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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 542 KB, 469x625, brave_yQZwuh20Uj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3422424 No.3422424 [Reply] [Original]

She found a way to do it.

>> No.3422507


>> No.3422642

>pixelating the spoon

>> No.3422705

blocking a reflection I'd guess

>> No.3422741

at this point i am almost sure she is fucking with the schizos

>> No.3422761

The reflection probably.

>> No.3422785

schizos find a way around every tweet

>> No.3422839

What kind of spoon has a reflection strong enough to show someone's face?

>> No.3422890

shes a schizo just like us. Just being overtly cautious

>> No.3422980

have you seen her silverware? her fork is legit like a mirror

>> No.3422983


>> No.3423045

everyone who wants to know kiara's roommate has already figured it out, why bother

>> No.3423103


>> No.3423120

It's actually a cock she's eating with.

>> No.3423215

If you got 73 daily hate threads, you'd probably be a little bit paranoid.

>> No.3423225

calling my fellow 6'7 and jackedbros, jesus Christ

>> No.3423279

oh for fuck's sake
what fault can you possibly find in this now

>> No.3423282

Why does this bitch leeches so hard....

>> No.3423375

takamori is dead

>> No.3423424

She cooks her pasta wrong

>> No.3423535


>> No.3423543

Her food looks gross.

>> No.3423601

Someone stalked and harrassed some famous nip because he saw what train stop she was at from the reflection in her eye

>> No.3423628

Same question how can eyes have a good reflection.....

>> No.3423671

Kiara is like one of us

>> No.3423793

no shit

>> No.3423839


>> No.3423980

>Fuck, that bitch Ame mogged me in views by being more creative and more entertaining than me. Gotta think of something...
>(I cooked)
>Haha look at ME, aren't I soooo talented? I can cook pasta, praise me, PRAISE ME!
>Everything MUST be about ME ME ME!

Christ, she really can't help herself can she? She's ugly, both inside and out...

>> No.3424112

Oh come on, what are the odds that a picture of a spoon in dark lighting will give anyone enough information to cross reference with anything?

>> No.3424191
File: 106 KB, 716x746, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3424192

>why bother
For those who don't want their experience ruined by roommate shit.

>> No.3424195

>To put this in actual english...
Some idol took a selfie. An autist zoomed up to her eyes, looked at the reflection, correlated it with the shadows for time, and somehow found out which train station the pic was taken. Then, he used other selfies with background curtains, light angles, etc. to determine the apartment, floor, and room the idol lived in. He stalked her for a month, groped her, and got himself arrested.

>> No.3424243

The power of schizophrenia is one hell of a thing

>> No.3424285

Meds Schizo

>> No.3424315

thats hilarious, fucking schizo doomer

>> No.3424326

I thought he stabbed her.

>> No.3424472

A clean one. You wouldn't get it.

>> No.3424717

I can't believe she would tweet something like that. Always talking about aME...

>> No.3424996
File: 371 KB, 1080x1895, 1620430961758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3425763

This recently happened to the omega sisters with a spoon. They had to go back and blur it.

>> No.3426087

chicken needs some vitamin D bad

>> No.3427999

>can only express thoughts in buzzwords and can't come up with something else
Double digit iq motherfucker.

>> No.3428497
File: 224 KB, 600x803, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just can't stop, can she?

>> No.3428506

What a horrendous tweet I wanna beat her up for this.

>> No.3428614

Why is she like this?

>> No.3428669

She coulda just as easily taken the spoon out for the shot ... imagine the level of self absorbedness

>> No.3428718


>> No.3428727


>> No.3428923

>Go to someone's twitter page
>See twitter posts that are either about them, or include themselves in some way
You guys are gonna have to explain this one to me because I don't get it. If you don't want to see or hear anything about Kiara, or hear or see Kiara say anything about herself, why don't you just... Not look at her twitter?

>> No.3429013

She didn't put it in the fridge before eating

>> No.3429082

"Today is my friend's big day, you know what would be a good idea? Frame any complements I give them in a way that will take eyes away from them and put them on me."

>> No.3429144


>> No.3429189

>Manages to make a whole tweet without typing ME or I
>Cannot resist and replies to it

>> No.3429257

But you're going to HER twitter, for what I have to assume is to see her opinion and reaction to her friends event? If you just want a raw look at the event in question, you can just watch the bloody stream. Or look at Ame's twitter later when she starts posting screenshots of her costume. The logic behind this doesn't make any sense.

>> No.3429392

If you can't see why it's a problem, you're a narcists just like her. And I only went to her page to get the screencap, the post was puts on my dash because twitter will show you other peoples' likes and I didn't want to even partially doxx someone.

>> No.3429452


> Important announceMEnt regarding aMElia Watson’s new outfit.

>> No.3429488

Block her then, and make everyone's lives happier. But you won't, since you get a kick out of shitting up /vt/ and riling people up.

>> No.3429497

>But you're going to HER twitter,
Yeah theyre showing how much of a sperg she is, whats wrong with this, just fucking venting retard

>> No.3429611

Blocking doesn't stop showing likes, only retweets.

>> No.3429726

>I literally cannot stop thinking about Takanashi Kiara

>> No.3430055


>> No.3430246

>I'm with me (I cooked)

>> No.3430423

If someone you follow (let's say ame for example) like the tweet, it will show up on your timeline. The only way you wouldn't see it is if you blocked her completely or unfollowed the friend.

The main issue here though is literally everyone else said how cute or whatever the outfit is, while kiara makes it a point to say "Well ME and gura are this" as example. Kiara had her day, let the others enjoy theirs without trying to draw attention to yourself.

>> No.3431045

>be me
>wake up
>see kiara post something on twitter

>> No.3431513


>> No.3431559

God I wish I could, but you make a dozen threads a day and make it impossible to ignore her.

>> No.3431575
File: 28 KB, 453x389, E00kZeYWEAMepag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everybody in EN Hololive has been commenting on how cute Ame looks.
>Gura has been quiet about it.
Brehs, I kinda feel bad. I hope Gura isn't internalizing/seething.

>> No.3431657

cause she knows at this point people would take it like "See? She likes ame's better than her own she agrees her rigger should be lynched!!"

>> No.3432312


>> No.3432766

Gura is literally too big and it limits what she can do and comment on, he fanbase is a seething frothing cauldron of insanity and she can't just let it loose

>> No.3433026 [DELETED] 

I refuse to believe you guys are that socially inept. How does someone finding a common thing with a friend is equal to a narcisistic endeavor? Its literally one of the best ways to celebrate, be happy for someone and show that you are there for them. How can you look at it and not see it for the support that it is? Gura definetely saw that and understood, its pathetic how biased your perception is.

>> No.3433203

He stabbed her with his cock

>> No.3433234
File: 397 KB, 1280x720, 1615276460535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manages to make another whole new thread about kiara
>cannot resist and replies to it

>> No.3433436
File: 560 KB, 512x512, 16141065271043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I make one for all of them
I used to give her the botd but jesus christ

>> No.3433438

Did the others not have their day? Each one of them had happy and fun streams (with the exception of gura because the rigger is fucking ass). Kiara isn't going to ruin the event single-handedly for them. I would argue that Kiara is doing them a favor, since all the people who see her tweets have either watched ame's reveal, or haven't, which means that they will now check it out. Thus, I don't see how her tweets about ame and co. are bad things.

>> No.3433882


>> No.3433956

i hope she does one for every single future outfit reveal just so that you fags can keep wasting your time making these threads.

>> No.3434076

Because you don't have to compare everything to yourself. It's called being decent. Kinda like when she did holotalk with aki and she opened up about being the lowest sub count and kiara was like "oh yeah me too, I understand" despite having 3-400 more than most JP girls have.

Just say you like it/it was cute. Say congrats, "I'm so happy for you!". Do NOT say "yeah we're the same" or dumb shit that brings you into someone elses celebration. That's like going to someone elses birthday party and saying it's your birthday too.

>> No.3434165

>analyzing and overthinking fucking tweets.=
goddamn get a life.

>> No.3434212

idk hololive en is sort of judged in their own realm sub wise, so kiara ain't totally wrong

>> No.3434247


>> No.3434300

>can't come up with a decent response
>hit them with the get a life/cope/seethe
silly kfpfags, I'll let you off easy since you're still getting over the fact that Kiara STILL had the lowest views during her new outfit stream.

>> No.3436351

I mean, that would really depend on someone's personality. Kiara isn't particularly empathetic or attuned to other people, sadly. But there's no reason to make 20 threads over every single one of her tweets.

>> No.3436532

But it's true. She's an uber narcissist and can't just be glad for her genmate. Kanata never makes these outifit debut tweets about her. She just supports the other girls.

>> No.3436534

Kiara is HoloEN so obviously the comparisons will be with EN. who is comparing her 950k subs to Flare's?

>> No.3436626

>But there's no reason to make 20 threads over every single one of her tweets.
Now this I can agree with wholeheartedly, and the same can be applied to anyone. I remember 1 day there was 27 kiara threads up at once.

>> No.3436647

der Blutegel

>> No.3436795

we're just giving her the attention that she wants, anon

>> No.3436815

>her tweets about ame and co.
The point is that the tweets are about her discussing the other girls.

>> No.3436950


>> No.3437730

>be me
>wake up
>see someone post about kiara on 4chan

>> No.3437829

But why male models?

>> No.3437997
File: 1.03 MB, 1009x699, 2017-12-16 12_08_25-[HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon - 05 [1080p].mkv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course she did, my cute self-centered German bird always comes through! God, I love my oshi!
