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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.44 MB, 800x1600, BA183052-6B66-494B-9C88-2490285856EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
356716 No.356716 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn’t she wear more practical armor than the one she has?

>> No.356770

Because it'd put her over her encumbrance and she'd start fat rolling.

>> No.356785

That does make me think, I wanna see a drawfag's take on a properly armored Noel that follows the aesthetic of the bits of armor she already has

>> No.356814
File: 1.21 MB, 1003x1200, Noel and Flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this drawing, but the armor is from Dark Souls

>> No.356947

We established in the previous thread that Noel is high ranking, so she probably doesn't need practical armor.

>> No.357059

It has distraction function against enemy.

>> No.357174

It's so I can have sex with her.

>> No.357186

I would pity the armorer who had to make a realistic set for Noel's body type.

>> No.358144
File: 817 KB, 1920x2732, guillaume-menuel-guillaume-menuel-warden-def-b-217021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, the single plate over the breast, now that you mention it, kind of makes me think of Warden's default armor from For Honor.

>> No.358194

>combat paizuri
Think about it bros

>> No.358842

Shit, man, horses and walruses would disappear into tits that big.

>> No.359001

Imagine storing a cavalry unit in there for her to call forth when needed.

>> No.359159

>orcs capture noel
>Try to rape her
>Suddenly spears shoot out of her cleavage and kill the orcs
>Out from her tits comes her entire band of knights on cavalry, a spare set of armor and weapons, her squire, and her horse.

>> No.359382
File: 1.42 MB, 1158x1637, 85224777_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noel will never store you in her cleavage

>> No.359530

Noel fat rolls by default.

>> No.359841
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>Pocket dimension cleavage

>> No.363764

>implying our entire world has not already been consumed by the cleavage
>All are one with oppai.

>> No.365923

Passionlip would make a great v-tuber.

>> No.365957

To remind herself that she's a woman even on the battlefield

>> No.369063
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>> No.369678

Someone needs to make a Noel follower for Skyrim.

>> No.369722

They did it was fucking bad
Someone posted it in one of the /jp/ threads

>> No.373705

I remember that.

>> No.373719
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>> No.376118

She’s a terrible singer.

>> No.376505
File: 1.06 MB, 800x1184, 81343703_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sings with the heart and that's the most important part

>> No.377396

She tries her best and that's what matters

>> No.377456

That is the armour. There’s ceramics plates underneath the flesh toned silicone.

>> No.379738

You’re saying she’s got like a black carapace like a space marine?

>> No.382347


>> No.383225

She has fun and that makes it fun to watch.

>> No.383590

Roomate tit cow cosplay video for ishuzoku reviewers is a physical only

>> No.384796


>> No.386630
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Wolf Game

>> No.388173
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It's always nice seeing her in collabs like these, she has really grown as a collab partner and Tamaki continues being a based inviting Noel so often to her channel, hopefully she keeps building a reputation as a good player in wolf games even outside of the among us arc

>> No.390244

Way to short.

>> No.391165
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do you guys think she has sex with her brother?

>> No.392593
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>> No.393022

No, because if it is she won't be as sexually frustrated

>> No.396728

But her brother was stolen by another man.

>> No.397539
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>> No.397592

She’s bad but in a cute way, not in a genuinely terrible way

>> No.397701
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Her idol outfit is great.

>> No.398078
File: 3.84 MB, 2315x3274, idol noeru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great, the headband turning into a tiara is a very cute touch

>> No.398524
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Guys, Noel makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.398716

In a good way or bad way?

>> No.398805

In a "she's perfect in every way" way. She's so cute and sweet and soft-spoken and she does ASMR and lets us listen to her heartbeat and whispers "I love you". I wish I spoke enough Moonspeak to understand most of her ASMR stuff but it all makes me feel so horrible.

>> No.399031

Get on your Genki reps, anon.

>> No.399392

She is 3DPD though and her roommate content is disgusting to me, and I can't really respect her as vtuber because of that, all I see in her is a menhera with monster boobs who I would avoid dating at any cost if some genie from the lamp appeared and asked me if I want to do it.

>> No.399772

Anon, your meds

>> No.400654
File: 12 KB, 500x504, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds.

>> No.401011

Her roommate stuff really isn't that bad, the rrat merchants said she's doing porn but it's nothing like that
Also meds

>> No.405498

I wonder how many people she killed knowing they would never have her as a girlfriend.

>> No.405923

Are you kidding? She's probably saved people from killing themselves because Noel and her roommate encompass a full gf experience.

>> No.407894

It makes me happy to see her out there collabing, even if it comes at the cost of longer solo streams

>> No.410858
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>> No.413561

How lewd.

>> No.414676
File: 145 KB, 892x1613, EtnmSuMVIAE3Vrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danchou just RTd this...

>> No.416411

And you know this how?

>> No.416616

How do you think retard?

>> No.417526

I don’t know, it’s why I’m asking.

>> No.417768

Are you retarded or just stupid?

>> No.417845
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Not even sure if I'm being baited or not but here

>> No.418420

Just wanted to make sure.

>> No.423188


>> No.423769

>tfw your oshi is into shibari and you suck with knots

>> No.423806

>Why doesn’t she wear more practical armor
too fat and tits are too big

>> No.428603
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>> No.428616


>> No.428854
File: 1.37 MB, 2046x1447, 40546542ae89f028d79bfa8a1071e3b5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is Noeru going to get a daki because i honestly feel extremely lonely fawning over her as much as I do but never being able to be close and hug her or kissu her or fall asleep holding onto her please i just need this

>> No.429131

this post was typed by elf hands in the middle of the sahara because you are a thirsty horndog, flare. go back to working on 600k

>> No.429230
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She already did... kinda
Honestly surprised it has taken her so long to release a daki, given that Korone and Kanata of all people already have one, and she sold bedtime ASMR before.
She could even do what granblue does for their, selling it alongside a situation voice pack. that sounds like really easy money

>> No.429684
File: 934 KB, 1435x1630, adadffb56009d442fba5f191ed57aec2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am angry. angry about elves
you know what I mean.
I need a fucking real-life, 160x50 good shit daki. it just seems mind-blowing that of all the chuubas, Danchou wouldn't be granted one. there isn't even a piece of lewd art that I could use as a good one.

I would pay for that voice pack too ;_;

>> No.429792
File: 194 KB, 1378x2048, 1606130584950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red dress Noel would make a nice daki

>> No.429855

fat is the most efficient armor. She's like an elephant seal who sure as Hell take more of a beating than a human soldier

>> No.429857

Wouldn't be surprised at all if that what she decided to sell for her anniversary at all, so far outside of maybe nerfing her chest she really hasn't be "screwed" on her merch, like other holos if nothing it's the complete oposite her merch tends to be top of line, if she wants a daki she's getting the daki
That and she might be saving Watao-papa from getting the carpal, she mentioned before that he takes her request maybe a little too seriously

>> No.429968
File: 2.48 MB, 1620x1800, 50b09c19425629291402aa5a103af951[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.....huuh, tell me about it. waking up to look at her and let my eyes wander down her body in that nightie would be all I need in life.

this is also a good one. something satin would be great, for showing off her nipples poking against it..

I can only hope and pray for such good luck on her anniversary. I guess I'm not too sad that she hasn't gotten other stuff, it just seems really odd that out of all Noeru merch, she doesn't have a daki yet.

>> No.430146

Noel looks great in dresses. I know that the next outfit is probably goint to be the cow one, but the cabaret dress that other anons have suggested would be amazing.

>> No.430438
File: 1.31 MB, 850x1224, file (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel in a dress sounds great, however for me it's OL suit

>> No.430632
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>> No.434942


>> No.436534
File: 358 KB, 1746x1855, Es-Zi1PUYAAixTf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides Matsuri and Flare, who has groped Noel's breasts?

>> No.436649

Her armor is actually more practical than the traditional armor.

>> No.436707

Pretty sure literally everyone who met her in person has, but off memory
Suisei, Miko, Towa. Kanata, Watame, Aqua and Matsuri who she praised afterwards for her technique

>> No.436981

Matsuri, didn't she suckle on Marine's teats?

>> No.440659

How so?

>> No.443161

Her true power comes from her experiences.

>> No.443207

she fights with a mace and no shield, being hit is clearly not a concern to her apparently

>> No.443209
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>You will never met her and fondle her breast.

>> No.445257
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>> No.445480
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I want to believe it's real.

>> No.447286

More Jujutsu Kaisen today

>> No.450027
File: 700 KB, 1000x1250, __shirogane_noel_and_shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_sazare_sazare_az__79c3084495ec29cb61b9eb1ddb00c511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make a really cute couple

>> No.450053

It's all fake, anon.

>> No.450141
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Probably, but still very cute

>> No.452744

They’re just doing that to rob you of your hard earn money.

>> No.453528

You still have the chance to meet her in person.

>> No.453550
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Arguing about the ship in the middle of a fun watch together. Why are /u/ fags like this?

>> No.453580

no one cares, anon

>> No.453629
File: 640 KB, 1666x1500, 77d48a28f677ab815e9a23ea4dac7996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just waiting for Type Moon to turn the Virtual Sakuras into Virtual Youtubers. With how popular vtubers are getting, it's only a matter of time.

>> No.453639

Bros, imagine donating to BB and she calls you a filthy paypig every time...

>> No.453653

As far as I'm aware dakis aren't sold by the VTubers (or in this case Cover) themselves most of the time. They're usually done by their mamas (with the VTuber's blessing).
So take it up with Watao, is what I'm saying.

>> No.453674

Didn't they already do that with Rin for the Extra remake? plus Nero pioneered vtubing with her NND April fools stream like what 7 years ago?

>> No.453734

Yup. Also, they might get Shitaya Noriko in for a few sessions and the others for one-offs, but imagine calling in Hayamin for an extended VTubing contract when she's already rolling in the big bucks as a voice actress.
Also maintaining lore would be a nightmare.

>> No.454270
File: 227 KB, 463x453, 1612746477511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>members only
>korone got the coof
What am i supposed to do now

>> No.454993

That was Shion if I’m not mistaken

>> No.455014

It was Matsuri, both Noel and Subaru saw them. It wasn't Marine straight up breastfeeding Matsuri tho, she was pretending to suck over her clothes

>> No.455052

Just join, it's only 5 bucks and then you can download all her member only ASMRs

>> No.455196

what's the most pragmatic type/set of armor she could wear to defend against bladed and blunt weapons? any historical / modern-day examples with aesthetics saved as the very last priority?

>> No.455412

Endurance karaoke until 850k tomorrow! She should reach a million by mid April at this rate

>> No.455425

Gambison (a thick, quilted armor, stuff actually was good enough to stop bladed weapons) with a chainmail overlay. The flexibility and robustness of the armor would greatly reduce impacts of blunt strikes while also stopping anything but perhaps an arrow dead in it's tracks. However, with Noel's bust size, she's still going to feel hard blows to her breasts (which are also her center of mass and largest target) and should probably invest in a nice shield since she wields a one-handed weapon already.

>> No.455468

Very nice
>4k to go
It's going to be rather short sadly

>> No.455692

That would actually make for a pretty cool look

>> No.455786
File: 168 KB, 711x831, dc0u5eo-b686967a-a9f4-4401-9462-9d421960f05e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she could even still wear armor plates.

>> No.455796

How often does she wear her college outfit?

>> No.455922

About every other stream that isn't a gameplay, she keeps a pretty neat balance between both of them using her Kimono every now and then
Zelda is knight outfit exclusively tho

>> No.456984

Is it true that she is a JAV bitch?

>> No.457458


>> No.457732

Just ASMR stuff with lots of cleavage.

>> No.457892

more like gravure idol stuff

>> No.459648
File: 3.99 MB, 2319x2872, 1593819261747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she like Nobara?

>> No.459702

Not enough exposed skin to qualify as gravure, but I think that’s the only thing left to make it not qualify

>> No.459716

i hope so Nobara is cool af

>> No.465041


>> No.465427


>> No.466450

just do it fag

>> No.466577


>> No.466729

>already at 847k
We're only getting 2 songs aren't we?

>> No.466903

Doesn't your skin need to be thick too for tha to work?

>> No.466930

Yeah... hopefully she does the same she did for the 500k one and just continues singing past the milestone

>> No.467408

She is just using it as an excuse for an utawaku. The last time she actually celebrated a non-100k milestone was before she even had 300k subs.

>> No.468167
File: 41 KB, 400x500, 1607134824776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel and the rest of fantasy are getting figmas
Don't forget that little Noel goes on sale on the 25th at 12jst

>> No.468717

Cute eyebrows, I'm not holding much hope of getting one this time since I failed to get all the others I tried but they're going to make a second run and hopefully it'll be easier to get then
Very excited to see her figma, the Pekora and Senchou ones they showed look good

>> No.468834

> rrat merchants

>> No.471664
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>> No.474674
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>> No.476634

Why is she such the perfect girlfriend?

>> No.480565

How much will it cost?

>> No.480596

Her brother is gay?

>> No.480607

No, her brother married another woman.

>> No.481107 [DELETED] 
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>> No.481332

Starting now, get in here for some SOUL

>> No.481895

I am loving it

>> No.482060

She's so fucking cute, the others might be technically better but they can't compete

>> No.482837

She's going to start a new game this week, one she's wanted to play for a while and no other holomember played

>> No.482860

*next week sorry

>> No.483090

Ohh, I guess then Yakuza and Granblue are out, ideally a miracle would happen and it would be Demon souls or Bloodborne... but being real it's probably AoC

>> No.484665

If its AoC that likely means she is going to try finish BOTW this weekend.

>> No.485707
File: 94 KB, 909x909, ErIzSZ2U0AA8C1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The was a great utawaku, she was having a blast with every single song

>> No.485803

Kimino Shiranai Monogatari was great ngl

>> No.490335

She's said she's going to finish it then, and no matter what game this is I'm sure she wants to finally finish BOTW before starting something new
She always does, people joke about SOUL but she does genuinely put her heart into it and have fun whenever she sings even if she's not very talented

>> No.491195

While she's not a great singer, watching her singing streams are great because it's like going to karaoke with a friend: Yeah, they can't sing well but it's fun watching them have fun and letting loose.

>> No.491217

that's right

>> No.492426

>You will never go to Karaoke with Noel
Why even live...

>> No.493198

To add onto this, her bad singing just emphasizes the analogy more. Knowing a person can't sing but seeing them letting loose and singing anyway makes it all the more enjoyable

>> No.493261

Looks like we're getting even more gen 3 goods

>> No.493359

Landsknecht cup

>> No.493403

it's the figma statues isn't it?

>> No.493416

Did any of you guys follow Noel/Flare before they started the yuri baiting?

>> No.493448

It says doujin goods so it can't be that

>> No.493525

Noel's only love is for her brother

>> No.493533
File: 74 KB, 219x155, file (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, they have been at it since the beginning , sort of.
Since both of them knew no one from in Hololive prior to joining it just made it so they stuck together and by October of 2019 they were already a defined pairing, Noel has always been a nervous wreck when it comes to collabs so often it just ended with both of them just playing Minecraft or Ark for hours on end.
Their relationship and character really hasn't changes much, it's just both of them getting more comfortable with the other

>> No.493551

No, those are doujin goods made by the artist, the figmas are a separate thing

>> No.493643

Still don't understand why the concept of loving your siblings is such a radical concept

>> No.493649

Love is one thing, lust is something else.

>> No.493745

Sure mate, let's just leave it at that it's exactly like in anime

>> No.495224
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>> No.495340
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Made for ______

>> No.495368

Her brother.

>> No.495403

I don’t get what’s so difficult to understand about this - she loves helping her brother release stress after a long day, and he releases a lot of stress.

>> No.496117
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>> No.496410

pretty half elf

>> No.496488

Man, every time I hear her scream in Mario Kart, I just can't shake the image of her giving birth. Those screams were PRIMAL

>> No.498165

On one hand, I want more people in the West to know of her. On the other hand, seeing the state of redditors propping up a few chuuba as some kind of all powerful savior of Holo or some shit while ignoring all others and their effort pisses me off so much that I'm glad they don't know her that well because fuck if I want to share the same fan space as them

>> No.500252

I don't want more people to know her in the west. More EOPS knowing her means more EOPS running around acting like they have top secret info once they find out about her roommate. It's because of EOPS and SOPS that her roommate will probably never stream a game for a long time. I also don't want more dumbass english comments in her Noel streams

>> No.500292

I just want Noel to get popular in Japan. Better to be popular in your homeland than to have a bunch of retards spouting shit that you can't even understand while you are streaming.

>> No.500403

She's not fully kitted out. She like showing off her huge milkers anyway.

>> No.500852

Noel really isn't shy about it, her favourite type of content to produce are zatsudans that's what her career has been for over a decade, so it's probably for the better than she remain part of the nippon banzai gang, since she has a heavy reliance on chat, not much worth in a big number or being internationally renown when she has a chat that she can't read and in such she's missing out on her favourite part of the job

>> No.502292

People in the West knowing about her is a bad thing. Go look at Sasakis and Lulus chats and compare them to a popular Holos chat, I would much rather Noel's chat resemble the former.

>> No.502407

Her chat pretty much looks like that already, she probably has a few EOPs as a holo can posibly have

>> No.502571

They also tend to be well behaved, even the weirdos, like jimmy tensaii, have started translating their comments and super chats. I know she really wants to learn English, but I hope she doesn't do her reps, she wouldn't enjoy having redditor fans.

>> No.503616

It does make me wonder if there'll be newcomers who'll turn on her if they learn about her roommate. She's obviously easy bait for schizoposting here and apparently 5ch, and granted most reactions are hornypostings or jokes elsewhere, but I imagine her roommate would set off some people who are against these kinds of things.

>> No.506277
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I love her

>> No.506488
File: 160 KB, 850x687, sample-99f7a8995e40089e30ddb56ded2735c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a related note, and please forgive me for numberfagging, can we just stop to appreciate that despite having one of the lowest EOP followings, Noel has one of the highest sub counts in Hololive? At the time of this post, she is currently 9th and not far off from jumping to 7th. You can't deny that some of the holo members above her benefited greatly from EOPS (the reddit dragon immediately comes to mind). Now I acknowledge that Noel has benefitted due to her roommate, but I'm still amazed that despite not trying to branch out overseas she's not far behind the holo members that do.


>> No.507004

Her sub growth is always great so I'm glad for her. Having a mostly Japanese audience would also benefit her better than going all out pandering to the EOP as Vtuber is still just a fad here and may just blow over the next month or two.

>> No.507044

Being real I feel like people tend to exaggerate EOP numbers, bar Pekora and Coco I seriously doubt there's any holo who has a 100k+ foreign subscribers. Still interesting that she's so far behind her Gen in regards to EOP pandering specially with how hard Marine, Flare and Pekora have been at it recently.
What I really find impressive is that her growth remains solid and steady when at times it feels like she gives 0 shits about it.
>Mostly ignored Minecraft during the big mecha arc when it pretty much guaranteed everyone 15k+ viewers
>On the few occasions she plays Minecraft it's always her self contained autism that are done in a single stream
>Her main game has been Zelda for over half a year, a debuff game so strong even at release it was doing poorly for streamers
>Spams zatsudans
>Her EOP pandering is weak en inconsistent
>At most does 1 ASMR stream per month, all public now
>Kept playing RFA and GOI out of season
>Either ignores the FOTM or only plays it once
It really does seem like most of the time she kinda~ cares but would much rather do whatever the fuck she feels like doing at the moment

>> No.507213

Hololive is a side hobby job for her so it's not like she put all the eggs in that basket. She did secure good sponsorship deals despite all that so it's more like she put quite a bit of effort in to merch and self-management her content.
Plus, it gets her a nice little drinking group and a tight circle of friends so she pretty got 90% of the results she wants out of this.

>> No.507264

That is what you get when you are rich af she just wants to have fun

>> No.507343

She's bad, but she has mountains of SOUL

>> No.507773

She did follow trends a little bit in the beginning, she was part of the Ark trend, but for the past 6 months she has ignored them.
I am really thankful she didn't play that rice game or Papers Please or more than one stream of Dark Deception.

>> No.508169

(I'm the anon who made the post you replied to)

I agree with you that EOPS in no way make up more than 100k subs for the top holos. I also had Coco, Fubuki, and Miko in mind when making that post. Particularly Miko since it was GTAV (an EOP game in my book) that caused the big boom for her.

I feel that the pandering at the very least brings EOPS to the streams, which increases the likelihood that they sub to the holo. It's just impressive to me that Noel is still so close in sub count despite consciously not doing what other holo members have been doing to get more attention to their channels.

As for her really not caring, it's what other anons have said: She is simply doing what she wants to do. You also have to consider all the speed bumps she went through late last year so she probably did her own thing for the sake of her sanity.

>> No.512739

So Noel is a strong independent woman who doesn't need to follow trends.

>> No.513942

c is streaming

>> No.514002

Thanks for the heads up, I didn’t get any notification.

>> No.514012

Noel's valentines day voice pack

>> No.514039


>> No.514404

It's an acrylic stand, the art is pretty nice

>> No.514695

what is she talking about

>> No.515713
File: 136 KB, 630x900, EuA6OZ5VoAAyM4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a tapestry too, this is real cute

>> No.518238

Zelda and collab tommorow.

>> No.520821

That’s good.

>> No.523357
File: 864 KB, 802x991, 82490677_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.525859


>> No.526020

Does that say she's doing 2 collabs, my nip is really bad so I might be wrong

>> No.526657

No she is streaming twice tomorrow, Google translate is just being shit.

>> No.527342

Momotaro Dentetsu with Roboco, Matsuri, Fubuki, Akirose, Choco, Mio, Flare and Watame (wew)

>> No.527400
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>> No.532626
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>> No.535454

Truly the best pair in Holo.

>> No.536330
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>> No.536422
File: 365 KB, 1398x2048, what flare wakes up to.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.537815

I want to be Noel's little spoon and feel her scootch up behind me super close in bed, while her k-cups nestle around the back of my neck and her hands slip under my shirt to tease my torso and she nibbles on my earlobe, whispering stuff to me in her ara-ara voice

ultimately leading to Noel bringing one hand down to my groin but not under my clothes, fondling me and groping my bulge through the fabric until I cum in my boxers while she kisses my neck

>> No.541590
File: 223 KB, 850x1269, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_reiji_rj__sample-5986cc79adeddf763a20b83e31eb9078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel is great for gentle femdom
Or well at least on paper, she's too much of a dork to actually pull it off

>> No.543746

She just needs the right motivation.

>> No.545270

Personally I just want to dominate her, I know that under the big tittied onee-san body lies a girl who is actually an imouto and a kusogaki, most likely secretly a huge M and exposing that side of her would be so hot

>> No.545396
File: 141 KB, 308x436, 1595258466540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noel will never be my mom, onee san or gf

>> No.549171

Still watching because I love Danchou but this game is really boring to watch tee bee aitch

>> No.549282


>> No.549896

Was showing WiFi name that big of a deal?

>> No.549922

She could be doxxed.

>> No.549963

But name is customizable isn't it? Unless you name it after your own home unit, I reckon that ok, right? She's not that stupid right?

>> No.549987

I had a few internet providers and some of them didn't really let me change the names of WiFi name

>> No.550082

Oh well, I hope her WiFi name doesn't indicate anything then.

>> No.551451

There’s nothing gentle about Noel once she gets mad.

>> No.551462

that's the best part honeslty

>> No.551554

Until she starts to physically abuse you

>> No.551617

Man she's only 1,50m and desu if you are a man it's not difficult to handle a girl tantrums and shit a girl who doesn't give a lil fight is a boring one

>> No.551760

She studied kendo and self-defense.

>> No.551783

dont be a twink and you are fine, and the most important she seems very caring abt the ppl she likes, she only goes berserker mode when she's playing games or when she messes up and she hurts herself

>> No.551831

but what was the name? anyone saw it?

>> No.552072

>and the most important she seems very caring abt the ppl she likes,
That’s how all abusers are. Don’t fall for it.

>> No.552185

man i used to date a girl who was a real abuser and she was not like this at all she was always acting nice and never letting ppl see her ugly side until she started to do weird shit with me where no one could see so i dumped her

>> No.554334


>> No.554354
File: 149 KB, 1756x787, EsfzkOmVcAQtQ1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if she actually managed to get permissions for DQ11, that would be fucking huge

>> No.554486

When has Noel ever taken her anger out on actual people? Its always inanimate objects. She has anger problems but she would never hurt anyone she cares about.

>> No.554510

She used to hit her brother with a sock full of coins...
But to be fair she has said several times that she deeply regrets how rude she was a brat

>> No.554584

why doesn't she wear less clothing? asking for my dick

>> No.554668

every kid does stupid shit against sibilings

>> No.554948

That's her layered armour retard

>> No.554960

W-what did she do to you anon?

>> No.555013

crazy bitch tried to choke me one time punch my dick other and pinched me a couple times

>> No.556734

His death shall be remembered.

>> No.556770

The image of someone punching a dick is just hilarious

>> No.557875
File: 12 KB, 220x220, tit armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.557916


>> No.557917

is the relation between her and flare real of yuribait?

>> No.557969


>> No.558057

All that can be confirmed is that the two of them are very close friends. Everyone else treats them like a couple, but that doesn't really prove anything.

>> No.558243
File: 370 KB, 1000x935, __shirogane_noel_and_shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_sazare_sazare_az__36affacc34193051d2ce079801c1d076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're close friends, and that's the more we're ever going to know about their relationship as longs as they work under Hololive
And that's how it should be, no need to put whatever their relationships is under unnecessary pressure by making it public, specially given how closed off Noel tends to be regrading her relationships with other holos offstream

>> No.558733

fair enough

>> No.560935

No. She's too gay for Flare for that.

>> No.561022

I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.

>> No.561285
File: 3.20 MB, 2234x3320, 1606157554905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.561399

最終回 after almost half a year playing this game, seems crazy to see it go

>> No.565304
File: 457 KB, 2509x3001, EorLlLMVgAIazoN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Valentines ASMR
Maybe next year...

>> No.567917


This is my first time in one of her streams, but at this rate I don't know if she'll get to Ganon any time soon.

>> No.572501

I’m sure she has a good reason.

>> No.575455

She's playing a hard (死にゲー) PS4 game next, unless they get surprise From Software permissions, it might be Nioh 1 or 2

>> No.576880
File: 761 KB, 4096x2921, EuJE9rUVgAAQUc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.578176

Who's the lucky man to get her?

>> No.578192


>> No.578933

Check again anon, it's your lucky day

>> No.578969

>Thumbnail says ASMR
>Title says utawaku with KU100
Which one is it

>> No.579095
File: 619 KB, 643x883, fa2f5e85313bbaaf0fe0341b0af58e6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ara-ara~ Anon-kun. Happy Valentine's Day.

>> No.579229
File: 511 KB, 500x1000, 0313D82B-46C7-4F87-AD8D-09D7C431962D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never eat Noel’s homemade chocolates.
What I would give to be her brother.

>> No.580211
File: 488 KB, 1451x2270, Enp2TSdXhtqRn7IWR8ywmNvqP_dKGQmAQRJQ1TTEW7M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to shove her face into the pillows, pin her arms onto her back and pound her from behind. Maybe choke her a little before finishing. Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.581044

She's being really really cute today

>> No.581116

I don't think sisters give valentine's chocolate to their brothers.

>> No.581537

Tbh it's not that rare, a friend of mine got choco from his older sister every year while they were going to the same school

>> No.581615
File: 406 KB, 720x720, Shirogane_Noel_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if she isn't as good as some of the other girls her singing melts my heart

>> No.581724

>thumbnail says ASMR Valentine: Healing love songs
What do you think?

>> No.582425
File: 950 KB, 1200x1783, B840A425-DC67-47DC-B645-31B8EEA1B017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, her tits are so FUCKIN HUGE!

>> No.583813


>> No.585434


>> No.587842

I want to hear her heartbeat again

>> No.587889
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, bobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel. Thanks the gods for Noel. And her tits!

>> No.587958

i want to hear her orgasm

>> No.588031
File: 838 KB, 2039x2894, 1600467627049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, it's just a very special type of comfy

>> No.588185

Heartbeat ASMR gives me anxiety, feels like I have high blood pressure

>> No.588197

man, at times i wish to do the same.
knowing that a girlfriend like that won't exist.
dying a poorfag is fun.

>> No.588214

that's the best part of it anon.

>> No.589256

I only get the feeling of intimacy.

>> No.593850

Who wouldn’t.

>> No.594250

how the fuck does she weigh 50 kilos with milkers like these

>> No.594326

She's 150cm

>> No.600749

They're close friends, but of course yuribait draws the simps.

>and that's the more we're ever going to know about their relationship as longs as they work under Hololive
Puh-lease. Hololive would jump at it if they were actually scissor sisters. Yurifags are paypigs.

>> No.601012

Her Twitter is pretty gravure.

>> No.601865

Do people seriously think these bitches are single? I'm assuming that's what you guys mean by roomate.

>> No.601980

Swing and a miss anon.

>> No.602062

After listening to her stories about her past and how she conduct herself, yes.

>> No.602134

Oh well. I'm a newbie to Noel after watching the Pekora Getting Over It stream. What's the deal if not a boyfriend? Why would people get autistic if she just has a normal roommate?

>> No.602235

She does amateur gravure on her other twitter, I'm surprised anyone operates under the assumption that she's some virgin.

>> No.602437

I know. I follow her roommate activities more than I follow Noel. My initial thought is that she has secret BF but after following her for a while, I believe she definitely is an inkya.

>> No.602448

The word is being used to refer to something else, not a person she lives with. Though in the way it is being used it would be literally impossible for her to not share a room with her roommate.

>> No.602625

You think she's introverted? Could be.

If it's not a boyfriend/husband, and it's not an actual roommate...what is it?

>> No.602647

There seems to be a certain type of person that becomes a v-tuber, there's a few normies that stumbled into it but 90% of these girls are severly autistic and Noel is one of them

>> No.602886

Roommate means the private life of the person behind the v-tuber

>> No.603018

Oh, I see. That makes sense. So Noel's roomate life is a hikki

>> No.603109

Only just managed to catch the archive now and Danchou singing fucking Babymetal into her ASMR mic absolutely killed me, I gotta clip this

>> No.603270
File: 184 KB, 826x1716, danchou wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.603335

She's like an inkya who hasn't given into cynicism completely

>> No.606146

Question, is it ok to share her roommates stuff? Secretly of course

>> No.606300

Do it on the /jp/ thread

>> No.607939

She wouldn't have the time, at school/uni she was an outcast, and given she used to stream after finishing work back in 15/16 I don't see how she'd have many opportunities, especially given her remote location.
That and she's a sperg, massive tits are one thing but people tend to avoid those giving naruto hand signs and ranting about their brother everytime they drink.

>> No.609032

Don't forget that she was harassed by her male classmates and later on went to an all-female university, further crippling her exposure to the opposite sex.

>> No.609429

I mean her roommate went over it rather recently, she's only comfortable around girl that's the way she handles shit. It's a bit weird but there's nothing harmful or bad about it

>> No.609703

Dare I ask how she keeps the men that spring forth from her bosom fed?

>> No.610512
File: 176 KB, 960x1356, 49559c2c10900e8215be56c745af02dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.613136
File: 539 KB, 1200x858, 80249185_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.613584

>tfw no huge tit socially anxious gf

>> No.614322
File: 244 KB, 1230x1176, smug elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.614630

Noel has her brother to help her.

>> No.615241
File: 231 KB, 220x185, 1587354763410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a gf with big tits that randomly weaves hand signs like a fucking autist in public

>> No.615426

>giving naruto hand signs
Wait, as in just making dumb gestures with her hands or actually making naruto hand signs like a middle schooler

>> No.615458

Both. Her brother did not prepare her to handle the real world.

>> No.615655

Christ... she's an ever bigger dork than I thought

>> No.616325

Yeah, her brother did not help with that.

>> No.616404

I'm guessing you've missed her power scaling discussions and fantasies, her tokusatsu influence is pretty clear.

>> No.616523

I get that, I just wasn't expecting her to do jutsu hand signs irl

>> No.616607

What? The maladjusted woman who's a major brocon doesn't know how to act in public, say it isn't so.

>> No.616682
File: 32 KB, 640x360, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this talk reminds me of pic related desu

>> No.616738
File: 588 KB, 2048x1448, 1602469868828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.617178

Her brother wouldn't take advantage of her.

>> No.619047
File: 2.71 MB, 1187x1771, 87715693_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.619119

Hair ribbon Noel is best Noel.
