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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.16 MB, 1079x2865, licensed_electrician_natsuiro_matsuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33455791 No.33455791 [Reply] [Original]

Does your oshi have a degree? Is she working towards one? Vtubing wont be around forever you know?

>> No.33455919

No, and I don't want her to. The more desperate she is the longer she will stream.

>> No.33455937

it will be around longer than you will stay alive

>> No.33456154

my oshi will be fleshtuber

>> No.33456197

Impressive. I want to fuck Matsuri untill she becomes an idiot

>> No.33456202

It's an unsustainable business practice with a high rate of turnovers. These girls need to put their money into marketable skills and paypig money isn't gonna last forever

>> No.33456319

only if they are 2 view. if you can get popular once its rare to lose viewers. get 1000 viewers and u beat 99% of competition.

>> No.33456415

What's a degree for? Everyone will voluntarily connect to Matrix within 10 years and the history of mankind in its physical form will end.

>> No.33456629

Hmm, I think
>Ina and Mumei have one
>Gura, Kronii, and Fauna might be high school graduate
>Kiara is a college dropout
>Ame and IRys only went to middle-school
>Bae is still in college

>> No.33456733


>> No.33456739

>Mumei have one
literally the first sentence and you have already exposed yourself. Mumei is currently in college which is like half of what she talks about regarding her personal life

>> No.33456756

Mumei is still in college
Kiara is an high school dropout

>> No.33456845

ESL chama...

>> No.33456890

Why does she approximate 1/(4 pi epsilon) but then stop and start using symbols for the constants later?

>> No.33456962

Guys please help, how do I get my 2 view menhara oshi to become so stressed out she blows her scholarship chance and has to stay a chuba

>> No.33457129

She is a licensed electrician, this is just her old notes.

>> No.33457135

Streaming has been a thing before v tubing and it will still be a thing after v tubing is dead

>> No.33457166

Kiara is not exactly a dropout, atleast not by the way the german school system functions.
Sure she "finished" earlier than others but she does have a degree.

>> No.33457175
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>become vtuber <- you are here
>become fleshtuber
>become camwhore
>become onlyfans whore
>become porn actress

Life goes on.

>> No.33457329

Were that many of them really dropouts? Weird how often that is the case with people who decide to go into entertainment mediums.

>> No.33457490

Kiara finished middle school and went into a trade in hotel business? I think

>> No.33457561

Well it's relateable since most of them are from NA

>> No.33457575

You're never going to figure out how Austria works by throwing spaghetti like this, just stop. She had a job when she went home the first time, so she presumably has a hirable level of education.

>> No.33457659

World is about to end anon. China and Russia is getting desperate, the US is about to lose its world empire status. Open tiktok right now if you have it, you are looking at the generation that will be forced to fight and survive a great global upheaval. It's not looking good anon.

>> No.33457733

Maths is such a meme. What the fuck does any of that mean? You can survive your whole life on 1+1=2 and just using a calculator for the rest

>> No.33457848

Thats even worse in a way, with how shit and retard proof much of NA public schooling is you have to be next-level retarded or a complete fuckup to not make it all the way through high school st least

>> No.33457877

My oshi will always work with streaming, either in front or behind.

>> No.33458067

>writing physical constants as the (rounded) actual number rather than the symbol, and then not even writing its units
Absolute retard behavior

>> No.33458184

That's engineering or physics not maths.

>> No.33458298

She's put the unit at the end, that's perfectly fine and would need to be changed if she also puts the constant's ones there mid equation..

>> No.33458424

I didn’t see it at the end. Writing the constant as a number is still dumb though even if you specify the units.

>> No.33458602

What's a technical high school, and does that imply she never graduated high school?

>> No.33459136

imagine writing physical constants
t. Gausschad

>> No.33459281

yeah she has a PhD in wrestling money from schizos

>> No.33459287

She’s a trained electrician.

>> No.33459325

>he doesn’t use natural units in all cases even if it actually makes it more cumbersome to write

>> No.33459344

It implies she went into a high school that's actually useful.

>> No.33459351

Name one vtuber who has done this.

>> No.33459354

In Japan, once you finish middle school you can choose to either go to a prep school (what you see in most anime) where you prepare for university, go to a vocational school (what Matsuri did for her electrician's certificate) or simply enter the workforce in blue a collar job.

>> No.33459362


>> No.33459404

Some schools offer technical courses on trade skills for high school students. They are not equivalent to higher education degrees by any means. But they are quite reliable in the sense that you may have a profession as soon as you finish school.

Do americans not have this?

>> No.33459415

For HoloJP I think Noel has a STEM degree and Koyori is a licensed pharmacist.

>> No.33459484

I think japan is weird with technical-vocational stuff since those are equations for electromagnetism and capacitance, which is way above a JK's pay grade.

>> No.33459565

>STEM degree
>moonlights as a camwhore and titty idol
something's not adding up

>> No.33459598

Is Mumei still riding the cock carousel?

>> No.33459615

my retard wives

>> No.33459645

the west is just weird. everyone knows calculus by the time they are around 14-15 years old in my country. and calculus is usually taught along with physics as the main application.

>> No.33459684

Didn't noel even have a PhD and gave up on her career since her content makes her much more money?

>> No.33459693

Iroha has a degree in making me cum

>> No.33459699

some people enjoy camwhoring more than an office job, whodathunk

>> No.33459720

More like she never even started that career.

>> No.33459755

Being a woman really is life on easy mode. Being a woman with big tits is basically using cheats.

>> No.33459773

I don't know about the PhD, but she's been pretty consistent with her story about graduating college with a STEM degree.
>moonlights as a camwhore and titty idol
She's been active (groomed) on the internet since middle school. Her total earning probably surpasses most non-FAANG senior engineer would've made in the same time frame. Noel may look and sound like a dumb bimbo but she's ruthless when it comes to business.

>> No.33459790
File: 129 KB, 600x519, C0C5D04F-B872-4768-8680-7C7D5373BBEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School is for conformists.

>> No.33459838

no fucking way, Koyori isnt larping???

>> No.33459855

I'm sure everyone can DO calculus, but they don't really learn it because they all forget it within a year of graduating since it's not really applicable to daily life. I'll bet you that more than 90% of adults in your country couldn't solve a differential equation to save their life.

>> No.33459905
File: 90 KB, 900x900, 1621751895690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does! It's for art/animation and it's served her well.

>> No.33459973

My man I am 21 and can't grasp functions

>> No.33459990

Most JP matome sites I frequent mentioned that and the japs usually dig up every little roommate's details.

>> No.33460005

maybe that's why she's a hag and streams so much. she spent so much time studying that life passed her by and she wants to regain her childhood. that or she's dealing drugs to cover emplyees.

>> No.33460075

>has enough discipline to finish a pharmacy degree
>translates it to streaming consistency
Pink Ramie I fucking kneel

>> No.33460130

post THAT koyori webm

>> No.33460214

Noel has been streaming since she was 13 and now she's 28, she's one of the most veteran streamers that are still active. (Also, her singing is almost completely unchanged when she was 13.) She completed a STEM degree (I think it was implied to be a hard science like chemistry or physics) intending to continue towards mastery and PhD, outright paid for with her own money, as a fallback in case streaming petered out in the future. Make no mistake, despite appearances Noel is an intelligent calculating businesswoman.

>> No.33460225


>> No.33460291

Your mom

>> No.33460298

iirc it was biology, could've just been the voices in my head though

>> No.33460348

function literally just takes an input (in a domain) to an output (in a codomain)...

>> No.33460387

I've heard that too but wasn't sure, just that it's a hard science (that also includes biology).

>> No.33460436

My oshi has a bachelor's degree in psychology

>> No.33460440

>hard science
lol. lmao.

>> No.33460451
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She has two, and had a career prior to vtubing full time.

>> No.33460516
File: 100 KB, 1033x985, 1644418003374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PHD in Physics

>> No.33460542

"Hard science", as opposed to soft science, not talking about the difficulty of the degree

>> No.33460676

If you have a degree why would you spend time going nowhere as a vtuber? Granted we're looking at survivor bias here and the big leagues are basically set for years and years if not life

>> No.33460715

weird how few vtubers are into liberal arts shit compared to failed stemlords

>> No.33460868

thats just being japanese (or growing up in any asian country in general). You'd be the shame of the family if you didn't take a STEM degree

>> No.33461052

Acadaemia pay and job security is bullshit, outside of that you're competing with a fuck ton of others for jobs that really don't pay well considering the student loans.

I learned a bunch of things from calculus to chemistry and physics and a foreign language. Forgot all of it because I never used it after HS.

Natural selection is probably a factor.
>Be lib arts sperg
>Cry about politics all the time
>People ignore you or hate you for it
>Be STEM grad
>Make occasional reference but refrain from controversial topics
>Sugoi vtuber-chan, very smart and kawaii, that's my oshi.

I'm also biased as I actuallly thing Matsuri is cuter for being an electrician. She's still batshit but I like the practicality and it makes her seem more intelligent and more tomboyish.

>> No.33462600

Aia probably majored in some meme course like philosophy or sociology
Any clue on what's Elira's major?

>> No.33462783

Matsuri being an electrician was one of the last things I expected, but I like the idea, kind of a cute gap moe.

>> No.33462973

Electricians work with stuff that will kill you if you look at it funny. Of course she's insane.

>> No.33463016

I have a degree of anyone is looking to oshihen

>> No.33463152

Projekt Melody did it in reverse

>> No.33463260

Idk, but i believe Shu's a CS graduate.

>> No.33463354
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>> No.33463448

what the fuck Kishida let me in. this is like 5x what my country pays for electricians

>> No.33463510
File: 2.69 MB, 2559x1440, 1660904214566728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His degree is unknown but my oshi graduated from university this year.

>> No.33463559

I Thought he dropped out. Or is it that blond dude?

>> No.33463613

That's lower than my salary and I'm just a factory assembler with the same level of education even though I can't understand the equation she tweeted.

>> No.33463664

Wow they get to learn Physics early over there. My hs wouldn't teach it until you were a senior (NJ too...supposedly one of the better states from public education in the US kek).
That being said I'm pretty sure most of my mong classmates would fail instantly if we had to take it at 15 years old.

>> No.33463711

No and no. Stop believing in that "yagoo's house of broken girls and boys" screenshot which is 99% rrats.

>> No.33463763

Would explain why he's the one fixing everyone's shit

>> No.33463845
File: 838 KB, 2946x4096, Natsuiro_Matsuri_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The wiring in your house has gone to shit
>You call a company to send an electrician to fix it
>After waiting for some time, you hear the doorbell
>You open the door and see picrel
What do you do?

>> No.33463887

>(Also, her singing is almost completely unchanged when she was 13.)
Pure soul. Bless her.

>> No.33464031

>Dropping out of High School
I don't get it, its practically autopilot, but I guess if you have shit family situation you may forced to find work

>> No.33464059

Wow that blows. Is this just entry level or something?

>> No.33464067

my oshi has a masters and works a 9-5 wagie job in some international IT company

>> No.33464103

too bad it was autopilot for you because your reading comprehension is poor. none of them dropped out of high school

>> No.33464105

Mori graduated....from art school. It's still a degree.

>> No.33464147

>Ame and IRys only went to middle-school

>> No.33464158

I dropped out in 9th grade

>> No.33464261

Anon, that could also mean that they didn't even enter high school in the first place

>> No.33464350

This explains a lot

>> No.33464375

is your oshi perhaps particularly good at singing?

>> No.33464430


>> No.33464597

The moment she decided to retire she already had enough money for her lifetime anyway

>> No.33464944

Naw naw a standard US house plug in is only 110V it probably won't kill ya.
T.Journyman electrican

>> No.33465114

>Multiple cases of electricians dying in America from their job
Also wouldn't electrician include the guys working on pylons and industrial shit?

Ask her whats wrong with her abdomen, I can't even call it her stomach since that six pack extends to her vag.

>> No.33465266

Matuli is only qualified to work on wiring a house

>> No.33465274

If Matsuri was really working as an electrician, she would get fired for putting spycams in women's houses.

>> No.33466099

Yes it does actually most electricians go into industrial because the money is great and oddly enough a lot of deaths get caused from stupid shit out side of electrical like not attaching your harness when up on a fucking pole or walking in front of truck because some dumb ass fucked up the permits for the 87th time.

>> No.33466242
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Haruka-san, please don't mind that tiny hole on the ceiling. It's there to, uhh, ventilate the wires.

>> No.33466255

I threw an electrician out of the plant I work in because he saw fit to flip a 600A breaker back on barehanded. I fucking shit my pants when it happened, retard walked right up to it and did it right away with all of us in the room with no warning.

>> No.33466288

>flip a 600A breaker back on barehanded
I would shit myself if that happened.

>> No.33466289

she dropped out of highschool (art school) to get a professional certificate
her diploma isn't equivalent to highschool diploma, i don't think

>> No.33466430

Fauna has like a graduate degree. She and Ina are the most educated in HoloEN.
Only Holo that is confirmed a highschool dropout is Shion. The only EN chuubas that are HS dropouts are Pippa and Shadow.

>> No.33466507

Aren't your larger appliances like Fridges and washers on 220V?

>> No.33466554

NGL I wish I went with electrician as my career choice. I fell for the unversity meme and make less money while I could be fully qualified by now. I also don't want to retrain because due to student loans I would still make less than the average electrician. Still it seems like an interesting job, better than office work.

>she dropped out of highschool (art school)
Oh no.

>> No.33466656

holy fuck what a retard

>> No.33466675

Yes they are. We get split phase current coming into the house (it's split coming out of the transformer). Each leg is 120V. An electrician can tie them together in a conduit or in outlets to give access to higher voltage for larger equipment.

>> No.33466691

If the fucker got turned black and crispy it would have been on him and no one else lmao

>> No.33466738

Same. I did Chemical Engineering. Now I help out with my plant's facilities and read electric design textbooks because I think they're more interesting than thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and all that other gay shit I took in college that barely anyone uses.

>> No.33466753

I agree that Fauna shows some intellect from the way she talked, but I'm not sure about her entering college.

>> No.33466766

if you have a non-meme stem degree just get work in research/academia/consulting

>> No.33466805

Problem is he could've done that to everyone else within 30-40 feet of him too and also start a fire that could potentially kill hundreds of people.

>> No.33466807

You do meet some interesting fucking people and job site conversations are some of the funniest I've ever had also the works not bad for skilled labor it kicks the mortal shit out of being a roofer

>> No.33466844

What this anon said.

>> No.33466924

It's not all great, though I do enjoy it. Union guys love life following the law of three Ds: drunk, divorced, or dead. You're better off trying to turn your current job more interesting (assuming STEM so employer might let you take a crack at something) than starting over.

>> No.33466950
File: 158 KB, 444x330, shiokko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the ojii-san thread?

>> No.33466990

What kind of fucking building was this set up in exactly? The only time I've seen large D units (heh) set up is in insanely big fucking factors or workshops and even then a fire should not cause that much of an issue if your still in early stage (death toll wise) construction

>> No.33467059

It feels like we are all cross posters from /diy/

>> No.33467087

I hope you're enjoying the autistic specialisation that comes with STEM. I'm pretty much stuck with QC bullshit due to knowing a few analytical techniques and almost all employers say it's essential to know techniques instead of offering training in new skills.

People look outside academia for a reason. Academia is shit. I dropped out before doing a PhD because I know multiple PhDs who are just going from post doc to post doc, grant to grant. Add in publish or perish and it's just not worth it.

>> No.33467678

this is literally mcdonalds wages in the US what the fuck
this can't be right or nobody would ever become an electrician in Japan

>> No.33467811

She will finish her degree and there's nothing you can do about it, hooman.

>> No.33467842

I almost died of electrocution when I was a kid.
Never again.

>> No.33467943

Shion is a dropout there's others too.

>> No.33468116

I thought she went to a voice acting school?

>> No.33468361

There's a chuuba in Kawaii who decided to quit her PhD program in order to be a fulltime chuuba, it's not that surprising.

>> No.33468528

Big factory. Breaker was for huge processing skid.

>> No.33469084

>Noel has been streaming since she was 13 and now she's 28
That's odd. She was 27 in 2019.

>> No.33469895

pretty sure she was 28 last year (based on the other channel)

>> No.33469947

explain pls
I can turn off our house's 100a main breaker no problem only wearing my boxer on.

>> No.33471729

Anon, you don't need a "hirable level of education" to flip burgers

>> No.33472298

You have to consider cost of living. Living anywhere outside of Tokyo/Osaka/any big city is gonna be dirt cheap

>> No.33472573

My Faufau went to college and tried to be a straight A student

>> No.33473325

If everything works as intended you can flip a breaker by hand. However, the larger the breaker the less guaranteed trips it can take per UL before you should replace it (at 600A just one or two trips means you should cut all power coming in and replace). The more amperage the crazier the arc flash. Here's what would happen to you if there was a dead short or something and the breaker for your house wasn't working properly.
Even if 99% chance of success, that 1% will make you look like Cell fired a Kamehameha straight at your face. You should research and dress for the task or just hire someone qualifed. If my house had a 100A breaker and I had to flip it I would only do so with a long pole so I could stand really far away.

>> No.33473396
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Stay is school, kids. You can't make MMD's without some maths.


>> No.33473832

Moona graduated from college early last month, digital design apparently

>> No.33477759


>> No.33477926
File: 47 KB, 585x263, Screenshot (1540).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah this girl could never be my Oshi but it's interesting to have a wage slave as a Vtuber

>> No.33477951

Isn't Korone also a Tokyo U graduate

>> No.33478513

Her brain is as fast as a sushi conveyor belt

>> No.33479062


>> No.33479246
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x720, 1642330872832.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi is a maths major but she's still a dummy on stream and I love her for it

>> No.33479430

Pekora is a kindergarten teacher, she is going be fine.

>> No.33479500

>falling asleep early=collapsing from exhaustion

>> No.33479641

There's a few Holomems that have that qualification.

>> No.33480376

I wonder what she considers ''work''

>> No.33480966

>Only Holo that is confirmed a highschool dropout is Shion
Not even

>> No.33481840

Believe it or not dumb fuck, there's uses for formulas that founded alot of our understanding on engineering, electricity, etc.

>> No.33482033

Well Moona just graduated

>> No.33485390

Fauna has some sort of bioscience degree iirc

>> No.33486188

I think she studied something related to that, but [rrat] she droped. She has a complex that she doesn't like to be measured intellectually (that's why she didn't go to Gura's) and it seems that it's because at some point the college surpassed her.

>> No.33486405

Kiara actually dropped out of high school. She finally got her Austrian GED and recieved her Matura not too long ago.

>> No.33486652

I'm pretty sure she got a degree being she worked as a lab assistant at some point and she's actually smart by regular standards not just when compared to other chuubas
It might be that she didn't want to btfo all the other contestants and is just being polite.
