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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33350082 No.33350082 [Reply] [Original]

The last two years were a warm respite from the pain and cruelty of the world. But all things must come to a close.

>> No.33350424


>> No.33350487

This is the day Ame meets her future boyfriend. It happened to nyanners, it can happen to her. Condolences to fellow unicorns. Fortunately my oshi doesn't collab with males. Too bad I had to learn the hard way.

>> No.33350501

Don't come back. My oshi is reviled across 4chan and yet I still haven't dropped her 2 years later.

>> No.33350518

you niggers are so funny. stay mad, everyone!

>> No.33350587

She just had to throw it all away. What a waste.

>> No.33350621

Condommates were always cucks to begin with. Remember Ameggeddon?

>> No.33350768

What hurts is that she doesn't even fucking care. All that love spent on her, repaid with the stench of cock.

>> No.33350896

Former teamates can at least take solace that they were never deadbeats.

>> No.33350944

I'm an Aqua Crew.

>> No.33351075

It's hard to believe there are people retarded enough to unicorn over Ame of all people

>> No.33351172

The gosling meme started because of her. She's the #1 unicorn magnet actually

>> No.33351238

That was pretty obvious from the beginning.

>> No.33351263 [DELETED] 

btw, stream is at 12k and rising. seethe and cope unicuck.

>> No.33351270

Being a unicorn is already inherently so retarded that nothing surprises me past that point.

>> No.33351359

She left hints that she did care, but it was all lies. All take make the final cucking all the more heartwrenching I guess. She could have been an idol, but chose to be a whore.

>> No.33351374

Imagine being retarded enough not to spot the obvious intended irony.

>> No.33351539

why? I've never understood what's wrong about being a unicorn. What's so bad about falling in love? It just happens sometimes, you don't mean for it to, but it do. Too bad she stomped on the hearts of those that loved her and kicked them down the gutter. A gutter filled with other men's dicks.

>> No.33351554

It is all mori's fault

>> No.33351585

Find another oshi anon

>> No.33351599

>oh we were just pretending she was our gf from 2020-early 2021 back on /hlgg/, now I'm gonna drop her over one collab with a male because the catalogsisters spammed threads left and right!
This is you, this is what you sound like.

>> No.33351652

She was trying at some point, but that's over now.

>> No.33351667

that's actually fucking embarrassing. My oshi averages 20k on a boring day. But then again she's flat chested, so....

>> No.33351737
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Still crying?

>> No.33351793

Maybe it's just me but I don't think that oshi hopping would personally sit well with both involved

>> No.33351835

All those comfy movie watchalongs, the comfiness of her voice. All gone now. Now all we get to hear is flirting. And we all know that's exactly why those men joined HoloEN in the first place. They're there for one thing only, and that's pussy.

>> No.33351848

So it's barely beating Koyori's solo stream and at less than half the CCV of Gura's quiz show?

>> No.33352119

Honestly that's your own loss since you refused to do your JP reps and when offered the chance you were nothing but spiteful and petulant. Too late now, faggot. Now get lost.

>> No.33352183

Imagine thinking people showing up to own the unicorns, incels, or the new sleight du jour wil stick around as Ame becomes a 3 view. Kek.

>> No.33352234

Koyo has how many watching? Noel has just under 10K here.

>> No.33352255

The fuck are you talking about. I'm not dropping her, exactly because I was just pretending so there's nothing to drop her over. The catalogsisters are beneath contempt, as is anyone who was ever serious about the gosling meme.

>> No.33352277

Hey unicorns, how does it feel to be less relevant than esports?

>> No.33352363

Nigga that's fucking shit numbers kek

>> No.33352389

Your oshi doesn't collab with males cuz her man would get angry and stop filling her pussy with his seed right after she stops streaming.

>> No.33352400

But moonrunes is hard. At least gooks serve hard justice to cheating whores like dumb bitch whatsherface screaming whore. What consequences with Ame face for being a cockgobbling cheating whore? None. Should have stuck with the lolishark, she knows how to handle horny flirting homos.

>> No.33352421

Based retard, you did not realistically actually fall in love with someone. You lack life experience and do not recognize a childish infatuation for what it is. On the off chance that you somehow actually did, that's a symptom of serious mental illness, and also you're still retarded for "falling in love" on the basis of a virtual conversation with literally thousands of other participants.

>> No.33352522

my brother in christ, your awaited tournament has barely more numbers than koyori or noel playing the debuff dragon quest

>> No.33352596


>> No.33352612

>debuff dragon quest
captcha: 2D ATM

>> No.33352658

If a tree falling in a forest and i don't hear it, then there ain't no fuckin tree fallin in no fuckin forest. If she wants to cuck her boyfriend while she flirts with us on stream with kisses and hugs, then that's his fuckin loss. He shoulda put his foot down. His girl cheatin on him.

>> No.33352659

so whats your point eopchama?

>> No.33352684

It has nearly as many viewers as Myth 2nd anniversary

>> No.33352697

>Implying JP members don't have boyfriends
Kek you faggots are so delusional is funny

>> No.33352701

Her channel will decline into irrelevance slightly faster than it would have anyway.

>> No.33352780

Say you've never fallen in love IRL and been with them for more than a year without saying it. It's okay bro, you'll experience love one day. I believe in you.

>> No.33352863

Myth 3D had 31k ccv

>> No.33352867

Well a bunch of retarded people fell for the gosling meme so there you have it.

>> No.33352887

erm... bros? what did he mean by this?

>> No.33352903

She lost her best friend, and is now losing her best fans. Somehow I don't feel bad for her. Reap what you sow, whore.

>> No.33352997

Shit excuse faggot. Maybe don't intrude the hobby I've been a part of for 4 years now, long before you've brought your unwanted /v/erminous or /a/utistic self into it.

>> No.33353015

means if I'm beating my meat to a girl's stream cos she kissin the mic, then she's cheating on her boyfriend. Would you seriously let your girlfriend do that?

>> No.33353031

At least one of them is literary into sucking cuck anon.

>> No.33353106

>noooooooo you have to know the heckin forbidden knowledge and what we and 5ch think about it or else you are le cuck
Piss off

>> No.33353157

Right and the combined ccv is just a hair below 27k.

>> No.33353309

>Combining CCV

>> No.33353312

and you know all 10,000 kanji or 50,000 or whatever the fuck it is. How can a language be so weirdly primitive, yet so needlessly fucking complicated. No wonder the Japs aren't breeding, there's not tools in the japanese language to express feelings, too tell a girl how you love her. Fuckin ching chong nip nong. All you so called JP speakers are just larping, you don't really understand the language. You actually have no fucking idea what the JP's are saying.

>> No.33353517

Witness the true face of homobeggars

>> No.33353532
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>> No.33353586

You know is true faggot join the 40% if the truth hurts you

>> No.33353597

All gay men will still fuck pussy given the chance. ALL of them. There are no exceptions. Just like how all lesbians LOVE cock once you get them in a tight enough choke hold. Kek. Literal gay homosEN are still a threat to the girls. You fuckin watch them over the coming month, watch all the normies be shocked that an EN guy and EN girl got together. How could this happen? It only took Aethel a couple collabs before he got too dive face first into the 30 year old nyanpuss. It's inevitable. Boy meets girl.

>> No.33353691

I'm the opposite, I don't want the stupid homos fuckin my oshi.

>> No.33353709

insane schizo talk, nobody hates women more than faggots, they're literally repulsed by them on sight. go to lgbt and educate yourselves, they're the biggest misogynists on the planet and think pussy is rotten meat

>> No.33353879

Go on, refute my central argument, prove I'm wrong. Show me that it's impossible to fall in love with someone over the internet with just voice and video.

>> No.33353943

>debuff dragon quest
>in japan
>26k is barely above 11k
my sides anon holy shit

>> No.33353950

Back to /v/, /pol/, or /r9k/, whichever board you initially came from.

>> No.33354030

Projecting much?

>> No.33354065
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Not impossible, just really pathetic lmao

>> No.33354081

>He is combining ccv of two streams with overlaping audience
>He doesnt know DQ is a debuf game in japan due the sheer amount of times vtubers have played it already.
Holy shit anon my sides, it's fine you don't have to pretend you aren't an eop.

>> No.33354092

nah it's all a larp for status. Fags have higher status that straight people in the modern society's hierarchy. They suck cock for power. Same as trannies. It's all for power. Given them sex with an actual beautiful kind and caring virgin girl, and they're just as straight as the rest of us. It's just a shame that the majority of gays were sexually abused in their childhood, and acquired a paraphillia for cock and men's assholes. Fortunately for them, this can be corrected.

>> No.33354160


>> No.33354169

No say that in Japanese.

>> No.33354249 [DELETED] 

Nah he's right. That's all pretend, it fits their "aesthetic". They talk about how much they hate pussy but still want it just like normal dudes.

Lesbians are the same way, I've fucked 3 over the years. It's all pretend and you have to sit there and play along like being gay is a thing. Actual dystopia lmfao.

>> No.33354278

Fine by me I guess. Don't fall in love then. Just spend the next 60 years of your life alone, have no kids, and have no one attend your funeral, cos love is cringe amirite?

>> No.33354330

most lesbians are bisexual, but most fags are actually gay

>> No.33354338

Do you really think anyone here actually has a girlfriend?

>> No.33354407

Koyori is in her average ccv, meanwhile all the power of homobeggars and cucks combined cant go over 15k

>> No.33354546

lmao even

>> No.33354560

You' d be suprised anon. This place isn't what it was once was.

>> No.33354737

Well at least some of you should. If I can have multiple 4 - 8 year long relationships, as an ugly fat small handed retard with a weird shaped head, then you fucking faggots should be able to get girlfriends too. One i even met online... When she shoved icecubes up her asshole on cam for me, I knew she was the one. Too bad it wasn't to be though. Matters not, chin up, and onto the next pussy. Or stay single forever, whatever floats your boat. Point is unicorns are fucking based, homobeggars get the rope, and I'm gonna go jerk it to my oshi and cum so hard that I kick the cat and burst a blood vessel in my eyes again.

>> No.33354758
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Fucking hell it just keeps getting better kek. Yeah cause the anime girl streamer that only knows you as a nick in a screen (that if she even remembers your name by the end of the day) is somehow going to live with you, give you kids and attend your funeral unlike the real people in my real life that I can actualy grow close to and develop an actual relationship with. This aint real love buddy, it's escapism. But keep going I'm having a blast here

>> No.33354877

Most fags a just confused, whether its from sexual abuse or some other trauma, or a fetish or paraphillia that has gotten out of hand. No one actually finds the male form attractive like the female form. Even chicks, they get off to themselves being fucked, not to the man that is actually fucking them.

>> No.33354897


>> No.33355189

Have you never met someone IRL that you originally met online? I first did that fucking 20 years ago, on some random heavy metal forum or some shit. You can fall in love with a person online, and then meet them, and find that you are still in love. Or from the other perspective, are you denying that a streamer can love their chat? I already know a few vtubers that literally masturbate to their chat. Even one chick finger banged her soaking pusspuss on fucking discord for us, it was fucking hot as fuck. A streamer can love their audience. Thus the love goes both ways, therefor it's real. Thank you thank you, I'll be here all evening (I won't cos i'm gonna go cum now.)

>> No.33355338

youtube doesn't overlap views retard. at least numberfag right if you're really going to do it

>> No.33355507

>2 weeks ago it was all the rage to be a unicorn
>2 weeks later it's hip and trendy to hate unicorns
/vt/ just likes to take whatever opinion goes against the reasonable flow of Hololive and I doubt you even watch streams, just parrot whatever your tranny Discord tells you to for ebin screencaps

>> No.33355512

You missed the "shit was so cash" part.

>> No.33355707

>The world is wrong not me
Ok faggot join the trannies in suicide.

>> No.33355944

A beautiful forest has been engulfed in raging fires of doom. It can't be saved now. There is but one hope, that one day from the ashes on the burned ground a new green will sprout.

>> No.33355999
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Its time to come home gosling

>> No.33356029
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Amazing anon, trully terrific. Thanks for the chuckles. You're still not fucking your oshi, move on

>> No.33356527

I'm going to. I'm going to meet her, and plant at least 15 daughters in her womb. Aethel's done it before, my ugly ass has done it before, and I'll do it again. You won't dent my resolve.

>> No.33356887

Projecting much?

>> No.33356980

>her future boyfriend
You mean Altare? 'cause Axel is pretty hard for Nodoka so if she's your oshi that ship's sailed way sooner than 2 years.

>> No.33357509
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Go get her anon. (You), random chat member drowned among the thousands of other regulars. (You) will triumph over the year old members, the oil barons and the fan artists, (you) and only (you) will get her undying attention, slide into her personal dms, grow close to her, get her to fall in love with specifically (you) - not with her chat, for you're not her chat, you are (you), a member of her chat, a mere unamed part of it. Only then, after gaining her with your overwhelming individuality, will she meet you in real life and marry (you), because you two are just so damn perfect for each other, unlike all the other uncountable unicorns - they are just delusional

>> No.33358215

>faggot can't dream
sad really
enjoy being a normalfag though

>> No.33358605

Dream? What do you mean "dream" anon? Where did that resolve go? I thought you were going to make that a reality? Lmao, I expected more of you budd

>> No.33359189

I'm not that anon, but I can see when someone can't understand and therefore mocks concepts and ideas because to him if it isn't tangible or "possible" it has no way of existing.

>> No.33359290

Am I the only one who only watched her debut and the Halo collab?

>> No.33359381

Just get a new oshi. There's plenty that are cgdct.

>> No.33359393
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>> No.33359439

Which chuubas are like Ame but without the homobegging?

>> No.33359748

I don't know what you'd consider 'like ame', but your choices are - gura, irys, fauna, kiara, ina and mummers. Well maybe I shouldn't have said plenty lol. Personally and this is pure conjecture I'm not surprise any of this happened. Ame has always had a love hate thing with her chat and scorning them. I'd say look for someone that doesn't hate their chat. Even if gura doesn't like greynames as much, she doesn't actively shit on them either.

>> No.33359777

Let this thread be the place where dying goslings mourn together. Then improve yourself and move on

>> No.33360004
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Hah, suite yourself. I’m here to laugh at you guys while looking forward to future Ame streams like a true Teammate. Ame didn’t need you flakes anyway.

>> No.33360060

Sure buddy, go live that rom-com in your head, ain't no crime in that. We all loved, we all will love, nothing more natural than that. But make sure to get mad at your oshi when reality inevitably comes knocking and she doesn't fit perfectly the role you crafted for her, a role of which the chances of coming true were ever so close to naught

>> No.33360089

Recommend me someone who can do dating stream

>> No.33360263

I want unicorns far away from HoloJP. Some of the better girls have even worse antis.

>> No.33360286

Go watch the fucking collab, larper. Laughing at suffering people won't make you a better person

>> No.33360521

Luckily the JPs arent foolish even to give a damn about your opinion.

>> No.33360705

I'm pretty sure they hate unicorns because they're an embarrassment to gachi who aren't petty faggots like (You)

>> No.33360811

Kek. So I coomed to my oshi. Back now. But yeah so anyway, I see nothing wrong here, I see no problem here. Other unicorns aren't delusional, they're fucking based, but I'll still use their skulls as stepping stones to my eventual marriage and breeding of my oshi. It's not that complicated really. Life is a competition, survival of the fittest, and my oshi motivates and inspires me to be the fittest strongest me possible. So why do yall hate unicorns again kek? (toxic abusive unicorns get the rope though, especially the ones that think their oshi owes them something. My oshi don't owe me shit. It's up to me to make myself known to her. I've achieved more in the last 2 years thanks to my oshi than i have in a long time, so I owe her everything.)

>> No.33360938

Stop replying to the normalfag with the pig oshi

>> No.33360963

you like being a cuck do you? You like watching other men fuck beautiful women. Give her up champ, no need to watch her flirt with these males.

>> No.33361153

If my oshi collabed with a male like Ame has, i'd be heartbroken, but I wouldn't become an anti. All antis get the rope. I'd just silently stop watching her. I'd be devastated, but the least sign of respect i can show is not be a cunt about it.

>> No.33361194

Thanks but you're a little late on the advice, I've learned that nobody is perfect, and probably far from it.

>> No.33361238

Respectable take

>> No.33361263

Good, cause I didn’t see a lick of flirting in those 100+ minutes of Ame being a cute worm.

>> No.33361302
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I'm here forever anon

>> No.33361319

you are male right? You know what males are like right? Someone beautiful like Ame? C'mon..

>> No.33361400

You know what, unicorn-kun? You're quite based, I admit it. Using your schizo powers to actually improve yourself (no joke intended) and respecting your oshi all the way. I'm sure she would be proud. Godspeed

>> No.33361426

Has literally nothing to do with flirting. Has to do with what I want to watch.
>oshi starts collabing with males
>is successful over time
>will keep doing it
Here to see cgdct, not dudes. So I'm voting with my views and not giving one. That is all.

>> No.33361511

Genuine question: why would you be heartbroken? What in any way implies that she is in love with or even attracted to any of the guys she collab’s with?

>> No.33361785

by collabing with guys, she's opening herself up for being flirted with. Playing games with someoone is an intimate thing, it can make strangers permanent friends, and it can make friends into couples. Video Games is not just a random interaction. It is competitive, team building, it forms connections. It forms friendships and it forms relationships. Some of my longest relationships have been formed playing video games. For example, played warcraft 2 with a girl, couple months later I'm running to the laundry to clean up the massive spill from her bleeding hymen before my parents got home. Boy meets girl, it happens.

>> No.33361863

>Here to see cgdct, not dudes. So I'm voting with my views and not giving one. That is all.
based cgdct enjoyer

>> No.33362020

You need to know what she did since tempus debut and her GFE pandering before that

>> No.33362165 [DELETED] 
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Why do you guys simp for an average looking girl with no talents? She's 7/10 at best
Just saying, its not worth the trouble
She was dumped by her ex for a reason, she's probably annoying off stream

>> No.33362204
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Ame's hands typed this.

>> No.33362257
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Laughing at people this pathetic does make you a better person because they should aspire to be you instead of so weak crying over a fantasy woman, You're not a cuck because you were not dating Ame, you're a level headed individual that likes her content.

>> No.33362289

Homobeggars don't want to hear that. It invalidates their narratives.

>> No.33362318

see you tomorrow for ER

>> No.33362334

That is a very good question.

>> No.33362398

>average looking
>no talents
she's literally me

>> No.33362438

>off stream

>> No.33362633

You just put 4 random people in one pic, anon

>> No.33362682

Sounds like a highly autistic mindset. Here’s an easy way to discredit it though: I only play games with guys cause women suck at them, and guess what? I don’t want to fuck any of them. You sound like someone who could prematurely ejaculate when a woman puts you in check in a game of chess. Anyway, hope it works out for you buddy. Wish you the best with your autism.

>> No.33362725 [DELETED] 

Very cute, I'd treat her well.

>> No.33362729

Oh trust me. I’ve been a member with her for over a year now. I know very well of how kino her GFE is and continues to be. This collab changes nothing.

>> No.33362822

Wallgina.jpg to boot

>> No.33363422

lasted like a week at most

>> No.33363582

Falseflagger or extreme cuck fetishist.

>> No.33363775 [DELETED] 

You're the cuck fetishist here
You literally have /vt/ brainrot if you think a diluted collab like this changes anything

>> No.33363843

She hasn't done GFE in over a year.

>> No.33364123

Ok so you are a roastie larping as a teamate then. No heterosexual male that doesnt have a cuck fetish is into this. Everything that added value in her membership is completely adulterated by male collabs and people should move on.

>> No.33364199
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I enjoyed the collab, Vesper and Magni were very funny.

>> No.33364258

All the membership stuff is gfe adjacent and is now worthless if you are not a cuck.

>> No.33364546

Fuck you I like changing my monthly wallpaper, doxtranny

>> No.33365400

I disagree. Every time I hear her voice is GFE. Especially at the end of her streams. Hell, the last Members karaoke stream she did was GFE heaven.

>> No.33365517

Ame will take anyone she can get as long as it's not a teamate

>> No.33365532

No, you should move on and spread your poison elsewhere. Maybe make go get with a roastie yourself since vtubers are clearly not for you. Or do you actually think delusional enough to think that all of them don’t have boyfriends irl?

>> No.33365597

Teamates really have always been the most mentally ill fanbase. Today has been great. Holy shit.

>> No.33365721

Being a unicorn over any Vtuber is retarded they all have lives outside their work that involve men.

>> No.33365743 [SPOILER] 
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you're a fool if you think that anon is a teamate

>> No.33365963

nice cope teacuck

>> No.33366059

>Maybe make go get

>> No.33366117

>sword shit
Don't actually know what you are saying, but I know you are wrong.

>> No.33366124
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>> No.33366145
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>the amount of times I've heard this cope statement JUST today

>> No.33366404
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>repeated to you many times in just one day
>still delude yourself that it's cope
alas, I was taught not to make fun of the mentally ill

>> No.33366597
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Whatever teammate. Read it plenty over at /hlgg/ for the last few hours. Its alright tho, you're the new deadbeats. Gomen.

>> No.33366726

>watching someone play video games with an anime avatar is a hobby

>> No.33367028 [DELETED] 

I hope Ame's previous boyfriend was cucking her

>> No.33367117 [DELETED] 

Too bad, my oshi is still faithful to me, but alteast her body count will increase anon, its a good thing

>> No.33368914

i get it, man. i've went from two streams / day for two years to zero since the kronii shitshow. i know i'm being dramatic but it destroyed something.

>> No.33369014 [DELETED] 

I mean, Kronii was a complete fucking dumbass in how she handled it
Makes Ame look like a professional in comparison
Its a shame Kronii is so retarded, I liked her

>> No.33369161

You're either an actual virgin male or a female.
If the latter, post tits

>> No.33369766

QRD? I don't follow any HoloEN anymore.

>> No.33369825
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Based Artiafren

>> No.33370299
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>dox up for 3 hours
nice boad

>> No.33370387

Can't we just enjoy vtubers like it used to be? For fun? Instead of caring about who your oshi collabs with?

>> No.33370430

Then there's no reason to get a QRD. Go to JP where it's safe.

>> No.33370520

Oh c'mon. I used to like her. I remember that donation stream fondly.

>> No.33370674

Anon you do realize how many people are in the collab right? This is actually an abysmal number, add up all those members average solo stream numbers, this should have been a 40k+ collab

>> No.33370754

Not every cross is worth bearing, i recommend you watch some indies for a better ame experience

>> No.33370803

She grinds pretty hard anon, her numbers are really good

>> No.33370864

Teamates have always been as bad as deadbeat, they were just more numerous and cocksure.

>> No.33370873

She cucked the teamates today with the homos.

>> No.33370903

>this should have been a 40k+ collab
?? Not even Gura can get that number for her anniversary stream wtf u talking about.

>> No.33371119

Lol, she's fallen so far that even kiara publicly chewed her out in the anniversary stream
Ame had told her fans they need to improve themselves instead of complaining about collabs with men

A few weeks later, kiara told all the myth girls that,"we need to improve ourselves first before we expect others to do so," this was right after kiara publicly stated she will not collab with tempus and that she would have liked to have a group collab with the girls instead

Since you've been gone awhile, its basically mori, ame and bae trying to force male group collabs with everyone, and gura, kiara, irys, ina and fauna who want nothing to do with it.
Mumei collabed with a jp holostar but has since ignored the en males, Kronii collabed with the en males and went on a huge meltdown after fans didn't like it, causing her to flipflop on positions and eventually go on forced vacation, has ignored the males ever since

>> No.33371186

>has ignored the males ever since
he doesn't know

>> No.33371221

If there's only two streams and multiple members of the collab routinely get over 10k ccv, there's a big issue when its pulling bad numbers, it means their fans don't want to watch it

>> No.33371228
File: 311 KB, 819x456, 1663386028867957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has ignored the males ever since

anon I...

>> No.33371262

> kiara told all the myth girls that,"we need to improve ourselves first before we expect others to do so,"
I need timestamp for this

>> No.33371273

Update then m8, i gave a qrd for a troglodyte who hasn't watched streams in atleast a month, what new info

>> No.33371301

Riiiight, and how many people were involved with guras anniversary? Oh right 1. How many were involved here? Oh right, 6.

>> No.33371306

Kronii returned to cuck her fandom in the collab anon.

>> No.33371307

I didn't watch it, nor am i subbed to her anymore

>> No.33371319

>multiple members of the collab routinely get over 10k ccv
Anon, this is Mori, Ame, Reine and the homos. None of them get remotely close to 10k ccv on their solo streams.

>> No.33371349

Yeah and how many subs Gura has? and how important are anniversary streams supposed to be in hololive compared to fucking worms? right

>> No.33371382

Anon, please don't start talking deadsubs when moris around. If you added up everyones ccvs in this collab it was dismal.

>> No.33371459
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>> No.33371506

I thought this site was banned in chinkland?

>> No.33371972 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 637x640, Screenshot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goslings. It's time to come home.

>> No.33372056

Is she still around?

>> No.33372170

didn't she had some sort of menhera breakdown?
i didn't really follow her after the twitch migration

>> No.33372490

wake up

>> No.33372549

If you are EN fag, HoloEN is just basic entry level of Vtubing. Moving on JP or other chuubas, choose someone fit your taste. A lot GFE chuubas on JP side but some EN indies are also GFE too. Good luck anon.

>> No.33372743

This guy is right. In fact, if you rank all 10 of the holoEN girls in order of viewership, the 4 homo collabers are all in the bottom half (so 4 out of 5). It's almost like the kind of girls that would collab with homos don't really appeal to hololive's fanbase regardless of homo existence.
