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33622469 No.33622469 [Reply] [Original]

>Kiara's newest single is doing better than Calli's new single and cover
Redditbros... I'm getting nervous. Please tell me the incels aren't winning...

>> No.33622495

It's ok I'll always pay for your condoms you are very much beautifol love from Philipines

>> No.33622517

Stop larping rart
That’s an old song, just with mv

>> No.33622522

Have you seen how hard Kiara has been numberfagging? The KFP trannycord have made it their life mission to make number big, like a bunch of fucking brainless apes.

>> No.33622575

>Kiara: I won't go to sleep until it hits 200k

>> No.33622588

At least spell it correctly.

>> No.33622611

Y-yes....the incels are botting. W-w-we're winning...

>> No.33622636

At last I will be the last deadbeat.

>> No.33622638

It's ok mori colonoscopy we got your back all 5 of us from filipin pls visit we just had lilipichu very famous

>> No.33622727

It's a free country man I can do whatever the fuck I want

>> No.33622777

>Actual Kiara Model with English song and good subtitles. Not my genre still, coomerbait good tho.
Big colorful japenglish half-rap with no subtitles to both sides.
How could they do it?

>> No.33623002

I remember how Mori's first 3D MV was like her biggest flop song ever because it was so poorly made and the song was absolute shit.

>> No.33623037

Which one was that?

>> No.33623039

Wait it's old? Fucking hell does the UMG-infested bitch even release singles anymore?
Is it just MUH ALBUM (now with 30% more Jpop instead of rap!) every time now?

>> No.33623074

You mean Mera Mera? That was the last MV from Mori that didn't take weeks to get one million views.

>> No.33623096

He probably meant unalive

>> No.33623106

>Wait it's old?
Yeah. It's from UnAlive album.

>> No.33623117

Unalive. Sits at 1.8m now. Think it came out around the time when Gura released her Reflect MV which sits at 5.9m getting close 6m.

>> No.33623177

I think its more to do with the fact that Calli's song is not that good.

>> No.33623219


>> No.33623237
File: 169 KB, 1440x415, 1663664376250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Ame's cover made in literally 3 days is mogging both of them
What is your point?
Mori's song is old, this is just the MV for it after a year

>> No.33623250

Unalive came out at the same time as Template by Suisei and Template has 3 million more views. That's just sad man.


>> No.33623267

Incels, did we lose?

>> No.33623268

You mean to tell me the unicorns support their oshi beyond what would be considered normal?

>> No.33623275

Amelia's cover is doing better than both of those so i guess incels did not in fact win

>> No.33623290

At the speed Kiara's single is gaining views it will pass it within a few days.

>> No.33623342

It really won't
It slowed down to a crawl now, after the initial 40 or so hours
10-20K a day

>> No.33623363

It's a cover... Everyone who likes King is at least going to try it.

>> No.33623375


>> No.33623397

Nigga I just refreshed and it gained 2K. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.33623404

What's so special about King anyway? It's such a mediocre song

>> No.33623416

Thus just in! New song with tons of promotion performs better than old song with none

>> No.33623424

It is a meme.

>> No.33623450

The google algorithm loves it. A holo could release a king cover where they make their brother fart to the melody and it would get to 500K in a day.

>> No.33623487
File: 1.02 MB, 1440x1007, 1663664806453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about to pass fever night kek

>> No.33623500

Calling people that you "incel" shows your true colors, reddit faggot.
Go neck yourself, maybe if you die then Death-sensei will allow you to look at his daughter once or twice. BUT NO TOUCHING, she's Conner's property.

>> No.33623607

I don't believe it. Myth's schizos are at each other's throats over fucking song numbers.

>> No.33623922

Tempus have successfully caused an actual civil war among holo en fans.

>> No.33623966

>consolewars and numbers
so nothing new

>> No.33624359

Yes. People think it's a joke but they don't want pro male faction interacting with anti male faction

>> No.33624472

Don't give Kobo ideas

>> No.33626295

Well ackshualy she reclined so hard because she pissed off the blacks, the alphabets and all those sjw shits with her roommate chimpout and the satan says im not black thing

>> No.33626324

she'll always be a nigger to me
