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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33934601 No.33934601 [Reply] [Original]

Parasocial doesn't mean gachikoi, it means any one sided attachment to a person you don't know. If you are on this board, you are parasocial. If you think of male chuubas as 'like hanging out with the bros,' that's parasocial. If you support any idol vtuber during a concert, that's parasocial. Please quit misusing this word and calling people 'parasocial losers' when you are also one.

>> No.33934656

giftcard lol

>> No.33934756

Parasociality goes way back before the advent of celebrity culture. We just called it religion.

>> No.33934780

"Ironic weebs don't know what the fuck they're talking about" applies to everything, anon, not just anime. They're not gonna stop being retarded if you ask nicely, just call them niggers and move on.

>> No.33934815

You want to fuck them. I want them to fuck me. We are not the same.

>> No.33934849

Did you got the gift card? They say that going to send it soon

>> No.33934869

Zea cornelia had a good talk on the subject.

>> No.33934874

Parasocial took a new meaning just like woman. A woman and a birthing person are not the same thing. Did you know that? Because there are women that have dicks, so they cannot give birth.

>> No.33934884

Just be holostar bro ez

>> No.33934904
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>> No.33934945

By that logic, you should never support or engage in any form of visual entertainment because by doing so you'd be promoting someone or something that isn't tailor-made specifically for you.
It is okay to like things.

>> No.33934948

I'm too old for any kind of fucking.

>> No.33934958

my oshi knows me though , she read my blue supa once and even said my name when i killed her in the funny worm game

>> No.33934993

my 1view indie talks to and interacts with me all through every stream
this is the only way to not be parasocial,saying you arent parasocial because you arent a gosling is just cope

>> No.33935049

Every fanboy and fangirl, even if they don’t identify as such, has a parasocial attachment, that is not news, its just human nature

>> No.33935103

By that definition literally nobody is parasocial with vtubers.

>> No.33935158

OP has cracked the code.

>> No.33935198

Welcome to the current state of Zoomers. Everything must be curated and designed specifically for them.
>It's okay to like things
Not in this "fucking consoomer" generation

>> No.33935216

What logic? OP never said anything negative about it. The people misusing the term are also the ones saying it's inherently bad.

>> No.33935275

You are expending interest and time on them, and them in particular, because you watch specifically their streams. Their identity is the selection factor. If you were like some Twitch viewers whose normal mode of operation is simply sorting streams by top views, opening up APEX, watching for half an hour and then closing it barely knowing the name of the person they were watching, you aren't parasocial.

>> No.33935340

>Because there are women that have dicks
That's not a woman that's a tranny, go back to Twitter faggot.

>> No.33935348

I think parasocial relationships are healthy as long as you understand the nature of it. Most people on earth have them with some group or person and it's often a good way to connect with people.

>> No.33935371

based redditchad

>> No.33935398

Don't bother
Exaggerating the meaning of words and adding additional meanings in order to ridicule others is the bread and butter of internet.
e.g. ESL, incel, autistic...

>> No.33935399
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the relationship between viewer and streamer isn't parasocial in the truest of senses no matter how obsessed you are, it is distinct in a few ways from the parasocial relationship in that there is reciprocation from the vtuber, you can type in their chat and they can type back like a social conversation, and the replies are in real time like a social conversation, the traditional definition of a parasocial relationship doesn't allow for that it should have no interaction from the person who is subject of the parasocial relationship at all you watch someone on the TV and come to think of them as a friend someone who doesn't even know you are watching, has no idea what you think of their show, can't respond back to you when you laugh at their jokes

>> No.33935414

Being parasocial isn't inherently negative, I fact it's a large part of what makes us human in the modern era. The term has been hijacked though.

>> No.33935428

Do twitchfags really do that? Thank fuck holoEN has largely avoided twitch.

>> No.33935488

I always did think that praying to God was like hanging out with the homie.

>> No.33935522

can you buy me onirism with your giftcard pls

>> No.33935553

I don't call the losers whining about male-female Holo collabs "parasocial", I just call them pathetic.

>> No.33935627

Sure but you're still a unicorn loser.

>> No.33935701


>> No.33935729

That's why a significant number of streamers complain about being unable to go from their main game to variety because their views drop like a rock. And even in their main game it can vary a lot based on who gets on first.

>> No.33935739

Doesn't refer to me because I'm black.

>> No.33935867

This would be pretty simple if we'd all just agree that worshipping any eceleb is objectively an uncool loser thing to do regardless of how deep your pseudo-relationship is.
The only thing this parasocial argument exists for is to give people a reason to bully each other because nobody wants to accept we're all into the same shit. "Ew you're parasocial" vs "ha you're parasocial like me", while normal people say "these losers watch people play videogames on the internet".

>> No.33935906

isnt that more because a lot of people become fans of them BECAUSE they are good at that game, the same thing happens on youtube to vtubers too, if you spam Apex everyday and are known for playing it literally any other game becomes a debuff. It used to be the case for Selen in NijIEN too that any game she played that wasn't Apex would perform worse for her too but overtime thats chagned.

>> No.33936046

>worshipping any eceleb is objectively an uncool loser thing to do

unicorns: think the streamer is their girlfriend/wife and belong to them
woke twittards, r/holo faggots, moralizing tourists: think the streamer is perfect no matter what they do or say and can do no wrong.

Two sides of the same parasocial coin. It's funny how each try to appear superior to the other.

>> No.33936081

bro you're only 32, stop whining

>> No.33936126

It's not necessarily because they're good at the game. I follow a streamer who played Genshin for a sponsorship payout. One stream alone gained him a pretty decent amount of followers, so there are clearly people who just blindly follow certain games.

>> No.33936167

No one thinks the streamers are perfect.
Non unicorns are just not angry at the same inane shit that you are.

>> No.33936240

Redditor twitter retards being hypocrites? Stop the presses.

>> No.33936294

Twitch's extent is not 'normal' for this. Dyrus went from 10K numbers on LOL to 600 when he went variety. Ellohime opened with highs of 6K viewers from being the first to stream new games only to drop to 200+ when he tried to do chatting years ago; today he's at 500. The game is incredibly important unless you're one of the biggest who have already 'made it'; If you're in the 2-3k range, 3view status is not far away if you're not playing the stuff your fanbase doesn't like. They aren't there for you, you're just a useful tool to get to see the particular game.

>> No.33936317

>you are

You're daft.

And so, they're angry at *different* inane shit. Okay? They're on the other side of the same coin. How does that enable them to claim any sort of moral superiority again?

>> No.33936562

Except they do. For example, none of them has criticized kronii for mishandling the entire situation. They've been trying to paint everyone who might have a problem with her as just another gabe. Anyone with an ounce of ability to be objective would be able to see that kronii shares some of the blame.

But okay, incel, virgin, losers, touch grass, not based and all that. Much easier to oversimplify things, demonize those you don't agree with and call it a day. Been that way since the medieval times anyway.

>> No.33936575

Non-unicorns also like to bully unicorns because they're a majority though. That's why unicorns keep lashing out.
You've got non-unicorns begging for male collabs just to own the unicorns now. Not because the collab will be good. Not because they genuinely want to see it. But because they just want to make unicorns seethe.
In response unicorns now act like tribalfags, separating male collaborators from "pure" non-collaborators. Non-unicorns see this and get mad thinking the girls are scared or controlled or even money hungry. Then it all turns into some innocent chuba getting supas begging that they do/don't do male collabs. And no matter what she says it's a lose/lose for her.

>> No.33936630

What did she do wrong again?
Hard Mode-
Reminder: It's not a crime to collab with someone of the opposite sex.

>> No.33936721

>In response unicorns now act like tribalfags, separating male collaborators from "pure" non-collaborators.
No. Unicorns have been doing that since long before. How many times have you seen Hololive fans saying they would never watch Niji or vShojo because their girls are whores that collab with males. They aren't the victims here, they are the aggressors and people want to "own" them because they have been annoying as fuck to anyone sane.

>> No.33936753

They get mad at inane shit like her saying yuri ships are ok but not het ones

>> No.33936756

It goes way back to artists simp for emperor

>> No.33936775

Lack of tact, for one thing. She could have ignored the few schizos harping on the dbd collab and just went ahead with future ones. Instead she made a snide tweet, had omega weigh in on the situation, and pandered to the twitter crowd instead. Why couldn't she have been professional and diplomatic?

>> No.33936819

It kind of made me laugh that people thought that was an issue. Nobody got mad when Mysta in NijiEN said its ok to ship him with the boys but not the girls because it can make things awkward for both sides.

>> No.33936849

>You've got non-unicorns begging for male collabs
Saying that I don't mind anime women talking to anime men on the same screen isn't begging.

>> No.33936872

>And no matter what she says it's a lose/lose for her.
Wrong. She wins by not collabing with males. There are no real negative consequences for ignoring homobeggers or telling them to fuck off.

>> No.33936927

Parasocial exhibited in politics, religion, entertainment. Hell even in school, students to teachers.
It's such a normal thing but most people here have no idea. You have no idea too.

>> No.33936956

NTA, but I sure as hell didn't like her tweet and omegafag chiming in. Other members have collabed with boys before and I never had problems with them. I even watched many of those streams.

But the tweet implied she had the added reason to do the collab purely out of spite and that did not sit well with me. None of the other members in intergender collabs had to make some kind of FUCK YOU I'M DOING IT ANYWAY statements just to piss off their gachikois. So why is she so special?

>> No.33936995

So you're conveniently ignoring the begging that HAS actually been going on. Okay, now I see that you're arguing in bad faith aka just shitposting. Have fun, then.

>> No.33937001

>support or engage in any form of visual entertainment because by doing so you'd be promoting
I guess it depends on you interpret support,
I don’t superchat, member, or buy any merch, I don’t even subscribe. I watch streams that I find entertaining and skip those i don’t. If and when they no longer make content i find entertaining or behave in a way that i find annoying, I stop watching and move on. I think that kind of consumption of entertainment is free of any sort or “parasocial” attachment, whatever the fuck that means these days.

>> No.33937043

She failed internet drama management 101
She prolonged and worsened it by her own spineless behavior
She were told by management how to deal with it and she ignored them
She tried to please everyone and ended up lying to her members
She needed management to then stand up for her, because she did not have confidence on her own words
All she needed to do was give a single prepared answer from the start and stick to it, like all the other holo girls before her who want to play with the boys

>> No.33937068

/vt/ is not common discourse. You've been mindfucked by this board and coming up with some imaginary constant unicorn offensive out there that doesn't exist.
In fact, if they were actually that annoying outside all this time, no one would be doing this in the first place. It doesn't matter who is in the right if your stream atmosphere is constantly destroyed by fighting in the comments and chat; you would take the path of least resistance.

>> No.33937112

didn't read chudcel

>> No.33937182

this place really isnt as insular as you like to think it is, people are well aware of there being a group of hololive fans who will trash talk anyone that dares collab with a male for a long time anon

>> No.33937414

There is an huge difference between having a mental image of a group of fans who really dislikes male collabs, and having that group of fans actually go out and send offensive messages constantly and get into arguments on Twitter, Youtube, Reddit, etc. Preemptively reacting to the first saying 'they're probably going to harass the vtuber eventually anyway' with barely, if any actual harassment happening is just as insane as the insinuations that the chuuba is going to fuck the dude after collabing.

>> No.33937592

NTA. I don't think the collab was the problem. It was what came after. The whole "do you guys not have friends of the opposite sex?" thing pissed off her unicorns because it was true, and she probably should have known that. Idk how true the "she lied about being direct in her memb streams" thing is, but yeah she should probably have been direct and stated her intentions instead of being smug about it, getting a statement from Cover made, and letting saviors tell anyone even slightly peeved to touch grass.
I mean compared to Bae's handling of it, it's night and day. Unicorns still hate Bae, but she's not the one getting daily sister threads. In fact they only really bring her up when generalizing EN as a whole. She only mentioned it one time though, on stream, before any collab ever happened, and while she could have said some rats were losers, instead she was pretty nice about it.

>> No.33937828

>Idk how true the "she lied about being direct in her memb streams"
She did a member stream where she actually seemed understanding and even told people not to dogpile the people upset about the collabs. Then she said she would only collab if asked, the collabs wouldn't be on her channel, and the interactions on social media would be rare. Literally all lies.

>> No.33939306

Yuri shipping is pandering to straight men, BL shipping is pandering to fujoshi, do the math.

>> No.33939443

OP never said anything negative about parasocialism, it was your own projection
Every successful streamer has farmed parasocial fans

>> No.33939467

Yeah, there does seem to be a lot of people misunderstanding the term recently. Because people don't understand that they're in a parasocial relationship, they're probably not going to be able to understand what the dangers of a parasocial relationship is either.

>> No.33939522

Lmao, actually blind, unreasonable saviorfags and simps exist in huge numbers, if you've never noticed them, it's because you are one

>> No.33939566
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Take your pick

>> No.33939705
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>Academics at the 2022 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences referred to interactions on livestreaming services as "cyber-social relations"; they stated that these interactions "take a middle position between" social (there are no spatial proximity and no bodily contact) and parasocial relations (as there is reciprocity and temporal proximity).
People have been using the wrong term
parasocial is like TV and movies cybersocial is streamers/vtubers
see the graph in >>33935399

>> No.33939720

Ah, another gentleman enlightened by intelligence I see. Good day and Wubba lubba dub dub to you, sir.

>> No.33939841

Zoomers and other social media parasites are terrified of liking things because they might like the wrong things one day and it’ll be used as an indictment of their character in some stupid callout post.

>> No.33940202

Being a dumb bitch who made everything worse by constantly waffling on her position. Don't even try to twist it into a "People can't change their mind?" situation either, she made concrete statements only to walk them back when met with any sort of resistance from either side. She's a shameless, desperate, failed people-pleaser liar.

>> No.33940688

her underlying motivation for all of it, from the beginning, was spite. the thing she wanted out of the collabs was an opportunity to spite people. everything she did seems confusing until you realize she actively sought a way to spite people, and then it all makes perfect sense.

>> No.33940748

Basically this. I don't know how people are still hung up over the collabs. They were gonna happen anyway. Why aren't people paying more attention to the fact that she handled things so badly she ended up lying to her members?

>> No.33940923

idk dude, parasocial looser sounds better than gachikoi looser, there are worst actually, so yeah, ban 1 word just to get 20 more.

>> No.33941098


>> No.33941171

And you don't know what a gachikoi is either.

>> No.33941247

Oh anon, where do you think you are?

>> No.33941258


>> No.33941373

>The other party is completely unaware of the other's existence
Then why does she keep reading my comments?

>> No.33942606

Bringing up the content of member stream would probably be frown upon in public
But knowing how things usually are
It's probably just a case of people not watching streams or don't know the whole situation but still pick the streamers side
And perhaps the one that did know the whole situation didn't want to go against the major public opinion and mistakenly got labeled as unicorn
And it's not just lying to her members, she did rant about the male collab thing in the comment section of a fucking clip
I'm not sure whether there are other Holos who rant in the comment section of clips but jesas that's an unprofessional move from her

>> No.33943780

Every person I know who is a homobeggar is very forthcoming that they want these done just to spite gachikoi. Their number 1 reason for wanting a Fauna x holostars collab is because saplings will kill themselves.

>> No.33944309

You mean unicorns?
Gachis won't go as far as that
Gachikoi just mean liking for real (in this case liking chuubas)

>> No.33944851

Those are gachis. There is no unicorn in Japanese vtubing scene to begin with (or they are extremely insignificant)
The anime avatar added a layer that make the less serious ones compromise, they became the gachikois. The serious unicorns don't and will still dig up the private life and fuck off.
That's why you see people are fine with Fauna and Mumei. Those are gachikois

>> No.33944951

Fucked a dog, although not technically *canada, its still generally frowned upon

>> No.33945030

Yeah but you're on 4chan, where every term becomes an insult and then gets misused by retards until it doesn't mean anything at all.

>> No.33945038

>Expecting twitter, reddit and discord niggers to actually understand the words they use
You expect too much of them anon

>> No.33945097

No, you're warping the definition too. You have to remember that any definition must be useful in a particular context. You can't extend this to all interaction with people you don't personally know because then it would be useless. In that case emphasize the one-sided expenditure of emotional energy, interest and time. Parasocial also doesn't extend to any kind of patronage or support because then it would also be useless. Your examples are guilty of misusing and warping the definition in useless ways.

The only instance where you correctly applied it was the "hanging out with the bros" example. In the original form it mainly applied to people that knew about people on the tv and felt familiar with them like a friend, which was all one-sided. Most streaming content and youtube content can induce parasocial relationships. These are asymmetrical relationships, not merely online nor merely anonymous.

>> No.33945425

Unicorns are like the extremists faction of gachikois, no? I won't really lump them together
But yeah, there's no specific word for unicorns in jp

>> No.33945569

unicorns police their oshis' personal lives, demanding that they remain virgins. loudly rejecting on-stream content is utterly unrelated to whether a fan is a unicorn.

>> No.33945752

Nobody thinks you're a social scientist or cares that a group of academics thought new terminology was needed. Not now, maybe when it's mainstream in a few decades.

>> No.33946128

>there's no specific word for unicorns in jp
yeah you're right, they directly use it, in katakana ユニコーン

>> No.33955931

Nah, god loves me, and chuubas only love cocks, we are not the same.

>> No.33955960


>> No.33956308

You're investing your feelings in something that doesn't exist.

>> No.33956371

Based OP EDUCATING retarded normalfag tourists

>> No.33957852

Be honest, how many times did you tip your fedora while typing that?

>> No.33960235
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>> No.33960951

Yeah, a lot of the people screeching about muh incels because guys are into chuubas are similarly "parasocial" with the fujo media, kpop boys and such. To sometimes far more extreme degrees.
