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3407604 No.3407604 [Reply] [Original]

When will these lazy cunts learn English?

>> No.3407634
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Pekora will learn English for her one true love.

>> No.3407686

Whose fault is that English is such a shit language?

>> No.3407703

What was she even trying to say here?

>> No.3407737
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When you learn Japanese you lazy fuck.

>> No.3407761

the French's, for infecting us with their shitness

>> No.3407787
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>> No.3407827
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>He doesn't watch chubas who already speak english
Your loss.

>> No.3407829
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>> No.3407863

Unbelievable, maybe?
Still, someone has yet to beat Matsuri's "andastd", this was peak engrish.

>> No.3407906

everywhere I go I saw her fac

>> No.3407942

But that's the charm.

>> No.3408409

Unironically this.
I speak english, french and german.
Naturally, english recieved a huge part of it's vocabulary from French and german, some cases more than others, Lait = milk = milch or possibilité = Possibility = Möglichkeit
The problem arises however, because of french
French on the other hand, while grammatically simple, has a very inconsistent pronunciation, and this slipped hard onto english, with mute endings and the letter "e" having drastically different sounds.

And my mind just went blank, so I've run out of examples, but you get the idea.

>> No.3408410

imagine wanting to learn the language of inferior races

>> No.3408585

Yeah, they should all be learning chinese

>> No.3408836
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>his oshi doesn't speak both at the same time

>> No.3409008

>they learn English
>now every month will have its own variation of "hi honey"

>> No.3409014

Ching ching ching ping peng

>> No.3409041
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The absolute state of this anon, it's the influence of the language families, English is more similar to German then french because french, Spain, Italian are in in a whole different family. The articles, the verbal conjugations.

>> No.3409048

Unbelievable. She says it a lot.

>> No.3409193

>French on the other hand, while grammatically simple
> while grammatically simple
>inconsistent pronunciation

Did you ever look into a single book of french?

>> No.3409213

When will you learn Japanese?

>> No.3409292

>very inconsistent pronunciation

>> No.3409403
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He's probably an English only speaker faggot Who has an french/German quote on socials and thinks he can speak them

you will never be french/german

>> No.3409422

Let me tell you a story. 12 years ago, a young boy was lonely and wanted a friend, but because of money and space issues, his parents couldn't get him a larger pet like a dog or cat. So they offered the boy a small bird, a parakeet, and the boy was overjoyed. The bird was brought home, but soon began to fly around his room. He was overjoyed by its flight, but irritated by its ability to escape him when he wanted to hold it or catch it. So the boy had the parakeets wings clipped. But now the bird could not fly at all, even if he held it above his bed and released, and the boy could not feel the happiness of watching it soar through the air. But soon enough, the boy found a wonderful thing; its wing feathers were ever so slowly growing back. Dropping it over his bed again, he saw the tiny bird beat its wings with all of its might, and glide briefly. He picked it up again, tossing it upwards a little; this time, it flapped and glided along an arc, flapping as hard as it could but still not yet capable of taking flight. Taking it outside, the boy spent hours with this half-clipped bid of his, tossing it upwards in the air at great speed, watching it take off and flap, only to glide down inevitably nearby in the grass, simulating the wonderous flight he loved so much, and yet only for just long enough to spark his wonder; soon, assuredly, the bird would descent, incapable of taking off far on its own, and thus always remain perfectly within the reach of the boy. The boy knew the feathers would be growing back, but he did not know how or when, and nor did the bird. The wings were clipped regularly, and this cycle repeated itself, the boy waiting for that half-clipped period each time where he could go and help his bound bird reach the sky for a moment. It was a brisk Winter day at the start of December when the boy and the bird, both unaware of their own capacity, parted ways for the last time. One good throw and an unexpected surge of strength, and the parakeet flew, and flew, and flew upwards on the momentum of its beating wings, away from the hands of the boy who was so safe in the birds imposed disability. It tweeted in a tall tree nearby as if to say goodbye forever more, and then flew swiftly away; it's wings would never again be clipped, and it's capacity to soar the skies would never depend on the whims of the boy again.

I want them to keep trying to learn English
I want them to never learn English
I know I can't have both forever
I want them to fly on borrowed wind
But please don't fly away from me

>> No.3409436

She may say it a lot but you don't need to be rude about it, just tell them what she was trying to type!

>> No.3409482

Inconsistency can't come from German, because all German sounds follow the same patterns

>> No.3409583

the inconsistency comes from all the loan words borrowed from languages with different pronounciation patterns

>> No.3409820

You realize that a vast majority of languages have been influenced one way or the other by loan words through their history but most of them got absorbed and reshaped in a way that becomes consistent with how words are pronounced in their native language? English is a mess. Or are you telling me that words like "read" which can be pronounced correctly in two different ways are a result of borrowed words?

>> No.3409861
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Never. Just look at Towa, half her audience is saviourfag EOP and she doesn't give a shit about English.

>> No.3410255

>You realize that a vast majority of languages have been influenced one way or the other by loan words through their history but most of them got absorbed and reshaped in a way that becomes consistent with how words are pronounced in their native language?
yes, and english mostly doesn't reshape words. for example, take a look at words borrowed from spanish, their pronounciation is almost never significantly changed
>Or are you telling me that words like "read" which can be pronounced correctly in two different ways are a result of borrowed words?
that has nothing to do with foreign influences. verb inflection in english has been greatly simplified in orthography but the pronounciation of certain verb forms reamins distinct

>> No.3410779
File: 36 KB, 944x694, ThisShit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English is a mess
Everything from pronunciation to definitions. Anyone who taught English to a non-English speaker in some form and fashion should realize this.

>> No.3410866

>no video this month class
who is the lazy one?
Most of them have put more effort into learning English than you have Japanese

>> No.3410892

All these people complaining about loan words in a thread about Japanese people speaking English is funny shit given how there are literally Japanglish loan word sentences everywhere in Japan, up to actual government programs.

>> No.3410945

Maringlish is fine

>> No.3410946

Wasei-eigo is pretty based ngl

>> No.3411195

still got nothing on japanese

>> No.3412200

I'll pen with a pen before I pen you in a pen

>> No.3412380

It's actually giving no fucks about both their language nor the language they are imitating, it's hilarious shit.

>> No.3413017


>> No.3413967

cool story, bro

>> No.3414599

speaking of Nene, her english has improved a lot these days.

>> No.3415814

>you will never be french/german
At this rate nobody will

>> No.3416402

Go watch Vshojo.

>> No.3419335

learn japanese you lazy nigger

>> No.3420915

When will lazy /vt/ fucks learn Latin?

>> No.3421309

fucking retarded pronunciation

>> No.3422928

>French is grammatically simple
>has inconsistent pronunciation

literally the opposite of what it actually is. French has a much more complex grammar system than English, most European languages have more complex grammar than English (but if you speak German I can understand why French grammar does seem simple). It is also almost always possible to know what the word sounds like just from reading it if you are reasonably familiar with the language, something that even native English speakers struggle to do because English spelling is so fucked.

>> No.3423277

no, anyone that speaks french and english knows that english is a shit-tier language.

>> No.3423318

>He thinks french is grammatically complex
fucking lmao, way to out yourself brainlet.

>> No.3423550

Spanish is my native language and romance languages share 90% of their grammar, including verb usage (such as saying "I call you" in the present tense for "I'll call you") shit like reflexive verbs, grammatical genders, and so on.
English is easy, french isn't hard either.

>> No.3423856

All the people trying to invade the isles, bringing their languages.

And then the british invented colonialism, ransacked other countries and brought in even more languages.

So now English has a germanic base plus words from mostly latin, french and spanish plus smatterings of literally dozens of other languages.

>> No.3424167

They don't really need to, check donations quotas from jp

Actually majority of English vocabulary is more similar to french than german

>> No.3425133

I said germanic base. The grammar and syntax is closer to germanic languages than romance ones.

The original anglosaxon words are mostly for "peasant" words, while fancier language comes from the french.
Like how it's cow (coo) but when cooked it becomes beef (boeuf).

>> No.3425284

A lot of the "higher" language is french and latin because latin was the language of scholars and french was the language of the kings that ruled the isles during the normal conquest.

But at its root English is still fundamentally germanic.

>> No.3426319


>> No.3437510
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>> No.3438150

Pekora reads english better than most holos, but she speaks it shittily.

>> No.3438202

I've heard that romanji gets used so much it's practically part of the language.

>> No.3438734
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Here's a prize for your high effort post; use it wisely.

>> No.3440665

Okay out of context that zombie/mutant/werewolf/whateverthefuck dying in the fiery beams had the least convincing death rattle I've ever heard. I'm pretty sure some dude just blubbered while exhaling.

>> No.3440832

I wanna change my name back to English just to contrast against such an overwhelming majority of the English names being gray

>> No.3447654

mr. koro...

>> No.3449314

>Passé simple
>"French is grammatically simple"


>> No.3449457

>"English is bullshit and hard language to learn because there are 100's of words that have exceptions in spelling and pronunciation!"
>"French is logical and easy language to learn despite having 100's of words that have exceptions in spelling and pronunciation!"
You can't believe both.

>> No.3450036


She does possess the ability to express simple ideas though. If she took lessons she'd be really good.

>> No.3452374

based. fuck french literally the nigger of language

>> No.3454016

English is easy to learn, hard to master.
do you even need to master it?

>> No.3454341

french is my first language and honestly i would've settled for any other language instead fuck french i hate it

>> No.3454455

>When will these lazy cunts learn English?
Never. They're already past the critical period.
