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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 83 KB, 900x900, moccachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3509027 No.3509027 [Reply] [Original]

please tell me it's a girl

>> No.3509043

who cares

>> No.3509623

They are trans but that doesnt matter to you, right?

>> No.3509646

they're anything you want them to be

>> No.3509693

fuck off he is a femboy not a disgusting tranny

>> No.3509732

who cares, they're anything you want them to be

>> No.3509749

Who fucking care? You are sperging out and having meltdown on taiwanese basket weaving forum about what's inside vchuba's pants.
Seek help, really.

>> No.3509842


>> No.3509918

It's pretty fucking important, people acting like it isn't are either girls who physiologically probably do not truly understand how attraction in males works, or twitter faggots trying to uphold whatever social movement bullshit they've been brainwashed with.

If you want to fuck it, it matters for everything - you only will want to fuck knowing it's a dude if you were already into traps. This, is why you see news about tranny hookers getting murdered in shitty countries, it throws the dude into such a fit of rage over the betrayal etc. They're not justified in doing that at all of course, but it illustrates yes it fucking matters to the dude what the biological sex of someone is if they wanna fuck it. This isn't fucking rocket science.

>> No.3510087

Is it a requirement to be a menhera to get Omochi make you your own l2d?

>> No.3510094

you will never fuck mocca so why does it matter retard

>> No.3510101

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.3510116

>like 3 sentences is too much to read
4chan is an 18+ website.

>> No.3510200 [DELETED] 

He is a grown up man pretending to be a little girl, literaly a pedophile groomer

>> No.3510224

Isn't everyone on the internet a little girl?

>> No.3510384

If someone like OP wants to follow or oshi someone because he wants to watch cute girls, and has doubts if it is in fact not a cute girl, it is a rather binary matter. See how artemis lost thousands of viewers on his debut night once people heard the voice. You can't realistically force a straight guy go against his own anatomical brain structure on this subject, any more than the other way around.

With this matter, mocha isn't remotely as annoyingly-ambiguous as artemis so it isn't actually a big deal to me personally. Just more like "well if it matters to you OP, that is not a girl. it's a femboy, I am sorry if that wrecks it for you because it very well might."

>> No.3510419

There's no such thing as a cisgender femboy

>> No.3510538
File: 222 KB, 1080x1038, 20210509_183657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a cope. It literally says in his Twitter bio that he's male

>> No.3510586

whats the matter op afraid of a little boy pussy

>> No.3510626

haha imagine forming an opinion of someone based off their personality and actions when you can just group them in a demographic like a literal robot

>> No.3510811

Timeloop. Mocca's twitter profile literally say he's male.

>> No.3510824
File: 2.71 MB, 640x360, 1594562829030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gay but I like him more now that I know it's a femboy

>> No.3510863

You can do whatever you like but your own biology is just gonna do biology things. It's not choices made out of prejudice but instinct.

>> No.3510864

If you pound their butt hard enough, they'll basically become a woman.

>> No.3510911

this kind of logic is so disconnected from reality it makes me wonder if you actually are a robot

>> No.3510922

He's a trans man. It is stolen femboy valor.

>> No.3510937

You actually believe this?

>> No.3510979

>This, is why you see news about tranny hookers getting murdered in shitty countries, it throws the dude into such a fit of rage over the betrayal etc

That's just guys getting pissed after realizing they're not as 100% straight as they'd like. The thing is no one is, human sexuality is too complex to just put yourself in a box and say "oh, I only feel attracted to this exact category of people and absolutely nothing else ". The same goes for gays and all these up orientations like pansexuals or whatever, stop trying to categorize every single possibility of the human sexual experience into neat little boxes. Like who you want and fuck who you want

>> No.3510992

but I don't believe it, I think it's a girl playing man

>> No.3511005
File: 198 KB, 800x764, it's a boy so the nipples are ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3511007

I'm a molecular biologist is what I am and I've studied the facts behind these subjects to degrees far beyond some humanities major dropouts trying to pressure people on twitter. Don't tell me what the facts are. I know what they are. Do you?

>> No.3511014


>> No.3511023

Then don't? Why does it matter?

>> No.3511029

same, I didnt like mocca before but now that I know I may go for it

>> No.3511046

LMAO alright faggot, get the fuck out.

>> No.3511057

fast, the sauce before you get nuked anon!

>> No.3511083


>> No.3511109

>That's just guys getting pissed after realizing they're not as 100% straight as they'd like
I can't stand this line of reasoning.
>You were tricked, therefore, you're actually gay!
Asinine. They thought the other was a woman, they were attracted to what they thought was a woman. You sound like a schoolboy.
>Eww, you complimented another boy. What, are you gay?

>> No.3511142


I applaud them for being up front about it rather than being a weasel cunt like Artemis.

>> No.3511169

Can you fags either enjoy content you enjoy and shut the fuck up about roommate shit or simply stop watching things you may suspect goes against your values?

>> No.3511177

Bless you anon, I'm going for it

>> No.3511397

You were objectively attracted to someone. Later you found out that that person was part of a category (in this case gender) that you previously thought you were unable to feel attracted to. What's the logical conclusion? To put it in other terms, are you attracted to the vague concept of a "gender", or are you attracted to human beings you can talk and interact with? And my point is that no one is truly 100% straight or 100% gay, not that getting tricked means you're gay

>> No.3511668

Basically the argument it seems, some people reduce down to "lol who cares if it turns out he's a guy, just go gay for him then" - some dudes can actually truly do this and that's great, but some physiologically, cannot. Just understand that it's a biological difference there and not some conscious choice, aka, no hard feelings intended.

>> No.3511741

No one gives a shit about your made up science. If you enjoy watching someone watch them. There's no trick. The character is male. Fuck off, why do you even watch chuubas if you can't suspend your disbelief.

>> No.3511778

Sexuality is the motivation, not the outcome. If you like a woman, and they turn out to be a man does not make you gay any more than liking a woman who becomes trans makes you gay. Like it or not, certain traits are strongly related to one sex chromosome over the other, to deny this is deny empirical reality. While there are other traits which we impose on gender through culture, it is rare that these are the defining traits of attraction. Sure, these tertiary traits may be why you love someone, on an emotional level, and why you'd stay by their side until your last breath, but the reason you noticed them in the first place was, without a doubt, crude biology, and barring any rare and tragic defects, that crude biology can most certainly be grouped into two categories. You pretend that caring about someone is purely sexual, and that is a grace disservice to the wonders of the human psyche. You can deeply care for someone without wanting to fuck them.

>> No.3511780

Someone's feeling a little defensive.

>> No.3511871

Yeah, straight men being attracted to female voices is totally just made up science. You're so right dude. Knowing that the source of the voice isn't a female results in no difference whatsoever. What's your twitter so I can read more of your based takes, senpai?

>> No.3511899

His voice is clearly male, bro

>> No.3511969

>You can deeply care for someone without wanting to fuck them.
The same applies to watching a chuuba. You dismantled your own argument here, this entire discussion is meaningless.

>> No.3512090

My argument has nothing to do with VTubers. You claimed that people murder transsexuals after discovering them as such because they can't live with the revelation that they are actually gay. This argument is horseshit, irrespective of the surrounding discussion. They are angry because they were betrayed and deceived in a particularly sensitive matter, end of story. Your injection of "insecurity" is just projection on your part.

>> No.3512114

>My argument has nothing to do with VTubers
Then why are you talking about this on /vt/.

>> No.3512157

I absolutely agree with you, ultimately everyone has their own individual flavor of sexual preferences, terms like gay and straight are just simplifications to communicate the general direction.
I think the issue is that some people see that as betrayal or deliberate trapping by advertising yourself as a potential mate when you don't fit the qualifying criteria. I think it's like trying to have sex with someone who told you they aren't interested, and then raping them. I will never understand how someone can feel like this, at the end of the day you are only risking to hurt yourself by putting so much importance on any single part of your individuality. It's wrong. But I think it's logically consistent at least as far as I can imagine it to work.

>> No.3512161

Because you are wrong and on the internet.

>> No.3512228

>they say they're male
>i don't believe it and that makes me not want to watch
Stop watching.
>they say they're male
>i don't believe it and that makes me want to watch
Believe them and stop watching if it bothers you.
>they say they're male
>i don't care
Continue watching if you enjoy the content.

>> No.3512313

But I don't want to fuck him.

>> No.3512379

So, what sort of femboy penis does he have canonically? a large, rockhard and throbbing cock, or a cute and soft peepee that flops around with each thrust?

>> No.3512405

I've never heard him talk about it so this is all we have to go on >>3511083

>> No.3512500

To be clear why this post >>3512157 isn't off-topic, this also applies to watching someone like that other Shark vtuber a lot of people don't like here. You want people to be upfront about who they are, and to some people, who you are is determined in ways you don't get to lie about. Not because it's impossible to keep up the suspension of disbelief, but because it puts people into false security about something they never thought they had to suspend any disbelief for. The best analogy I can come up with is something like having a vtuber agency casting "talents" but then you learn about something like the audition being rigged, all the scuff in the streams being scripted or prerecorded, the fanart shown onstream being the result of contracted work, and on top of that the company employed people to falseflag a general on taoist throatsinging boards into existence.

>> No.3512533

Clean your room.

>> No.3512721

Every friday, not now.

>> No.3512904

Most art of him has the huge dick, and I'm not sure why because he seems like such a bottom based on his personality

>> No.3513076
File: 274 KB, 676x713, gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up

>> No.3513107
File: 178 KB, 1181x1748, Es-dz7tUcAUSXkF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513145
File: 638 KB, 2896x4096, EtELR_iXMAgi68V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513228
File: 699 KB, 1302x1684, 1604550840248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513301
File: 529 KB, 1365x1365, EeV1kjXVAAA-bON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3513354
File: 622 KB, 2404x2910, EnTQGaaXIAE88m7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513360

I'm convinced this is a girl pretending to be a boy, and her husband slarkeralker is actually a boy pretending to be girl.

>> No.3513409
File: 266 KB, 1510x2048, Eoiw31SU0AM3eFh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513459
File: 842 KB, 3035x2150, EukIbacVIAAhVSt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513507
File: 651 KB, 1089x2314, 1613693245291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513579
File: 14 KB, 586x140, mocca responding to art of his face being forced onto a giant uncurcumsized penis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513633

>Mocca appreciates Toasty's art
Unfathomably based

>> No.3513634

I hope Mocca cums hard when Stalker pegs him

>> No.3513714

Please tell me it’s a guy, every trap/otokonoko vtuber I watch ends up being a girl, I want a real trap vtuber!

>> No.3513746

Listen to his voice and reach your own conclusions.

>> No.3513936

This is the most peaceful and logical comment I ever read in /vt/

>> No.3514258

Imma trust you because I know people that go into very specific science fields usually are very logical as seen in your comments

>> No.3515499

His voice sounds like an anime trap, thing I considered impossible in English

>> No.3515749

He loves cock, does that really sound like a woman to you?

>> No.3515799

A very slutty one but yes

>> No.3515857

Hey can we be friends? You are the sanest person I’ve found not only here but in real life and I think you are pretty based

>> No.3515875

Stop samefagging

>> No.3517233
File: 228 KB, 1137x1641, ExJwQksWYAEPfEk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame she streams so erratically, and doesn't stream anywhere she could actually show herself drawing that kind of stuff.

>> No.3517571

Women don't love cock, they love money and power over others. Don't be fooled

>> No.3517602

>That's just guys getting pissed after realizing they're not as 100% straight as they'd like.
You're an idiot, if they disguise as a girl, and someone falls for their bait, that doesn't make them gay. That means the tranny lied to them about their identity.
That's why people are against this catfishing shit. Why are you trying to hide your gender unless you're trying to bait people who wouldn't fuck you otherwise?

>> No.3518833

Read the post, it doesn't make you gay, it just makes you not 100% exclusively straight, because such a thing isn't possible in the first place

>> No.3518934

She has a lot of shit going on based on her Twitter, she said she's doing 2hu next week

>> No.3519024

>XD you thought a dude was a girl so you're not straight
People like you are the reason why people hate fags so much, fucking kill yourself with your retarded Kinsey groomer shit

>> No.3519044
File: 13 KB, 904x661, 1609691512429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moccy is moccy

>> No.3519228

Enjoy having an existential crisis everytime you wank off to a trap

>> No.3519318

You're fucking weird.

>> No.3520182

I don't, I'm not a retard

>> No.3524019

I'm not the guy talking about killing trannies, I'm just saying that the whole sexuality of percentages is Ivory Tower Constructivist garbage that is by and large used to try and manipulate people by gaslighting them and trying to make them insecure.

>> No.3524449
File: 8 KB, 597x71, 1617422582182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3526282

It's also a very western thing. Like biology plays a role in attraction and when it comes to the desire to make children to pass on your genes but fucking a hole for fun and pleasure is only restricted by morals.

>> No.3526777

Faggots always wanting others to be faggots too. Now I understand why you all should be killed.

>> No.3526883

It's not a moral position that I find fucking a dude disgusting, it's a thing in your brain similar to the thing that makes you grossed out about fucking your close family. LGBTQ culture is a different story but I don't look down on a dude for fucking another dude, just like I don't look down on dudes into women vomiting on their dicks. Why do you think so many of the old school shock sites involved pictures of gay sex, most people have a deep revulsion to seeing that shit

>> No.3527016

watch pakael

>> No.3527078

I don't know man, I don't want to fuck other dudes either but I'm not going to call it disgusting. You want to talk about the things the priest who taught you about this stuff did you you?

>> No.3527127

When Mocca was "genderneutral" not a single person believed he was a girl. Suddenly no one believes he's a dude. Hilarious.

>> No.3527492

I grew up in a largely non-religious household, my uncle was out since I was little, I don't hate fags. Like I said it's not a moral revulsion, it's like smelling rotten meat. Just like revolting smells or tastes, you can build up a tolerance to it but it is still genuinely just disgusting to the vast majority of people. There are literally studies measuring people's negative attitudes about gays against their sensitivity to disgusting imagery

>> No.3527620

Hang yourself, /pol/fag.

>> No.3527735

>He's a whore

>> No.3527804

I feel bad for Mocca, because the trap gimmick atracted absolute retards like the genderfaggot or some other faggot obsessed with retarded culture wars. The other thread with image posting was much better than this dumpster fire.

>> No.3527826

This is basically a /pol/ thread at this point.

>> No.3527908


>> No.3527932

Gotta switch from one boogeyman to the other to keep up that CogDis, huh? Aren't you embarrassed by your inability to introspect?

>> No.3528673

he snapped to his senses and stayed male

we all now what happens when you decide to become trans, you die and become a statistic

>> No.3528714

ok this isn't based, im unsubscribing

>> No.3530089

Maybe you are so straight that the thought of fucking someone with a dick, even if a trap, will never occur to you. And of course that's fine, and we can agree that some preferences are at least immutable. But if 100% straight means "exclusively attracted to the other sex", ending up attracted to a trap or a femboy means that thing in your brain isn't 100% straight. If that happens, you simply have to live with how you are wired biologically. Being 1% off in your self-perception of how straight you are isn't the end of the world. There are enough ways to rationalize 1% gayness away without experiencing an identity crises.

>> No.3532617

it's a boy
literally check his twitter
