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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 6 KB, 180x135, dcf663687930d86e784cef1320e9e967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36668491 No.36668491 [Reply] [Original]

She is not your girlfriend or wife she is here to entertain you

>> No.36668549

>Unfortunately, false adversitement doesnt apply to feelings.

>> No.36668601

They’re cheaper than being in a real relationship, so I’ll stick to my gfe chuuba.

>> No.36668675

Yes, she's here to entertain me by playing pretend girlfriend.
Why else would you watch women?

Flesh tubers are exactly the same, the only way a woman can succeed in the streaming/youtube business is to do GFE.
Only men can actually be funny and entertaining

>> No.36668684

Then they should actually be entertaining? Face it… none of the hololive girls are genuinly that funny or entertaining, theyre just cute

>> No.36669278

Then why do you want to make them collab with males so badly? If it doesn't matter, why do you care so much?

>> No.36669321
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>> No.36669415

What's ironic is that the vtubers that are actually funny like Gura, Fauna, Kiara, etc. Don't do male collabs. It's only the autistic gfe feels streamers that do it. Like, you really add nothing to the collab with your negative charisma, you're out of your element. Just be cute and do gfe + yuri baiting because you have no real talent.

>> No.36669447

>sister is begging for attention
Hop on VC, we can talk about our favourite chuubas.

>> No.36669454

i agree, i just don't find male+female vtuber collabs entertaining

>> No.36669475

Yes and? I'm not entertained by a chuuba flirting with men. It's not hard to understand why I'm pro-unicorn.

>> No.36669539
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>Gura, Fauna, Kiara, etc.
>Actually funny.


>> No.36669579

Holy newfag

>> No.36669659

Are you the type of retard redditor that enjoys Mori's shrek/adam sandler references?

>> No.36669670

>she is here to entertain you
And she does it by doing CGDCT content. If she collabs with males she's not here to entertain, she's here to be a whore.

>> No.36669737

Fuck no.
None of the girls in Hololive are funny.

>> No.36669770

fauna is funny

>> No.36669819

Gura is funny and cute

>> No.36669865

Post your favorite streamers. I'm interested in knowing what type of faggot has the gall to post something so wrong.

>> No.36669875

That's only for you because she's your girlfriend.
On an outside perspective she's just a boring faker.

>> No.36669882
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>> No.36669885

>anon just doesn't have a sense of humor

>> No.36669926

The ones that do GFE.
Gura, Lamy, Marine, Koyori and some indies

>> No.36669986
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Says you.

>> No.36670043

Jerma is funny. Now you name one good female standup comedian

>> No.36670050

NTA but kinda agree with his statement, hololive girls are kind of mid.
Azumalim, Pochi. OniGiri for an EN chuuba because I like the whole cooking thing which is pretty different to regular chuubas that just cook once in a while on stream.

>> No.36670076

The so called "real fans" are misogynistic assholes that don't respect the girls, they don't respect them as streamers, as gamers or as entertainers. I truly don't understand these people. If they are so boring and dull why even watch them?

Aren't you better playing some dating Simulator?

Also, being in a relationship is nothing like watching a stream, specially one where you share her attention with thousands of other guys.

You guys are completely mental, it's like watching a movie and saying the main actress is your gf, people like this used to be considered crazy.

>> No.36670126 [SPOILER] 
File: 1 KB, 125x79, 1659651120402524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! They're actually my girlfriends! Everything they say is actually directed at me, they hide codes in the things they say to specifically insult me, they're actually having tons of sex with their coworkers who live in different regions without me and I can't stop thinking about them kissing those boys and those boys have those soft delicious penises and cum and maybe if I kiss them I get to taste the cum. But no! I'm so angry about everyone else being a cuck, because it's just so crazy to keep thinking about those soft penises, I bet they could slide in and out of my ass like a plunger and the girls won't let me have it! Because they're cheating on me, with those guys, who I hate and I hate their penises! Check out this doodle I made of Regis's chiseled abs and back and soft cock, oh and Ame, she's there too....cheating on me!
I'm just so fucking based right now because I don't like it one bit! What is wrong with all of you unicuckhomobeggers! What the heck!

>> No.36670142

I'm not asking which gfe streamer you like, I'm asking which streamer you like for their humor.

>> No.36670247

I mean , JP fans at least have more ground to be jealous of male collabs. The girl and the boy are very likely to both live in Tokyo and they could be a subway ride away from fucking eachother.

The holomems live in different continents. Do you really think they are flying to Australia to fuck? Or from Canada to California? Come on.

>> No.36670269

>>36670126 (You)
Uh, excuse me? Based alert. Based alert over here!
I actually recently bought a goliath dildo which I named Regis so that I know how much I hate him. Regis turned my ass inside out this morning and it's still loose and dripping out my cum lube. Boy I hate him so much for how hard I came and because he spoke to girls without me. I'm still quivering and squirming from the anger.

>> No.36670275

>people in the year 2022 still doing the all comedy = stand up comedy meme
go back to bed boomer, nobody except older normies gives a fuck about stand up comedy anymore. Females don't need to do something as archaic and lame as stand up comedy to be funny; I have a way fucking better time being amused watching almost any hololive stream compared to watchong some outdated faggot like ricky gervais or chapelle or whoever making 'jokes' complaining about mundane shit I don't give a fuck about.

>> No.36670293

Shut up, streamers aren't funny.

>> No.36670325

I don't watch women for comedy. None of them can do that.

>> No.36670328
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I'm literally my Oshi's Boyfriend/Husband

>> No.36670330

>I don't give a fuck about the existence of God and my eternal soul

>> No.36670363

Jerma is the wonder bread of male streamers. Constantly over reacting and making onions faces. No wonder you can't get enjoyment out of the more subtle humor of women.


Post your favorite male streamers that you like for their humor.


>> No.36670380

oh there are unironic twitchfags in this thread. no wonder it has so many utterly retarded takes

>> No.36670383

Gervais and Chapelle are based.

>> No.36670401


>> No.36670448

Can understand why you'd find holos mid if you like Azumalim type content but dropping Pochi in there makes you sound like a gay hipster. She's a boring chuuba.

>> No.36670507

I don't believe you. Sounds like excuses to not expose your belly. Your oshi would be embarrassed to see what a coward you are.

>> No.36670533
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>GFE when it suits them
>cringe parasocial when it doesn't

>> No.36670597

I'll admit I only recently got into her, whether or not my interest fades in time is something I'll see when the time comes.

>> No.36670616

I already said who my oshis were: >>36669926

>> No.36670619

I'd add Bill Burr to that list

>> No.36670667

nuh uh

>> No.36670669
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Chris from 774

>> No.36670734

>anons ITT outing themselves as friendless losers that don't interact with men or women irl
anyone who actually thinks that 'men are naturally more entertaining than women/women are only good at being cute' is either a shut in /pol/fag or hasn't really thought about this stereotype for more than 2 seconds. If you actually interact with normie males in the real world you will realise very quickly that they aren't any less unfunny than most women and won't have anything particularly more or less 'entertaining' to talk about. The reality is that while the oversaturated market of vtubers is flooded with unfunny talentless females who can only do gfe pandering or coombait, the most popular vtubers are still Gawr Gura and Pekora who are the queens of vtubing because they are a wisecracking memer and the livestreaming version of a japanese tv comedian, respectively. No average male can replicate the entertainment factor of these two and if you somehow think any male streamer is somehow more entertaining then you are just wrong.

>> No.36670745


>> No.36670755

shut up woman

>> No.36670792

>Posting Pekora and Marine for an anti-unicorn thread

>> No.36670852

It's a reddit fag that never once watched them

>> No.36670918

If I want to be entertained by dudes I will look for actually talented ones, not grifters. Contents should be kept separate and if you defend otherwise you're a nijifag trying to bring holo down.

>> No.36671009

Normalfags get some help
She won't give you a crumb of pussy for your stanning

>> No.36671039

>She is not your girlfriend or wife
Not yet, which is why I respect her privacy and never want her to feel awkward or nervous on my account.

>> No.36671109

Men can't be cute. That's why I watch females.

>> No.36671186

Don't worry anon. The flood is coming and we all know what will happen to the unicorns.

>> No.36671197

Seriously bro, these cucks think they can stop their oshi from squandering those sweet long thick cocks. I can't believe they're obsessed with those stupid girl holes. Imagine all of the men they have sex with without me.

>> No.36671280
File: 66 KB, 621x674, 1645631904816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no intention of GFE when I started watching V-Tubers.
I've been watching my oshi for two years and I'm in the deep end, I think it's natural because of how close fan interaction is for V-Tubers.
I accept nothing will happen because it's literally impossible but I can't help but love this png....

>> No.36671386

But I am dating a vtuber, I was her mod and we moved in together

>> No.36671505

>outing themselves as friendless losers
/mans/ is 2 blocks down buddy. We're just lacking in the girlfriend department, we actually have friends

>> No.36671706

See 2views, you too can meet a shlubby groomer ojisan. Broadcast today

>> No.36671964

Cucks get some help, we are not here to see 3DDP girls flirting with men, we are here to see cute 2D girls doing cute things, if you want to see whores being whores go watch porn or some Twitch thot, I don't know.

>> No.36672243

>that don't respect the girls
We have a purely economic relationship. She provides a variety entertainment service, I contribute to her economic security. In so far as the service she has advertised to me is being provided I have all the respect in the world. When it isn't I do not respect her because she clearly does not have any respect for me as a customer. She isn't my girlfriend as OP clearly stated, she doesn't get the kind of understanding and patience a girlfriend would get when they're failing to maintain their side of the interpersonal relationship because the affection is transactionary rather than romantic.
The turth is you don't respect the girls because you don't think they are responsible for the quality of the job they do. They are not in the "have saviorfags white knight for me" business they are in the "get dono's and sell merch" business and they are executing the strategies that allow them to make it in that business.
Not every vtuber has to be GFE bu if a vtuber cultivates a certain business relationship with her audience then it is incumbent upon the vtuber to maintain and support that relationship the same as it would be in literally every other customer facing career on the planet.
Why is this so hard for you anti's to understand? Unicorns aren't the ones with parasocial relationships, you are. You treat the talent like she's your friend, you want to run cover for her when she's being criticized for the way her personal life is interfering with her job performance. You're the parasocial. Unicorns have done nothing wrong.
We don't watch non gfe streamers and those who do have made a fundamental error on their part.
> as gamers
Gamers don't deserve respect they are literally a market demographic.
> or as entertainers.
That'd be you bud, as explained above. I respect the entertainers that provide the entertainment I'm looking for. I don't respect the entertainers who do not. Don't get it twisted.
> If they are so boring and dull why even watch them?
The issue arises when a girl has cultivated a certain expectation of what her content is and then changes the parts of that content her audience liked or add something to it that sours their enjoyment of that content. If I am all in on Coca-Cola and they change the formula to make it taste like shit then its perfectly fair to say "as a long time coca-cola fan I am extremely dissatisfied with the product and here are the reasons". That's a healthy and normal response. It makes complete sense that you don't understand this very simple and normal reaction to unwelcome change in an established product. You're probably the kind of person who will suck off a movie franchise no matter how terrible it's equals are.
> Aren't you better playing some dating Simulator?
A dating sim doesn't react to me in chat or retweet my fan art. It's funny for all the talk that gets thrown around about parasocials Unicorns are actually not parasocial by definition, we have a back and forth social interaction with the talents we attach ourselves to. It's not a romantic form of socialization but that doesn't make it not a social relationship.
> specially one where you share her attention with thousands of other guys.
And you notice how unicorns never complain about eachother? It's almost like you have absolutely no idea what the nature of the issue is for us and haven't spent the time to think about it or are actually incapable of working through it for whatever emotional or intellectual reason is hindering your basic cognitive functions on this topic.
> people like this used to be considered crazy.
The many millions of highschool girls who are deeply emotionally invested in boy-band stars are not considered mental by almost anybody and they have significantly less day-to-day interaction with the objects of their infatuation than the average unicorn does with his. You actually have no idea what is going on here.

>> No.36672500
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vtubers are just OnlyFans for weebs.

>> No.36673112
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I hope one day unicorns find a real girlfriend and enjoy hololive without suffer

>> No.36673738

>I hope one day drug addicts find a real girlfriend and enjoy opium without suffer


>> No.36673865
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holy paragraph

>> No.36673925

There ideas on this planet that take more than 140 characters to express. I'm sorry you can't interact with them.

>> No.36674180
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How can a unicorn tell his parents he is datting a anime avatar

>> No.36674244

and i'm supposed to believe you because????

>> No.36674278
File: 975 KB, 1280x720, Muchotexto [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3d9rnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whilst I don't entirely disagree, less words please

>> No.36674373

I invited my parents to a michelin star restaurant and they my daki of my oshi in the seat next to mine.

>> No.36674526

>Ooh la la!

>> No.36675233

A wall of text well-written and actually worth reding? On this website?

>> No.36677044

>the most popular vtubers are still Gawr Gura and Pekora
And neither of them collabs with males... Coincidence?

>> No.36677118

You'll get a thousand excuses as to why the "based le kino boys" are not the problem.
Any like minded person realises that they are though.

>> No.36679361

Boys aren't the problem
The real problem is the girl who betray their fans

>> No.36680365

>Watching burlesque show
>They suddenly bring male strippers on stage
Gee, I wonder why the all-male yakuza audience murdered the establishment owner in cold blood.

>> No.36680631

If a girl needs male collabs to be considered entertaining, then she’s not good enough to watch.

>> No.36684645

Kind of funny of you to try to go with the female worship insult to others, when you literally depend on a female on the internet to pretend to be attracted to you or else you'll get depressed and/or kill yourself.

>> No.36684670
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Why isn't there any really menhera vtubers like me? Like I'm willing to go all in a chuuba if they should half the amount of initiative and dedication I would have as a fan. Somebody who was obsessed with me as I was with them, somebody with abandonement issues that would never abandone me. Somebody that would stay true to themselves because they want to make their fans happy above all, and don't give a shit about clout, or numbers. That is the kinda of chuuba I would take loans out for, that is the kind of chuuba that I would go full parasocial marriage with and include on my will.

>> No.36685594
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The problem is that the chuuba dont care about you she dont even know unicorn name its her job and unicorns cant see it

>> No.36685919

There are
they speak Japanese though

>> No.36685978

You seen kiki before? She's pretty much that.

>> No.36685984

But she cares about the amoprhous blob that is her fans, with the vocal majority of them being gachis and unicorns that profess love for her. That is enough for me. I don't have to be known at a presonal level, as long as my feelings join the unicorn hive mind with other fans in similar situation in life as me and also want to be loved and treated with dignitiy, and that those collective feelings are respected.

>> No.36686012


>> No.36686125

Name some

>> No.36686260

Who the fuck do you think you are to define in replacement of my wife what she wants to be called or not and what she does in her streams?

>> No.36686320

but collabs with males don't entertain me

>> No.36686330

You lie!

>> No.36686453
File: 145 KB, 1555x1555, 222.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Fauna comforts me when times are rough. I love her

>> No.36686531

But you’re not there in her time of need right now, sapling.

>> No.36686619

At the risk of getting a disingenuous shitpost as my onpy reply: Nazuna/Mikeneko literally stood up to Vshojo when they pushed her into a male collab and her fans got upset to make sure it doesn't happen again. She recently turned down an invite to an Overwatch tournament because of the risk that she would end up randomly paired with a male. She asked talked it and asked us if it would be okay with us if she didn't talk at all and then blocked them on Twitter immediately afterwards if she joined and it happened, but ultimately decided to turn it down as she simply didn't want to risk making us jealous or sad.
I also schizo DMd her for 3 days straight about wanting to kill myself when the first male stream happened and she never blocked me and her only response was mentioning it on stream and saying that she believes I'll stay loyal because of those schizo DMs.

>> No.36686788

She probably gets thousands of DMs, I doubt she read yours

>> No.36686894

>Posts Pekora and Marine
You mean the top 2 of Hololive who are unicorn friendly. Pekora is literally ok with you aiming for her as your future wife.

>> No.36686904

No need to remind me of that anon. All I can hope for is that with time she can heal

>> No.36686956

Man you need help its not normal. I hope you never take your life away and enjoy the fullest

>> No.36687087

I know, the problem is that I don't find male vtubers entertaining so if she collabs with them she's not doing her job

>> No.36687717

>She probably gets thousands of DMs, I doubt she read yours
She did. Because she called me out for my DMs by name on stream.

>> No.36687736
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>vtubers do not exist to be to be your waifu

>> No.36687801

I don't care about being normal. She asked me to promise to love her and only her and be with her for the of my life, and I did. I would rather die than turn into a liar.

>> No.36687864

the rest of my life*

>> No.36688734

Oh, I hope you weren' too rude to her

>> No.36689100

I said some things that weren't necessary in the heat of the moment and I regret them...which makes her complete forgiveness and understanding sting a lot. Especially because she told me she'd be sad if I died. She even defended me from the rest of her chat.
I just want to do my best to make sure she doesn't regret those feelings.

>> No.36689805

Do not play with men using the Hololive brand that JP has built.
It can be done without using the Hololive name.

>> No.36690094

Yes, and that's fine, but it's also wrong to pretend it's a must. https://youtu.be/zsBD66Sa5Yg

>> No.36690156

I just have to say Kanata REALLY FUCKED UP with not inviting Aqua to the company dinner.

>> No.36690166

>no males mentioned in the OP
>I'll mention them myself. But I don't care about males

>> No.36691973
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>> No.36692413

You better work hard to redeem yourself, that's a hell of an oshi you got there mate

>> No.36692715

i know her genmate rene, i just checked chris' and she's making fun of "ai artists" kek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SyYpw13WLE

>> No.36692925

>they don't respect them as streamers, as gamers or as entertainers
Because none of them are worth respecting in that regard lmao. They all fucking suck as streamers, gamers, and entertaininers.

>> No.36692926

Tell me one thing I said that was untrue.

>> No.36692972

she entertains me by pretending to be my girlfriend

>> No.36692977
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I should have used this instead my bad

>> No.36694634

Was the that random indie totsu she joined early on after becoming nazuna or was there some other male collab Vshojo forced her into?

>> No.36694766

Why do people think men are watching girls pretending to be anime girls to begin with?

>> No.36695312
File: 14 KB, 300x300, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't want her to be my wife
i want her to be her genmate's wife

>> No.36699699

the former

>> No.36706818

based and truth

>> No.36707058

This will always be, and always should be, the instant answer. These women really out there fancying themselves "entertainers", like wow. Not even Hollywood ladies are like that. At some point they HAVE to suck a cock for some jobs no matter how "talented" or "funny" they are. Like really, get fucking real. They think their male audience is delusional, but they're in the same boat when they genuinely think they offer better entertainment than a 3-digit viewer male streamer on twitch doing cool shit in games. Not even close.

>> No.36709686
File: 700 KB, 2724x4096, 1652125607846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop lying, Marine is literally (literally) my wife

>> No.36709980
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>I also schizo DMd her for 3 days straight about wanting to kill myself

>> No.36710440

Women aren't talented or interesting. Her sole reason for my attention is to play the cute pure idol fantasy. That is all she's worth.

>> No.36710783

To be fair I did say other stuff, you can't fill 3 days worth of non-stop DMs just saying shinitai. I did say shinitai a lot though

>> No.36713430

>she is here to entertain you
and that's by pretending to be my wife

>> No.36713865

Retard. I'm only here for girls content. Suck dick your homo.

>> No.36714379

I kneel

>> No.36716270


>> No.36717657

No one will watch your males

>> No.36717831
File: 9 KB, 203x249, pure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This op dont mention males
The truth is she is not your wife or girlfriend. Stop talking about cuck you cant be cuck without a relationship get some meds

>> No.36718354
File: 16 KB, 503x454, 1645593689198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then offer me solutions to my parasocial menhera ways then. how do i detach myself from the hell she has lured me into? how do i stop being jealous of the attention she gives other fans? how can i be a normally mentally stable fan? It's always "stop being parasocial" but never "how to stop being parasocial"

>> No.36718551

Thats the problem you cant you are already trapped

>> No.36719265

the fact you use this fat useless ugly jap as a reaction image invalidates any opinion you might have

>> No.36721066
File: 55 KB, 500x540, 1656419345914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that true? im beyond repair? there's no paradise for me to escape to?

>> No.36722895

You need to be strong anon i hope one day you find a real girlfriend

>> No.36723288
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Oh nyoo

>> No.36724502
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but my oshi said she'll stop being affectionate with me if i have a girlfriend...

>> No.36729617
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I have broken the hold in myself, I will show you the way!

>Step 1
Purge your computers of vtuber artifacts. Start with the immediate drip feeds: bookmarks for twitter, youtube, twitch, and any other website that involves interactions with the [oshi]

At this point you will begin to feel the first stages of rising inner conflict.

>Step 2
There will be two main antagonist voices inside you. One will be the part of you that believes it's in a relationship with [oshi]. The other will be an animus of the [oshi] herself, which is a chimeric fusion of simulated interactions with her as well as emotional colors associated with the good feelings you had while watching her in the past. You may be tempted to reason with the voices, and use logic and "reality" to convince them, but THIS WILL NOT WORK. This is an opponent who knows your very thoughts as you think them, and shares all understanding with you. You must instead acknowledge and thank them. This is the necessary requirement to subsume them.

Continue this process until the protests that they raised have calmed. Remember! They know what you are doing as you are doing it, you cannot trick them, but they will still drink your acknowledgement because they cannot resist it.

>Step 3
Summon reinforcements. Memories and things from before you met [oshi]. Begin to remember all of your other favorite things. Did you have a non-vtuber waifu? Open the folder with her pictures and appreciate them. Did you have a video game you loved dearly that [oshi] has not streamed before? Reinstall it and play it again, or browse fanart of it. Favorite music album? Start playing it, and step away from the computer so it gets the foreground appreciation it deserves. All of the things in your life that used to bring you pleasure, before [oshi] overshadowed them.

The longer you have been controlled by [oshi], the more difficult this part of the process will be. But it is not impossible! Remember to continue to acknowledge and thank the animus of [oshi] each time it raises up.

>Step 4
Once you have successfully re-ignited the flames of your original personality, the first voice within you (the one which believes it is in a relationship with [oshi]) will begin to weaken and protest less. It, too, remembers who you used to be. Thus deprived of her primary link to your psyche, the animus of [oshi] will begin to bargain with you. It will begin to remind you of things like the impending moment when [oshi] awakens today and inevitably posts in /pcg/. It will begin to remind you that [oshi] will probably post something on twitter today. It will tell you that it can compromise, and that it will be a good girl from now on and will live within your mind without overwriting everything else and consuming your personality. Each time you must acknowledge it, and thank it, but you MUST NOT give in to it and accept compromise.

Continue to summon your reinforcements. All things that pre-date [oshi] will help to reconstruct your original personality.

>Step 5
The final test. Accepting no bargains or deals with [oshi], turn to it with all of the kindness and love available to you, close your eyes and say these words:

>Thank you for keeping me company. I will not hold you here. You are free to go now.

Breathe in, exhale. There will be a profound sense of relief and silence in your soul. YOU, also, are now free. Thank you for joining me during this demon exorcism today, /pcg/. Have yourself another cup of coffee and have a nice day.

>> No.36730528
File: 2.47 MB, 2480x1748, Fg9y0M_aAAEkdq7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's here to entertain me as my wife.

>> No.36730590
File: 626 KB, 1080x1134, 67DC651B-A1C3-4BE8-AAC4-8D954C95D785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she isn’t my wife, why is she thinking about ring merch?

>> No.36731557

Lol no. Aqua and pekora are funnier and more entertaining than your male streamers. Cope.

>> No.36731602

Cope nijisister.

>> No.36731755


>> No.36732087

They are ok with it but they made clear that they are never going to date you. Pretty common among idols "thanks for loving me but I am not going to date you" and the fans are ok with it as long they don't date anyone else. GFE is different, the streamer literally tells you that she is your girlfriend, loves you and wants to marry you.

>> No.36732503

Because no one actually cared about whether unicorns were a part of the audience until the homos and their homobeggar cadres showed up

>> No.36734270

Its a hard battle hope you guys can do it

>> No.36735157

so why does the holostars started to hate people who love their female chuuba?

>> No.36735231

their fans i mean.
