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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33946096 No.33946096 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN was always extremely small compared to Hololive EN. About 1/5 or 1/6 the viewers. They were just ignored and weren't taken seriously whatsoever. Then Luxiem debuted, and received a massive, overwhelming response. They were getting streams with more viewers than HoloEN, and getting dramatically more donations than HoloEn has ever gotten. Vox and Luca became #1 and #2 most donated youtube channels in the world, and have occupied the top 10 rankings ever since.

2 weeks after they debuted and it was clear they were a success, Hololive announced new EN auditions. Very obvious to any thinking person that these were males intended to rip off the Luxiem boys. Nijisanji fans said as much, although Hololive fans created various copes and denials. "It's not males, it's just open auditions." A few months later, Hololive made it explicitly clear that they were seeking MALE talents. This caused a massive meltdown on /vt/. The Nijis chatted about it on discord, correctly observing that Hololive was probably trying males because the Council was a disappointment. The screenshot was leaked, and the hololive shills on this board managed to turn all the rage and ire bout males, into hatred for Nijisanji and the screenshot.

In typical hololive fashion, they hired a bunch of overpaid nepotism artists to produce the designs, and they produced complete shit. Terrible designs, terrible rigging. The designs were released 1 week before the debuts, and it became immediately clear that these would never appeal to females. So they changed all the marketing overnight to sell them as "brotubers". A term which most people had never heard about before, but which immediately became popularized through their relentless shilling efforts.

In the space of that 1 week between the models being annouced, and debut, they completely blanketed the entire board in propaganda promoting these vtubers. A relentless, incessant shilling campaign, just completely carpeting the entire board in posts promoting Tempus. The shilling was primarily concentrated on Vesper and Magni, as they were the ones with the incredibly fucked-up designs.

And despite having shit models, with shit rigging, and hiring shitty low-tier streamers to fill them, they managed to get quite a few viewers. Proving that quality doesn't really matter, the only thing that matters is promoton. Its especially evident because of how much more successful Magni and Vesper became, the two guys who got the most shilling because of their fucked up designs.

This is part of a deeper phenomenon that is not often discussed on this board. The fact that this board is completely ruled by shills and advertising professionals from Hololive. They are running a little cult operation. They make posts telling you what to think about the streams, what to think about the vtubers, what to think about this or that company. They have a very large and sophisticated advertising operation that is totally controlling how and what their fans think about the streams.

Their fans don't seem to have any mind of their own, but rather obediently repeat the narratives they absorb here. That's why this entire board is completely dominated by hololive vtubers, and anyone outside of hololive is mocked, shit on, and basically run out of town. It's because this board is their little promotional operation to promote their corporation. And the mods are in on it.

>> No.33946165

So much text, that's at least 5 giftcards...

>> No.33946210

>If I post it enough times it will eventually be true

>> No.33946287
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>> No.33946336

Does OP just deny the market for male streamers appealing to males despite male streamers outside of vtubing are at the top? Are you one of those faggots that think viewers MUST be in love with the streamer?

>> No.33946347

Not sure but I beat Melania +1 so I'm good :)

>> No.33946374

people will attack you for this

>> No.33946395

We already know the jannies are schizo retards.

>> No.33946470

>the only thing that matters is promoton.
Explain Iluna

>> No.33946472


holounicorns continue to blame everyone but themselves over their infighting

>> No.33946504

Astroturfing is real

>> No.33946505

Stop comparing EN male vtubers to regular male streamers.

>> No.33946563

Reminder that the whole "Tempus is being shilled by Cover" cope started because Tempus blew Iluna the FUCK out

>> No.33946570
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>> No.33946630

Why is /vt/ so obsessed with company wars when a good portion of Holo and Niji are on good terms and talk regularly with each other offstream?

>> No.33946725

You really expect me to read all that?

>> No.33946830

The gift cards mysterious discord screenshot is also suspicious. High likely to be fake to try hide any discussion about current direction of HoloEN. I wouldn't be surprised if all those people spamming "gift cards" are cover shills. The campaign over it is literally identical to magging shit.

>> No.33946848

So you're basically saying that all the bait threads made to get (You)s are just an advertisement campaign and we're all fools for not seeing it?
What next, "it's the illuminaty behind all of this!"
Just accept that the faggots /here/ will do anything to get (You)s, even lie to themselves for the sake of drama.

>> No.33946887

It's all just scapegoating for consistently being wrong about every fucking thing that happens ever.

It's a cycle of picking a retarded hill to die on, being wrong about it and getting shat on by every other sector of the internet, and inventing a boogeyman to excuse the retarded shit they genuinely believed before it got shat on.

>> No.33946929

How is it that I get warning from jannies for "troll posts" yet retarded shit like this always gets a free pass?

>> No.33946933

Your post started with a decent recap of what happened, but then it turned into a crazy conspiracy theory about hololive hiring shills to shitpost on 4chan. My brother in christ, this website is radioactive to any company. The absolute vast majority of professionals want nothing to do with this site.

>> No.33946951

Not every male vtuber has to be a gigolo for the chinese.

>> No.33946953

Hit the nail on the head here. This board is a Hololive run shill campaign and real people actually hate them believe it or not.

>> No.33946997

Because companies cooperating is extremely bad for the consumers, and is generally illegal because of that.

>> No.33946998

Except they are comparable. The only difference is that the avatar is either a debuff or doesn’t do anything for people who want brotubers, so only males who pander to fujos and yumejos get big.
The ones who don’t are just fleshtubers with avatars. In *content* they’re not that much different

>> No.33947020

Because it's the cursed offspring of /v/ and /jp/. All the console war bullshit of /v/ and weird pathological behaviour of /jp/, and none of the charms of either.

>> No.33947056

All truth, something I wouldn't expect out of a Selen face thread.

>> No.33947096


>> No.33947136

>muncho texto
>its just typical selenposters posting trash
>h-hololive paid shills everywhere my neejee are good guys and completely victims!
>r*ddit spacing
not even deserves a (you), cuckbeat jannies just close this thread already

>> No.33947286

You asked why and that's the reason. Fans want the companies to compete against each other.

>> No.33947402

one giftcard is waiting for you

>> No.33947508

a lot of the company wars people are actually third world retards with nothing better in their lives, so they live through supporting whatever side is winning and can feel enjoyment out of it, think of it like football/soccer hooligans but even dumber

>> No.33947665

>this is your brain on americanism

>> No.33947726

>Use Selen pic
>Write wall of text
That's not how it works.

>> No.33947728

You're retarded and don't know the difference between cartels colluding and companies cooperating.
Cooperation isn't illegal anywhere in the world. Collusion is illegal and why we have antitrust laws.

>> No.33947927

This is unironically the best description of this board I've ever seen.
But on the other hand without this shitty board I probably wouldn't have discovered production kawaii...
I guess the generals are fine, so /vtg/ would solve the problem... kinda like /vg/... heh.

>> No.33947961
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>> No.33948078

Nice deflection. It's illegal for companies to cooperate/collude in various capacities, and it would be extremely bad if Nijisanji and Hololive worked together to rig the market in their favor and suppress competition.
The whole world works like that.

>> No.33948117

Pretty much the truth, but maybe a little too heavy handed.
Just look at /hlgg/, probably the most single-minded hive mentalistic thread on the board. All a shill would need to do is push a narrative for a day or two, and then it's users will perpetrate from that point forward. And then after some time, they'll go out into the catalog, discords, etc to "evangelize" and get more people into the holofag (not holofan, there is a difference) mentality.
It's all a shame, because there are good vtubers in Hololive and HoloEN. They should just let their talent speak for themselves instead of pushing against all other vtuber groups so hard.

>> No.33948159
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Based and truthpilled. Holobronies seething.

>> No.33948165

Posting 24/7 about male collabs does that.

>> No.33948265

Most people here don't watch streams and are only here for drama, this isn't some "in" joke or a meme, that's how it is.

>> No.33948348

Deploy the gift card coordinated spam, the nijifag is onto us

>> No.33948514

>brotuber/brostreamer is alien concept despite top streamers are male with this shit not faggot yaoibait
>think big jap corpo even bother to shill /here/ of all places
>think this board is even relevant that intensive shilling in /here/ means shit
>t-there is conspiracy against us, w-we we are victims
if you post this muncho texto for a giftcards, i hope they give you enough, kek

>> No.33948798

By the way, it isn't just oppressive shitposting against nijifags or even vshojofags. They even go against small corpos and the mods are okay with it too.

Go look in the small corpo pill thread and there are multiple manufactured posts shitting on all the companies all at once. People on this board really don't want you giving your attention to anywhere else but hololive. And if you do, they make sure to rub it in how "you're all 2views" "you're all sluts" "you're just chinks/SEA", etc, etc.

>> No.33949119

I was down to look at your points and keep a lookout for them in the future to gauge validity but then you stated that the only reason the Tempus boys get views is because of shilling and I decided to disregard the rest of it.
Hope you guys are still getting giftcards though.

>> No.33950101

your right on the money OP. Anyone on here who doesn't believe holo shills here is retarded. the mag meme was the most blatant astroturfing i have ever seen. and who was that tweet defending kroni meant for? twitter yes men? this board lives rent free in covers head. despite so called owning the incels they sure care alot about what people here think.

>> No.33950326
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complaining about Hololive shills when all the board is filled with niji bait threads

>> No.33950462

>nepotism artist
no anon all these peeps can actually draw, dunno why holos ask em to make shit design

also gift cards, how many did you got therr

>> No.33954422

just say you only watch Luxiem

>> No.33957601

>I wouldn't be surprised if all those people spamming "gift cards" are cover shills.
the weirdest thing i've seen is people spamming it in reply to holo fans criticizing management. it's a pretty reliable trend that the more of a hololive fan you are, the more savagely you hate hololive managers.

>> No.33957604

>The fact that this board is completely ruled by shills and advertising professionals
How new are you? You think is only here? And only Cover? Every time there's a new AAA game being released, or a big movie like Marvel's or even political elections the respective boards become unusable for that entire week with all the shill and bot spam. Reddit and pretty much everywhere else is the same too and it's been like this for a few years now. Why do you think the words "shill", and to a lesser extend "astroturfing", became so popular all of a sudden?

>> No.33957666

it's actually amazing. I posted Selens dog, a picture that was shown on stream for his birthday and got a fucking 1 day ban for "not vtubers"

The meidos here don't even WATCH streamers, which is so fucking sad when their job is to watch streamers, make sure the content is what is being talked about, and ban off topic shit.
Instead they ban on topic shit because they dont watch streams.

>> No.33957876

I was shitting on daph and got banned for roommate posting. Even though she’s not even a Vtuber. Can the mods be any more retarded?

>> No.33958098

The designs from the onset were designed to appeal to men, not women. The only one who's design is almost an exception is Regis, and that's because of who his designer is rather than the intention. The design Kurahana gave is STILL reigned in compared to her usual work

>> No.33958654

I remember when /#/ botted various livers, and I told them in the prism thread to fuck off and stop raiding cause its against the rules.
and got banned by a mod for "blatant tribalfagging".
Like nigga... raiding is like global rule 3 and is a reportable offense lmao

>> No.33959384

Don't forget that bait threads against holo will be deleted but the exact same thread directed at niji will stay up

>> No.33959665

Based manjisanjifag. The worst part of it all is that you can't criticize Hololive even as a Holofan because of all the shills. Take the latest drama for example. If you don't support the HoloEN push for males collabs they start calling you incel, chud, parasocial and use other ad hom attacks to try and coerce you or talk you down. They use basically every shill trick in the book to try and shut down fan dissent against tempiss.

>> No.33959824

I was gonna read your post but I started thinking about how much I love HoloProEn and don't care about your blog

>> No.33959975

>And despite having shit models, with shit rigging, and hiring shitty low-tier streamers to fill them, they managed to get quite a few viewers. Proving that quality doesn't really matter, the only thing that matters is promoton. Its especially evident because of how much more successful Magni and Vesper became, the two guys who got the most shilling because of their fucked up designs.
t. never watched magni or vesper
You were doing so well until you started shitting in them without watching them first.
Magni is a funny dude, and vesper is good at talking, basically male nina but better.

>> No.33960684

>In typical hololive fashion, they hired a bunch of overpaid nepotism artists to produce the designs, and they produced complete shit. Terrible designs, terrible rigging
You say this like good, expensive models actually matter for a successful vtuber, like the most popular, 4 million subs and still rising vtuber doesn't have rigging bad enough to make a puppeteer weep

>> No.33962376

Well yeah. Just look at Kronii, carried for over a year because of the tits that she hides on stream anyway.

>> No.33962986
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>> No.33963228
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This but unironically, especially the pomu dox thread one like holy shit imagine reaching bump limit with a (deleted porn op pic btw) pomu dox thread while simultaneously having Mori dox deleted inside the thread
These Holo jannies are absolutely disgusting
