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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33957422 No.33957422 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is her problem?

>> No.33957588

Completely exposed as the dumb bitch that she is

>> No.33957603

What did she say?
Not watching a collab where I have to listen to Mori, Bae, Kronii or Ame's voices

>> No.33957680

care to translate that into English?

>> No.33957712

Choked in the Pico Park collab

>> No.33957791

Ruins another collab.
Bravo Fauna!

>> No.33957858

Failing is alright but suddenly bailing on your teamates, nah saplings, your oshii is pathetic

>> No.33958009

She's a retard

>> No.33958041

She is a huge pseud and needs everyone around her to think she is smart/competent and that was just shattered in the most blatant way possible right now

>> No.33958094

+1 to her ragequit compilation

>> No.33958112

>completes Getting Over it in top tier speed run time
>"she's a pseud"
stop spreading hate you schizo

>> No.33958115

god i want to comfort her

>> No.33958135

>OP makes thread to joke about something that happened in stream
>He forgot that nobody in the catalog watches streams so they think he's serious
A tale as old as time.

>> No.33958146

The worst part is that Ame instantly tried to defend her with "Y'know sometimes we actually have things to do, she just left cause of an appointment or something!"
No, Ame, she's fucking seething.

>> No.33958258

QRD on fauna? I couldn't bear another minute of that snoozefest collab.

>> No.33958294

crazy what EN can accomplish when they get rid of Fauna

>> No.33958397

dumb menhera BITCH

>> No.33958404

stop spamming cringe hater

>> No.33958583
File: 217 KB, 895x1080, 1663714542393246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why would anyone be hating on fauna now i hope those amazon cards were worth it.

>> No.33958612

Even if she did rage quit, which she probably didn't, It would only make me love her more.

>> No.33958644

>grinds a shitty game for hours just so that she could have a "top tier speed run time"
>gets completely exposed in a collab to be a bad gamer
Absolutely confirmed for pseud

>> No.33958748

It's a snooze fest i would've left too even Gura is busy looking a Twitter instead kek.

>> No.33958767

I'm watching the collab right now and Fauna's done nothing wrong. Your rrats are getting weak, /vt/.

>> No.33958841

I only listened to the collab while running errands but after watching the last 15 minutes, I can see why people are saying it's boring.

>> No.33958852

fauna defense force on high alert

>> No.33958891

Man, I barely left the thread shitting on Gura. Now faggots are shitting on Fauna. Who will be next?

>> No.33958911

fauna anti force on high alert

>> No.33959076

after weeks of easy homo posts people don't know what real drama is any more, we're at a point where "choked playing pico park" is now thread worthy

>> No.33959082

Pico Park was always a trash game and I am surprised that it still gets attention.
I guess they are hard pressed for a large multiplayer game that doesn't require any intelligence.

>> No.33959081

Definitely IRyS. She could do nothing at all and /vt/ would call her a menhara whore.

>> No.33959199

before that happened they were talking about whether they had enough time for one more attempt

>> No.33959338

Fauna and Mumei are the only EN I like.

>> No.33959408

Ignore the schizo. This was probably started by OP as a joke thread but became a honeypot for antis instead. Better they shit this place up than global

>> No.33959477

Management pulled her out of the Discord call to get her attention 'cause she had a meeting. When she rejoined the call she was laughing. Take your meds.

>> No.33959475

>if i change a word in a post it makes me less mad :^)

>> No.33959709

As someone who watches fauna constantly she is not someone who gives up, she clearly had to leave.

>> No.33959740

>I'm gonna camp this thread to seethe at an anime girl on the internet and call others mad when they point out how pathetic (You) are being right now

>> No.33960308

Why Did She Do It /B/

>> No.33960705 [DELETED] 

She got a call from her boyfriend, and she went to fuck him. That's why she left. Saplings Cucks in a nutshell.

>> No.33961173

nothing. She left for like 2 minutes, probably to go the toilet or something like that. And everyone ITT starts acting like it's a big deal and making wild theories.
This place is nuts.

>> No.33961261

For the last 20 minutes of the stream they were asking if they can do "one more run" because someone had to leave. They were in a really tense position and Fauna jobbed and pretended to ragequit from the game and was going to stay gone because she had to leave anyway. Now people are acting like a bunch of schizos because she decided to joke around.


>> No.33961342

No need to cry buddy your oshi already has 3 steams with homo in the schedule, you will have something to watch

>> No.33961386

>needs to leave right before they won the game
Keep coping sapcuck

>> No.33961397

what the fuck does this mean???

>> No.33961439

It's not her fault. She had a personal meeting with my penis and her face. Had to drop the collab to get to it.

>> No.33961654

Go tend to your schizo bitch, shes attention whoring by screaming as loud as she can in every xollab and eating 5 day old subway

>> No.33961757


>> No.33962033
File: 455 KB, 600x600, 1649753366982861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say mean things about my mommy! Y-You're all just jealous!
Yeah! Sometimes mommy gets mad at us and locks us in the cupboard! A-And maybe she makes us do things to eachother until we cry! B-But she's... she's... uuuUUUUUU!

>> No.33962427

Not sure what the schizos are going on about. But Fauna had to leave(for disclosure everyone know she had to leave at a certain time)

>> No.33962773


>> No.33962870
File: 1.25 MB, 2481x3508, 1664068022808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love her.

>> No.33963176

Oh i see im the anon you anons quoted thanks for the clarification. People love to make nothing burgers out of nothing.

>> No.33963318

It means is time for you to go back to fucking reddit you fucking tourist.

>> No.33963478

Reminder that the retards that make these threads are being paid in gift cards. Gift cards.

>> No.33964153

oh okay

>> No.33964203
File: 1.29 MB, 1680x1828, 1646341291627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck is her problem
She isn't breastfeeding me

>> No.33964251

Keep coping sapcuck, your oshi got exposed as an idiot

>> No.33964257

That was a legendary PULL PC FROM MAINS AND THROW IT ACROSS THE ROOM kind of rage quit if I've ever seen one!
She instantly disconnected from both the game and Discord right after fucking up:

>Ame instantly tried to defend her with...
That's what friends do.
I know you are a bunch of jaded fucks, but these girls are still way more friends than enemies. Yes that includes Mori (notice how she tried hard to contain her shit personality throughout the entire collab)
This stream was good and Fauna's rage quit was hilarious!

>> No.33964265

Too much sex (daily) with her boyfriend (not you) and pretending to not be a whore (poorly)

>> No.33964449

at least she pretend

>> No.33964522

yeah me

>> No.33964549

It's not about making the girls hate her, it's about Fauna's ego getting completely destroyed.
Fauna prides herself on being more intelligent and "gamer" than the other girls (she's a huge pseud), and she got completely exposed in this stream.

>> No.33964584

She has repeatedly called herself not a gamer.

>> No.33964603

That's some giga cope

>> No.33964744

>invested hours speedrunning Getting Over It
>doesn't try to portray herself as a gamer

>> No.33964792
File: 198 KB, 541x482, 1627286728730774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mommy? sapling hungy... up! up! mommy?

>> No.33964965

Portraying and actually thinking of yourself as a gamer are two very different things, buddy. She has repeatedly said she's not good and she's not actually gamer

>> No.33965066

Keep coping now everyone knows Fauna is an idiot

>> No.33965159

The fact that you think this is the first time she's outed herself to be retarded is actually fucking amazing, honestly.

>> No.33965255

You fucking bitches acting like you've never done that before.

>> No.33965360

She exposed herself to be retarded in front of all of EN in her strongest video game genre (platforming), she's was absolutely devastated

>> No.33965468

Rrats are frying your brains. I guess it wouldn't be a surprise if the anime camgirl board has correlation with people completely out of it blowing everything wildly out of proportion.

>> No.33965853

You must understand, Fauna doesn't do shit nor does she rock the boat so every time she tries to do a bit or act like a heel to spice things up people lose their minds.

>> No.33965951

You haven't watched Fauna in your entire life if you think that platforming is her strongest video game genre

>> No.33965969

Take your meds

>> No.33966044

Newfags pls go.

>> No.33966210

What is she objectively better at than platforming?

>> No.33966412

Definitely not shooters lol

>> No.33966732 [DELETED] 

Only Kiki

>> No.33970109

Bae HATES Mumei!
Civil war is real!

>> No.33976456

Shes absolutely perfect
