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36419307 No.36419307 [Reply] [Original]

>Admits on a mengen that he manufactured the Nodoka drama for clicks
Is Vesper based or cringe?

>> No.36419385

really disappointed with how much of a numberfag he turned out to be honestly

>> No.36419416

Dishonest nigga

>> No.36419422


>> No.36419471

Not sure what's OP talking about but Axel did say it was just a bit

>> No.36419501

That can't be true. That would have been leaked way before. Obvious tempiss beggar trying to produce fake rrats. You fags are really mentally unstable.

>> No.36419507

500 IQ, but admitting it is kinda cringe.

>> No.36419519

>ruining the Hololive EN for his selfish gain
I would expect nothing less from a Tempiss member. Just fulfilling his malignant mission.

>> No.36419521

Archive reps, isreal.

>> No.36419572

>the fans hear to names in the same phrase and immediately start shipping
>the fans parrot every meme until they run it to the ground

>> No.36419575

I'm a member, when did he say anything like that?

>> No.36419579

>nodoka drama
That thing that didn't exist for me, a jp enjoyer, at all? Wtf is he talking about? Keep this bullshit to your en freaks please. Leave the good side out of it.

>> No.36419589

he basically said they all knew it was a joke while it was happening, which any sane person already knew. you have to be a true schizo to reinterpret that as manufactured drama. This post is more manufactured drama than that

>> No.36419592

watch streams or I'll just leak it for you in a bit

>> No.36419630

do it

>> No.36419635

>tempus are numberfags and not even successful ones
colour me surprised

>> No.36419640

Proof next thread?

>> No.36419684

>manufactured the Nodoka drama
>for clicks
He did it to "for the funni" but as expected, this is yet another schizo thread.

>> No.36419697

The absolute state of Tempiss.

>> No.36419705

Yeah it was obviously a joke bit.
I'm amazed this was ever seen as anything but

>> No.36419760

the redditor and twitter warrior retard "fans" would be screaming over any ship they put forward at all

>> No.36419807

too lazy to do it. LOL

>> No.36419821

Homos have the mentality of a 2view /here/ chuuba

>> No.36419834

>for clicks
There's more words wrong in that post than correct

>> No.36419841

even if it was just "for the lulz" as his shills here are claiming (which is laughable considering how number hungry he's shown himself to be) it's still fucked up that he would throw a female holomem under the bus for it

>> No.36419859


>> No.36419916

Never should of admitted it, this is definitely cringe.

>> No.36419922

>he would throw a female holomem under the bus

>> No.36419939

>>the fans hear to names in the same phrase and immediately start shipping
Those are tempiss fans for you
Check /MANS/ thread, they have
Axel and Zeta
Axel and Nodoka
Axel and Pochi
Axel and Matsuri
Vesper and Kronii
Vesper and Fubuki
Regis and Kronii
Regis and Kobo
Magni and Rio

Those are just a few

>> No.36419945

>throw a female holomem under the bus
yeah, they calling in for axel birthday stream and their future collab with tempus show how angry they're
sip trying to be offended for someone's sake, you sound like a white teenager on Twitter

>> No.36419959

why do you think any of the shills would engage with someone who admits they have no idea what they're talking about and didn't watch it... like what kinda of (you)s do you typically garner from talking out your ass and not watching streams

>> No.36419979

>Setting up a joke is now manufacturing drama

>> No.36419987

Homos were a mistake. But Vesper was supposed to be different.

>> No.36420010

isn't poking fun at your acquaintances' crushes a pastime for idle conversation? there isn't anything out of the ordinary here

>> No.36420016

My homo is trying to be funny and entertaining. He’s not ACTUALLY obsessed with underwears in Zomboid and crushing on management? How will I ever recover?

>> No.36420052

homobeggars damage controlling hard kek

>> No.36420089

don't be too hard on him, he doesn't have friends IRL so he doesn't have a point of reference

>> No.36420098

he didn't even claim to set up the joke in this bit. not claiming he did or didn't, but making a bait post when he basically said "yeah that was a good time, we had fun with that bit" is pathetic

>> No.36420099

where's the damage?

>> No.36420139

Kronii, her career is dead, her numbers basically halved

>> No.36420148

point on the doll, I don't seen any begging?

>> No.36420174

The damage to /vt/'s sanity.

>> No.36420207

the what?

>> No.36420225

Also, she did that to herself by giving her schizos attention in the first place

>> No.36420251

First the magni design tweet, now this

>> No.36420258

They don't use the phrase "homobeggars" to talk about collab begging anymore because collab begging happened in like 7 supas across all of Hololive EN/ID/JP so now it just means "homo"

>> No.36420266

That's a thing?

>> No.36420284

he literally just said membership stream, anon

>> No.36420294

You're just mad because your oshis cant make interesting banter and are yawnfests hell they dont even stream at all kek

>> No.36420341

wait... a vtuber was acting?? what the

>> No.36420350

Hi falseflagger!

>> No.36420366

see? Never appeal to fujos and twitterqueers. Not only will they do everything to destroy you, they'll always claim you deserved it. even when you were trying to be nice to them.

>> No.36420377

Unlike these faggots, my oshi is professional, you want nigger banter go to nijisanji

>> No.36420395
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Oh no! Anyway.

>> No.36420420

twitter sjws dont watch streams or pay for memberships anon. They'll be posting their paypal and onlyfans links under graduation announcements

>> No.36420425

she chose that life

>> No.36420461

>literacy reps

>> No.36420513


>> No.36420607

>Nodoka drama
people know what a 'bit' is right?

>> No.36420612

>which is laughable considering how number hungry he's shown himself to be
bwahahaha ohhh my god yeah right the guy who streams trpgs and autism games is hungry for numbers holy fucking shit
his roommate should be evidence enough he does not give a shit about numbers. same for magni's roommate. try harder.

>> No.36420613


>> No.36420634

How would it being genuine be preferable?

>> No.36420644

him calling it a "bit" is exactly why OP called it "manufactured drama" so no

>> No.36420649

oh nyo dramasister, is the bait thread not working?

>> No.36420698

he said he could never lie... vesper...

>> No.36420722

it wasn't even drama though, he just mentioned that Axel has big respect for Nodoka for some banter; where's the controversy?

>> No.36420744

I guess male vtubers lie too....

>> No.36420763

I just want the thread thumbnails of all 4 of the boys next to each other on catalogue. idc about drama.

>> No.36420769

the controversy is OP is a shithole who thinks any humor other than a slip of a tongue is apparently equivalent to market manipulation

>> No.36420800
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>> No.36420972

Too many yabs to damage control them all

>> No.36421008

Hilarious how people see anything Tempus does as drama. Meanwhile, Nijis are getting cancelled for racism and having actual menhera breakdowns.
>but muh Tempus is rent free on my head

>> No.36421036

Kiara is the biggest numberfag in the world and she plays JRPGs, what you said means nothing.

>> No.36421109

somehow these faggots keep finding new ways to make me hate their existence

>> No.36421169

Because they are irrelevant outside this shithole

>> No.36421192

Pretty funny that everyone is shitting on OP for calling it a drama just to ignore the fact that the "funny bit" pretty much cemented Nodoka's image for the EN side fandom forever as Axel's ship
Nice joke vesper, why don't you try that on a female holomem? Just a funny joke

>> No.36421232

Did you know he breathed today too?

>> No.36421299

I personally ship Kronii and time mutt btw.

>> No.36421300

>be omegatroon
>hire a bunch of drama producing sissy fucbois
>attempt to stir up drama to bring in more numbers for your dying branch
>backfires and makes a lot of the loyal audience leave without new blood showing up
So how long until omegatroon is forced to commit seppuku?

>> No.36421302

That's unfortunate

>> No.36421330

And? Where’s the streamable link?

>> No.36421337

So does kronii

>> No.36421342

>still thinking omega is real
meds now

>> No.36421379

extremely rarely do stars fans leak membership content so you won't be seeing any unless you pay for them, or get lucky with gift memberships

>> No.36421416

>hire a bunch of drama producing sissy fucbois
Thankfully no /vt/ faggots like this were hired.

>> No.36421425

>trying to memoryhole loserbait(omegatroon)

>> No.36421488

>forcing random women minding their own business to be your bros fucktoy

>> No.36421493

she chose it herself, or moritongue convinced her, either way vesper was only the blade there, not the hand that wielded it.
I mean, yea? He definitely does, he's spoken on it multiple times.

Their biggest mistake is misunderstanding the Hololive audience by doing hologirl collabs both early and often, that filtered quite a few people, both those looking for 'holobros', and those beggars. The beggars got satisfied and left, those looking for holobros didn't get the atmosphere they wanted and left. Afterwards some started light gay baiting which filtered the heterochads who didn't want to hear magni scream 'oh fuck my ass' and reference himself being naked in awkward forced contexts. They should have stuck to collabing with males only, or at least only females outside the box, They would have had more numbers, they didn't realize the niche that was there for them, for the taking.

>> No.36421495

Why are you so overdramatic?
If they hated it that much, why announce a suprise collab with tempus?

>> No.36421554

Vesper's a pimp... recruiting vulnerable Japanese OL's to join his brothel...

>> No.36421584

Nice cope, delusional troon

>> No.36421585

>trooon troon dilate troon troon
The only one forcing drama are people like you.
Maybe you were the troon all along?

>> No.36421605


>> No.36421658

Why don't they ship any with Ame?

>> No.36421659

Based, I never wanted to be. Now take your meds schizo.

>> No.36421675

>The beggars got satisfied and left
there were less than 10 total comments to the talents that even halfway qualified as begging, it was never a real concept in the first place. This whole thread is filled with HOMOBEGGARS BTFO despite nobody homobegging because homobegging is a joke you guys forgot you made up

>> No.36421709

>Axel probably off-handedly says something complimentary off stream about Nodoka
>Vesper think it'd be a funny bit to rib him about it on stream
>Gets Axel's permission first, because he isn't a psychopathic asshole and knows how schizo hololive fans can be
>Does the bit
>Somehow this translates to op as Vesper being a cold-blooded numberfag who manufactures drama

>> No.36421741

Honestly being a woman around male co-workers is not fun at all now that I think about it

>> No.36421852

Because they aren't experiencing shit, this is just an EN fanbase problem, the japs aren't the one spamming "Bro that's axel's crush!!" every time she appears
Is it ok to be a complete nuisance as long as the person never finds out because they can't read english? Maybe everyone should start spamming about Luna being Oga's oshi in her chat and clips

>> No.36421870

don't let any of this distract you from the fact that Vesper is a futachad

>> No.36421913

>>Gets Axel's permission first
he didn't get Axel's permission, he just wanted to have a little hee hee haha about it and Axel got him back with A-chan

>> No.36421927

>homobegging is a joke you guys forgot you made up
more like "vt made up homobegging as a joke but then seanigs took it literally" but yes, accurate

>> No.36421940

It probably isn't, but this "drama" is very tame in comparison to other shit that happened recently outside of vtubing.
Shit like blizzards breast milk stealing and sex parties untill someone commits suicide.

>> No.36422018


lol. And now he's secured AChan/Nodoka perms for Tempus. Sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.36422149

>"whoa I got a funny idea for a joke"
>proceeds to completely ruin the reputation of a random female in the company
First Nodoka, then Kronii, who's next in Vesper's list of punchlines?

>> No.36422172

homoniggers defense squad is always on the scene quickly

>> No.36422198

Post a streamable to back up OP's claim already.

>> No.36422202

if you think nodoka's reputation is ruined then there's just no reasoning with fags like you

>> No.36422220

>makes up false claims
>gets corrected
>muh homobeggar defense force

>> No.36422241

>why don't people like my shitposts?
do better shitposts or something idk. I'm not even a tempus fag and I'm squarely unimpressed with the unicorn attempts to sow drama here

>> No.36422246

Based, when compared to Nijinigger like you

>> No.36422285

Thanks, I never wanted to be either. Now take your meds schizo.

>> No.36422298

Where is the clip? Im not watching some faggot member stream

>> No.36422441

>completely ruin the reputation of a random female in the company
see >>36419945

>> No.36422522

You would have had an argument with Kronii but why would you even choose Nodoka? Enter any clip of her post tempus, you're guaranteed to see a dozen of comments with hundreds of upvotes with shit like "I understand how Axel feels now..." "Axel will become a shota now!" "Axel is going to get jealous"
Imagine this kind of shit with an actual holomember, if this isn't a ruined reputation with the EN fanbase then you'll excuse them for literally anything

>> No.36422535

>number hungry
I'm seeing this stated a lot ITT but with little evidence as to why the posters think that.
Is this guy a #cockhungry slut? Or is it just one samefag with an agenda spamming this in the thread?

>> No.36422554


>> No.36422557


>> No.36422621

He makes his own clips of course he's a numberfag

>> No.36422636

You mean like how Towa's career is ruined by Rpr? Shipping is only destructive if you take it too seriously. Roberu and Mea are inclining by their pairing.

>> No.36422903

>You mean like how Towa's career is ruined by Rpr?
For one, they have completely different fanbases, if anything Towa is the one that completely changed HIS fanbase, it was mostly fpsfags
Also, rpr specifically told his fanbase not shit things up, the homos are the ones who started this joke
>Shipping is only destructive if you take it too seriously. Roberu and Mea are inclining by their pairing.
Shipping is destructive when one of the sides doesn't take it seriously, like Takamori or Pekomiko. Roberu and Mea are both taking the bit seriously and acting their part.
This was just a joke Vesper thought it would be funny to tell and Nodoka got her image affected by it, even if just on the EN side, this wasn't even something set by either sides of the ship, it's was started by a third party

>> No.36422960

did everyone miss the part where A-chan said 'Nodoka is mine'?

>> No.36423081

>adding on to a ship dynamic where Axel is cucked out and has to feel jealous about A-chan
You know how some anons say "Lesbians only need a good dicking"? I assure you, the Axel x Nodoka ships won't stop anywhere, if anything A-chan's comment will only make it worse. Most of the EN fanbase is retarded and loud, you have to get this through your head

>> No.36423102

They are the "no fun allowed" people, let them seeth

>> No.36423125

>"Lesbians only need a good dicking."
you're neglecting the fact that A-chan has a massive cock

>> No.36423129

You are already a good example of retarded and loud EN fan.

>> No.36423179

if nodoka isn't saying it bothers her then you're a faggot for claiming it does, simple as

>> No.36423291

Where am I claiming it bothers her? I'm saying she doesn't even know what's happening, this is an EN fanbase problem

>> No.36423406

sure anon nodoka's ruined and in shambles, sounds like you really care about her even more than her fans who are not upset or complaining about this at all. glad she's got you in her corner, you special little white knight

>> No.36423482

Nobody here watches streams

>> No.36423490

a manager has fans?

>> No.36423491

incel logic

>> No.36423558

What even is this argument?
>no one is complaining about the people spamming axel loving nodoka
>if you're complaining you don't count
Also you still don't argue against the main point
>anon nodoka's ruined and in shambles
Her image with the EN fanbase is cemented as Axel's crush, want to argue against this? This is the main problem

>> No.36423569

ok but who actually cares

>> No.36423628

What got me about vesper was back when he was talking about trying out more Minecraft he made a big deal about how he hadnt played Minecraft in a really really long time and he had no idea why people would be into it as a streaming game. So anyway I was recently looking at his PL YouTube account and what do you know, a Minecraft video pops up, from I think less than a year ago, with him using a somewhat complicated note block settups and having a showing a pretty big building that he had constructed.

I mean in the grand scheme of things it really isn't consequential at all, but it just seems like such a weird and small thing to lie about. I used to be really into watching him and all his stories, but I just don't think he is as entertaining any more if you start to realize he's probably just lieing about a lot of even most of his stories. I mean, I still watch him sometimes but the magic really is gone.

>> No.36423631

NTA but it's not incel logic to say "nothing bad happened here" it's just common sense. you guys are frothing at the mouth when none of the talents seemingly care. it's pathetic and much more incel behavior then pointing it out

>> No.36423661

95% of EN fans don't even know who nodoka is. she's a grown woman that can go along with internet humor, get a grip

>> No.36423817
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actually believing these fucking liars KEK

>> No.36423848

>95% of EN fans don't even know who nodoka is
And the 5% that does just see her as Axel's crush
Ergo, the EN fanbase just sees her as Axel's crush
If you want to argue that all of the millions of the girls subs don't know about Nodoka then I'll just argue that if they were to learn about Nodoka right now they would only learn that she's Axel's crush, because the 5% of the fanbase that does know about her just spam about that non-stop, like everyone who never watched Rushia will spam pettan and anyone who never watched Kanata will spam gorilla. You get the point

>> No.36423851

I hear she sobs herself to sleep each night and keeps her spiritual advisor on speed dial, poor girl. her life is ruined

>> No.36423945

>5% of EN fanbase = entire EN fanbase

>> No.36423954

It's really funny you can't argue against the point that Axel and Vesper completely changed her image in the EN fanbase so you can only say "S-she's OK with it", when she straight up doesn't know it's even happening, this is a fucking EN fanbase problem

>> No.36423985

hey anon, can you speak Japanese

>> No.36424009

>i can do whatever I want to women and if they dont complain publicly they enjoy it
incel logic

>> No.36424044

>Is it ok to be a complete nuisance as long as the person never finds out because they can't read english?
>A chan, during her and Nodoka appearancein Axel birthdays stream: "Nodoka is mine"
really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.36424054

it's "really funny" that you can't point to any real world moment on stream, off stream, or otherwise that would indicate it's such a problem. It's not a problem because IT'S NOT A PROBLEM, no amount of you schizo frothing is going to turn this into a problem

>> No.36424087

Because Ame is their big sister and no one wants to ship the big sister with the boys.

>> No.36424105


>> No.36424147

ame is too busy shipping the boys with the other boys

>> No.36424156

OK anon follow me here
This is mostly a problem with the EN fanbase regarding to JP talents, and Nodoka counts as JP
5% of the EN fanbase even watch Kanata
However by hearsay the entire fanbase knows that one of Kanata's main jokes are that she's a gorilla, they don't know why but she's a gorilla
So if they ever by some reason watch a Kanata stream or a Kanata clip, they'll know her as a gorilla and simply post about that because that's the only thing they know about her
Replace Kanata with Nodoka and being a gorilla to being Axel's crush
So Nodoka's image to the vast majority of the fanbase is that she's just Axel's crush, because that's what gets spammed by the few people that know about her

>> No.36424177

This is why you never look up the RM of the oshi you admire.

>> No.36424215

oh so it's like the gorilla thing. that's not too bad at all, what are you going on about? they're mane-sans anyways, who cares if they have some thing they're associated with

>> No.36424225

something tells me that anon can't speak Japanese.

>> No.36424268

your own example completely highlights what a non-issue this is, congrats

>> No.36424277

I'm probably over analyzing here, but just because he streamed it before doesn't make his question about why people think of it as a streaming game invalid

>> No.36424320

>that time evil EOPs thought Kanata was a LITERAL gorilla and RUINED her image forever
kek yeah remember when that happened?

>> No.36424322

wait until you realize his name is not actually vesper

>> No.36424340

> that's not too bad at all, what are you going on about?
It's not too bad at all that Nodoka is simply known as another person's crush? Something she didn't even start herself and has no agency with, unlike Kanata starting the gorilla meme herself?
>they're mane-sans anyways, who cares if they have some thing they're associated with
Slippery slope

>> No.36424363


>> No.36424364

"slippery slope" is what you're doing with that argument and it's the fallacy, not the rebuttal kek

>> No.36424374

>Nodoka is simply known as another person's crush
pathetic, your EOP is showing

>> No.36424387

It's like I'm arguing with someone with negative IQ
Follow the fucking reply chain, it's an example of why just "5% of a fanbase" is a bullshit excuse

>> No.36424394

holy fuck there's no way you responded with >'slippery slope'
as if that means anything; you do know how to use that fallacy right?

>> No.36424421

worried about you, anon, their point was that nobody thought Kanata was an actual gorilla the same way nobody thinks nodoka is an actual sex target for axel. It doesn't 'damage' her because it is not damaging.

>> No.36424423

>or moritongue convinced her,
Mori "Montague" Calliope, I like it

>> No.36424424

I repeated a dozen of times that this is an EN side problem you fucking retard

>> No.36424429

Well he also said he hadn't played it since alpha or something. Like when they only had creative mode or something. Just came off as weird compulsive lier shit, telling such minor lies so that people like you more or so you can create a more interesting narrative or something.
Well, I had watching him a little bit before he graduated, was part of why I liked him so much as vesper.

>> No.36424430

wait what the fuck?

>> No.36424465

I thought that was weird too, but I think his angle was that he was trying to consciously distance himself from his past vtuber persona

>> No.36424470

>Just came off as weird compulsive lier shit
he's just autismo man

>> No.36424477

sounds like you're having trouble convincing the dramaniggers that this is drama

>> No.36424479

just look at how quick they replied lol

>> No.36424487

Was that even him in the clip?
Says "community MC server" and the avatar is amongus shit.

>> No.36424500

>their point was that nobody thought Kanata was an actual gorilla
Speak for yourself, it's literally the only thing most of the fanbase knows about Kanata, even her powerpoint joke is completely forgotten by now
>the same way nobody thinks nodoka is an actual sex target for axel.
And the point is that it's literally the only thing the EN fanbase knows about Nodoka
Also holy shit this is the first time I've seen people defending "pettan" and "gorilla" spammers kek

>> No.36424505

different anon, but how is Nodoka's perception in the EN fanbase a problem when Nodoka herself is in on the joke

>> No.36424539

anon you are now arguing that people thought Kanata was a literal gorilla. it's done/

>> No.36424558

more like when furfags ruined Tony the Tiger.
Nobody thinks they are actually going to have sex with Tony, a fictional cartoon but the brand is ruined because they wont stop shipping him with their OCs and drawing fanart of them fucking him
shipfags are the furfags of anime

>> No.36424570

If this is true holy shit

>> No.36424601

I've read through all these replies and I think you'd sound a lot saner if you just said "it causes spammers" and shut the fuck up instead of pretending this is about nodoka's virginal honor in english audiences

>> No.36424632

Because I'm not arguing she isn't ok with Axel's bit, I'm arguing that it isn't ok that the fanbase is acting like this with the ship and that no one, nodoka included, would like this for themselves. The problem is that the homos aren't doing anything to stop what they started

>> No.36424638

>you can't make any joke or bit because retarded EOPs are retarded
amazing argument you got there newfriend

>> No.36424653

NTA but you fags are not getting the point, any time nodoka comes up and EN fans are around it turns into something related to Axel, it doesn't happen in the JP side, but if you check any nodoka fanart, there is a seanig or Entard posting the axel meme or mentioning axel, she's been reduced to "Axel's girl" by the EN fanbase and honestly it feels wrong, she has plenty of stuff but I guess there is no EN clips or EN fans don't watch the official channel vods?

>> No.36424705

>anon you are now arguing that people thought Kanata was a literal gorilla. it's done/
I feel like you don't even want to argue, who even said that they thought she was a literal gorilla, it's just what people spam about her because it's her most known meme. They think of her as the meme "gorilla" girl not a literal gorilla

>> No.36424706

okay, but why is that a problem when Nodoka is herself in on the joke

>> No.36424719

oh no... pleb fans turn some funny jokes between talents (or staffs) into cringe by repeating it excessively... it becomes a 'problem'...

Ain't this what happens all the time anyway. It's somewhat unfortunate, but if the talents themself don't mind it, they know that such dumb joke can somewhat boost their relevancy among normie fans. Beside if they are actually annoyed by the joke, they can simply tell the fans to stop with the joke, like with the fubuki is cat joke.

>> No.36424727

So you entirely made it up

>> No.36424739

But she's ok with it anon, she isn't saying anything about it, now please stop complaining about me spamming about that ship everywhere possible

>> No.36424742

then make better nodoka content, faggot but in the meantime nobody INCLUDING NODOKA thinks this is some disgusting slight against her

>> No.36424786

>Because I'm not arguing she isn't ok with Axel's bit, I'm arguing that it isn't ok that the fanbase is acting like this with the ship and that no one, nodoka included, would like this for themselves.
>Because I'm not arguing she isn't ok with Axel's bit,
>I'm arguing that... ...no one, nodoka included, would like this for themselves.
anon, your brain literally does not work

>> No.36424792

>pretending this is about nodoka's virginal honor in english audiences
I'm not pretending, I'm REALLY concerned about nodoka's womb and its security

>> No.36424813

OK but Nodoka isn't a talent, she barely streams as it is and unlike any other talent joke this one involves someone else, if she said please stop with the shipping meme it affects axel more than her, it's more of a meme with axel than her

>> No.36424836

>being offended I behalf of someone who not only its ok with the joke, actively is part of it
fuck off back to twitter

>> No.36424874

We may finally have a board more fragile than /pol/, this is incredible

>> No.36424882

Anon read that again, she's ok with Axel's bit, she wouldn't be ok with the fanbase being rabid about it
The closest example I can give you, Peko was completely ok with pekomiko, she wasn't ok with the fanbase being rabid yurifags about it, you can be ok with something and not be ok with something related to it

>> No.36424911

>she wouldn't be ok with it!! I know! We chat every night!
>t. typical character.ai user

>> No.36424922

Maybe. But it's like the least weird thing in the world to be really familiar with Minecraft as a vtuber or vtuber fan. I think he just wanted to create a "ojisan falls in love with zoomer game" kind of narrative because it is interesting and gets interest.

And besides, he plays zomboid and that space rogue like all the time which is really what he was known for back in the day.

>> No.36424931

Oh so she's shipping herself with Axel?

>> No.36424950

>she would be ok with it!! I know! We chat every night!
>t. typical character.ai user

>> No.36424965

Why care about the ever dwindling EN fanbase's leddit-tier retarded parrot views for an admin character that's rarely even seen and when they are the viewers are overwhelmingly Japanese, chat is all in JP and she herself only communicates in Japanese, filtering this so called "fanbase" even further?
Who gives a fuck?

>> No.36424972

What the fuck are you talking about? If you're absolutely dense and don't understand that management isn't stopping them, then it is green-lit and it's okay from both sides. Only the vocal minority of fans hate this forced ship and they boys are not pandering to these minorities.

>> No.36424981

Holy fuck the amount of shippers in this thread who are trying to push this nodoka x axel shit, Nodoka is ok with talking with him, she has not opened herm ounth about shipping or said she's fine with being reduced to Axel's girl because she doesn't see it on the JP side, EOPs gonna EOP

>> No.36424998

how about you watch some streams and figure it out?
I'm out of (you)s for today, sorry

>> No.36425012

>she wouldn't be ok with the fanbase being rabid about it
how do we know that? I'd think she would have spoken up about it if it were a problem. I'm sure these two knew the joke would get beaten to death; that's how this stuff always goes
I mean, if you had watched any streams you would know that they all talked about the bit before it actually appeared on stream for the first time

>> No.36425044

I feel this will simply escalate further because no one is stopping at the staff that has an actual image, just like people started to ship Axel with zeta

>> No.36425050

So has Nodoka shipped herself with Axel or is aware of the EOPs pushing it, yes or not? I don't watch Axel, I won't watch stars, at most I'll drop by to leave a dislike and false report.

>> No.36425051

few humans on earth are okay with "rabid" anything, the only issue here is you're deciding what counts as rabid for some reason when nodoka, management, and talents all haven't. why is that?

>> No.36425073

Seems like that faggot anon screeching about all this should stop using reddit, twitter and reading yt comments and just filter out all English replies in the streams where nodoka even appears which is once ever 3 to 6 months.

>> No.36425085

>I'm sure these two knew the joke would get beaten to death
They didn't even start the joke, it was vesper and I don't think he thinks about the effects in the future (neither axel desu)

>> No.36425092

>So has Nodoka shipped herself with Axel or is aware of the EOPs pushing it, yes or not?
>I don't watch Axel, I won't watch stars, at most I'll drop by to leave a dislike and false report.
I appreciate the naked honesty. Why even post about this?

>> No.36425118

>anon discovers that he just hates normies that don't understand how to use inside jokes
woah, what a big revelation! everyone needs to hear this!

>> No.36425144

Yes, but Vesper also said that he talked about it with Axel and Nodoka before he dropped it on stream. All of these people are coworkers; they talk to each other off-stream too.
>I don't think he thinks about the effects in the future (neither axel desu)
Can't say I really agree with that.

>> No.36425146

You fuckers are the exact same breed of autists as pekomiko shippers
Nodoka being playful about it isn't the same as shipping, A-chan and Nodoka are just teasing Axel

>> No.36425204

Average shipper defends spamming shitty memes, who could have guessed. But hey, until the talent gets angry about it like Marine and Fubuki, we can do whatever we want!

>> No.36425206

holy autism
>Female coworker talks or jokes with stars

>> No.36425212

But "shipping" in this context is just playful teasing and fanservice for the audience. Surely you didn't think I meant that I really think they're serious, right? How am I the autistic one in the conversation, Jesus Christ

>> No.36425241

This is what all the seething and sharting ITT boils down to?
>I don't like reddit faggotry
wow join the fucking club holy shit imagine writing paragraphs in order to articulate this.

>> No.36425247

I actually hate shipping but okay

>> No.36425252

>but Vesper also said that he talked about it with Axel and Nodoka before he dropped it on stream
He never said that, he just thought it would be funny to reveal it and Axel clapped back later

>> No.36425260


>> No.36425267

>"not shipping"
>Nodoka being playful
sorry, what is it that she's being playful and teasing about? look, it's shipping, there's literally nothing so objectly grotesquely foul about it just because obsessed shipfags are awful

>> No.36425283

anon is obviously new, please be nice

>> No.36425287
File: 52 KB, 228x234, file (143).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we care about Nodoka now

>> No.36425298

He literally did, though. Am I on the fucking moon right now?

>> No.36425301

To be honest? Based. If youre going to boost your viewers. Good on him

>> No.36425320

>males keep lying
they were supposed to be based...

>> No.36425340

>But "shipping" in this context is just playful teasing and fanservice for the audience.
Anon you're retarded, shipping only has one meaning
Axel isn't shipping himself either with Nodoka by the way, it's completely the audience doing the shipping

>> No.36425369

Out of the loop, what nodoka drama? I have too much to catch up with due to work

>> No.36425388

>shipping only has one meaning
only the most insane shipfags think their ships are real, I know you know this as much as everyone else does; please create more engaging bait

>> No.36425393

Post the timestamp, because he never said he talked with Nodoka and only said he talked about it with Axel, not that he would reveal it

>> No.36425407

Not only do you guys watch this shit, you also pay for it?

>> No.36425430

she's pregnant with my child

>> No.36425445

>only the most insane shipfags think their ships are real
Only insane shipfags exist, if you are a sane normal you don't ship real people, simple as

>> No.36425471

EOPs concerned about Nodoka's reputation at the hands of the vile Guild Tempus is a new one, I've gotta give it up

>> No.36425501

she's being playful and joking about it because she's horrifically and emotionally scarred, it's obvious to anyone paying REAL attention. the call-in was a deepfake. I will protect her.

>> No.36425505

There's this post everytime and everytime someone says that people complained day 1

>> No.36425567

When this retarded thread dies I hope they try again with Matsuri, saying how calling into axel stream is a blemish in her idol career

>> No.36425613

Schizo bait thread. This has no basis just another hater wanting to make drama.

>> No.36425764

Why don't you go back to vshojo, you sound like you belong there twitter user.

>> No.36425871

Give it an hour or two. I've already seen a "za hando" image with Axel coming through the door

>> No.36425935

>a complaint that's been repeated a thousand times on this board and on /jp/
>but now spamming shitty memes is good because it's about a tempus member
It was the same with magging but at least that one knew when to die

>> No.36425972

Vesper had a stream close to when they were just starting off where he slightly teased axel by saying how he had a huge crush on one of the girls in management named Nadoka-san.

Everyone including Axel played along with it, but if OP's rrat is to be believed, Axel never had a crush on her to begin with, and it was all a meme invented by Vesper.

>> No.36425986


>> No.36425987

Nodoka being flattered by it, enabling artists by liking and retweeting art of it, and A-chan making jokes about it several times, is not any indication of being uncomfortable with the situation btw.
They can all ghost him like Gura if they didn't want this shit happening.
I'll agree on literally one point you've made in that shipfags are insane if it goes outside of /here/ but don't make the mistake that she doesn't like it. She very clearly does like the attention it brings her and adds a whole dynamic for A-chan "Nodoka is mine".

>> No.36426009
File: 195 KB, 700x600, the_hand_axel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's funny as fuck though

>> No.36426030

see they would had to have watched the stream in order to know that happened, that's why we're not seeing it

>> No.36426069

protip, OP's rrat is definitely not to be believed

>> No.36426084
File: 61 KB, 208x246, 1656463771313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread claiming streamer said something in a members stream
>Skim through thread to see if there's a soundpost of it to hear what he said
>Find nothing other than just people arguing about stupid crap I don't care to read

>> No.36426137

Being a Tempus fan sounds exhausting.

>> No.36426154
File: 80 KB, 589x656, 1666790282071408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holocorns literally don't know what a joke is.

Let me ask you all is this "drama" too?

>> No.36426174

Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to say it wasn't funny

>> No.36426240

So where is the clip? Or are you just a larping retard?

>> No.36426267

It's honestly pretty fun. I just have a bad habit of replying to bait threads during downtime at work.

>> No.36426317

yeah, keeping up with my 4 bros and their multiple streams each day can be tiring sometimes

>> No.36426507

It's fun if you have thick skin and can ignore bait.
I do the idiot move of replying to select few bait but never bother reading what they follow up with.
The boys don't need me white knighting for them, they can handle it themselves. I just watch their streams.

>> No.36426509

Indeed. Our bros just keep putting out bangers after bangers, daily streams, green naming the chat every stream and it's just making us exhausted watching it all.

Your whores could never

>> No.36426891

All these yabs coming out gives me hope for some Tempiss graduation on the horizon.

>> No.36426954

Yeah they sometimes stream too much.

>> No.36427008

>hope for graduation
from the minority of 4chan users

Dreaming is free, anon

>> No.36427022

If you're actually asking for real, of course there's no clip. He just said that it was a bit. Basically while they were talking off stream Axel probably told them something like "ayo have you seen that new staff model she lookin kinda nice sheesh" because he likes OL characters and Vesper decided to "expose him" during a stream as a joke and everyone else went along with it and played along because it was a funny bit that led to a few memorable moments like the boys being wingmen for Axel on twitter and A-chan and Nodoka surprising Axel during his birthday totsu. This whole thread is just today's flavour of anti Tempus shitposting.

>> No.36427046

>Holostars leaks crush on female chuubas
>those crushes just so happen to be staff, who don't live or die on parasocial relationships with their fans
Why are you all surprised?

>> No.36427251

I see the hypocrisy that if a JP star tried the same joke one of the parties would have been suspended and the Kaoru meme wouldn't be a joke, Tempus gets coddled instead

>> No.36427333

get this, last night there was both a collab, a solo stream, a birthday stream with an almost hour and a half long totsu, and a cover
when I wake up this morning? guess what I find, not only had a missed a stream in the night, but there was another collab ongoing and ANOTHER solo stream in just a few hours
I'm fucking tired man

>> No.36427526

>if a JP star tried the same joke one of the parties would have been suspended

>> No.36427607

>I don't have any money left, please not another funny stream/collab

>> No.36427716

Based on what? The JP homos treat the JP girls including the managers with utter respect, even Oga who's the one who speaks the most about them doesn't break any line and there should be a reason why

>> No.36428295

ngl it's kinda hard keeping up with everyone's streams, but it's good overall

>> No.36428365

Well we aren't JP are we

>> No.36428472

He said it wasn't a spur of the moment leak and that he confirmed if he could talk about it with Axel beforehand like one or two months ago in a public stream, this isn't new information.

>> No.36429354

>there should be a reason why
Herbivore nip men?
Ultra-hierarchical society means no bantering with admin?
Anti sexual harrassement drive nationwide means the above is even more taboo than normal?
Afraid of JP schizos attacking them like when they were first unveiled leading to them being ultra cautious about everything cover-female?
Probably all of the above. The reasons aren't exactly some great mystery.
Thing is starEN isn't saddled with that nip baggage and so they push to see what they can get away with as it's basically all new territory.

>> No.36429565

he is both.

>> No.36429828

I'm tired of winning

>> No.36430158

>Thing is starEN isn't saddled with that nip baggage
Which is bullshit as well because HoloEN is saddled with all the nip baggage that JP has, it's just tempus that gets free reign

>> No.36430218

If one goes to look vt catalog then yeah, otherwise not so exhausting

>> No.36430283

There's too much content to keep up with, I'm already behind on like 5 Vesper Zatsus

>> No.36430356

It's pretty fun. My boys stream every day. Come up with great stream collabs. Drop banger songs. And actually like each other, all while making unicorns lose their minds as their oshiis swoon over them. Watching Tempus mindbreak the worst sections of VT without any repercussions is hilarious.

>> No.36430412

I know this has been meme'd to death but would it have been better to keep the 1 hour restriction for viewers? (Maybe something like 3 hours instead of just 1) I know for them as streamers it's too much of a restriction.

>> No.36430595

@ing people is fucking cringe

>> No.36430776

We need to force Vesper X Nina to make everyone mad

>> No.36430870

once you realise you're alone and they're not even your real friends it kinda hurts but I try to repress the truth. Kinda annoying how they keep dropping the ball though, ALOT of yesmen in this circle

>> No.36430882

Women can't banter in general, it always turns into "nina is an unlikable hag bitch" and "pomu's dead, dying channel"

>> No.36430946

I ship Kronii and dogs because it's hot

>> No.36432221

He said Axel wouldn't shut up about Nodoks so it was more than just "new staff model she lookin kinda nice sheesh"

>> No.36432263

/MANS/ is already shipping them
way before thr call

>> No.36432312

resident /mans/friend here, this is completely false and not in the 'oh it's just one schizo' way; I have literally never seen a Matsuri x Axel post in that thread

>> No.36432881

fuck off OP
there is no drama, the girls love them, even Managers loves them
maybe you should try to improve if you are so jealous
we cuckies have your backs bros!!

>> No.36432922
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forgot the picture

>> No.36433421

HoloEN allowed themselves to be thus burdened; the boys are generally more forceful than the girls, who are overly passive and only managed to stand up for themselves after their first year. Look at Gura for example, or how long Kiara and Ollie had been trying for Niji collab permissions only to have boys be more insistent and thus finally successful.
Perhaps as you say this may be a sign that they're somehow getting preferential treatment, or it's simply a another case where the females gave up and acquiesced all too easily which is consistent with their nature.
I don't know which one is more truthful as there's evidence for it being either case.

>> No.36434057

>only to have boys be more insistent and thus finally successful
False. PomuTori has been in preparations for a long time, even before Tempus debuted. It was greenlighted first, but Kiara and Pomu just didn't want to do a random collab only to prove to everyone they are the first, so they prepared something special.

>> No.36434260

>It was greenlighted first
but only after Tempus pushed enough to the point Cover cared, I see

>> No.36434558

It had nothing to do with Tempus.

>> No.36436686

I wasn't aware of that. I wonder if the Ollie/Selen case was the same?

>> No.36437071

I don't remember this collab being mentioned. Kiara talked about it during one of the SC readings, because it pissed her off that other people were credited for what they had been working on with their managers for a while. It was posted here multiple times recently.

>> No.36437173
File: 365 KB, 1092x2048, lowiq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An entire genre of streamers who's concept is to pretend to play a character.
>Massive part of that RP is to keep an audience entertained with silly bits and humor.
>Autists or 60IQ retards on 4chan still don't understand this and get angry because they can't differentiate reality from the RP.

>> No.36437528

I think Ollie once mentioned that Axel asked her who she preferred between A-Chan and Nodoka, so it seems like something he talks about.

>> No.36437616

>This means that they did a job well done. Or the autists of /vt/ are that dense.

>> No.36439046

Which is ironic since /vt/ autists also
complain about chuubas breaking kayfabe.

>> No.36439237

Something special? That collab was absolutely mid. "Romeo and juliet" of vtubing lmao how deluded.

>> No.36439388

For some reason I struggle to imagine people being that retarded.

>> No.36439644

How big are we talkin’ here?

>> No.36439737

Anon, Kronii’s relationship with dogs isn’t a white girl’s. Kronii’s is to eat them.

>> No.36440012

I'm so sorry to have to break this to you anon

>> No.36440420
File: 1004 KB, 1852x1812, sims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vesper was part of a simulation test run to see how fans would react to a Holopro member, Axel, getting exposed for liking someone of the opposite gender within the company. Hololive have the results now and will be looking over the data.

>> No.36441827

Tempus is a tumour

>> No.36443144

>Axel and Pochi

>> No.36444170

I know that video, when I saw it I just thought it was one of his friends who made that minecraft meme video because of the description that said something like "sussy shit going on in our vtuber community minecraft server" Plus the minecraft building in the video seems to not be made by him bc someone in the comments said that they made it. Oh well, who knows.

>> No.36444269

He’s destined for the grill

>> No.36444549

Did he stream it, or it's a video ? Also how long is it since he posted the video ?

>> No.36444818

I just love watching Schizo ramblings.

>> No.36446197

im not gonna beat around the bush with bullshit rrats, I hate them and i wish they could graduate to dab on the troon fags from twitter who want this place to be r/hololive2

>> No.36449341

Still no streamable/clip. OP was a fag all along.
