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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 103 KB, 1280x720, only straight vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34234190 No.34234190 [Reply] [Original]

Why is heterosexuality so rare with vtubers?
Nearly 99% of these whores are either bi or lesbians even though that should be statistically impossible, I bet you can't even name 5 straight vtubers

>> No.34234283

Bisexuality and lesbianism are just gimmicks for internet points, all whores want dick, no exceptions

>> No.34234311

You know that they pretend to, because coomers, Yuri fags and loners like that. Right?

>> No.34234349

lesbians only exist until they get good dick

>> No.34234397

straight men only exist until they get good dick

>> No.34234427

They only pretend to be gay so they can let their horny out without activating schizos.

>> No.34234438

I like ducks as well.

>> No.34234458

You two should fuck each other.

>> No.34234496
File: 1.20 MB, 346x640, subaru-wiggle-dance-subaru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all need some good duck once in a while.

>> No.34235483

Dicks are lame. Let's castrate all males.

>> No.34235518

Because Unicorns.

>> No.34237221

there are a lot of studies where women have a cerebral reaction with the female body, the top 1 porhub for women is lesbianism, they can have sex and get out of society unscathed . men have scientific studies that seeing another man is like seeing worms

>> No.34237468

gee, i wonder why?

>> No.34237502

>the top 1 porhub for women is lesbianism
Not a woman but I read they prefer lesbian stuff becuase it's more about the womans pleasure instead of some guy just ramming his dick into her, which is also why they like shit like BL. Also apparently it helps that there is more buildup and not just immediate fucking, which I can relate to as I unironically prefer softcore to hardcore for that reason. Hardcore just comes off as boring to me, so I can see why women avoid it.

>> No.34237513

Based and true

>> No.34237528

that's true to be honest, all men are just one prostate orgasm away from being buttsluts

>> No.34237535

My oshi is straight. That's all I need

>> No.34237780

I'm glad Pekora and Suisei are both straight and seiso. I just tune out when girls start talking about sexual shit because that content is so abundant, fake and dull. Even if there were genuine lesbians I'm still not interested, and I don't get why peole who want lesbians or girls who talk about their love of dick don't just look at porn.

>> No.34237792

1. Because of unicorns
2. Easy followers from the BLT crowd because once you say you're one of them, they'll follow and support you no matter what. Also muh representation.
3. Attention. Both because of point #2 and they're going through a phase of thinking they like women just to be quirky but if given the chance to have sex with a woman they wouldn't take it.

>> No.34239143

Shylily outright said she's straight and didn't lose any coomers, in fact she's still one of the largest indies

>> No.34239499

Shylilly still yuribaits though.

>> No.34240475

People knew she had a boyfriend before she blew up, her fanbase just doesn't care.

>> No.34240538
File: 224 KB, 410x490, baneanya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kayfabe and yuribaiting !
powerful tools for the uninitiated
but we are initiated, aren't we anon ?
members of the league of schizos !

>> No.34241205

In the japanese idol industry, pretending to be lesbian is a very common thing. That way idols can explain why they are supposedly virgins into their late 20's (they aren't)

>> No.34241246

Women are way more likely to be bisexual than men.

>> No.34241412

are they now

>> No.34241505

Women just say they are bi so they can more easily get guys who think they can have FFM threesomes with them.

>> No.34241562

>they aren't
lies, everyone in hololive is a virgin

>> No.34241748
File: 81 KB, 1221x954, 1663740688638992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't rare, it's just looked down upon and isn't profitable, modern society has trained everyone from the most normie of normies to the most Otaku of Otakus to love lesbians and view them as the least threatening normal thing ever, so most people especially girls are terrified of admitting they aren't the universally loved and excepted lesbian and are instead heterosexual which gets them bombarded with accusations of being a whore, homophobic, easy, desperate, ect.
Society hates straights and those who reproduce on purpose

>> No.34241821

Because the type of woman that decides to become an anime woman already exists outside the norm
A lot of VTubers are also big VTuber fans and female fans of female VTubers are obviously more likely to be into women than the average girl, especially when Luxiem exists

>> No.34241846

The vast majority of women are bisexual, the only difference is vtubers can get away with going all out with it instead of repressing the 100 times they kissed other girls.

>> No.34242218

Why would they need do that?
Even average looking women has absolutely no problem convincing men to have sex with them. They just have to offer it.

>> No.34242422

Not every woman can get a gigachad, especially not to stick around for more than 1 fuck. So they say they're bi in hopes of getting one and making them stick around.

>> No.34242509

I'll never forgive Luna for grooming the hetero out of her...

>> No.34242570

>statistically impossible
In a group of random people, sure.
Among turbo weebs and (wo)manchildren, that's a different story.

>> No.34242850

how do you square with the fact that the other popular categories for women are mostly the rough stuff.

also, lesbian/bi women might just look at porn more than straight women.

>> No.34242920
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>ITT People show they have no idea how human sexual practices from Ugga Bunga days continue to influence behavior due to the selection for these traits.
In all seriousness, it's likely that the traits that predispose women towards lesbianism/Bisexuality, also tend to be useful in entertainment industries. Not to mention the fact that this population isn't representative of the general public, so there can be much higher amounts of lesbians/bisexuals than what the general public numbers would indicate.

>> No.34242982


>> No.34242999

Because it’s fine for vtubers to show their thirst when it’s with other women. Because then it’s not cucking unlike with males.

>> No.34243038

even me?

>> No.34243075

All females are naturally bi.

>> No.34243104

why would they be useful in entertainment industries?

>> No.34243115

Sex toys are much better than dicks. It's not even close.

>> No.34243217

I like her tomboy looks but her voice could be considered a torture method

>> No.34243338

Homo shit is way more degenerate than a woman lusting for a guy imo

>> No.34243444
File: 1.04 MB, 872x673, 1651204239280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of the Big Five Personality traits, Extroversion and Openness, are very much associated with various things in Entertainment generally accepted to be good for those fields, I.E Creativity, socializing with people, etc. They're also associated with higher rates of homosexual/bisexual behaviors, on average. Apply this to a large group of people and eventually, trends start being noticed.

>> No.34243583

Mori is the straightest woman alive.

>> No.34243611

That is demostrably and factually wrong anon.

>> No.34243633

Most vtubers are straight, pretty much exactly representative of the population. But everything is pushing them to yuribait: the blt people, the male yuri enjoyers, the fact that interacting with men in a sexual way is at least controversial, the shippers, and so on.

>> No.34243709

If that is true then why isn’t she having sex with me?

>> No.34243858

Yes. Men are biologically the dominant partner who take the initiative in seeking out women to breed. The woman, however, is a more passive partner. As a result, she doesn't need to worry about chasing after the wrong gender.

>> No.34243938

You say that as if women do not entice men into chasing them effectively making them active participants in courtship.

>> No.34243944

She likes jap rat men only

>> No.34243958

It's women.
Humans are by nature polygynous and through the force of evolution women have become bisexual as a way to avoid useless infighting and for stress relief.

>> No.34244042

Well, a chuuba talking about how much she loves girl x or her body etc. will always be taken as a lighthearted joke because to our primal instincts it doesn’t yet close the door because she doesn’t have a real mate that can impregnate her. If it’s a man though, the mood immediately turns different because that’s a real competitor. These are basic emotions that you can repress but never completely remove.

>> No.34244054

Seriously kill yourself.
Pretty false, considering the toys can't produce cum or shoot out money for counterfeit reasons.

>> No.34244065

Putting a facade of niceness and non confrontation does not mean they fuck each other anon.

>> No.34244070

A large chunk of that is passive via physical attributes. Behavioral things can entice men just fine. It doesn't need to be geared towards them, though.

>> No.34244202

But they actively adopt those behaviors or show physical attributes with the express purpose to entice. That is just as active in mate pursuit as a man asking a woman out. They are effective participants in courtship and not merely passive recipients. Well, unless we enter sexual assault territory. But then we need to distinguish between willfull and unwitting enticement.

>> No.34244369

>seeing another man is like seeing worms
that's called repulsive, the opposite of attraction and its obviously normal
the fucking "like seeing worms" its a fucking buzzfeed headline

>> No.34244370

Because vtubing apes the retarded practices of the idol industry to appeal to the most pathetic and horny variety of customer.

Vtubers will go hard into the yuribait to fake a relationship and then outright cry on their roommate stream about being single on their birthday and how much they want a boyfriend.

>> No.34244419


>> No.34244558

Why? They weigh half as much as she does probably

>> No.34244621


>> No.34244663

Because the second they even imply that they might prefer men over women the schizos come out of the woodwork and start pretending to care.

>> No.34244684

and onaholes are better than vaginas

>> No.34244734

She is into short guys... Probably into suffocating them with her girthy thighs.

>> No.34244872

Fucking whore

>> No.34245236

why are you posting with the ceo of (hetero) sex

>> No.34245352

She thinks they're easier to control. It's also why she doesn't like short guys who are physically fit.

>> No.34245505

Why okayu btw

>> No.34245568

You are demonstrably and factually wrong in both ideals and spelling.

>> No.34245592

She's very much into men as shown in multiple streams.

>> No.34245914

Yuri's appeal to straight men (most of the vtuber audience) is "she's just like me". Sitting with your gf to lust after other women is based.
Women lusting after boys is disgusting to straight male perspective. Do you want fujoshis to spread their degeneracy on stream? I think no. Marine understands this, for example.

>> No.34245968

nah, prison shows you men are just as likely to be bisexual, they're just less likely to admit it or act on it

>> No.34246099

Aside from the Holos, who?

>> No.34246140

Reine? What kind of meme is this?

>> No.34246181

Ryugasaki Rene.

>> No.34246218

>stream about being single on their birthday and how much they want a boyfriend
Wouldn't that be relatable to vtuber fans? Or else maybe make them think "I can be that boyfriend"

>> No.34246447

> cry on their roommate stream about being single on their birthday and how much they want a boyfriend
yes, that was said by the same girl who a few years ago said she wanted to have casual sex with girls, and who was crying for a childhood friend (female)

>> No.34246526
File: 40 KB, 949x465, all women bi wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34246565

That's more domination than sex.
There's also no attraction involved either.

>> No.34246626

It's kayfabe except in very few isolated special cases. Nyanners used to make a big deal about how much of a carpet muncher she is and has been since a kid and how her mom made fun of her because of it and did yuribaiting with other members of VShojo and how she used to take panty shots of video game characters and draw boobs in her notebook instead of listening to the teacher during class because she's so lesbian

How did that go? Chad bf reveal within a year. That's the norm. You'd see more of this if mist vtubers weren't afraid of the backlash, but it's Nyanners, what are you going to do, call her a hypocrite?

>> No.34246669

my god, impossible ! next you'll be going around saying that business yuri... is... is... is just for shipping and humor and the vtuber thread in /u/ is just people reading too much into it !

>> No.34246705

Beauty, while subjective, is universal enough to be appreciated by all. So I can fathom even a woman being able to appreciate good anime tiddy.

Also a good chunk of VTubers, specially indies, are likely pandemic the type of filthy, horny fujos who are desperate for any kind of human interaction, so they tend to sexualize their interactions between themselves.

Ultimately lesbianism can be treated as more of a game, because there is no real risk sexually speaking.

>> No.34246785


The same Choco that made out with another Holo?

>> No.34246881

>even a woman being able to appreciate good anime tiddy
It's just human. Even gay men find tits appealing

>> No.34246930

The only women who don't make out with other women are extreme introverts

>> No.34246931

Same Choco who fucked her teacher and dated multiple men.

>> No.34246933

Most straight girls have made out with another girl, they love the attention they get from men

>> No.34247113


>> No.34247154

>made out
wasn't it a light kiss with Mel?

>> No.34247168

if anything can't that make a case for this?

iirc they met in a collab and he was banging her within like two months or so. Then again she did have a previous bf she allegedly cheated on with the Chad so...

>> No.34247209

God I want to rub my dick along her bangs.

>> No.34247244

If she likes dicks so much why did she ban me for DMing her a dick pic?

>> No.34247280

Well? I'm waiting.

>> No.34247300

sounds like prison cope

>> No.34247320

That’s not how prisons work. It’s not about attraction, it’s about a clear hierarchy. That’s about as much dominance as you can show

>> No.34247356

because it's her "manager" who sees all the DMs

>> No.34247357


>> No.34247368

Did she honestly say that she doesn’t like fit guys? If so that’s pathetic

>> No.34247388

That's just cope from men involved in it, most men don't fuck guys in prison, the ones who do should just accept they're bisexual and stop living in pathetic denial. Even without the prison example ancient greece is another example of a society where men accepted being bisexual

>> No.34247399

more like her manager

>> No.34247552
File: 18 KB, 256x388, Kinsey-Male[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, bisexuality is a scale and not binary ???

>> No.34247563

Lmfao if you think prisoners give a shit about "ur gay lol" memes you have no idea what these people are like. They couldn’t give less of a fuck whether you think they’re gay, bisexual, asexual, trans or a fucking attack helicopter, what they’re after is to subjugate the greens.

>> No.34247685

Dude the maffia literally used to kill people for calling them gay, there's no one more insecure about their manliness than criminals

>> No.34247701

That’s just europe in general, burger boy. It’s nothing special in that regard

>> No.34247721

just coming over here from /u/ to tell you that they're all filthy hets. or maybe bisluts but there are no lesbians among them.

>> No.34247740

Source: voices in my head

>> No.34247801

>the toys can't produce cum
fake cum already exists and actually a dick that can go on forever is objectively better for the taker

>> No.34247920

fuck she's cute

>> No.34247971

Falseflagger nigger

>> No.34248075

there are no lesbians among them.

>> No.34248327

Probably a lot of them might theoretically be turned on looking at anime girls, but face to face with a real life pussy and the pheromones of a real woman they would get really grossed out. Add in that many of them are natural entertainers of course they are going to be flirting with the other girls they work with(and a lot of actual lesbians would similarly flirt with guys if they collaborated with them as well)

>> No.34248402

no u

>> No.34248403
File: 414 KB, 1440x720, 1662241554592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billy Herrington and his friends unironically cured my heterosexuality

>> No.34248443

You should get off the porn anon, its actually poisoning your mind.

>> No.34248522

>and a lot of actual lesbians would similarly flirt with guys if they collaborated with them as well
no, it repulses them, source: miko

>> No.34248699

>ancient greece
It's not about attraction
That's a hole's a hole that they bring with them to war because they aren't crazy Hussites who bring their breeders with them.

>> No.34248765

>Choco who fucked her teacher
wtf is this her RM or did she actually talk about that? Maybe it was kayfabe, if not thats fucked up and she's probably unironically fucked in the head because of it.

>> No.34248826

Not my problem that you never get invited to parties

>> No.34248841

There are local women, see any army in history. You can keep coping it's "not about attraction" like it's okay if you're gay and if they were gay but real straights don't feel the need to put their dick in a boy's hole

>> No.34248861

no western women?

>> No.34248922

You care about western women?

>> No.34248929

There are no "local women" when armies are out in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Ancient Greece, remember?

>> No.34249381

They get their food and slaves from local villages, plenty of female slaves around to fuck, they don't because they like their boytoys, and that's okay

>> No.34249460

I don't watch western vtubers.

>> No.34249503

My bad, it was just a crude way of saying her teacher hit on her. There's no definite sex talk. She has talked about her dates at length, though.

>> No.34249877
File: 71 KB, 850x601, hpa8lrvwkl061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She tried several times to marry a man but it didn't work out, poor choco

>> No.34249914

She should host a dating show for fans and pick the best looking one and graduate

>> No.34249940

her conditions for marriage aren't worth it, she doesn't want to live in the same house and doesn't want to see each other every day

>> No.34250032

yeah, because she's not a real vtuber so nobody cares. she literally used to fleshtube with a cam using the same channel. people on this board have a very short memory.

>> No.34250194

okakoro is fake?

>> No.34250458

Legitimate vtuber yuri relationships are pretty much limited to formerly crossick and those two Indonesian cosplayers I don't even remember the names of.

>> No.34250599

They're very, very good friends, anon. But they aren't lesbians.

>> No.34250702

uhh but korone is a mom (?)

>> No.34250783

Sounds worth it for a gay man who wants a beard for his family

>> No.34250813

NTA, but there's at least 2 holos that post could be referencing from this year alone.

It's been a bad year for yuri kayfabe.

>> No.34250888

I get not wanting to be with someone constantly and have some solitude, but it'd kinda suck not being able to see her whenever. I think it'd be doable.

>> No.34251270

On the bright side she would be the perfect wife for a foreign who doesn't want to live in Japan anyway, messaging her every now and then, visiting Japan every few months, and so on.
But then again that's like asking to be cucked.

>> No.34251325

Because they know they're viewers would throw an autistic fit if their pretend anime gf was actually into men who aren't them or their audience

>> No.34251414

orcat <3

>> No.34251456

Yeah I don't think my trust would be that deep. I'd have to be able to see her more often than not, preferably 3--5 days a week at least. Also I suppose her work really makes it a lot harder to live with someone.

>> No.34251588

She's shared that she most likely ruined herself when all she dated in highschool were grown ass men who just wanted some JK pussy. And like a dumb woman believed their lies.

>> No.34252312

I'm talking about Noel
Who are the ones you are referring to?

>> No.34252701

Falsefagger ?

>> No.34252753

yeah, girldicks
it's unironically over for ciscucks

>> No.34252982

with their closest friends

>> No.34254206

like Tamaki?

>> No.34254912

why do you think, you gullible fuck?

>> No.34255033

a) business yuri
b) lesbians who discovered vtubers from seeing takamori and crossick art show up on dynastyscans, and decided that they too wanted to flirt with anime girls for money

>> No.34255211

all vtubers are straight its just branding and pandering

>> No.34255265

Proof that sexuality is nothing more than a choice. These 3 anon's are all correct.

>> No.34255466

You already know the answer boyfriend yab insurance and fanservice. Nowadays is pretty common among idols and I read somewhere that happens in the K-pop world but I don't know if is true or not.

>> No.34255633


>> No.34256514

it's just yuri pandering. Instead, why not name vtubers that are in actual lesbian relationships

>> No.34256796

No they didn't. Most ancient armies lived off the land, aka hunting and most armies wouldn't have been idiotic enough to camp in an undefended town.

Look at Hannibal's campaigns. You think there's any towns in the Alps? You think there's any towns in the middle of dense swamps?

>> No.34256936


>> No.34257095

This is so true it hurts. If women like yaoi it's impossible to believe they're straight but no one bats an eye at straight men liking yuri.

>> No.34258252

all of them except for rare cases such as OP

>> No.34258854

yurifags are so fucking stupid lmao

>> No.34259479

most are straight and have or had boyfriends
the yurishit is a gimmick only some JP Vtubers do to not piss off the unicorn oil princes who give them shitloads of money

>> No.34259636

A few days ago we had a thread where several were named but the archive expired.

>> No.34259903

same as any unicorn when they say i would never fuck 3d girls

>> No.34260195

there are so many western Vtubers who dont have to mention how many cocks they've taken but they do or just outright have boyfriends I don't know how you can believe that
the corpo yurishit is just to not piss off the lonely men that watch and donate to them and its only really done by the JP chuubas

>> No.34260973

You actually think a Vtuber saying they like dick is rare? Did you start watching Vtubers today?

>> No.34261676

It's a shitposter, anon.

>> No.34261749

60-80% of all women have physical sexual arousal symptoms towards other women (eye dilation, skin conductivity, saliva samples), where men to men it's a single digit percent. The evolutionary reason is that if they were for whatever reason less interested in women, that could be inherited by their male offspring which would hurt their chances more than it would hurt the woman's to reproduce in the first place.

>> No.34261990

too bad all real dicks are bad then, and women only get off dildos and vibrators

>> No.34263287

ONLY dicks

>> No.34264005

Unless your talking about non-Holos here, these girls have yuri baited and even made out with other girls. OP asked specifically for just hetero.

>> No.34265020

you're thinking someone else

>> No.34265421
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>> No.34265526
File: 1.36 MB, 1228x2048, 1663734687325973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do dykes get into a hobby that sexualizes and idealizes girls to the maximum
Bizarre I know

>> No.34265622
File: 911 KB, 619x653, 1656618428532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34266692

Because the only vtubers you know are idol-type vtubers. VSPO easily has more than 5.

Hinano (+ Kamito)
Nazuna (+ Haseshin)
Lisa (+ Hendy)
Mimi (+ Mainy)
Ema (+ Reid)
Runa (+ Reid)
Ramune (+ Gil)

>> No.34268100

I don't know any of those

>> No.34270870

Because being bi/lesbian means the man can entertain the fantasy of having group sex with all dem hoes, my sweet summer child.

>> No.34272611
File: 1.03 MB, 835x679, 1651724454273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon....she wants a girl to step on her.

>> No.34274582

>60-80% of all women have physical sexual arousal symptoms towards other women (eye dilation, skin conductivity, saliva samples)

>> No.34275942

Hetero girls will flirt and make out with other girls.

>> No.34276591

Such good friends that they make out with each other regularly

>> No.34277174

If you want to think they're hardcore lesbians then feel free to do so.

>> No.34277428

That's the average woman

>> No.34277730

>yfw you'll never be an ugly oji-san sweet talking prime 16 yo Choco and destroy her pussy every nights
