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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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34114507 No.34114507 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when Hololive had creative freedom?

>> No.34114557

It was this shit that ruined hololive and brought in EOP reddit faggots like you

>> No.34114574

Why does "creative freedom" always seem to mean "crude sex jokes"? Where's the actual creativity?

>> No.34114655


>> No.34115054


>> No.34115131

She only bring to hololive the worst from murica, so no we don't need that kind of "freedom"

>> No.34115152

marine hasn't been horny in so long :(

>> No.34115251

Because you can't say nigger and faggot anymore, Coco only got away with the latter because Japan

>> No.34115928


>> No.34117777

yeah it was fun

>> No.34117973

Before the Zhangs took everything away from us.

>> No.34118123


>> No.34118186

Blame pooh's bugmen

>> No.34118237

man....i miss this shit

>> No.34118250

I'm so glad Coco graduated and later joined Vshojo
Her fans were always obnoxious as hell

>> No.34118370

>Current "creative freedom" means eating day old subway sandwiches for drama. Make of that what you will

>> No.34118429

They still do, look at Polka. It's just that most of hololive (and all of holoEN, the only thing you EOP niggers watch) are lazy whores.

>> No.34118469

all they need to do say im sorry, theres only one china, china and taiwan are one. thats it and whole thing is over and they can still farm china money

>> No.34118715
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It's not about creative freedom, it's about accountability

>> No.34119149

>lying for dirty money
I guess you're the kind of person who would suck the dick of anyone who's willing to offer enough.

>> No.34119679

you love reddit now?

>> No.34119886

>loving reddit
>in a place where everyone hates it
idk you tell me lol

>> No.34124166


>> No.34124238 [DELETED] 

I just watched Noel fuck a dildo and cum on camera while playing with her exposed nipples, you can't get more freedom than that.

>> No.34124244


>> No.34124306

My knees!

>> No.34124422

This whore belong in VShojo since day 1. She’s the reason everything is so shit now especially in HololiveEN

>> No.34124543
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Polka is by far the most creative and free member of hololive yet stupid shitposters are still pretending Coco did anything close to be worth of note

>> No.34124556

"creative freedom" means nothing if you aren't creative and "talent freedom" means nothing if you aren't talented.
In VShojo for example, "freedom" means they can do low effort YouTube react content every stream and talk about how much cock they suck every weekend.

>> No.34124884

Don't be surprised, her defense force loves to shill and rewrite history whenever they have the opportunity to do so.
Also, man do Polka carries the whole of gen 5 on her back.

>> No.34125076

Polka is the least successful Gen 5 member.

>> No.34125137

Coco's creative freedom gave us this masterpiece of cringe and awkwardness

She's alright in my book

>> No.34125147

Let's talk about it when it's trending worldwide on Twitter.

>> No.34125270

gen 5 is surprisingly diverse and all fairly successful desu. nene has a lot of idol shit, polka has her projects / polden, lamy has all her GFE and dedicated strong consistent audience, botan has some fps sponsorships and was it redbull ambassador thing? all fairly good numbers but no one is really lagging behind and no one is really destroying everyone else.

>> No.34125345

Cocofags all being from reddit is really obvious sometimes

>> No.34125541

So the most popular members of hololive are no good?
Are you insinuating that gura is a good vtuber?

>> No.34125807
File: 84 KB, 261x236, 1664305885689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Oshi hates numbers and statistical comparisons doesn't she?
So why are you going against her will?

>> No.34126092

That's right, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let them rewrite history, like North Koreans and Chinese.

>> No.34126270

>someone dares to say they don't consider coco to be the most creative holo
>chimp out and accuse them of rewriting history
You're mentally ill and your oshi would hate you

>> No.34126384

>he still says this after what happened 5 days ago
Hololive has more creative freedom than anyone else in the industry

>> No.34126774

>someone dares to say they don't consider coco to be the most creative holo
Can you read English?

>> No.34126848

What happened 5 days ago?

>> No.34127136

Why are the chinese like this?

>> No.34127216

holoCNfags =/= chinese people
know the difference

>> No.34127306
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Took them long enough to pop up itt.

>> No.34127314

You're the dumb one here

>> No.34127479


>> No.34127486
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Kanata and coco are still friends right???]

>> No.34127504

Kanata dropped that whore

>> No.34127790

in sean/#/gger fanfiction world? no
in reality? yes

>> No.34127961

Seeing her try to hard to pretend she's not a corpo slave now after talking big game about how much better being an indie is will always be funny.

>> No.34128014

Would you be friends with a women who kicked you out of your own home so she could hang out with the woman who tried to sue your employer?

>> No.34128289

they don't own her channel or model
also i'm still waiting to see examples of
>talking big game about how much better being an indie is
which only seems to have happened in you fags' heads

>> No.34128811

You come off like a retard who can't read and I'm the dumb one here.

>> No.34129624

She always said that being an indie is really hard and that there are huge benefits to being in a group. It's impressive how you EOP retards believe in a completely fictional version of her.

>> No.34129975
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i love how bugs refer to this cesspit, tweeting random posts that fit their narrative,
when you think about it it's just like schizos here... WAIT!!!

>> No.34130376

yeah this bitch and her retard fanbase ruined hololive

>> No.34134039

Yeah then the chinks happened

>> No.34134563
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>> No.34134657

No, Coco has no respect for her.

>> No.34136973

Leeches deserve no respect from their victims

>> No.34137222

Don't even try to pretend you wouldn't side with bugmen or suck dick for 100k usd.
No one on this board has enough morals to say no to absurd money like that.

>> No.34137487

Reminder that hololive is shit at damage control. >Aloe gets attacked by antis, hololive can't do shit
>Coco triggers chinese, can't do shit to calm it down, nor control their own CN talents
>Rushia yab, management can't even keep a lid on it.

>> No.34140172


>> No.34142668

people trying too hard to make hololive looks bad they are talking like unironic SJW from twittard, online harassment is not real why tf you need other people to do shit about that, just grow a thick skin and ignore or just turn off your screen, put membership only or whatever

>> No.34147422

