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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 96 KB, 1280x720, me and my time warden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33783359 No.33783359 [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen Kronii laugh this hard in any collab ever. what a fucking whore.

>> No.33783379

>ive never seen kronii laugh this hard at her own jokes before
ok dylan

>> No.33783415

What about that time when Regis make her laugh?

>> No.33783438

OP knows.

>> No.33783448

She's never going to laugh harder than the timesmut part. That was peak comedy, one of the funniest moments in HoloHistory

>> No.33783471

Fucking hell how many trannies is in Sylvie's paygrade

>> No.33783532

>one of the funniest moments in HoloHistory
low bar

>> No.33783552

There is nothing funny about being such a verifiably disgusting whore that you actively make the disgraceful decision to have sexual intercourse with a dog.
I hope that Cover picks up on this and makes a clear statement that they do not support this kind of behavior by making Kronii graduate and reporting her to the applicable local authority in her country of residence.

>> No.33783618


>> No.33783669

I've never seen Kronii laugh this hard in any collab ever. what a fucking sweetheart.

>> No.33783747

good work anon hope you get those steam keys soon

>> No.33783779

I've never seen Kronii

>> No.33783821

I think Kronii should have sex with dogs so I can watch

>> No.33783920

This shitposting angle has always been retarded, and I blame the insecure kronies who made a big deal out of it in the first place.

>> No.33784276

>laughing at her own jokes and mistakes makes her a whore

>> No.33784435 [DELETED] 

Hi Dylan when are you and Sylvie gonna give me my steam gift card?

>> No.33784437 [DELETED] 

Sylvie, give me the codes

>> No.33784556

i fucking lose it too

>> No.33784773
File: 451 KB, 600x800, It was a Nijibeggar all along!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Now then, let's take a look at who's behind this..."
>"Zoinks! It's Nijisanji!"
>"Turns out they were astroturfing the board, organising it all through a Discord!"
>"Jeepers! What a bunch of no-life losers!"
>"Looks like we solved another mystery! Great job, gang!"
>"But now that's solved, what should we do now?"
>"Like, let's go watch Chloe-chan's 3D debut or somethign!"
>"Scooby Dooby Doooooooooooooooo!"

>> No.33784831

Damn... how many key cards you got there?

>> No.33784894

Thanks for the shitposting anon, steam gift card will be credited to you later!

>> No.33784960

So Kronii is a happa? Only explanation if she fucking a dog and not eating it.

>> No.33784984

bestiality is legal in canada

>> No.33785015

ntr'd by a dog l m a o

>> No.33785038

Kronii isn't from Canada, she lives in Malaysia you fucking retard.

>> No.33785057

>peak comedy
>funniest moments in HoloHistory
Holy shit. There's nothing funny on that collab.

>> No.33785065
File: 107 KB, 727x663, 1663844293654036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33785069

rather than kronii laughing i think she was funnier than usual here. good job clock

>> No.33785105

Thanks for the flashflagging anon, steam gift card will be credited to you later!

>> No.33785121

You didn’t watch the stream, theeadreader

>> No.33785161

You missed the line about "meddling kids"

>> No.33785192

What's worse is they're pretending to be /MANS/ posters
They've even try to rile up /MANS/ two or three times

>> No.33785229

I’malay my nuts in your mouth

>> No.33785237

I love Holosanji EN

>> No.33785293

Fuck off, nijishill

>> No.33785567

if it's any consolation to the holofans, this whole period of "omg X girl is laughing at Y boy's jokes, they must be dating!" lasted a good 4-6 months. once you realize that X girl is laughin at everyone from A-Z boy's jokes, it then becomes "X girl is a whore" and then eventually the meme gets stale and it becomes "X girl is collabing with Y boy again? cool, i wonder what shit they'll get into this time"

>> No.33786071

All i got from that collab is that Kronii is infinitely funnier than Mori
