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File: 44 KB, 379x324, aksupa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33919215 No.33919215 [Reply] [Original]

> 7 dollar akasupa

>> No.33919274
File: 1.48 MB, 1081x1175, 1659325741845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 dollar akasupa

>> No.33919367


>> No.33919419
File: 166 KB, 1080x1225, IMG_20220924_134857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 dollar
About that...

>> No.33919445
File: 111 KB, 908x753, 718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33919537 [DELETED] 

Ban seaniggers and sud americans

>> No.33919569

you can't suffer in argentine

>> No.33920353

Be more respectful, that's an entire month's salary

>> No.33920469

Did Mori say happy birthday to his friend or did she spit on him for being poor?

>> No.33920537

We're shaming ARS akasupas now? Reminds me of that time a bunch of luxiem fantards were complaining that ARS akasupas were "insincere attempts" at getting their oshi's attention. Forgot which one, though.

>> No.33920846

Can some one explain to me why some countries like Argentina don’t have their currency be the usd equivalent for super chats, in my country 10000 is 9 dollars but a red is like 90000 or 100 dollars

>> No.33921042

The value ARS compared to USD has collapsed since the rates were set, well I say collapsed but as >>33919419 shows it is still collapsing.

>> No.33923551
File: 12 KB, 331x227, 3 fiddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you knew how bad things really are
qrd the official rate is a made up number that only politicians and their friends can use (this is not just a schizo rant, that really is the law), if you are a mere mortal you have to go through a semiformal yet illegal blackmarket with a more realistic (aka worse) price

>> No.33923712

I mean they're not wrong tho. I roll my eyes every time ARS gets on the telly

>> No.33924596

Why does youtube allow this? My currency is also fucked up but I should pay $50 for akasupa.

>> No.33924851

My grandpa spent some years in Argentina in the mid/late 40's before returning to Germany. It's apparently a nice place, but also pretty fucked up.
What the fuck is happening down there? Full economic collapse?

>> No.33925229

>in the mid/late 40's before returning to Germany

>> No.33925637
File: 16 KB, 408x286, 1653091449220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can 7dollars/1000 arses buy you in Arseland? Can you buy anything akasupa worth?

>> No.33925880
File: 51 KB, 1080x607, 1655499994367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you buy anything akasupa worth?
1 Akasupa

>> No.33925942

there's several exchange rates, a few official ones and an unofficial one

>> No.33925986

It's about bad enough for some currency exchange houses in LatAm to put the price for ARS at 'good luck'

>> No.33926023

>you can put 14 red sc in 100$ worth of meme currency
your oshi would get wet instantly if she is dumb enough.

>> No.33926031

It's stable but the currency sucks and people are used to it. Nothing major going down and that's part of the problem, argentineans are conditioned sheep

>> No.33926190

That’s true tho ARS are just there for desperately getting the attenton of your Oshi.

>> No.33926191
File: 1.14 MB, 500x500, 1640207812354.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>argentineans are conditioned sheep
seems like enough of grandpa's comrades stayed there judging by the state of my own country...
>if she is dumb enough
we're talking about, please excuse my phrasing, w*men here

>> No.33926253

your grandpa heil from Austria per chance anon?

>> No.33926291

check grandpa's attic, maybe you'll find something nice

>> No.33926294


ok but say I am walking through Buenos Aires and looking to eat some dinner. What sort of diner does 1000 ARS buy me?

>> No.33926377

Most of them know ARS is worthless

>> No.33926417

It totally depends. You could get something surprisingly good or mediocre.

>> No.33926556

Have someone done an ARS rainbow before?

>> No.33926665

Gaming the system is pretty chad, as is surviving in any Latin American country.

I'm gonna say based.

>> No.33926728

i wonder how this currency crash affects prices of electronics in Memegertina

>> No.33926921

Small instant coffee jar. It becomes an issue when you realize how little most people make monthly and how much of that money goes to gas, rent and taxes too.

>> No.33927093

Electronics are crazy expensive. Clever people go and buy their shit in Brazil or Chile and then smuggle it through customs to avoid paying the price difference.

>> No.33927532

> you have to go to BRAZIL to escape your shitty country's policies.


>> No.33928244

If south america is hell argentina is satan's asshole

>> No.33928292

Fair?! FAIR?! Don't talk to me about fair, you yankee motherfucker. You have NO IDEA what it's like to live in this hellhole. You think your two party government is bad? This entire fucking country is a joke. Don't you even dare call it a banana republic, no one even grows shit in here. I can't get out of my house out of fear of getting shot by 14yos sniffing epoxy. Our ruling government is part of a "party" that's only has the value of being named after a man that participated in a military coup. Politicians suck their wives tits on videocall during congress. Our jails might as well have revolving doors. Somehow we still have Bolivians migrating here. We're even staring to have Africans mobs. There's no fucking hope for this fucking country save for the ocean swallowing us whole.

>> No.33928474

Never gets old.

Good luck out there Argentine bros.

>> No.33930095

I always laugh at these people... Trying to make themselves look rich with their ARS aka supas.

>> No.33930354

2 coffees and 4 croissants, or one burger. On the countryside you can get the cheapest meal in a family restaurant for that price. Things are more expensive on the big cities though. Base monthly salary is below the official one, going around 20k-30k for unskilled labor.
>you get used to it.png
If you want a fun fact, there was a two week period where no electronic stores would sell any item because the dollar price was skyrocketing and the only way to make a profitable sale was rising the price of everything by 50-70%, which would get them legally buttfucked.

>> No.33930385
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>> No.33930567

Well, yeah. The assumption is that anyone who sends an akasupa in ARS isn’t actually Argentine, they just want the superchat to be red without paying any money for it.
I mean, I personally think it’s based. I would never send a red superchat to a Holo without making sure it was in ARS, myself.

>> No.33930610

This is the real question

>> No.33930677
File: 632 KB, 1024x768, 1653509774171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good ol' ARS
nothing beats that

>> No.33932249

This is the shittiest copy pasta I've ever seen

>> No.33933568
File: 298 KB, 2668x1007, ydhanrrwfwm91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have been through this. This is more painful for us than for you.

>> No.33933637

Mori doesn’t even read collab supers kek

>> No.33933682

>Nicolás Perez
I think this is a legit argie for once

>> No.33933821
File: 37 KB, 362x346, 1407712353250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I go to argentina with 1000 us dollars in hand for like a week, will I be treated like a king? Will I be able to afford the hottest bitches and the best restaurants?

>> No.33933850

How much would an akasupa cost in Venezuela?

>> No.33933913

Venezuela's inflation in on a whole another level. Argies are poor but they still have stuff and food and stay in their country despite the economy in shambles. Venezuelans are starving and have mass fled their country because shit is so bad.

>> No.33934132

All fiat money is just inflationary funny money

>> No.33934237

You'd be an King with 500. With 1000, you'd be a God. You'd be able to fuck around for a whole month with that money. I *think* you'd be short of actual prostitutes because they charge in dollars by now, but bitches you'd get plenty. The exchange rate is part of the reason so many Argentinians aim to export services and get paid in dollars.

>> No.33934239

Between this image being posted and now it probably dropped more. Argentina is a wild place.

>> No.33934363

If you pay in USD the waitress will kneel down to suck your dick after she serves your drink.

>> No.33934371

They elected a literal mafia boss multiple times.

>> No.33934585

A passable whore is like, 50 bucks or something if that is what you want.

>> No.33934641

3M runescape gold

>> No.33934693

Based af

>> No.33934877
File: 97 KB, 753x720, Pepe argentina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We purposefully tanked our currency so that even poorfags can be happy sending an akasupa to their oshii.
No need to thank us, we do it because it's the right thing to do.

>> No.33934891

how much is a big mac in ARS right now?

>> No.33934910

over 70 years of gibs, politicians putting the country debt to just throw the money away to the masses to show how generous they are.

>> No.33934954

But... I'm starving anon...

>> No.33935009

No, youll get "foreign taxed"

>> No.33935031

I heard that Argentinian standards of living were among the best in the world in 1900. on par with Europe, it was an economic powerhouse and "the next great power"...

>> No.33935092

i went yesterday and they were AR$760 so i think in usd that would be $2.7

>> No.33935113

Too much government corruption, it's in their blood since most of them came from Italy.

>> No.33935159

The answer is that italian immigrants fucked everything up by bringing socialism here. In America they were under check because they were a small minority overall (and even then they attempted to fuck things up with the mafia), but in Argentina italian immigrants became a majority of the population.
Never give an inch of ground to socialism and government gibs if you don't want your own country to end up the same way.

>> No.33935175
File: 475 KB, 1011x448, 1639654086487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf? I searched mcd at buenos aires out of curiosity and it was listed as $120? it was at 2019 though

>> No.33935224

$ is also the sign for peso. The US unironically adapted that sign from LatAm. 120 ARSe

>> No.33935239

no le mientas asi al pibe, the tourist area of bsas is expensive as fuck

>> No.33935315

yeah it sucks, a 2lt coke its $310

>> No.33935368

I want out. Kishida let me in.

>> No.33935574

Your grandpa likes to paint? What does he think about jews?

>> No.33935716

You'll be killed and robbed a few minutes after entering this damn place, if you are lucky

>> No.33936052
File: 467 KB, 1440x1920, 1663174624727255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polenta should be enought for you anon

>> No.33936855 [DELETED] 

Why doesn’t Argentina just stop being communist?

>> No.33937007

That's like asking why the UK doesn't stop importing Muslims. Indoctrination takes generations to fix.

>> No.33937752

Still 100% accurate

>> No.33937901

Dead giveaway for an argie zoomer

>> No.33938326

Dubs for the genius

>> No.33938339 [DELETED] 

It started with a based third positionist movement whose first term was so fucking great they still kept on winning the elections despite them being hijacked by neolibs in the 80s/90s and commies in the 2000s/2010s.

>> No.33939551 [DELETED] 

care to remind me what happened in the second mandate, anon?
no, not the bombing and the junta, the things that lead to that

>> No.33940393


>> No.33940600

you are insane, unless you go to the equivalent of engelwood in chicago

>> No.33940796 [DELETED] 

Heavy industry steadily became more developed while Justicialism became so popular the possibility of phasing towards a single party state was very much real. Which pissed pretty much everyone else to the point even the commies sided against the party aligning themselves with the US bloc.
Nowadays Justicialism is a joke though, bunch of pussy social democrats and liberals. We need a new movement.

>> No.33940850

Hola Cuneo.
