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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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34074563 No.34074563 [Reply] [Original]

Kronii finding another way to piss on her fans

>> No.34074627

But that's Fauna

>> No.34074631

i'd 100% become a kronie if it meant she pissed on me though

>> No.34074655

What this whore did this time?

>> No.34074727

EN3 announcement at 2100 EST?

>> No.34074733

Ditched the Wolf Quest collab after realising there were no males.

>> No.34074753

Remember when Kronii was calm and cool?

Now she does a gross fake laugh and talks with food in her mouth while acting like a tumblr chick. she had so much going for her RIP

>> No.34074929

It's probably Gura's fault again. Since she the only one who do not have schedule up.

>> No.34074951

>Lets blamee Kronii for everything
You sound exactly like an "ex-deadbeat" that blames Mori for everything. Fuck off kike.

>> No.34074959

Some gap moe is fine, but she really is just Mori, but less bad these days.

>> No.34075043

I for one love the bunbling mess arc Kroni. It's fun

>> No.34075120

Gap moe works better going from higher to lower. It’s easier for a smart person to pretend to be stupid than the other way around. It’s easier for someone who’s calm and collected to release that sense of self-control than the other way around.
If she were trying to instill a feeling of gap moe on purpose, she’d come up with something less…gross. I think she really is just being menhera.

>> No.34075150

> less bad than Mori
The absolute lowest bar.

>> No.34075204

>No mention of Kronii anywhere on the tweet
>Not even Kronii the one tweeting
>Somehow still Kronii's fault
Damn, this is like deadbeat level of reach.

>> No.34075285

eh, it was a boringass group anyway

>> No.34075311

The Mori of council. I really hoped none of the would but I guess insecure weak willed girls are easy prey for Mori's cult of personality.

>> No.34075356

Everyone knows it was Gura who tanked the collab but if you can blame someone else first people will run with it.

>> No.34075361

This is Gura's fault btw

>> No.34075362

I'll laugh if this was either Mumei's or Gura's fault.
Considering Gura didn't even have this on her schedule, I'm not a betting man but don't be shocked if it was because she didn't even know it was happening.

>> No.34075365

Good, I hope Kronii leaves this collab. She doesn't like them but keeps pestering her for collabs. sheesh

>> No.34075439

I see Kronii lives in your mind rent-free, cuckbeat

>> No.34075446
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Kronii does not enjoy being in hololive, she treated it like a voice acting job for her first year, now that it's over, this is the real kronii

>> No.34075448

The Mori of EN

>> No.34075450

I don’t see a Fauna schedule?

>> No.34075547

well played to whoever suggested dog game after the time smut yab

>> No.34075566

Her gaps have been filled by tempus.

>> No.34075600

Gura's fault btw

>> No.34075630

Honestly they way she is acting, I wouldn't be surprised if she quit. Too bad, she had a great model and voice. Now she's just kinda gross to watch.

>> No.34075632

>Fauna left to damage control while the other 3 do fuckall and still not tell their fans

>> No.34075636

uses Kronii's name, cause she's the only one remotely relevant nowadays. kek

>> No.34075691

she wont quit because she needs the money and has no backup unlike Sana

>> No.34075694

Mori said she had to reschedule her stream tonight do to management asking her to do a last minute recording, if you believe that, it could be related to this, might have had to pull Gura into it as well.

>> No.34075764

/vt/ can't let go of her, can't escape from her velvet voice charms

>> No.34075765
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Wolfs can't fly like Sharks

>> No.34075821

I know the answer to this one.
"It's ok when Gura does it."

>> No.34075826


>> No.34075881

Kronii and whori are birds of a feather

>> No.34075905


>> No.34075960

It could have been any of them. Mumei and Gura most likely because they're not even awake or at home.

>> No.34075969

Lesbian Dog Fucker

>> No.34075973

My Oshi is unhinged, please understand...

>> No.34075998

When is Kronii going to be kicked out of SNOT and the superior SON clique formed?

>> No.34076032

Kronii have actually managed to be awake. https://twitter.com/ourokronii/status/1574526184880508928

>> No.34076053

Wish she'd piss in my mouth

>> No.34076089

SON? Dude...

>> No.34076120

the easiest way anyone would visit bait threads, add the word kronii, or use a picture of her.

>> No.34076187

Women don't always make smart long term business decisions, like mori involving her IRL with Korone's Doggy god's street, if anything changed with her IRL situation, it makes it really awkward to have them collabing with your company and possibly still seeing them

>> No.34076201

literally piss on you?

>> No.34076238

Don't be talking shit on my SON

>> No.34076288


>> No.34076294

>susan ruining my son's birthday
absolute bitch

>> No.34076297

Roberu collab incoming?

>> No.34076313

Time Trannies drop the T

>> No.34076357

why would they kick out the sole member they naturally gravitate to? plus Gura wouldn't even join if Kronii wasn't in it so

>> No.34076384

Those girls care way more about Kronie than they ever will about you. You are nothing to them. If you dropped dead tomorrow they would never notice. They'll keep playing with their friend and you'll still be someone who's opinion will never matter.

>> No.34076444

They are dancing monkeys and nothing more, and the inclusion of a dancing monkey who is a whore detracts from the viewing experience.
Also if you think any of them are actually friends offline you're delusional.

>> No.34076489

It's up.

>> No.34076507

I dunno man, a dancing monkey with prostitute make up on sounds pretty funny, and that's basically what kronii is

>> No.34076624

Ehh, look at kson, that's all the proof you need

>> No.34076653

Talk to women.

>> No.34076694

They naturally gravitate towards Mumei though.

>> No.34076827

wow I actually was looking forward to it

>> No.34076937
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>Remember when Kronii was calm and cool?

>> No.34076982

Had no plans to watch it anyway, but I wish it could've been done today just so i don't see Kronies hiding behind SNOT anymore

>> No.34077034 [DELETED] 

What does Eddy have to say about this?

>> No.34077096

Anon, it is Mori's fault 99% of the time, and she even dares to double down by owning the haters instead of apologising for fucking up, fucking cuckbeat

>> No.34077124

He thinks kronii is a lying ungrateful bitch and it's worried about her influence on fauna

>> No.34077180
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>> No.34077285

no one cares about mumei, they only ever give an ounce of attention to her is when Kronii does. Cause for some unknown reason, kronii cares about that autistic owl

>> No.34077300

Yeah Kronii sucks, but this is probably because of Gura since Mori also had to move shit around due to some random recording later today. Myth song probably still isn't done.

>> No.34077365 [DELETED] 

happy, gets even more time to fuck fauna

>> No.34077405

she's in the hospital after eating a meatball marinara from subway with maple syrup

>> No.34077464

no anon, the prostitute's your mom. you're getting it twisted

>> No.34077762

Where does pekora's monkey factor into this?

>> No.34077812
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>Remember when Kronii was calm and cool?
Fake fan spotted.

>> No.34077819

>Those girls care way more about Kronie than they ever will about you
Maybe not me personally, but they sure as shit care about their fans in general.
If Kronii graduated they'd go on streaming. If all the fans stopped watching they'd stop, or change to radically different content.

>> No.34077959

My guess is Gura is getting screwed by East Coast weather.

>> No.34078071

hey, my name is East Coast weather.

>> No.34078112

Isn't this because of the hurricane about to hit Florida?

>> No.34078285

Being nothing is better than being a negative influence.

>> No.34078424

IRyS and Kronii need to swap clichés, its long overdue.

>> No.34078655


>> No.34078672

Kek deluded faggot

>> No.34079294

fucking bitch

>> No.34079917

Hmmm just like Sana huh? Somehow I think the same is true if it was your own mother as well.

>> No.34080152

to find out they're all fake? not a good post, homobeggar

>> No.34080364

God I wish she'd piss on me

>> No.34080416

Where? Her latest one ended yesterday and her twitter feed has been quiet aside from the OP tweet

>> No.34080520

that was omega's decision
kronii's real personality is being autistic

>> No.34080773

what do you think just happened?
"Oh we can't do it tonight we'll totally do it some other time"
lol if you believe it'll ever happen, SNOT is dead

>> No.34080778

Honestly there's no difference between the two nowadays. At least Mori has the music thing going on for her.

>> No.34080869

>piss on her fans
This is a plus to many

>> No.34080964

when you hate men but love cock I guess

>> No.34081071

I can't believe Kronii choked on another 2 years old subway and had to cancel everything god FUCKING DAMN IT

>> No.34081499
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Personally I'm waiting for EN3 to add someone to create the superior group.

>> No.34082123

All 3 confirmed fucking the family fido

>> No.34082259

How did involving her IRL bad for korone? Literally everyone loved it and there was no problem behind the scenes
No drama, no tweet saying oops, it went as expected

>> No.34082322

why are chumbuds blaming kronii for this?

>> No.34082403

They keep mentioning her
Hell they're trying to keep alive the sana tower this week

>> No.34082409

didn't watch the video anon? she mentions her dog's a girl.

>> No.34082532

Only for Kronii to go suck homo cock afterwards

>> No.34082765

Isn't Gabe a Sapling now?
Is OP Gabe?

>> No.34083640

Timemutt is genderfluid, much like its owner

>> No.34083771

Right in my mouth.

>> No.34084049

(You) motherfucker, I thought you said "piss off her fans" and I literally came here to make a "piss on her fans" joke. You have ruined my evening, sir, good DAY.

>> No.34086079

Shark Owl Nature Guys

>> No.34089310


>> No.34090024

>work friends are real life friends!

NEET spotted

>> No.34091216

How fucking naive are you?

>> No.34091896

Take out Kronii and then get IRyS, Choco, and (Usada) Pekora to join and you have SONIChU

>> No.34092013

SNOT is coming back as:


>> No.34092963

why was /ringo/ killed before getting so much Kronii subway poopoo material?

>> No.34093176

spoken like a true cuckbeat

>> No.34096770

NOIS ("noiiice")

>> No.34097053

but why Kronii? could be anyone else

>> No.34097198

I think it’s safe to say it’s not Mumei since she’s doing karaoke.

>> No.34097757

something starting with a p
for PONS

>> No.34097983

Was it the maple syrup?

>> No.34099570

You should see Mio after a couple of Red bulls

>> No.34101827

Its still around but its on /d/ now

>> No.34102053

Are you saying Omega actually tried to do something based for once by saving Kronii from herself? I mean, yeah, he failed, but I’ll at least hand it to him for trying if this is true.

>> No.34103169

>Calm and cool
That is only her lore, on stream Kronii was always a mess

>> No.34103244

>Mentions Mori
Thank you for reminding me, this clearly is her fault somehow

>> No.34103343

See how there is no mention of Mori eithet, but Kronii is blamed instead, clearly deadbeats are trying to deflect that it is somehow Mori's fault that this collab that she was never part of was delayed

>> No.34103602



>> No.34103655

Could you atleast try to change it up with your astroturfing? Seriously, you dudes post the same shit in the same style over and over. Are you even getting your steam cards for this?

>> No.34103689

Kronii sucks

>> No.34103948

best one

>> No.34106105

Can you prove that Kronii is the reason for that?

>> No.34107286

Replace Kronii with Mori

>> No.34107372

its a hurricane you fucking idiot

>> No.34107739

nope, you're just delusional and illiterate

>> No.34107823

Mori stole my gift card that BITCH!!!
