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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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34305273 No.34305273 [Reply] [Original]

>a million apex vtubers
>fuckton of minecraft vtubers
>not a single fighting game vtuber
what the fuck explain this shit

>> No.34305332


>> No.34305366


>> No.34305413

i should have specified female

>> No.34305500

Isnt there that one jap chuuba that spams a lot of tekken? I forgot her name tho'.

>> No.34305532

there is tons of them retard, they just dont get famous because theres not as many fighting game autists as you would think. for example hololive or niji would be making a huge mistake hiring a fighting game chuuba, its just not profitable.
now go back to your mums basement and play melee some more bitch

>> No.34305639

from what i know about fighting game fans the implication that they play melee will anger them more than calling them a bitch

>> No.34305670

women(female) that play fighting games are as common as a vtuber that never had a boyfriend

>> No.34305779

Fighting games are too hard. How many non-tranny women even compete? Like 3? And all of them suck.

>> No.34305851

Tekken had some that were pretty ok, wait for Tekken 8 for how it will turn out.

>> No.34305894

Rosemi plays tekken, but can't stream it

>> No.34305898

females don't have the reflexes for this

>> No.34305999
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The only good fighting game is Smash because platform is fun and no combos bullshit

>> No.34306003

There's Shimada Tiger

>> No.34306106 [DELETED] 

Enna is the best!

>> No.34306141

Shimada Tiger plays Guilty Gear and similar stuff. She's on twitch.

>> No.34306495

I hope this isn’t bait.
Trips of shame. Smash does have combos, albeit slightly different due to how knickknack works across different games.

>> No.34306526

There's no one in hololive that only plays one type of game. Even if someone joined to focus on fighting games, they would still play block game or whatever the fuck else. They would just be Maximilian with a vtuber avatar.

>> No.34306669


>> No.34306904

I can actually explain this very easily.
apex fans are autist losers who will gladly donate money to an anime girl
minecraft fans are autist losers who will gladly donate to an anime girl
fighting game fans are autistic niggers who will never donate to an anime girl
So you see, a fighting game vtuber is not a viable business option.

>> No.34307500

>fighting game content creator except they can't form any connection or notoriety by attending events because their roommate would be instantly exposed
Sounds like a waste of fucking time.

>> No.34307751

there are online tournaments, but your point still stands. the bigger events are offline ones...

>> No.34308014

fighting games are shit

>> No.34309257

shill me some please. JP only, dont care about your EN shitters

>> No.34309774

Some invitationals would work if the vtuber has a 3D model but honestly it would be a major pain in the ass to set it up.

>> No.34309858

I want Merubura GF so bad bros......

>> No.34309908

Rosemi is extremely high level at tekken but
>permissions kikery

>> No.34309998

She's yellow rank

>> No.34309999

They're boring games for old people

>> No.34310012

Here's a playlist for a decent coyote gaming

>> No.34310525

And this one is to satisfy my melty blood and fgo jp needs

>> No.34310533

>a niche within streaming
>a niche within gaming
can't imagine why....

>> No.34310971

アニャ is a heeb weeb that arts and fighting games

>> No.34311403

isn't one of the best GG Strive players a tranny that uses a vtuber model or something?

>> No.34311435

>wanting to be part of the fgc
When did "playing games because you like them" died and was replaced by this clout-chasing faggotry?

>> No.34311656

There's only like a dozen female fgc streamers as it is. And I don't think any of them stream full time.

>> No.34311673

Fighting games are niche and not as popular as fgc fags think
Kamone is a vtuber

>> No.34311698

I just want one corpo FGC chuuba. I don't care if it's a male or a female. I don't care if it's from Niji, Holo, Phase Connect, Prism, etc.
Just please give me one.

>> No.34311705
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nigga you just blind

>> No.34311919

The best you'll get from a corpo is someone that might have a dedicated day a week of playing with their viewers on a fighting game

>> No.34311987

But that's actually a great idea. Much better than mindless ranked grinding that we have with Apex or Valorant.

>> No.34312239

Franchises like Tekken and MK are in the top 30 best selling video games of all times. There are like a hundred different genres that are nowhere to be seen in the top 100.
Calling fgs niche is a a big stretch

>> No.34312426

Honestly I'd take that. Because let's not kid ourselves, no one will 100% dedicate their content to fighting games. Fgc streamers live or die by new game hype nowadays just having to get perms for each fgs sounds like a pain in the ass.
I just want someone that is able to play them at a semi high level

>> No.34312599

If it's not in Hololive, it doesn't exist to /vt/.
Case in point, no one has mentioned how Rosemi from niji played Melty Blood almost every week for a month after in came out last year, including playing with viewers.

>> No.34312770

This is something I want to do once I get into Holostars.

>> No.34312825

That was my idea though. At least I'll have someone to play with.

>> No.34312886
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Someone get him a VTuber model. Please.

>> No.34312899

I've considered becoming a fighting game vtuber but I don't know how to play them at all. Would it be entertaining watching someone who is completely useless new fighting game player?

>> No.34312911

Nice. It feels like the stars aligned with the release of the Capcom Fighting Collection since Vampire Savior is my favorite fighting game, and getting paid to play it and convince other people to play it sounds like a dream come true.

>> No.34313062

I'm a fledgling vtuber myself and want to stream fighting games, but I want to cultivate an audience that is mostly there for me and not necessarily my choice of game before I really stream them. I'm not really concerned with getting terribly good at them, and I think that's mostly what people are looking for from fighting game streamers when they find them from searching by game.
That being said, if you wanna do it then you should do it. I love streaming and wish I had started doing it sooner.

>> No.34313093

Do you like tekken?

>> No.34313689

Thanks for the encouraging post

>> No.34314269

I will ship these two anons

>> No.34314602
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how many female fgc streamers are there? And you're asking for vtuber ones? Fuck off idiot

>> No.34314628

Get away from my futur oshis, you dirty fujo

>> No.34314669

https://www.twitch.tv/shimadatiger ?
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCabMjG8p6G5xLkPJgEoTnDg ?

>> No.34314751

Once the printing stopped and people started noticing the inflation and realizing that they have bills to pay.

>> No.34314847

Corpo vtubers are variety streamers and variety streaming and fighting games don't mix. Unless you're fine with them being shit at fighting games because they only play for 4 hours a week.

>> No.34314883

None of you would want to watch fighting game autismos do they're thing for hours on end in training mode and ranked match that streamer would be doomed in number and subscriber hell forever how do i know because ( I'm a fighting game autismo )

>> No.34314905

If you're not retarded (i.e., have past experience with actually learning something in a systematic way and caring about doing reps), then hell yes. I heard Skullgirls has a tutorial that actually tries to teach the game.

>> No.34315026

Females suck at fighting games the best "female players" are fucking tranny clowns.

>> No.34315030
File: 741 KB, 1280x720, gs_20220930190926_Mobile Suit Gundam - Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam _NTSC-U__SLUS-20821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you consider solo Gundam VS a fighting game? Because I might spam the games if I ever get the courage to start

>> No.34315189

There's one called xhuntressx or something like that. She plays strive and DNF duel. I dunno if she's an actual biological woman because lmao americans but I think she is.

>> No.34315294

It does, but the skill ceiling in Skullgirls is insanely high and the online community is pretty hardcore. I absolutely love Skullgirls but holy shit, I can not hang with the people I get matchmade with in it.
You probably will, and I will read you shipping us.

>> No.34315360
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Anon there are Niji JP livers that play Apex every day for weeks. You don't have to be a variety streamer, you can do anything you want as long as you don't care about your viewership tanking.
Also your initial statement is false. Max is a variety streamer and also happen to be the biggest fighting game streamer there is.

>> No.34315478

You're welcome. It won't happen until you start to make it happen. Don't give up if this is something you want!

>> No.34315708

Yes Gundam VS is an Arena Fighting game.
The default for competitive play is 2vs2 though

>> No.34315861

I will bully the Holostars into playing:
Vampire Savior
Alpha 2 and 3
Last Blade 2
Third Strike
Super Turbo
Soul Calibur 2
Literally any Tekken game

>> No.34316061

>Literally any Tekken game
They will never get the perms. I don't think they'd be able to play T8, even if they wanted to

>> No.34316099

I know
which is why I gave up trying to play with people, can't even get friends much less a teammate for online

>> No.34316145

Ultra Fight Da Kyanta 2 waiting room

>> No.34316242


That's the one.

>> No.34316354

Fuck, that too. And in a perfect world, DONG DONG NEVER DIE.

>> No.34316682

When Sonic Fox became the face of the FGC, before that the FGC was why better.

>> No.34319865

Shimada Tiger plays fighting games most of the time, there's other smaller ones too.

>> No.34320313

You won't get money by clout chasing the fgc. The absolute majority of the fg streamers who have decently sized fanbases are at their core variety streamers with fighting games as their main one, and even then some aren't that connected to the fgc nowadays.

>> No.34320794

Vtuber fans are mentally ill but not enough to watch actual trannies

>> No.34322629

….Who’s going to tell him?

>> No.34329285
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Nijisanji occasionally has Street Fighter and other fighting game meetups

>> No.34329843

There are tons of fighting game vtubers. You just don’t know them because you’re a newfag and a brony

>> No.34330157

No one likes fighting games

>> No.34331480

You'll never find any if all you do is look inside the walled garden of hololive
I know one who plays Tekken 7, but not exclusively.
Her name is Benikaba Sakura (紅樺さくら), she's a 2view corpo from VOICE-ORE who debuted less than a year ago.
Her playlist has 29 2-7hr+ vods and counting:

>> No.34331798

Females actually have more hand dexterity than males, they just don't fucking do anything with that other than flick the bean. Back in the 70's when arcade games first started being a thing, women were holding their own against men at the games, but then they got bored with the fad while men kept "studying the blade" so to speak, playing video games over time and honing skill. Now with mobile games and casual shit being the norm since the Wii brought in normies, they aren't being challenged, so they never get good enough to play real video games.

>> No.34332175
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Women can't into reaction time.

>> No.34332542

You're like 30 years off from them being relevant.

>> No.34332672

Looks like the cope that you're too old to react to video games is false that a 50 year old has similar reactions to a 15 year old. Seems like some people should just get better.

>> No.34333076

By looking at the graph that would be a 50 year old male vs a 15 year old female. That's how bad their reaction time is.
