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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.05 MB, 1055x1055, kiara holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34097523 No.34097523 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason in particular why she's like always like this?

>> No.34097609


>> No.34097752

She's pretty and she knows it.

>> No.34097808

Based tweet

>> No.34097910

She loves herself and knows her worth, you should try it someday anon.

>> No.34097971

She's sex and knows it

>> No.34098007

She loves me and you're fucking jealous.

>> No.34098037

OP probably does know his worth, and that's why he hates the world around him.

>> No.34098244

That's a beautiful picture of her and you know it

>> No.34098776

Because she is searching for a mate.
go on anon have a crack

>> No.34098832

surely you mean female

>> No.34099097 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34099168

>doesn't tweet anything
>tweets something
why is she like this

>> No.34099321 [DELETED] 

Cosplay wrestling has left a deep trauma

>> No.34099498

i'm not flying to austria for pussy that's already been ravaged by every idol producer in the greater tokyo area

>> No.34099677

She's trying to steal Gura's thing.
She'll do anything to be the "popular" from stealing others jokes, or going from the Chinese, Japanese then the Koreans. She reeks of desperation

>> No.34099974

>tweets anything
>the mentally ills loose their shit

>> No.34101278

it's called being a eurofag

>> No.34101417

>shitting on orange woman for MEMEMEMEME
I want to go back to those simpler times...

>> No.34101659

The absolute projection of Kiara schizos, in fact Kiara has said that you cannot ask people to improve themselves, if you are not ready to improve yourself, which makes the image you posted completely wrong
Only people that miss it are schizos like you that need to kill themselves already

>> No.34101871

I hate when vtubers post shit like that, it gives me the urge to impregnate her, look at her eyes she wants it

>> No.34103422

I could tell you but I’d get banned again

>> No.34103471

Mating call to the Peafowl

>> No.34104025

I legitimately do not have a clue what the problem is here

>> No.34104061


>> No.34104156

>go to twitter.com/takanashikiara
>see takanashi kiara talking about takanashi kiara
>i'm angry now

>> No.34104395

why /vt/ hates her? i thought you guys like idols and gfe.
>annoying personality
>annoying voice
>wants to be japanese
Made for /vt/ BWC

>> No.34104546

the problem is literally /here/

>> No.34104614

kiara and /vt/ as a collective are the protagonists of an extremely drawn out enemies-to-lovers erotic fanfiction

>> No.34106290


>> No.34106438

she's just like me fr fr

>> No.34107078

>extremely drawn out enemies-to-lovers erotic fanfiction
Any reqs?

>> No.34107688

Unironically this

>> No.34108642

Inadequacy complex, and lack of child.
I don't dislike her, but when she truly melts down it's going to be intense.

>> No.34108921

>Seething over a simple tweet of her nickname
This is a new low, even for /vt/

>> No.34109025

She's pretty but she has absolutely no self confidence, which is why she overcompensates and comes off as narcissistic.

>> No.34110305

Oxygen depravation kills off your brain cells

>> No.34110395

>It is going to happen any second now
You are getting desperate huh?

>> No.34110440

specifically to annoy (you) in particular

>> No.34111517

i want to go back when mori did nothing wrong

>> No.34111617

I like everything else about Kiara but her gaming streams. Even then that's forgiveable since she's not a chronic gamer to begin with.

>> No.34111870

Mori still did a lot of wrong, you just did not notice, because you were busy seething about Orange womam

>> No.34112140

Receding hairline

>> No.34112271
File: 105 KB, 850x1249, wd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's trying to pander to (you). The problem is she's a normie no matter how much she fights it, Kiara's had a massive friend group since her preteen days. She doesn't know how to be cute just extroverted and blunt.

>> No.34112592

>Kiara's had a massive friend group since her preteen days.
Good joke anon

>> No.34113268

Not enough tardwrangling

>> No.34114129
File: 27 KB, 645x618, 1663877015012037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make niggers like (You) seethe

>> No.34116930

>Kiara's had a massive friend group since her preteen days.
The absolute delusion, also why did you post Finana?

>> No.34117104

Fuck i love her

>> No.34117240

Watch streams. She's talked about traveling with them, how they love to eat pizza from the one autistic pizza guy, how her friends ''squad up'' and take a corner of the seats at the cinema. WATCH. STREAMS. Retards.

>> No.34117378

>Has not proven that it is massive, or that her friends are from her preteen days
OGEY retard

>> No.34117524

So she has like 3 girl friends and their boyfriends who she befriended, wowie

>> No.34117535

>Kiara's had a massive friend group since her preteen days
LOL is that why she was crying at Reine's birthday stream basically admitting that Reine is the only person that can tolerate her IRL?

>> No.34117662

Yeah but to that retard 3 friends is a massive friend group

>> No.34117821

You are supposed to call her a gigastacy, how the fuck did you fuck that up do your Kiara bait post reps or kill yourself

>> No.34118033

>nose + forehead
Bangs help though. And swimsuit pics show she has a nice figure.

>> No.34118400

I want you to reflect on the path you took in life that led you to see a picture of an anime youtuber on twitter and then run into a board full of autists as if you were reporting something that was important to anyone in any way. It's not too late to get your life together.
I don't even care about Kiara, I just can't comprehend the mind of a drama-addicted vtsister.

>> No.34118503

The picture isn’t part of the tweet. OP went out of his way to copy-paste her profile pic next to her harmless tweet.

>> No.34121209

This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWGwRRPc6O0

>> No.34121323
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, 1663796268100875.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just cant resist her bros

>> No.34121372

true lmao

>> No.34121391

Unlike Gura she actually streams and knows how to post a schedule

>> No.34121549

Finana is a whore that shills her politics

>> No.34121684

What a slut

>> No.34121748
File: 555 KB, 878x536, 1663880325123579.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noooo wawa is pure

>> No.34125351
File: 393 KB, 2008x2048, 1658722056308587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just based

>> No.34125432

Lack of sex
