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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33617957 No.33617957 [Reply] [Original]

Former Kronii here. I'm leaving behind clock woman aka Mori 2.0 and converting to Mumeism. I encourage other Kroniies to do the same and accept Mumei as their new oshi and savior. We all know she was pretty much 2nd choice of best council for us anyways. As long as both Mumei and Kronii continue on their respective paths, Mumei will usurp Kronii as most powerful council and hoomans will gain control. I watched some of Mumei's karaoke and found more enjoyment and happiness listening to her sing and giggle than I did in Kronii's comeback stream where I felt simply empty and too uncaring to even watch. The numbers tonight showed Mumei's karaoke stream at 15k peak while Kronii did not even reach above 10k from start to finish and was average around 7k throughout. The bleeding is showing and will only get worse as time goes on. I believe Kronii will see much clearer the consequences of her actions if Mumei does surpass her as I am predicting.
>she was playing a debuff game you cant compare the two
She's played plenty of those before and have easily broken 12k before this dramafest happened
>why the owl? why not gura, fauna, or Irys?
Mumei is the closest council member behind Kronii as far as numbers. She has the highest chance of beating Kronii to a million. For Irys, her model still filters me to this day. Can't fap to something I think is ugly. As for gura, she already has highest numbers. There isn't much message to be heard if we only add more to just the shark. Also I can't jack off to gura either. Jacking off too Moomers is easy enough however.
>b-but she also collabed with a male!
Yeah like fucking once with jp holostars and not Tempiss. Who even remembers how long ago that was? That collab may as well been nothing more than a formal business arrangement. Also leagues better than what Kronii has done and what she plans to do as far as collabing with males, commenting on their fucking underwear, and back tracking/lying/going back on her word.

I implore those who are looking for parasocial relationship with a chuuba to switch to Mumei, and let Kronii, along with any future holos, see what happens when you choose the path of Mori.


>> No.33617975

I don't care

>> No.33618004

>words words words to say some obvious shit

>> No.33618018

Is this Owlcoin or something?

>> No.33618032
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Fauna is already getting better numbers than Kronii. Idolchads will win, as they always do.

>> No.33618152


>> No.33618270

>Calling it now: Mumei will surpass Kronii in subs and reach 1 mill first
Well. Better make new accounts and make up the 70k sub difference.

>> No.33618584

lack of knowledge

>> No.33618666

Sounds like a crypto scam

>> No.33618700

Leaving a whore who cucks you on stream to a whore who cucks you in secret.
There's no hope for you anon

>> No.33618817

hold up, you masturbate to virtual youtubers?

>> No.33619121 [DELETED] 

IRL doesn't matter. My oshi is the character not the VA.

>> No.33619225

Rome wasn't built in a day. Let's what happens about half a year later.

>> No.33619316

inb4 mumei collabs spree with males kek

>> No.33619448

watch kronii beat irys instead

>> No.33619498

I like Mumei and Fauna but I could never give money to them, even for a membership because of their situation.

>> No.33619501

You're better off migrating to Fauna. I don't know if you've e er actually listened to Mumei talk, but she's probably like, the normiest, whitest, preppiest bitch in all of Hololive. She will be the FIRST to tell you to fuck off with that unicorn shit.

>> No.33619735
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They don't need to know. Although it's better if they do and judge me for it.

>> No.33619793 [DELETED] 

You do know she has a boyfriend right?

>> No.33619823

I wanted to like mumei but she's fucking boring.

>> No.33619890

Just watching their stream is enough anon, both Fauna and Mumei never push their fans to spend a lot of money for them

>> No.33619961

>Lives his entire life in fear of getting cvcked at every corner
Just end your misery right now, faggot. You will never be able to enjoy anything.

>> No.33620076

Mumei is cool but now that Kronii is back she is gonna start gaining more subs and probably beat Irys to 1m

>> No.33620466

Jesus christ! as a Hooman I don't want any Kronie schizo's to go to Mooms. Look for a different oshi faggots. Don't ever come near her. Just go to Fauna, since she's boring like Kronii and there's no difference between them.

>> No.33620659

They've both historically told off unicorns even without their relationship status being revealed.
They're probably keeping quiet now because they're more aware of who their customers are.

>> No.33620738

alright I'll screencap it

>> No.33620942 [DELETED] 

Marcel cocksleeve

Eddy cocksleeve

Councilcucks will always be cucks no matter what

>> No.33621026

>Former Kronii

>> No.33621844 [DELETED] 

>m*rc*ls dumpster

>> No.33621971

Formerly cuck.

>> No.33622042

My fear is that your prediction might become true. Doubly so if she turned peppier and vibes with Tempiss in collabs and added those faggots at mans into her fanbase.

>> No.33622753

council is a failure. imagine pretending to be an 'idol' while having an active boyfriend who fucks after the stream is over. Council, while it sticks together better than myth does, has weaker individual talent. theyre essentially cringe twitch vtubers with the hololive label slapped on.

>> No.33622838 [DELETED] 

She dumped his ass before joining Hololive (or he dumped her ass, idk)

>> No.33622937

councilfags seriously believe this shit. pathetic shit.

>> No.33625538

They both wont be hitting 1M until late next year

>> No.33626601

>cant even spell Kronies right

>> No.33626662
File: 2.06 MB, 586x668, mumeiMuchoTexto[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx9hmup.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33627194

I approve this message. I want to see Mumei be the top Council member asap. Sub to her even if you don't like her, unsubscribe when she hits the target.

>> No.33627344

>implying council will reach 1 million

>> No.33629331

That’s essentially how Kronii has been able to maintain the distance so far. A few brief bursts of activity here and there.
No concrete proof has been found to my knowledge, though it does seem likely.

>> No.33629447


>> No.33629585

The only thing they have is a bunch of shit dug up in May 2021, of course they’ll pull that shit.

>> No.33630030 [DELETED] 

dunno i am with both
i'm a sapling 1st,
but i like Kela and my 2nd girl
mumei's a close 3rd
but Gura is forever god tier
she's better at everything, that dry cute humor as well and that work/drive ethic is much superior

>> No.33630110

dunno i am with both
i'm a sapling 1st,
but i like Kaela and my 2nd girl
mumei's a close 3rd
she's better at everything, that dry cute humor as well and that work/drive ethic is much superior

but Gura is forever god tier

>> No.33630290

Bases OP

>> No.33630528
File: 383 KB, 752x922, kronmei game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33631036

>he didn't take the indie pill

>> No.33635763


>> No.33636099

Mumei was already on track to surpass kronii sooner or later even before this supposed """"Yab"""". Whatever drama the twitter troons have been warming up has no relevance on this.

>> No.33640757

Why kronies are like this

>> No.33642299

OP, you’re retarded. Council has always been as follows.


>> No.33642743

Moom is the Gura of Council in personality, shocking she isn’t leagues ahead as is, but I’d chock that up to Myth debuting during covid and Moom not having a super unique design.

The dorky air head type girls dominate western vtubing audiences. Moom will be on top of council soon enough.

>> No.33642822

notPenguin is extremely cute

>> No.33643235

Too bad Ame will break her mind in the field trip collab

>> No.33644726

My guess is that livestreaming herself having a panic attack as her debut and not having an equivalent to Gura’s Ride on Time and Muse Dash streams in her first week are also factors.
