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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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34278904 No.34278904 [Reply] [Original]

[ idol corporation ]
idol is a VTuber agency that produces and represents VTuber talents around the world. Our goal is to empower our talents and provide them all the tools and assets they need to become the best content creators they can be.
[Website] https://idol-company.com
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/c/idol_corp
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/idol_corp
[Schedules] https://holodex.net/?org=idol%20Corp
[Debut PV] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnSGu_Iaz18
[Original Song] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqSsJM6teG8
[EN Teaser] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfieACWDzfU


1st gen features the following Israeli VTubers:

[Neo Sparkles - ניאו ספארקלס ]
Magical fox lolibaba who likes dad jokes and RPGs. Her naivety and ADHD lead to many awkward moments, but they're also her charm point.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaksHmr89krw-g9EaktdjBw
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/NEOSPARKLES

[ Emi Suika - אמי סויקה ]
Watermelon loli that hates sleep, backing down from challenges, and pineapples. Her cute 'lessgo' quickly became an iconic motto.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-E-oMwc7SHuiK5gT_ule8Q
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/suikaemi

[ Kattarina Qutie - קאטרינה קיוטי ]
Half-russian asthmatic onee-sama and a mafia boss. She has a cute laugh and sometimes makes controversial jokes.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmy_EmxnYQ8aar8fNZrumw
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/kattarina_qutie

[ Nikki Rei - ניקי ריי ]
Comfy gamer and an apocalypse survivor. Her calming voice and late evening streams are incredibly soothing; people can just straight out fall asleep to her.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBnmfjpmhGxao6v54fIIMUA
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol

[ Lily Sin - לילי סין ]
Bright demon imouto that likes her chat and hates chicken. She hides her delicate heart with a prickly front.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE-Cjd6k8VUMI2hdfHYwCfg
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/lily_sin_idol

[ Idol Friends ]
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Aetheria >>>/vt//aeg/


[ EN Clips Channel ]
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCezrFKGE6eAuMXDcixhvtYA

[ Game suggestions form ]

[ Report user form ]

Previous Thread: >>34221319

>> No.34278925
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>> No.34279057

nikki is the best i agree

>> No.34279198

Until you remember that you left the stove on and have to rush back to it

>> No.34279254

>a vtuber

>> No.34279498

how do we fix nikki?
she cannot let us cheat like that.
even ravioli admits to cheating like nothing happens.
bonkers are doomed.

>> No.34280613
File: 1.20 MB, 662x686, 〖 Postal 2 〗hehe I'm DUDE bounce2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheating Bonkers deserve the rope

>> No.34280662

Emi in 5 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbOSomPt9Ss
Lily in ~1 hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwDvxjTUhWI
Nikki in ~2 hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfQKWrjfaok
Katta in ~9 hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGTf_yXdeYk

>> No.34280746
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i'm gonna watch okayu's live, come at me katta

>> No.34280829

incredibly based take from Katta

>> No.34280892

also just under 8 hours until Nikki's member stream

>> No.34281184

she should choke me

>> No.34281335

sorry anon, gentle dom only

>> No.34281641

so the form is public?

>> No.34282376

I think that may be an oversight, considering it was only posted on the members tab before

>> No.34283289

Samefagging, mention somewhere she can read that grays can see the description of member streams if you want. I personally don't see it as too much of an issue

>> No.34284478


>> No.34284731
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can't wait to see a sololive from idol members

>> No.34284981

I wont cheat on my wife Nikki

>> No.34285516

nikki is made for cheating

>> No.34285554

Fuck off faggot

>> No.34285972

lily doesn't know how to pronounce holo jp names... idols...

>> No.34287402

watch nikki

>> No.34288178

watch lily, nikki sucks

>> No.34289258
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>> No.34289527


>> No.34291355

page 9

>> No.34291374

LIly loves ME

>> No.34291512

I wonder what Nikki would think of art of her taking cock (mine)

>> No.34291517

no matter how much gfe any of those girls pull off i am not going to love them

>> No.34292134
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>> No.34293428
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>> No.34293991

He posted his hands yesterday, too. How long until he starts posting selfies?

>> No.34295399

https://twitter.com/kattarina_qutie/status/1575870751088922625 Katta please sit on my face

>> No.34297224

so this is the favorite bonker?

>> No.34297264

yeah, you like him too?

>> No.34299234

nikki is the cutest

>> No.34299866

ravioli is getting pretty bold

>> No.34299920

>heartbeat ASMR
putting the mic to her heart was one of the dares I submitted

>> No.34300166
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>> No.34300196

too flat and too child-like

>> No.34300471

>Be out for most of the day
>Nikki is still streaming
I love my hard working wife!

>> No.34300503
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>> No.34300721
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>> No.34301133


>> No.34301819

katta is slacking since that break
nikki streams more and produces better quality content

>> No.34302199

katta's rosh hashanah celebration stream topped all of nikki's in the past month

>> No.34302274

we all know Neo had the best streams this month, it's not even a competition

>> No.34302713
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>> No.34302788
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>> No.34303291
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whoever says now is retarded

>> No.34305619

Iku better appreciate this

>> No.34305738

iku better masturbate to this

>> No.34306336

Iku better eat out Nikki for this

>> No.34306518

>I don't know what I'm bummed about even
it's that time of the month...

>> No.34306559

do we know her period cycles?

>> No.34306592

I know I don't. I don't think we've discussed in past threads either

>> No.34306635

truth question...

>> No.34306735

I wonder how much filtering (if any) management has done. Q&A and Munching Doctor submissions were public

>> No.34306801

from all my questions ever only idol culture ones were removed

>> No.34306878

they filtered a question for the Doctor stream that was pretty obviously talking about falling in love with Nikki

>> No.34306939

you want to send questions when stream is on, then nikki will choose what to pick and she's less picky than management

>> No.34307191

asked if she minds cheaters

>> No.34307335

>members chatting stream

>> No.34307497

I'm having a quicky with Nikki now

>> No.34307507

I love Nikki so much

>> No.34307513

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGTf_yXdeYk katta in 8 mins

>> No.34307721


>> No.34307791
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>> No.34307899

https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol/status/1575938216405893139 new Tweet, she @'d Iku with it

>> No.34307941
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old was

>> No.34308302
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>> No.34308455

we get it twitter friend

>> No.34308679

BOMBbros https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxAhEdm1wJvWnxHpOGgW859_KO1r0d-Hgk

>> No.34309275

get in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9sgXENLihU

>> No.34309848

she's so close it's like she's living rent free in my head

>> No.34310007

I will buy Emi.

>> No.34310103

>panties requests? i don't wear any. i'm kidding.

>> No.34310313

>At least what manager approves

>> No.34310801
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>> No.34310905

I'll buy Neo for half a million USD

>> No.34311184
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this is doable

>> No.34311446

How much are you willing to pay your oshi's father for her hand in marriage?

>> No.34311530

as far as i am aware father left the family so i married her for free

>> No.34311631

I'll give him the Sinai Peninsula for her hand

>> No.34311798
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>> No.34312048

>actually its purple
I love this woman

>> No.34312159

nobody mentioned spanking, she's about to be broken

>> No.34312277

I will give him more grandchildren to spoil than he can handle

>> No.34312345


>> No.34312469
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just one behind katta

>> No.34312627

If this calculator is any good it will see how valuable young fertile cunny is.

>> No.34312658

if lily is below 50 it's bs

>> No.34312674

she's been putting them all at 18y/o

>> No.34312731
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>> No.34312776
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>> No.34312787

Not enough camels to buy a wife

>> No.34312830

This calculator is bullshit. A professional ball drainer is at least 59 camels

>> No.34312873

lily and emi are a steal then

>> No.34312875

How are they still going, why has no one graduated yet

>> No.34312976

Idol will never die as long as my love for Nikki still burns

>> No.34313092
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they can't compete

>> No.34313101

Too bad for you that I will marry her first!

>> No.34313212

i'll marry nikki just to make you all mad

>> No.34313465

>i have no personal life, only work and pitsi

>> No.34313694

I miss Nikki...

>> No.34313714

Aryan features are worth more than the jews

>> No.34313733

when was the first secret ending stream?

>> No.34315576
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>> No.34316211

katta should be like nene amano and start doing only katta gfe shorts

>> No.34316359
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>> No.34316409

i have seen zero discussion about the teaser
hype died

>> No.34316762

i thought they would graduate suika but now looks like girls have freedom to stream whenever they like to and only corpo collapsing will stop them if ever

>> No.34316916

idol has viewbots but they don't send them to their streams

>> No.34317027

i think they viewbot and likebot, with how youtube is culling ccv chats are too dead

>> No.34317102

Why would I be excited for someone when I already have my wife Nikki?

>> No.34317137

Dirty nails with bite marks scare me

>> No.34317181

Sorry bud but I only like Neo

>> No.34317208

oh shit a spark, that's new

>> No.34317325

There is nothing in the teaser worth discussing.

>> No.34318788


>> No.34319078
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purple > green > pink > blue > yellow

>> No.34319183

blue > purple > pink > yellow > green

>> No.34319192

Fuck you, I hate purple.

>> No.34319256

I hope yellow is a banana girl

>> No.34319283

why would anybody hate purple chuubas...

>> No.34319554

Why would anyone like purple chuubas...

>> No.34319722

Because you don't have to tell her twice
angrily shakes fist

>> No.34320225

blue - success - gura, kobo, pekora, suisei
purple - sex - moona, laplus, okayu, towa, shion, ina
pink - controversial - calliope, aqua, miko, pippa
green - menhera - fauna, rushia
yellow - passionate - aki, choco, mel, ame, watame
this might be a good roster

>> No.34320449

My ex-oshi was purple and now I can't look at that color without being reminded of how she disappointed me

>> No.34321086

i hope idol-he gets some nice outfits this year

>> No.34321137

>expecting outfits
>during this year
oh no no no

>> No.34322849

Lily doesn't need anymore outfits. She looks incredibly cute already.

>> No.34325520

This year? No chance. The fact that new outfits and 3d have been mentioned internally though means Idol has plans to continue supporting them that way

>> No.34329201

nikki love...

>> No.34330700

we'll be lucky just to get the EN branch

>> No.34333624

Cuddling with Nikki while brainstorming more submissions for the membership...

>> No.34336987

I want to stroke Nikki's glorious fluffy hair

>> No.34338802

Kissing Nikki on every inch of her body and eating out her in the morning

>> No.34339102

Resting my head against Nikki's warm and flat chest for hours while she occasionally strokes my hair and whispers into my ears how much she loves me

>> No.34339349

I wish Nikki would be at least medium.

>> No.34340506

Nikki love

>> No.34340723

Nikki rape

>> No.34340786

Kill yourself, nobody would miss you

>> No.34340808

You first ;)

>> No.34341010

No, thanks. You're the only worthless piece of shit here.

>> No.34341141

woman love rape.

>> No.34342465

Feeling Nikki's flat chest against my back as she hugs me from behind...!

>> No.34343646

Katta is one crazy woman and I like her for that

>> No.34344255

nikki is a great oshi material

>> No.34344793

spanking nikki before she has the chance to do the same to me...
