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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.59 MB, 1500x844, 1644266039224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34260069 No.34260069 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZC
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Hololive auditions are permanently open!

Phase connect auditions are now open!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>34177014

>> No.34260366

first for publey sex

>> No.34260435

Reminder to record bfe/gfe

>> No.34260589

I want to try to do voice training by making a quick audio short every day and just upload the first complete take.
Is this a dumb idea or does it have some merit?

>> No.34260826

do you already have an audience that might get annoyed by constantly uploading the same thing? if not then go for it

>> No.34260832

Was checking /ic/ and this post reminded me of you guys >>>/ic/6297100

>> No.34260909

Sound friend, youre a legend! Thank you very very much for explaining. I was racking my head over this.

I wish you a happy friday and streaming success.

>> No.34261058
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I want (You) to post your bfe/gfe voice NOW

That's a sexy work anon

>> No.34261513
File: 11 KB, 318x319, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captcha: HHHAG

>> No.34262374

9th for sex with male /asp/ies!

>> No.34262618

Any one in particular?

>> No.34263061

The cute /asp/ie I met at otakon :3

>> No.34263172


>> No.34263643

How do I know if I'm being funny or annoying?

>> No.34263648

I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this

>> No.34263651

Nta but I have fun recording my voice.


>> No.34264277

I hope my /asp/ oshi records the BFE vocaroo...

>> No.34264643

Wom wom oomfie!

>> No.34265193

I'm gonna get some ice cream from the convenience store!

>> No.34265324

No. You're gonna get 'me' some ice cream from the convenience store. You're then gonna watch me eat the ice cream right infront of your face as you watch. If you're extra good, I might let you lick some off my cheeks. And NO Bubblegum Bill. I can NOT eat the bubblegum piece AND eat ice cream at the same time. Their horrid design decision is not my problem. Don't let it be.

>> No.34265683



>> No.34267153
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Th-thanks. Didn't think I'd actually be able to pull that off.

>> No.34268463

hey bros, vtuber podcast guys lvie with drunk gundam check us out! https://twitch.tv/chubbacast

>> No.34269556

Would a bald vtuber be a bad idea? I'm too lazy to draw hair, let alone rig it

>> No.34269762

there's a literal egg vtuber. go for it.

>> No.34270945
File: 141 KB, 1333x2000, mmmm crabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25th for eating crabs!

>> No.34271123

Are you asking as a streamer or viewer?

>> No.34271322
File: 56 KB, 567x561, autismlevels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help I enjoyed recording this more than I should have, is this how bfe artists feel

>> No.34271633

Have you eaten crab irl in a while? I'm realizing looking at this that it's been entirely too long since I just went to town on some crab legs.

>> No.34271920

the blue tempus guy even read this

>> No.34272027

I wonder how many non-vtubers/anomymous vtubers visit this thread, i can't recognize any of the voices of the guys who did the script

>> No.34272094

which one was the best?

>> No.34273569



>> No.34273625

I'm glad I had enough self control to not record myself reading the bfe script and post it here.

>> No.34273674

this is just cope you'll do a shit job at it

>> No.34273720

Come on, you can write better posts than this.

>> No.34274006

It's been a good while since I last ate crabs (not counting the ones in supermarket sushi that I ate recently). I lean a bit more towards lobster, but I could never turn down some tasty crabs.

>> No.34274392

Are you the best voice anon that will mog us all if you're to post your bfe voice?

>> No.34274476

Nope, but I know for a fact that I mog that guy all the way to the moon and back.
I would get instant replies telling me to drop what I'm doing and do bfe, and I don't wanna hear that. I'm not a piece of meat...

>> No.34274692

unless you're actually a recognizable /asp/ie or /here/chuuba or god forbid a corpo nobody is going to know, just drop it anonymously.

>> No.34274752
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>> No.34274894


>> No.34274909

I'm good.

>> No.34277758

Is this the ultimate bfe

>> No.34277814

If by bfe you mean. BIG FAT EJACTULATION.
then no, I doubt it was more than a tiny little spurt, at best.a

>> No.34277893

If you have to know, I didn't cum at all, but all the heavy breathing made me almost pass out because of lack of oxygen i think. I had to stop because of that.

>> No.34277993

Literally choked his chicken

>> No.34278066
File: 7 KB, 632x538, frogArtHQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to beat the second level of holocure.

>> No.34278561

I'm going to play a game off-stream. The last time I played a game was over a month ago, which was also the last stream I did.
I'm not going to make it.

>> No.34278713

curse you for this deception

>> No.34278796

I can do the copypasta too if you want anon...

>> No.34280093

Need maple to do this NOW

>> No.34280355

>get new follower
>very friendly in chat
>look a their channel
>oh shit, it's a vtuber with a cute female model
>please don't be a tranny, please don't be a tranny, please don't be a tranny
>has a cute voice with a pleasant sounding accent

I did it boys, the tranny curse has been broke.

>> No.34280544


>> No.34280574

Im not gonna say I WANT it but...

>> No.34281543

If not as a streamer she will make it to my local church for our wedding.

>> No.34281592

NTA but I want it

>> No.34283654

s-sure. i'm at work though, i'll be home in like 12 hours. also recommend me nicknames to use, "hey babe" just reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbVDJQTT5o4 and that kills the mood for me.

>> No.34284514


>> No.34284895

sexiest voice anon here

>> No.34284953

Alright this is the last time I ask for feedback on this redesign, I promise.


I’m not sure whether it should be a twink, a twunk or just an average build. Also colours and bird motif have been more clearly defined.

>> No.34284960

I have a 31 inch one and I still don’t really think it’s worth the floor space it takes up, even though you “could” set it really far away. It’ll probably be a little better to use if you can set one behind or to the side and back of the desk. They’re just a hassle to set in place honestly.
I would say check your space you would plan to put it, put down some measurements, really think about the area the base will occupy.

The base on my 31 inch arm is almost half the length of the arm flat at 15 inches, and that’s just the length of one leg going out from the centre and there’s three. You could probably just set them to 45 degrees and use a heavier / added counterweight so it doesn’t fall over though. Because of the 15 inches, if you don’t have a clear floor area around the position of the stand you’ll have to subtract that 15 from the total length.
If you have a clear floor the 15 inches don’t have to be occluded, but I would say more like 8 or so because you can partially fold the legs into an angle and then add more to the counterweight.

Honestly I’m not sure why you even want to use a mic stand with an arm? They’re not terrible but for streaming a desk mount seems superior for the purpose. I bang my desk, and it’s fine. Although it’s a damn big and heavy desk so things hardly move when I do. Keep in mind the mount is literally just a clamp, kind of hard to knock a clamp off.

>> No.34285169

Your voice is way too good to be a twink mate. It still has the same problems as before with the color, they are way too dark and don't help distinguish the facial expressions. But overall it's a step forward from your original.

>> No.34285434

Very much in the twink design with how slender you are here. But you should be aiming for a much more adult masc design. Play up the daddy angle.
And I'm sorry, but the colours don't work. There's too much brown/grey/black, and it all blends together.
Could you do a yellow/blue ring around the iris to match existing colours, if you're not replacing it entirely, to set it apart a little bit? And I'd suggest doing some edging to the top of the poncho/cape, to split that too. You very much look like a blob of unblended color.

>> No.34285854
File: 607 KB, 1504x2197, 4771231D-21D1-4B46-8C5A-B35F5C1FA904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly I’m not sure why you even want to use a mic stand with an arm?
The way my desk is shaped doesn’t seem very friendly to mounting something on. Unless I start drilling holes, the blue circle is the only place I can attach it. While the red would be where I have the boom arm stand: on the floor in the corner, arm extended out to my seat, and pray the window doesn’t leak during another storm…

>> No.34286416

i try to get people to watch this Vtuber
what do you think

>> No.34286749
File: 121 KB, 879x500, 1243953A-58AC-42C2-ADC0-8772C3FA190C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried colours that supposedly complement the brown skin tone. I’m hesitant to change any of the black on the head/upper body since it’s based on the American Black Vulture specifically and I don’t wanna lose the motif.

Definitely changing the eye color to yellow or even blue but perhaps it’s wise to avoid repeating the brown on the poncho. Could replace the brown on the poncho with pink or green. Green pants might not be the worst either. If the lettering on the boots are pink is that too garish on the black boots?

As for the body type I asked to be a twink because I wanted to fill that niche, but I guess it doesn’t suit my voice which is fine. Not gonna repeat the mistake of waiting until it’s done to ask what people think. Especially with my underdeveloped understanding of design.

>> No.34286866

drop the saturation on everything by like 30%. highly saturated colours need to be used carefully

>> No.34287065

Honestly just drill a hole. I did it. You can probably do it with a hex driver and a hex bit.

>> No.34287170
File: 322 KB, 625x1977, Remove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The colors do complement the tone, but the problem is that you have brown next to brown next to black. they leak into each other.
i tried lining the eyes and hair in blue/yellow, and going around the edge of the poncho, and it helps a bit?
The black for the nose/mouth lines (or folds on the poncho) is a bit hard to see, but with an open mouth, it shouldn't be that bad?

>> No.34288721

what do people have planned for october? lots of spooky games, or doing nothing?

>> No.34288757

>be miru
>Leave groomercord
>Pull 100 viewers on a stream without getting raids

>> No.34289662

asmr sells

>> No.34289701
File: 51 KB, 633x202, 7428D3E8-50E1-4444-BA7A-91D9C93CBF9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what he’s saying 3/4 of the time but I’m still listening after 30 minutes and have no intention of stopping so I think that’s a good thing.

I dig the coloured border on the folds of the poncho; that’s a nice way to break up the monotony under the neck.
>The black for the nose/mouth lines is a bit hard to see
Isn’t that just a complication of this shade of brown? I want to say a “brighter” outline colour could fix it but >>34286866
said that saturated colours should be used carefully, so certainly not that bright. No idea how to otherwise change it without adding lipstick and a nose ring.

The hair outline and eye colours also seem like interesting ideas and we’ll take them into consideration. Art is hard, even *taxing*. Thank you Anons!

>> No.34291538

she took the airplane gorilla asmr advice and left

>> No.34291633

I decided I should only do one specifically spooky game and the rest being only vaguely related so I still have material for the coming years. Otherwise I chug so fast through games that I would have played them all before the end of the month.

>> No.34291763

If your schedule doesn't include Silent Hill then don't bother calling it spooky week.

>> No.34292729

Nothing in particular, my anniversary is in october too and i don't i'll do anything for it either

>> No.34293819

Please tell us your theme and inspiration. Give us plenty of info and details.

>> No.34295565

Actually streaming and uploading a let's play for the first time. Now that you mention it, it probably should be a spooky game. Does Doom (1994) count?

>> No.34295619

Who is gorilla and why tf we letting them in airplanes? Is miru okay? Does this gorilla understand the fragility of life?

>> No.34297304
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>> No.34297470

Jignx really holds people back

>> No.34297881
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I don't know which one to choose...I'm non-US.

>> No.34297893

Congratulations anon!

>> No.34298045

How long did it take?

>> No.34298275

thank you! this took about 2 months, honestly... with a lot of time inbetween.

>> No.34299672

I have been streaming consistently for about two months and I am not even half way through.

>> No.34299838

Anon from >>34295565 here. Only while taking a shit did I remember I own nearly all Resident Evil games on Steam, thanks to Humble Bundle from two months ago. If RE1 is not appropriate, I don't know what is. Maybe FEAR.

>I'm non-US.
Obviously the non-US option. I wouldn't lie about financial business if I were you. Who knows what kind of shit you might put yourself in if you do, especially if that also influences the tax stuff Twitch is obligated to do in relation to money you're getting.

>> No.34300025


>> No.34300681

Direct deposit / ACH if you can, you don't want a paper check to travel overseas, it seems like a logistical nightmare.
If you can't deposit, then paypal because it beats wire transfer until the 1000$ revenue threshold, so if you don't get more than 1000$ it will cost you less.

>> No.34300986

I think that anon meant which of the methods

>> No.34301025

No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.34301150

Did you remember to hate Lance today? Always do your part and hate Lance until he kills himself.

>> No.34301412

no thanks, i dont let some fat retard live rent free in my head like you do

>> No.34301533

Shouldn't you be getting ice cream at the convenience store?

>> No.34301669

How many are gmi chuubas in Lancecord? How many are in Jingxcord?
That's the only definite way to tell which is better.

>> No.34302371

over half of my followers are my irl friends who are just helping out, so I am fortunate there.

>> No.34303354

What would be the better site to stream on, Twitch or Youtube? It never occured to me to ask this until I saw another thread. Until now, I assumed Twitch felt like the obvious choice.

>> No.34304683

If you only plan on streaming then twitch. Youtube is better in many ways but if you are only streaming then it kind of sucks. Youtube pretty much will only advertise videos, and stream archives are trash for this, so you have to make edited content/shorts to get new viewers(or advertise yourself off platform, but you should do this no matter whether you stream on youtube or twitch).

>> No.34304780

Is there a good, free video editing program you guys recommend? Lightworks fucking sucks.

>> No.34304934

Is there a way to set up streamlabs's bot to auto shoutout raiders? I've been doing some digging and I saw someone saying to have one bot command an other but when I tried it did not work.

>> No.34305090

Don't undersell it. Mobilizing 25 persons to just click the follow button, even close ones, is still a feat.

>> No.34305103

Olive sucks but it gets the job done.

>> No.34305200

>Give us plenty of info and details.
Oh boy! ‘Tism Time!

>D&D changelings (mother of 100)
>their descendants died a lot due to human plagues
>some evolved to change into larger versions of birds of prey (but lose the ability to get multiple humanoid transformations)
>two changelings who were vultures when young and integrated into civilization as adults decide to raise their kid the same way
>black vultures are the only vulture known to prey on living cattle (attacking week-old baby cows until they die of shock)
>“I don’t wanna be a bird anymore” he said, like a liar. He just hated killing.
>they go back to civilization because he’s a little bitch who can’t handle seeing a calf get tortured and eaten alive lmao what a loser

TL;DR changelings and vultures are cool

>> No.34305439

borrow adobe

>> No.34305515

I used Olive almost exclusively since it runs okay on lower-spec hardware.
Last night I edited an audition on Olive and the final export was sped up even though there was zero indication of this in the preview. I had to re-edit the video in Premiere Pro because of it. Proceed with caution.

>> No.34305534


>> No.34306906

DaVinci resolve.

>> No.34307805

I was thinking of doing both let's plays and streams.

>> No.34309851

Has anyone pirated HONK yet? not willing to pay for a software i am not even sure i will like.

>> No.34310530
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What's his secret? Why is he the most successful Western babiniku?

>> No.34310658

Erp years ago in vrchat before the vtuber boom

>> No.34310733

how does that correlate to numbers in 300k

>> No.34310829

Because he was known and brought an audience to twitch, and once you get big enough on twitch you naturally grow larger and larger because the algorithm picks you up.

>> No.34310860

he must have erped with a truly large number of people

>> No.34310969

Being in Vshojo helps

>> No.34311040

That number correlates to getting into one of the biggest EN corpos. Even Hajime, who streams maybe once every other month is sitting pretty with 122k.
As for how he got in, he was of average popularity from those ERP days and was friends with the rest and clearly brought something to the table.

>> No.34311424

highly clipable content too and he doesn't talk so the babi debuff doesn't even work

>> No.34311453

Right place right time. Good connections. They're fucking awful as a streamer.

>> No.34312047


>> No.34312074

>Right place right time.
That's it. All of the chuubas in here are in the wrong place especially the cords

>> No.34314610

Zentreya wasnt the best at being entertaining and knew her muteness was a debuff as well but what she did well was create her "army" of followers which was one of the good communities for people back then and people love joining good communities.

>> No.34314904

Meant to post yesterday.

>> No.34315548

How to cum tribute an audio file

>> No.34316981

You record audio of yourself cumming, paste it over the voice over, and share it online. Be sure to line up when exactly you cum

>> No.34317888
File: 526 KB, 1600x1600, 1651969384753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LIVE with #DeepRockGalactic NOW @ twitch.tv/lukejamesch WITH Kumo/Maple/Milo!

>> No.34319253

lacked reading comprehension and tried to roll with it

>> No.34319360

https://www.twitch.tv/chubbacast happy friday anons, we live streamin a new episode of our vtuber podcast on twitch, come check us out!

>> No.34319414


>> No.34319600

Viewer town forma de chuuba?

>> No.34320398

If I send a friend invite on steam and it says pending, does that mean they still haven't refused or will it keep saying pending even after they refuse?

>> No.34320711

>Another human being on earth uses Lightworks
Bro we can be retarded together.

>> No.34320755

Never mind. It should disappear if they refuse or so they say on plebbit.

>> No.34321744
File: 1.01 MB, 760x926, craiyon_200430_dog_hive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROPAGATE THE DOG HIVE. THE GREAT WORK MUST CONTINUE https://www.twitch.tv/savvyavenue

>> No.34324036

now how do I do that without seeming creepy when I ask them for a collab in a week?

>> No.34328087
File: 561 KB, 2000x1210, Fd8nLFnUYAA_I3w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing a non Yugioh card game for once!

>> No.34328399

11 year olds with undeveloped ears don't understand Text-2-speech voices outside of that TikTok lady.

>> No.34328513

Davinci Resolve. The workflow is fucking bizarre but it's pretty much a free version of Adobe Premier.

>> No.34328669

>Be me (not miru)
>Leave groomercord
>Life instantly becomes more enjoyable
>Stress from fomo is gone
Why haven't (you) left yet?

>> No.34329010

I think some of them still think Jingx has clout

>> No.34329567

That's pretty pathetic. On the flip side most reputable tubers have long since left so I guess jerking off a literal who might be their only sense of enjoyment.

>> No.34329908

Mods, especially exmods, are powerless anyway. If you want to get clout from phase connect go for their gachikois

>> No.34330030

I don't want clout, I want friends and by friends I mean dommy mommies and by dommie mommies I mean real females.

>> No.34330119

>want friends
>join crabbucket

>> No.34330426

Where else will I find mentally unwell women?

>> No.34330462

Literally anywhere else.

>> No.34330843
File: 45 KB, 471x542, 1654554253072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got anymore shit advice for me bozo?

>> No.34331355

I think it would be fun to collab with people, but I'm too embarrassed to ask because what if they don't want to collab with me.

>> No.34331835

>Why haven't (you) left yet?
Because it doesn't live rent-free in my head. I can simply leave it there and lurk whenever I'm bored enough.

>> No.34331847

Ask anyway most people are too avoidant to say no as long as your numbers aren't too much lower

>> No.34332116

Yes, go groom yourself.

>> No.34333586

Go fuck yourself

>> No.34334425
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, re7vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spooktoberween officially BEGINS! Lets start off strong with RE7 in VR!

>> No.34335368

Well, you don't share your tribute with them, of course! :D At the very least, try not to give away your voice on the audio file... unless they ask you >:3

>> No.34335729
File: 145 KB, 498x462, WAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tried writing a BFE RP script where the BF comforts you
>Starts out fine, motivating words
>Slowly devolves into BF empathizing a little too much
>Just becomes a BF vents to you RP script

>> No.34335998

Wanna learn how to play mahjong anon?

>> No.34338796

We have a lot of cute girls sending in vocaroos. I support this motion.

>> No.34338874

I should make asp corpo and hire the cute femboys and femchuubas in here

>> No.34340407
File: 222 KB, 828x669, 98C0CB6B-9369-49F0-A524-DC205C8A6E00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-haha, yeah sounds like a fun idea… might follow along for laughs…
please for the love of GOD someone groom me i am too much of a regarged hag to manage myself

>> No.34340449

Who are you

>> No.34340527

post it

>> No.34340862

I'm not that anon but I'd be interested in the idea of getting people together for a 4 player mahjong collab. I know it's you Alto

>> No.34341205

Damn, caught in 8K Please DM me the details, i'd be interested

>> No.34342181

Weird I don't remember posting my life story here

>> No.34342414

Who here has kusogaki energy?

>> No.34342540

No one. Only jp chuubas know how to be one

>> No.34342769

I told myself I was going to learn how to rig while I waited for my model but my mama finished it in two days I can’t wait to figure out how to make these tits bounce

>> No.34342806


>> No.34342861

only Hespera would misspell "retarded".

>> No.34342955

I love my followers and subs!

>> No.34343221

I love you too if I watch you

>> No.34343945

Is being unable to bant without resorting to slurs a debuff?

>> No.34344055
File: 36 KB, 600x542, mokochhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm the one with no reading comprehension >>34319253
i mostly lurk rather than post bc want to learn

idk if i'm grooomworthy since i'm still just aspiring and haven't started, i designed my chuuba but live2d and the steps to make a cut tuber is quite hard for me to understand even after lots of tutorials
here is the design i drew https://litter.catbox.moe/2ozfsf.png uhhh i am myconid potions master
if you have change suggestions please groom the shroom

(i would like to sing and draw and stream retro games but i have no external mic yet and my singing voice is a bit too low imo)

tjamks for your time ily

>> No.34344103


>> No.34344234
File: 1.21 MB, 1977x2486, 1636143478843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have a hagoshi but you can be my sidehag.

>> No.34344241
File: 923 KB, 4093x2894, 1640311582844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love your design! So you didn't even start streaming yet? I'd love to see you stream, your art is neat

>> No.34344509

When you start streaming I'm gonna groom you nice and good.

>> No.34344760

mokochhi I can get you a starter mic pls respond
