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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33644320 No.33644320 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.33644368

I'm happier because they're here

>> No.33644440

Yup, everything would've been much better. Now HoloEN is just turning into NijiEN.

>> No.33644468

Unironically yes

>> No.33644510

I’m much happier now that they’re here.

>> No.33644559

Male jealousy is indeed an ugly thing to see

>> No.33644563

No I'll miss reading posting shitting on them and their followers.

>> No.33644634

Dramatoursts and Dramatubers are very happy they exist. Fans not so much, but it's not like cover cares about those.

>> No.33644712
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>What would change?
you would've picked literally anything else to have a meltdown over anyway, so essentially nothing.

>> No.33644884


>> No.33644890

I would laugh less making me less happier.

>> No.33644919

Fucking nothing.

If it wasn't 'male collabs' it would be shitty rrats as usual. If you are too stupid keep from deepthroating fishhooks leave.

beaten to the punch...

>> No.33644936

Yes, everyone except Tempus and YAGOO would be happier.

>> No.33645019

>What would change?
You wouldn't be able to tell the true natures of holo EN girls.
>would everyone be happier?
If being happily deluded and deceived counts as being truly happy, then sure, everyone would be happier.

>> No.33645037

Yes, there would be far fewer faggots and tourists on the board if the homos didn't exist.

>> No.33645059

If it wasn’t this then holoen would have just reverted to streaming 1-2 a week and going on extended “breaks” every other week. Its not tempus but holoen as a whole that was a mistake.

>> No.33645076

Why didn't hololive turn into Nijisanji when holostars first debuted three years ago?

>> No.33645090

Nah, now I streamers who stream

>> No.33645198

If Tempus has 1000 fans, I'm one of them.
If Tempus has 10 fans, I'm one of them.
If Tempus has 1 fan, that one is me.
If Tempus has no fans, then I am no longer on this earth.
If the world is against Tempus, then I am against the world.
I love and support my boys until I draw my last breath.

>> No.33645251

Personally my happiness correlates with the amount of drama on the board. So Tempus have been great for me.

>> No.33645269

From a utilitarian perspective it would be better for them not to exist.
There was very little actual demand for them to exist, most was just guys wanting to join to interact with the girls, so the happiness their existence created as opposed to their non existence is little.
They have however caused a lot of unhappiness through their existence with people that were happy about their non existence.
Their existence has also been the direct cause of drama which creates even more unhappiness.
The unhappiness that their existence has created far exceeds the happiness so it would have been most ethical for Cover to never have created them.

>> No.33645423

They are completely irrelevant, so much that management encouraged the girls to collab with them so they could make some noice and have publicity in an already supersaturated market, in which they fill no niche nor have a role.

>> No.33645496

Why didn't the same thing happen three years ago with the original holostars?

>> No.33645620

>The unhappiness that their existence has created far exceeds the happiness
I don't think the few hundreds schizo that frequent this board exceed the thousands of people that watch tempus, so no by a purely utilitarian metric it was a net good

>> No.33645645

JP market and global market are plus, the vtuber market as a whole is also different now compared to 3 years ago

>> No.33645725


>> No.33645730

>would everyone be happier?
well, not everyone. many crossboarders, falseflaggers, discordfags and twitter troons are having the time of their life here because it's never been easier to farm (You)'s

but if you mean only among holofags yeah, if Tempus disappeared no one would miss them

>> No.33645785

They only revealed what was already rotten.

>> No.33645789

>Well you see, if you just completely make up numbers then it was good!

>> No.33645793

>JP market and global market are plus
What the fuck does this even mean?
>the vtuber market as a whole is also different now compared to 3 years ago
Ok, then why doesn't hololive collab with holostars right now when the market is supposedly ripe for these male collabs that Cover is apparently enforcing? Uproar debuted just a little before Tempus and they even branded them as "not a holostars gen".

>> No.33645857

Insecure vt troons still seething?

>> No.33645870

Most people don't care so there was nothing generated from them. Most wouldn't be any less happy than they are if they never existed.
There are also a lot more people unhappy than you think and their unhappiness is far greater than those happy.
Drama has also started to affect people who wouldn't have cared either way making them less happy even if it isn't directed at Tempus they were still the origin of the drama.

>> No.33645901

Nips gatekeep harder, by harassing homos heavy at beginning.

>> No.33645948

People would still be shipping girls with ame, kronii, bae, mori, they still do.
Otherwise, people would still be shittalking on Nijis or Vshojo, wait, they still are.
Or of course, people would be targeting Neo-Sana. Which, in a way, they aren't clearly doing visibly on the catalog as much as Tempus are.
In a sense, Tempus took heat off of Sana's Graduation.
Maybe people would be still shitposting about how sad council seems missing a member?

I doubt the board would be any happier, still plenty of drama people would que up if they didn't have a boogieman, or in this case, boogiemen to rally flames over.

>> No.33646031

>Now HoloEN is just turning into NijiEN.
They'd need to be entertaining for that first.

>> No.33646063

That never happened. Anyone that wanted to collab with holostars did so. The truth is that your EN waifu wants male collabs and it's not the fault of the males they want to collab with.

>> No.33646091

HoloEN would have no yabs, no drama, no ugly homos. So yeah much better.

>> No.33646146

Nothing would have changed, we'd still be shitting on deadbeats and hating pink women.
Months of bait and drama would be gone and we'd all be happy

>> No.33646211
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If Tempus didn't exist, I wouldn't have a dad.

>> No.33646263

if holostars never existed nothing would've changed they never helped hololive's popularity

>> No.33646293

>That never happened.
That did happened. There's even a clip of one of first homos talking how at begining his chat had more antis than fans. Cover even banned initialy collabs to protect them from harassment.

>> No.33646315

Yes. Imagine if we had got a 4-member EN3 instead, with gir5ls that actually like to stream.

>> No.33646381

>if you just completely make up numbers then it was good
Are you claiming that there's more than a few hundred people mad about male EN collab? Where are they besides this board and a few schizos on twitter?
>There are also a lot more people unhappy than you think and their unhappiness is far greater than those happy.
That's completely untrue, there's plenty of people that found a new oshi thanks to Tempus (Vesper has like almost 3000 members), and the only people truly upset about Tempus's existence are Kronii and Ame's unicorns.

>> No.33646396

>Cover even banned initialy collabs to protect them from harassment.
Roru rumao, the harassment would've subsided easily if FBK or Matuli allowed to help Holostars earlier.

>> No.33646420

It didn't exist until very recently anon

>> No.33646484

They were never banned from collabing.

>> No.33646592

This explains a lot.

>> No.33646610

Holocomi stream was the first time the collab ban lifted

>> No.33646617

yes and no
mori would be unhappy shocking i know. everyone else would probably be more happy i can imagine some of the girls feel stressed as fuck.

>> No.33646626

No it wasn't.

>> No.33646845

If they debuted girls instead, Hololive would have more money, happier fans, and less risk of a real disaster caused by Tempus fans all being antis to the girls.

>> No.33647779

I'm just glad Vesper is here to bring some variety to the games they stream, I'm not watching 8 hours of Kirby or ten Mario Kart collabs or playing blockgame for the 10,000th time

>> No.33648497

Yes there was

>> No.33648599

We wouldn't have had weeks of Kronii threads about her collabing with males.

>> No.33648751

That's not a collab ban.

>> No.33648758
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I'm indifferent as long as they don't drag my oshi and his friends into their shit.

>> No.33649713

HoloEN would stagnate, but at least it wouldn't die.

>> No.33649856

Really. You mean people are jumping into peoples streams like lazulight did day one?

>> No.33649918


>> No.33649946

Let's see what they've brought to Hololive:
>constant worry about the other ENs collabing with them
>giving shitposters and antis a lot of bait to work with
>constantly making the girls on edge because they're hungry for male interaction
>constantly making the viewers on edge because the most dedicated of them don't want male interaction
>constantly making haters on edge because they have a free shitposting pass now
Thank you for completely fucking HoloEN's atmosphere, Omega. Everything is ruined and it's all your fault. Then again that was your plan from the start wasn't it.

>> No.33650055

I'd probably still be sending in auditions if Holostars didn't exist. I don't like who they hired so I don't think I'd be happy working with them.
So yes but probably from a different angle than most.

>> No.33650069

Yagoo wanted them. That's enough

>> No.33650279

I never looked at Noir's past life, and now In feel dumb for not having done so.

>> No.33650433
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The talents themselves don't do anything, their mere existence causes drama from both sides. HoloEN is unironically better off without them. They didn't even being in new fans.

>> No.33650624

Axel and Vesper are cool though. Did not like Magni cause of his collab with daph. And Altare is a ticking time bomb of saying retarted shit that will get him to graduate.

>> No.33650727

I don't think Tempus would be as bad if they weren't so stunningly mediocre. It feels like people here jerk off over them specifically out of spite for the rest of the board or some weird infatuation with other men, but under that they're just really boring streamers.

>> No.33650816

My thoughts are that you guys are all fucking retarded

>> No.33650956

True enough, Yahoo seems to really be hppy with the lads feel they got going on. I know I am.

>> No.33651111

There’s a reason why you are a 1 view and kept not making to the auditions anon.

>> No.33651141

Nothing has changed with Tempus. The talents are still doing talent things and this board will be full of iredeemable bait biting retards like it always has been and always will be

>> No.33651157


>> No.33651268

You don't think this effects them? You're naiive.

>> No.33651485

Were sane and actually well adjusted anon.

>> No.33651506

>You don't think this effects them
It's obviously not affecting them, the most shit they got were a few schizos that got immediately banned by Altare after the DBD collab.

>> No.33651588

Hololive is changing and it's great. We needs more and more Holostars until the gender ratio is 50:50
