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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3375494 No.3375494 [Reply] [Original]

>A new outfit reveal
>190k live viewers
>Only managed to get a little more than $10k superchats
Why are chumbuds so poor?

>> No.3375582

>194k live views is too hard to make fun of, better dig for crumbs.

>> No.3375580

Pedos have deep pockets, but children do not

>> No.3375641


>> No.3375708

SC's during the outfit reveal streams so far are mostly given out in the first couple minutes of the stream, and then after the full outfit reveal. Since Gura basically bailed within 3 minutes of the full outfit and without taking anytime on accessories, I think she just lost one of the main segments people SC during.

>> No.3375997

This. No accessories was very sad. Either the rigger or artist was too rushed to implement the assets or Gura forgot about it. She forgot about her special announcement, so there's a chance she forgot about the extra gadgets.

>> No.3376069

>literally less than Ina

>> No.3376172

Mostly children are watching her.

>> No.3376270

what is the channel total revenue? is that sponsorships and ads and whatnot?

>> No.3376317

She has a lot of young viewers and those have no money, wealthy pedos usually go after younger roommates, not cunny avatars (just look at Shion, she always had good SCs and she started in Holo being underage)

>> No.3376377

Oh, you mean those things she doesn't read?

>> No.3376423

IDK, sounds like a valid question to me.
Even with all the baiting aside, it is true that Kiara and Calli made a lot more money in SC than she did.

>> No.3376442

Lol it's pathetic.

>> No.3376519

>young viewers

Makes sense

>> No.3376528
File: 1.06 MB, 720x756, kiara.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good vtubers have a fanbase that aren't NEETS living in their parent's basements.

>> No.3376613

She has by far the most memberships.

>> No.3376668

I don't have a youtube account so I don't even sub.

>> No.3377252

That is superchats.
Ads are peanuts especially for streams because they don't serve adds while streaming.
She had 5 sponsored streams obviously rates are not public

>> No.3377880

Stop posting and go back to the pod wagie...

>> No.3377922

shut up kfp

>> No.3378458

Poor chumbuds...

>> No.3378887
File: 516 KB, 843x1010, 1620353669826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got mogged by even Ayame. If only chumkids weren't so poor

>> No.3378995

Yeah, kids and people who are only in it for the memes.

>> No.3378997

Part of it also is that kiara and callie play the gfe roll more than gura.
That nets them a lot of dependent, cashed up sad paypigs that have nobody to spend their money on. Gura could easily have done so but didn't and now she has more subs but less income.

>> No.3379000

>cucks are the richest supacha
very understandable

>> No.3379040

her fanbase is underageb&

>> No.3379059

they used to be such a big target too...

>> No.3379123

Its a combination of guras design and content
>Loli design + family friendly content

That shit brought in too many kids and not enough adults whales

>> No.3379180
File: 208 KB, 987x693, 4A1B29F4-70C9-4636-B969-D8BB21C7FE18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calli yes
>Kiara no
Gura also makes way more from VOD then Kiara could ever hope to.

>> No.3379267

The money is still being counted

>> No.3379285


i assumed her fanbase would be older pedophiles though not sexy children

>> No.3379291

I'm not poor. I just don't waste money on shit that's free in hopes that a vtuber (a smelly one in this case) might find some sort of attraction to my screen name an e-fuck me. If I want to fuck Gura, I'll just find the nearest alcoholic weirdo playing rhythm games and fuck her. It should be a 99% hit rate.

>> No.3379315

I would rather donate to Gura directly instead.

>> No.3379325
File: 197 KB, 1080x808, 1620354778254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3379331

Kiara got $18K????? Holy shit KFP.

>> No.3379438

You say that like it's easy to find an alcoholic weirdo that plays rhythm games

>> No.3379451


This is pretty regular revenue stream for KFP though

>> No.3379482

VODs are an absolutely pitiful portion of income compared to literally every other revenue stream they have, but especially superchats. I don't know what their membership numbers are like, but if you're going to be taking copium then probably try that way instead.

>> No.3379502
File: 741 KB, 1200x628, 1613014322478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because her audience is 80% children with no money

>> No.3379508

post 23 examples

>> No.3379590
File: 104 KB, 220x222, 1612065334739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats and KFP are scary. God damn

>> No.3379625

I know Kiara does well with SCs, I'm just surprised how close it is to Mori's reveal revenue when Mori had almost double the viewers. Deadbeats have pretty deep pockets too, but maybe they blew their load on her birthday stream.

>> No.3379629

poor calli, he just wants a sickbeats jap rapper to marry but they're all telling her to get married to her coworker

>> No.3379701

Unironically she has a lot of underaged fans who watch pewdiepie

>> No.3379757

Forgot to add: gura only really just started reading SC didn't she? Shit if she properly spent that time doing what the other did from day 1 she'd be rolling in it.
But she didn't, and so she doesn't (comparatively)

>> No.3379766


I think theres an element where the KFP employees want to give more and support her since shes the smallest EN girl. Its actually a little nuts when you remember they are all wildly successful and even Kiara performed beyond expectations but just relative to Gura it doesnt look as amazing

>> No.3379773

No it fucking isn't, that's her most SC'd stream ever.

>> No.3379824
File: 72 KB, 376x814, 1620186270128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori could have gotten more if the stream was longer and she didn't turn off superchats after her mini karaoke

>> No.3379874

It's not easy, but very noticeable when you see it. It's like finding a clown. Sure, they're rare in real life, but you can't miss it if you come across one.

>> No.3379887


The joke is that KFP employees give Kiara all their money and none of them are surprised she pulled in alot from their now broke asses

>> No.3380201
File: 845 KB, 1242x937, 8223B7AC-9296-4CD2-87EF-E5784017E40D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey retard

>> No.3380255

>implying that yt ads are in any significant for streamers.
Now sure she definitely makes more than Kiara when you consider members but it's still ~60k gap in SC now

>> No.3380280

She was saying she reads all of them but not necessarily out loud? Seems like she is paying a lot less attention to all of them lately though, and even the $100 ones that people would have to send to get her to look sometimes get ignored.

>> No.3380295

Why throw money at a janky ass rigging?

>> No.3380423

Not really it's Kiara's biggest SC stream by an 8k margin.
She does great in SCs because she gets an incredibly consistent amount throughout all her streams

>> No.3380637

Don't be too hard on Gura fans. She's definitely the most valuable to the Hololive brand, even if her actress will never see a cent of it.

>> No.3380668
File: 722 KB, 1242x1596, 96BE1F90-05BB-4065-BF5A-3111D66535D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3381073

Do you understand how they arrive at those metrics?
Please look up what CPM are and why the socialblade estimation sucks ass for streamers
