kiara was when they stayed in Japan. Always asking her how she feels, being this bright ball of energy, always making her smile. she took her for granted, and of course, started treating her like nothing.

now shes gone, shes basically experiencing missing-her-ex blues. Kiara was always there for her for a whole year, and now she realises there's no one as close to her as kiara, and she misses her.

>> No.36745429

But Kiara is architect?

>> No.36745610

Again implies that at some point she stopped being drunk.

>> No.36746190

It's from a members only stream, like I said it's a the holofes watchalong and I never cared enough to download the clip
Here's her follow up the next day that management had her do some mild damage control
From this, you'd think it was a happy occasion, but she was crying pretty badly, she went from cheering kiara on during the performance to crying and feeling like shit saying how she wished things didn't happen the way they happened and that she wants to make it up
She specifically said that kiara had been through so much and that she felt guilty for not being there for her like she should have

It's possible you can find someones link to it in a /vt/ archive, search up calli/mori and crying and if you go through enough pages you'll find it

>> No.36746217

Shocking! Next you'll tell me Mori helped with the audio tech issues for the Kiara/Pomu collab...

>> No.36746246

Kiara is not into stomachs

>> No.36747913

damn, they weren't joking when they said you guys have schizophrenia

>> No.36754561


>> No.36754906

Damn, Mori...

>> No.36755807

No one deserves forgiveness. Forgiveness is something a person bestows to someone else based on their perception of that person.

>> No.36756473

Not really desu. But Kiara seems to have settled on partial forgiveness and caution. Mori will absolutely hurt her again if she's allowed to get too close. Their new friendly-but-distant relationship appears to be working out.

>> No.36756786


Ironic considering Kiara is the one who latched on extremely hard to Mori and forced the ship early because she wasn't confident in being able to do anything on her own.

If you have a long history of something happening repeatedly, changes are you're part of the problem. You don't burn your hand on a stove dozens of times and go "Hmm, I wonder why I keep getting burnt when I touch this?"

>> No.36756859

She weighs more than amy schumer

>> No.36756897

Kiara didn't force it.

>> No.36756937

So just Calli being herself then?

>> No.36758047

I can’t bring myself to hate either of them. None of this was caused by malice. Just foolishness

>> No.36758503

Kiara realized immediately, but she said nothing.
In a stream a while after that she said "Yeah, she was obviously lying, why would she have pretended not to have watched it", and she must've felt pretty bad about it to just straight up out another holo like that.

>> No.36759056

They were both in on Takamori from the start. It was preplanned before debut with stupid little hints. Two points at play that don't get brought up are:

1/ Mori didn't know know Kiara well enough to know that she was going to commit to the bit as hard as she was going to and it freaked her out and so she withdrew first.

2/ Neither of them anticipated how fucking massive Takamori was going get. They thought it would be something like Okayu and Korone, but it blew up bigger than Noeflare. But just like Noeflare the shippers fucked it all up. The final nail in the coffin was them embarrassing her in front of Mamatori. That was what motivated to kill it on Kiara's end.

Ultimately Takamori was a coping mechanism for two very insecure people to have someone to fall back on if shit hit the fan. By their first year the two of them didn't need each other as much as they did. They found people they better related to and moved on. Calli with CHAD gang, Kiara with Ame, Reine and behind the scenes Jenma and Pomu.

>> No.36759124

>Mori moved on to other people.
lol no
She just used others. Now she realized how much of a fuck up she's been all this time.

>> No.36760349

Its more like should the French forgive?

>> No.36762332

with the amount of effort calli put in I can see why some would think that

>> No.36762564

What the fuck is this undiluted autism on display?

>> No.36766159
File: 158 KB, 564x497, 1689741854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love kfp

>> No.36766912

... Good point.

>> No.36769477

Fowl supremacy

>> No.36770434

Takamori has nice fanart and a cool premise: resurrecting phoenix being clingy, aloof shinigami.

Calli is a terrible actor and more importantly, genuinely does not care about Kiara irl. Kiara is ESL. Both are at least mildly autistic, as is the requirement for foreigners who move to Japan with flimsy career aspirations.

>> No.36770584

Actually sensible

>> No.36772454

If she didn't care, why did she cry?

>> No.36772766

it was a woman moment, she did it just to look good

>> No.36772949

In a member's stream?

>> No.36772975

if someone's watching, women always want to look good

>> No.36773043

>Why would a woman try to look good in a stream that is only for people that already pay her?
Are you seriously asking that?

>> No.36773095

mori should kill herself
