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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33861122 No.33861122 [Reply] [Original]

Roberu, Shien, Vox (in his more male oriented streams), and Vesper seem really cool, I enjoy what I've watched of them. It should also be noted that I'm not a fan of intergender collabs and find them boring so they have to really shine in their own content or male collabs.

>> No.33861182

Not a single one.

>> No.33861187


>> No.33861195

I started watching Astel due to Tempus.

>> No.33861221

Nobody from NijiEN

>> No.33861257


>> No.33861260

I like Vesper and Magni. Nothing against the other two, but I don't watch them outside of collabs.

>> No.33861284

Vox will always be a whore for chinese women
The only guy in nijien worth their salt are Kyo
Everyone else is trash

>> No.33861472

Do babis count?

>> No.33861654

Luca seems like a pretty cool guy... bro speedran Getting Over It TWICE in one stream.

>> No.33861755

Fulgur and Vesper are the best from an EN perspective.

>> No.33861809 [DELETED] 

A lot of the NijiJP boys seem really funny--but I don't know japanese.

>> No.33861900


>> No.33861919

Probably not Vox. You might be happier with people like Sonny, BonBon, Alban.

I guess Vox's smash streams can be good. Like this one:
Luca's Getting Over It is insane, he's so good at that game, he can beat it in under 5 minutes.
And Ike's Jump King is similarly cracked.

But Sonny plays Half Life games and stuff. Although most of his fans are suicidal girls who cut themselves. Alban is basically "that guy" we all knew in college. Mysta is funny as fuck, but his main appeal is definitely towards females.

I think BonBon might be the only guy that really appeals to other guys. He's not even EN, he's ID, but most of his streams are in English. He's mostly known for his collabs with Selen:

>> No.33862016


>> No.33862040

Astel, Roberu, Vesper, Aruran are all pretty funny and worth watching

>> No.33862173

Bon Bon is amazing in collabs. I need to check more of his solo but if Cover nails the same kind of people as BonBon(Because I see a trend that ID talent are more competent than EN in various ways) for Stars ID...the world will not be ready for it.

>> No.33862295

vox when he plays any competitive shooting game

>> No.33862348

Fulgur is okay if you can tolerate his gayness.

>> No.33862392

no male is worth watching, faglord

>> No.33862711

>Vox (in his more male oriented streams)
like what? please don't say super smash bros since that's childish, not male oriented

>> No.33862733

Fulgur is cool, based taste in movies

>> No.33862776

His watchalong of Martyrs and The Lighthouse with Ike (although there's some fujobait to be expected) and his top films stream

>> No.33862834

that vox smash stream is genuinely one of the funnest ive ever seen. he has actual talent as a commentator and its hilarious to listen to him sperg out over cpus.

>> No.33862883

how is a movie watchalong male oriented? movies don't have genders

>> No.33862891
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I like nowa because I think it's funny when he goes in his autistic rants about things he likes

>> No.33863005

If you are on the indie scene, Lord Aethelstan.
Or Fulgur from NijiEN those are my two picks

>> No.33863025 [SPOILER] 
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What's with Aussies and being good at GOI?

>> No.33863060

I meant non BFE streams

>> No.33863161

>the two barafags are the best males out of their respective branch
what does this mean?

>> No.33863451

Pathetic comparison. Have you no shame? Like a scam caller.

>> No.33863838

I agree with your list minus Vox. You can add.
Yashiro. Perfect older bro tuber, I'd say he's the japanese equivalent of Nowa. He's also a god rythm gamer.
Mashiro. Best trap. Best corporate horror ortiented chuuba. Mostly focus on solo streams.
Fulgur. The only actual brotuber of Niji EN in my opinion. He's chill when he needs to be but he can also be really funny.
Kyo. Actually good entertainer. If you don't mind his agressive zoomer energy he's pretty fun to watch.

>> No.33863842

If you want someone who enjoys doing zatsus, plays story-driven games and pays attention to the plot, Fulgur.

>> No.33863858


>> No.33864292

The male vtubers at the top of nijiJP's channel subscriber count are the most interesting, and Holostars is only worth watching when Robel is collaborating with someone other than Holostars. The others are not worth watching.

>> No.33864576

I prefer this one for Ike
His 6:06 run with 0 falls was intense

>> No.33864649

Vox is wholesome, the only people that don't like him are frustrated virgins who envy him getting all the girls

>> No.33864764
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Tempus. That's it.

>> No.33864786

>Vox is wholesome
He's had ASMR stream of chat giving him a blowjob

>> No.33864844

He's wholesome whenever he isn't doing those awkward streams.

>> No.33864890 [DELETED] 
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The girls in question

>> No.33866699


>> No.33866765
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>> No.33866797

Not a single male vtuber is worth watching if you're a straight male.

>> No.33866807

Damn you missed the good shit
2020 - 1st half of 2021 Astel was peak kino

>> No.33866933

Wait is Luca an aussie? Why do they have so many himbos

>> No.33866957

male vtubers are just failed flesh tubers

>> No.33867128

if you respect yourself, you shouldn't watch a man with an anime avatar, it's a homo

>> No.33867259

So u dont watch any content including males ?

>> No.33867503

They gave the Barafag avatars to the Ojisans, please understand

>> No.33867727

>They gave the Barafag avatars to the Ojisans
anon... the actual bara avatars were the ones they chose for themselves in their past life

>> No.33867819

Not Kyo or Fulgur? Are you retarded?

>> No.33867975
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I hear that Vinny is pretty cool

>> No.33867990

For StarsJP alone
Astel, Roberu, Aruran if you want to be entertained, they will somehow found any ways to make you laugh
Izuru, Rikka if you're more music oriented guy, seriously, Izuru has his pure raw music talents and Rikka has his long experiences in music industry
Miyabi, Temma if you want some psychopath unhinged mfs that said the most unexpected things in unexpected situation, can be cute too
Oga, Shien if you like to listen some comfy zatsudan and good fanservices if you're into that

>> No.33868371

if you want a serious answer.
holostars: roberu, shien, astel, vesper, axel
nijisanji: maimoto, kenmochi, hayato, yashikizu, chaika

>> No.33869392


>> No.33869890
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It's an integral part of their culture

>> No.33870288


>> No.33870573

His voice is somehow worse than Kiara's. Who the fuck can listen to that faggot without stabbing out their eardrums?

>> No.33871126

I don't watch him but I disagree. His voice is fucking laughable for his model but its not that bad by itself, at least compared to REALLY filter voices like Kiara or Regis.

>> No.33871240

It would be one thing if it was just a funny voice mismatch but holy shit his voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I can put up with Regis' voice but Kyo makes me want to punch my monitor after just a few seconds.

>> No.33871478

No, i only watch Forsen

>> No.33871527

I don't get the complaints of Altare's voice. It's soothing.

>> No.33871594

men are shit.

>> No.33871912

Vinny is the best male.

>> No.33872508

t. Unicorn or Femcel

>> No.33872521
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It's kind of bad that you posted this as a thread on it's own, it's just asking for shitposters, but since you mentioned Vox of all people knowing this board hates him I know you're being genuine.

I highly suggest Sonny Brisko. He's got a pretty good and unique sense of humor that can get a bit dark at some times which I love. He balances solo streams with collabs so everyone can skip streams they aren't interested in. He plays games that really appeal to guys (?) like Resident Evil and Half Life I suppose (I don't really understand the whole "bro games" vs "female games" thing but I think those count). He's a huge weeb and does creative streams, and when he's not feeling creative or doesn't know what to do he'll title a stream called "idk" and play whatever he feels like which is something I think more streamers should do.

My favorite streams:
Mortuary Assistant where he's being an absolute weirdo psychopath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4SIcPRwv7Y

Chuuni stream: https://youtu.be/Bl2jtKbnsUc

Dude is amazing with different voices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwFPfpiG9BQ

And this is one of my favorite collabs: https://youtu.be/VGRbTCqSd8o


>> No.33872582

It's kinda Vox's fault anyway, also based

>> No.33872785
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I enjoyed what I've seen from fullgay covid but if left unchecked he goes into valorant spam. I liked Magni, but not gonna lie, him liking flesh streamers was a huge disconnect for me, since I don't know jackshit about them. Also the OTV shitters were very rude when collabing with Tenma so I am biased against them.
Not!Alucard is probably the best male vtuber I know of.
To be honest, for male chuubas you still want to learn japanese. Over there you have Roberu, Astel, Aruran on holostars or Gwelu, Kenmochi, Chaika in Niji

>> No.33872795


>> No.33872845

I have (naturally) ignored all male vtubers, but I come to you homos with a question.... is there any male vtuber who makes it a point to not collab with females??

>> No.33872881

How is it his fault? For existing? I don't understand what you mean

>> No.33872920

Tomoya from Tsunderia has SOME female collabs, but there's a reason Tsunderia males were received pretty well on this board when they first debut. He doesn't do it frequently which is especially commendable in a mixed gender gen.

>> No.33872980

Based briskadet

>> No.33873066

Wait as in Tenma Maemi Tenma? Qrd?

>> No.33873118

I wish. I had hope for the EN holostars but they lied about that so I guess I'll wait for gen 2 or a new corpo to pop up.

>> No.33873129

He graduated and killed himself

>> No.33873160
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Astel and Gamma are very entertaining too. Magni is incredibly gay but if that doesn't bother you he's also fun to watch play. Regis is pretty good at games but I don't find the ASMR voice he's cursed with engaging enough and Axel is VERY new to streaming and it shows, He'll probably be better when he gets more experience.

>> No.33873181

Nevermind the image answered my first question. But the second question remains, why would anyone be rude to Tenma and how did all of this happen?

>> No.33873229

OP and the flow of the thread is about comfy male oriented streams. Vox did the opposite, the runescapes are even filters now with his titles

>> No.33873289

>BonBon's collab with Selen
It was amazing how that happened. BonBon was streaming Apex, when by random chance he ran into Selen who was playing offline and he decided to play commentator for her after he died.
EN and ID management saw this and decided to arrange a playdate between the two, even lying by claiming each other wanted to initiate the collab.

>> No.33873345


>> No.33873370


>> No.33873373

Magni being close to the BPD French chuuba and OTV adjacents has me concerned but he seems fine.

>> No.33873488

In EN? Absolutely not unless its some obscure 2view I have never heard of. In Japan? Maybe. I think Izuru does it very rarely if ever.

>> No.33873775

I see. In a way I'm kind of glad Vox filters out some of these types. OP seems genuine but a lot of the time when people ask about Vox's streams that pander to males it's never enough because he also caters to a female audience. I guess he isn't comfy anyway since nearly all his streams are high energy and feel like a complete show. Hope OP gets what he's looking for. I'd say Alban gits the description since he plays a wide variety of games like Skyrim and Doom but his voice and cute mannerisms may filter him.

>> No.33873779
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so I'm gonna get a lot of shit but whatever
I think Kuzuha is an interesting character, better than any other male, and the only example of a male vtuber actually worth watching (I only watch female JP chuubas because CGDCT, and the only important thing to me is voice; she has to sound cute)
but for some reason, I still watch this guy every once in a while
he's an insecure retard who managed to be one the most successful vtubers and I just like his kusogaki attitude and dry humor
good gamer and a great singer, yet he's not an idol and he doesn't give a fuck about pretty much anything

>> No.33873921

I can never get into FPS chuubas, yes even the Female ones and Kuzuha is the Apex spammer so it's a double filter for me

>> No.33874469

As someone who has never watched Vox's solo content (and never will) I don't understand why we're meant to be mad someone is making content for a totally unrelated audience. Just don't watch him, pretend he's not real. Its not like he hurts anyone. The worst thing that can happen is seeing him if you watch a collab with one of the girls, and he's not that bad during those.

>> No.33874519

>so I'm gonna get a lot of shit but whatever
I virtually never see anyone shit on Kuzuha.

>> No.33874615

From the content I've seen he's at his best when he's talking about his interests

>> No.33874964

I don't get it either. I've never whined about a female vtuber not catering to me if they don't talk about yaoi or female oriented anime or something. From my observations men just tend to feel personally attacked when something isn't catering to them or they're not the main audience.

>> No.33875864

well he's a nijinigger

>> No.33876181

Most nijisanji shitflinging around here is centered around nijien. The few times I saw someone attack nijiJP it was a luxiem fujo.

>> No.33876348

There was some tribalfagging against Nijisanji JP in the early board days but, but for the most part the arguments between the two big corpos were mostly just dumb banter. You're right, not even Hololive fans have issues with Nijisanji JP beyond tribalfag shit but when NijiEN debuted that's when things started getting controversial. Luxiem was the turning point I think.

>> No.33876665

All Tempus collabs were initiated by women and the men could not refuse.

>> No.33876835

A shame because the men seem fun, intergender collabs will always have this weird wall of tension that will always exist even if only slightly. Even in NijiEN streams, Nina tried to twist a joke Mysta made into something uncomfortable to make him look like a pervert and he apparently didn't appreciate it.

>> No.33876932

>and the men could not refuse.
That's bullshit and you know it. In fact there is no way to know they accepted everything that was offered to them. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Mori tried to join the Tempus DnD campaign and Vesper had to tell her to fuck off.

>> No.33877150

I originally liked Mori's dorky "one of the boys" routine pre-council but it's definitely led to her downfall

>> No.33877352

It's not that bad solo, but it's really really hard to look at when she's with Tempus and starts trying to act as if she was one of them. Ruins the mood for everyone.

>> No.33877483

I like to think that I'm a pretty good vtuber.

>> No.33877502

Thank god Cali is bad at everything and literally anyone else would be a better choice

>> No.33877749

It skews future hiring processes wanting to replicate what he did because he's making EN big fucking money and literally everyone knows it including other members and people generally related to it. It basically kills diversity on the company known for being diverse.
It's like if Council was five Gura copycats.

>> No.33877763

Vesper is a legit dude with legitimate hobbies, skills, and stories only a dude could have.
He's also just very entertaining and enthusiastic about video games and the things he likes while also being ery logical and knowledgeable/educational
About it all

>> No.33877980

>the men could not refuse
How so? They have a choice it's not like they're being held at gunpoint. Altare said he was focused on collabing only with the boys and Vesper made a huge point about solo content. Why are they walking it back now with all these collabs with females and fleshtubers? They have every right to decline and there's no rule that says they have to join just like it is for the girls.

>> No.33878221

They didn't walk anything back. Regis never said he would avoid anyone, he just said Tempus would be his focus. The female collabs are a small portion of their content. Just look at their schedules. Regis in particular does like 12 streams per week.

>> No.33878373

Then that's the fault of the company scouting wrong. He's filling a niche and catering to an audience that doesn't get catered to so of couse he'll be popular in that regard. If anything it's more productive to blame the anime/anime-adjacent industry for shitting out carbon copies of same faced cute anime girls in everything and having none of those same things with cute anime boys and certainly not to the same degree either. Anime mobile games, indie anime clothing brands, anime mascots, majority of anime art, they all feature cute anime girls. Here comes this guy, a handsome anime man with a sexy voice, that caters to women because they've been deprived of these things that men get at the snap of a finger and that's somehow Vox's fault? Your point falls flat anyway since all the male hires after Luxiem are vastly different from him.

>> No.33878502
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Probably the most entertaining male chuuba I have ever seen, but you will need at least N2 to fully understand Kenmochi's experience.

>> No.33878650

>all the male hires after Luxiem are vastly different from him.
This board's perception of NijiEn males is pretty incredible. You'd think its literally 15 Voxes or something, but I don't think even a single person has tried his hand at Vox's BFE rape asmr shit. You also get everyone left and right being accused of fujobait , making it clear nobody here even knows the meaning of the word.

>> No.33878998

Vox and Ike collabs are fujobait for sure but they have really good chemistry as friends too

>> No.33879163

Yeah they do fujobait some during collabs, but people pretend everything they do is fujobaiting and in fact I've seen people call Vox's BFE roleplays fujobait even though thats the straightest thing he could do.

>> No.33879185
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Vesper is definitely a top talent for me, creative streams, Zatsus almost daily, literally me, streams at EST friendly hours

I like the rest of the boys, and they shine in collabs, but Vesp is my #1 right now.

>> No.33879250

>goes on months long trips through the wilderness with his gun a handfull of supplies and his gigantic balls

>> No.33879507

vesper saying no to anyone? come on.

>> No.33879877

None of them have gone that far for sure but I think the other boys who do a bit of fanservice do BFE in their own unique ways. And yeah no one knows the meaning of the word "fujobait", it's pretty much summarized as "male vtuber doing thing I don't like/makes me mildly uncomfortable". It just comes off as someone who has never had male friends before because most of the jokes they say are no different than what I hear from other guys who are completely straight.

I feel like fujobait is as misused a word as unicorn, gachikoi, gfe, and pandering.

>> No.33880024

The ones that I like to watch and are ones that men would like to watch in general are Roberu and Vesper from Holostars JP/EN and Kenmochi and Mashiro from NijisanjiJP. I guess also Yashiro Kizuku. Kuzuha has many male fans (especially stream viewers), even though the female fanbase is very big.

>> No.33880193

According to historic data, Cover isn't able to produce at least somewhat entertaining male vtubers. So you have to search among Niji, smaller companies or indies.

>> No.33880224

not watching them, nijibeggar

>> No.33880233

>making it clear nobody here even knows the meaning of the word.
Rarely you will find an anon that knows the actual meaning behind that kind of words (see gachikoi, GFE, idol culture, etc), it's frankly hilarious seeing them confidently use those terms wrong all the time.

>> No.33880303

Then you are left with either whores or sub-par holomales.

>> No.33880737

The Brotuber Kuzuha

>> No.33881017

>well received on /vt/
which surely translates to success as a streamer right?

>> No.33881143
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>> No.33881274

Didn't Ren >who? Kuzuha too? I figured he was joking at the time but I'm not sure anymore.

>> No.33881387

Why does this board have such a hateboner for Vox anyways? What did he do other than create content for a different niche ? It seems like you can post all the pedoshit you want here but the minute you mention this adult man with his sexy adult man voice it’s the most disgusting thing anyone can be into

>> No.33881471

I think it's unironic jealousy.

>> No.33881498

No he thought Kuzuha was in his chat and said konnichiwa when his chat was talking about a genshin character named Kazuha. He was definitely just being funny though and I like his smug and dumb sense of humor.

>> No.33881772


>> No.33882383

probably the chink bootlicking, him getting away with more than women can, going from an initial schedule of "brotuber streams" to focusing on erp asmr and gay baiting for the numbers, and the absurdly stable sub growth (almost a straight line regardless of his actual streams) that's probably fake
also his twitter is repulsive if you're a straight male

>> No.33883681

A combination of jealousy, men getting angry that he does something that caters to women despite them watching chuubas that do the exact same thing but with the genders reversed, numberfags, brotuber beggars that have a hateboner for him because he doesn't play "manly" games as much as he did around debut (even though he does, but these people don't watch him so of course they don't know that), and men who ignore the fact that he's said numerous times he enjoys doing fanservice and ASMR but pretend he doesn't because of their fragility and want him to only pander to them like this anon >>33882383 You can easily taste the salt in this post and I'm glad Vox doesn't pander to these kinds. The moment he or any male vtuber would do something a woman would remotely enjoy he'd unsub, never buy a membership, never buy his merch or voicepacks, and never send a superchat but would beg and beg for him to play "brotuber" games and act manly or whatever.

>> No.33885368

Every single one.

>> No.33885504

just wait until one of them turns out to be a parasocial and try to make their move onto one of the girls in a possessive manner.

>> No.33886790

Tenma was the "funny japanese woman" who they used to invite to play the clown for the public when they need one to fill empty space. Until they decided that they don't needed her anymore and ghosted her.

>> No.33891564

fpbp we are hetero

>> No.33891889

>Nowa Oji
>other males
It's not even close. Homowatchers lucked out on getting a male Marine who speaks English

>> No.33891909

pls plae DMC2 is the beast, donte is good and bets in geaem

>> No.33892230

T. Trannies afraid of men.

>> No.33892578

beat mario and the deep wizard

>> No.33895157

What the fuck that's horrible. OTV are a bunch of talentless retards anyway

>> No.33895337

Agreed. I think a lot of it is them being jealous he can make thousands of women cum while they can’t even do it for a single one. He’s the guy your crush would rather fuck than you to them. It’s Fucking ridiculous that female chubas can be even worse than he is but he caters to gay people and women and everyone here wants his head. 50% of the world population likes men it’s insane.

>> No.33895824

Aren't a good portion of them Asian too?

>> No.33899329

id say youve just about hit the nail on the head here. Vox as biggest sub count in NijiEN and biggest BFE/sexy fanservice peddler gets absolute shit from the worst of /here/ and twitterfags alike for different reasons.
he provides constant fanservice, a good enough variety of games and zatsus and collab and fujobait content, and is parasocially in love with his audience.

id say my biggest criticisms would be that occasionally his sense of humor can venture into cringe and other kindred span all ranges of terminally retarded. and admittedly if i were a straight male viewer i dont think I would be able to put up with the constant BFE.

I'll say for once it is kind of refreshing to see a non-niji thread thats a mix of positive-negative-neutral towards vox for once.

>> No.33901527

High IQ take, like there’s a reason he made it to a million so fast and has fairly steady growth, he is reaching out to the 50% of the world who likes men who the anime industry in general has a tendency to treat as an afterthought. He is able to create the relationship and trust required to do NSFW with a majority female audience without seeming like a creep to them. I get why people who are not interested in sex with or dating men would not be able to relate to a lot of his content, but that doesn’t make his content objectively bad. But I have never seen straight women call GFE cringe or shit on GFE chuubas like Vox gets ripped apart here for the slightest thing. besides, watching him doesn’t always mean you want to have sex with him so the fear of him turning you gay if you’re a man is pathetic and stupid.

>> No.33902215

>Male marine
Thats basically just Aruran
>speaks English
Ok its not pizza papa

>> No.33902339

I like Aster when he plays competitive games. But the rest of his stuff is a bit too gay for me.

Sonny seems pretty cool from what I've seen. But I haven't caught too many of his streams.

>> No.33902419

Isn't Shu also pretty good at Getting Over It?

>> No.33904306

Much like Altare, Vesper regularly pulls double duty, with a zatsu during the morning and some gameplay in the evening. The Worms tournament is gonna be a weekly thing until it's over, so it's not like he can avoid it now since he's gonna be commentating, but that aside, having 1/12 streams a week be a collab with non-Tempus members is exactly what they said. Tempus is the focus

>> No.33908002

I'm tired of Vesper getting dragged into collabs by the women, his streams are very comfy on their own

>> No.33909957

Agreed. And as a kindred the constant fart noises can get annoying and I wish he'd lay down chat rules better like Noctyx does with their chats. In the end though I still love him despite his flaws. The fart noises he did for the PUBG stream were hilarious though he was so excited to pick out the best one for Sasaki.

>> No.33912869

>He is able to create the relationship and trust required to do NSFW with a majority female audience without seeming like a creep to them

holy shit i think you put it into words perfectly. i feel like so many other male content creators pandering to women can often come off as either faking it for the clout/money or total creeps who just want to get pussy, but vox approaches his NSFW in such a way where he spends a lot of thought into what his audience wants. not only does he fully ""sacrifice"" himself in a way, in the sense that he doesnt care if hes seen as the cringiest of the cringe, but actually gets so hyper and excited about it he'll brainstorm and do research and come up with creative ideas. im sure theres boatloads of other male livers or creators doing the same thing but Vox has the actual talent and composure to pull it off.

its fine to not like his content but people who rip on him for mere fact he does nsfw and BFE are fucking annoying

he definitely has issues with being too soft and biased towards his chat.

very occasionally if chat is acting out he usually will tolerate it until his anger builds up and he briefly lashes out rather than enforcing rules from the beginning. but then again his weakness for his chat is both a flaw and a really endearing trait to me, hopefully he can be more gently firm in the future.

sometimes he needs to quit it with the constant fart and sex jokes, especially when they don't fit the mood or situation. when he brings up cum out of nowhere or some shit in a big collab i want to kill myself. but the farting during the PUBG stream was completely gold, he just needs to settle on better timing sometimes.

>> No.33913188

Considering you're the ones pushing for mixed collabs, which male GFE fans obviously don't like it's hypocritical to like VOX at the same time for providing BFE content.

>> No.33914777

>you're the ones pushing for mixed collabs
Source: I made it up in a dream out my ass

Oh boy wait until I show you how much the viewership drops for the Luxiem boys any time a female popped in the stream. You're gonna shit yourself once I show you how many fans of the boys still don't even know the girls exist.

>> No.33915021

you're a retard. you forget when kronii accidentally yabbed cover's talent rules in the psychiatry stream

you can't turn down a senpai when it comes to content

>> No.33915798


>> No.33916400

Yashiro Kizuku.

>> No.33916485

So, what if they politely say no thank you to a collab then they'll graduate or something? Will they get shunned by the rest of the talents? What will happen if they say no?

>> No.33919998
File: 273 KB, 655x497, 1654948614543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33921254

You need to look more

>> No.33923374

I think only tribalist and dramafags care about him.
Unless is mentioned specifically in a thread. I usually forget this guy exist.
I don't care what he do, as you said just don't watch it.

>> No.33924449

I got a little hopeful when he said no more council collabs during a zatsudan.
He's probably joking after all the mental damage from the kronii collab but there's hoping, since I very much prefer his solo content.
He's still really great in collabs but I believe his real strength is talking about his interests and hobbies including games he's interested in.
I was surprised to see Kiara stream Dicey Dungeons the other day and hope more holos follow his game choices.
The other members of Tempus aren't good solo streamers in my opinion, but maybe experience will fix that.

>> No.33924531

they are 10x funnier than any woman vtuber

>> No.33924750

Asians and xenophobia, can't name a more iconic duo

>> No.33925602

I almost fell asleep watching homo chubas, what are they good at anyway?

>> No.33925844

GOI is just a daily commute for an aussie

>> No.33926284

Is it not possible to enjoy GFE content and mixed collabs? Not everything has to be 24/7 GFE and usually if you have a GF irl or BF irl he or she is perfectly capable of having friends of the opposite sex and not cheating on you. I don’t get it it makes no sense.

>> No.33926362

Vesper experiences Real Joy when he's happy and he's too much of a sperg to fake it. It's so genuine and uplifting. I love spergs talking about their obsessive interests.

>> No.33926682

Maybe the risk of flirty jokes and then it gets uncomfortable to watch. Also I've seen first hand situations where a chuuba was prctically infatuated with another and would constantly attentionwhore in their chat. Wasn't until a huge yab happened that they stopped doing it as much.

>> No.33926698

What does this even mean?

>> No.33929617

kek his ike impression got me good
