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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33220307 No.33220307 [Reply] [Original]

There is too many damn VTubers. I can't keep up with all of them. Mass graduation when

>> No.33220351

Starting with Nijisanji

>> No.33220433

should've said


>> No.33220747

When Anycolor goes bankrupt

>> No.33220972

OP you have to remake this thread now.

>> No.33221004

Holobrony deflection thread

>> No.33221011

October 2023 if the Japanese privacy-death rrat is to be believed.

>> No.33222910

It's a documented bill in the Japanese Diet

>> No.33224852

Just watch hololive

>> No.33225110

This is a vtubing board, not a place to discuss the Japanese eating habits.

>> No.33225168

More importanly where is my
"Lamy licking Pekora feet" threads?

>> No.33225282

That implies that the other companies have to go too.

>> No.33225757
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The day after Mori's contract with UMG ends, she's gone and is probably taking at least two other HoloENs with her and maybe even a HoloJP girl.
The moment the first graduation from NijiEN happens, regardless of who it is half the company will drop.
Mouse and Nyan's clique of a corp and satellite indies aren't even worth talking about short of mentioning so their cucks don't cry about being ignored.
Phase Connect is the only Small Corp not obviously on the verge of hemorrhaging people. And don't cry Pippa or some shit, if she's outlasted staff members who felt she was a poor fit. Fishman will not fire her unless she goes off a serious deep end she's been pulling away from lately.
Indies come and go like the tides and aren't worth caring about unless you find a specific one you're fond it.

>> No.33229146

one day...

>> No.33229692

dont watch vtubers

>> No.33230309

>Japanese privacy-death

>> No.33231315
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>> No.33232065

>The day after Mori's contract with UMG ends, she's gone and is probably taking at least two other HoloENs with her and maybe even a HoloJP girl.
how and why?

>> No.33232124

Don't like don't watch

>> No.33233761

Too many youtubers too.
and podcasts.
Too many tv channels too.

>> No.33234596

watch anime instead

>> No.33234727

Mori's out-of-company friends are almost exclusively vtubers and facetubers that Cover only tolerates interaction with due to them being personal friends. The only significant exception is Ironmouse, whose so well loved by the loudest and most public fanbase that they can't say no to her without causing problems.
As for the girls who will leave with her, I firmly believe that the only thing keeping Gura in Hololive right now i that going through the graduation process feels like too much work, and Ina just needs an excuse to leave and being second after Sana is not a good look given how many people believe the nepotism hire rrat. As for the JP girl, it's not any loyalty to Mori but instead seeing numbers that big walk away will finally be what it takes for Haachama to finally go since Coco won't be there to talk her out of it.

>> No.33234795
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There were already a lot back in 2018
Now it's just normal

>> No.33236000
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NijiEN has 26 vtubers.
If you're male, you only care about the girls. So slash that number in half. 13 vtubers to worry about.

Working from left to right in pic related.
Everyone loves Pomu. She's obsessed with idols and moved to japan just to visit idol shows. She's very lovable, and does many creative and fun things. The heart and soul of NijiEN.
Known to be very lewd. Really loves gacha games. Unfortunately she's a bit dumb and often gets herself into trouble. Has a sexy deep-voice that she uses sometimes.
Considered the leader by many people, although she wouldn't accept the title. Probably the most charismatic and intelligent of them all, her zatsu powers eclipse this universe. She's extremely hard working and streams long hours. Very dedicated fanbase.
The laughing dragon. Loves apex, laughs all the time. A true tomboy experience. Very popular.
Kind of a submissive bratty type. She's known for her visual design skills and makes many of the trailers and overlays for the others. Speaks a lot of japanese. Her recent outfit upgraded her boobs and everyone is cooming for her now.
How to describe Rosemi? There's nobody else like her. Cute and seiso, but also very creative and intelligent. A natural comedian with a distinctive laugh.
The best singer in NijiEN. Quite morbid and depressive, in an endearing way. She has a foul mouth and likes to banter people. For some reason she's gotten extremely popular recently. Best friends with Millie, those two are tied at the hip.
Known for being very chaotic and creative. Probably the best ASMR I've ever heard. Many of her fans are Filipino and she speaks Tagalog on stream sometimes.
The ghost-girl who mostly collabs with the boys. Although recently she's been doing stuff with "NijiUK", her little friend group (consisting of Reimu, Petra, Enna, and Millie). She's a hispanic girl who acts quite aggressive, but she's sweet on the inside. Also sings pretty well.
New ILuna girl. Lives in Australia, and mostly streams in Japan hours. Great for filling the dead-hours when nobody else is streaming. She's pure and seiso, and acts like a true idol.
The fox-mom, who mostly streams with the boys. Sort of a background character in the community at this point. She's been streaming less and taking long breaks.
New ILuna girl. She's kind of....strange. Often doing strange things. Likes singing to herself on stream and doing asset-gags.
New ILuna girl. Actually fairly talented, can sing and draw. Has a dedicated core of fans that donate a lot. She's been having some trouble finding her footing.

>> No.33236186
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You could legit cut like two-thirds of Hololive members, and I wouldn't even bat an eye.

These 20 members, 10 JPs and 10 ID/EN's, account for like 99% of my Hololive viewing habits. So that's 34 out of 54, or 63% of Hololive that I could do away with, to keep a manageable amount of members to build a company around.

Case in point, Nijisanji and their 781,895 members. It doesn't matter if there's a bunch of gems in there, almost nobody's gonna bother going through any of them.

>> No.33236213

The ones that people really care about are Pomu, Elira, Selen, Rosemi, Millie, Enna
The others are kind of meh, you could cut them if necessary.

>> No.33236634

I came to that impression too in the 1-2 months recently in which some of the big dogs of the company like Pekora had to stop streaming for a long time and people just started watching Holos.
The company is basically bigger than any group of talents and too big to fail at this point. If some talents retire other will take their position.

>> No.33236917

Choose a handful that you like the most, follow the rest that you care about through clips.
Who cares if their fans calls you a clipfaggot, it's better than not following them at all.

>> No.33238384

When Sony buys off Hololive

>> No.33239838

>no Subaru (strong numbers, can collab with absolutely everyone)
>no Marine (one of the faces of Holo, inclined like crazy recently, all of her orisongs are hits)
>no Mio (hosts big events as well as Miko, responsible for stuff like yearly tarot readings and AsaMio which is minor but a lot of Holomems care about it)
>no Suisei (one of the faces of Holo, her music is extremely successful)
>no Sora (she isn't popular but she quite literally IS the Hololive, if she graduated the company would fall apart in no time, like half of Holomems would lose heart for streaming forever)
>arguably Lui could also take a spot as an important Holomem in the future, she collabs a lot and gets invited to 3D lives often, she's also very consistent and has managing/organizing skills. Or maybe Koyori, she's like Watame in a sense that she's nothing special but consistently streams a fuckton, loves her fanbase and is loved by most holomems)
>includes Aqua who hasn't been relevant for years now
>includes Chloe who has never been relevant for anyone besides her paypigs and could be graduated tomorrow with no damage to the company
>includes Azki who has never been relevant
>includes Luna who literally no one cares about outside SubaChocoLuna / SubaChocoLunaTan
Fucking EOP

>> No.33240975

there can never be too many vtubers

>> No.33242530

>no Sora (she isn't popular but she quite literally IS the Hololive, if she graduated the company would fall apart in no time, like half of Holomems would lose heart for streaming forever)
You ever get the feeling that not only does Sora know this, but it might be the only thing keeping her in the game?

>> No.33242972

Do your VOD reps, faggot.

>> No.33243355

>You're not allowed to have personal preferences!

>> No.33243422

Nobody here does.

>> No.33243450

Phase connect next

>> No.33243888


>> No.33245266


Ever heard of personal opinion? Well duh, combine the subs, SC and CCV rankings, and you'll get close to something that's an 'objective' shortlist of 20 that could please all kinds of viewers.

Here's where the girls you listed are on my overall rank out of 54, just for your curiosity:

12. Aqua (I don't disagree with your take, but I'll take someone with a great past who declined over somebody who was never really interesting at all. I don't have a goldfish zoomer brain to forget any of her moments.)

13. Luna (The most unique character in all of Hololive, with literally the best in-character actress behind it. The best at the cute daughter atmosphere in VTubing, which is preferable over half a dozen dumb blondes out there.)

17. Chloe (She's not god-tier, but she's had her fair share of quite, quirky and hilarious moments. One of the best models in Hololive too.)

18. AZKi (Best model in all of Hololive, and the queen of seiso. Sure, she never streams nor has ever been relevant, but she's incredibly graceful in everything she does, in a much better way than Sora is. She's basically top wife material personified.)

26. Subaru (She's a good all-around VTuber, but there's nothing extraordinary about her beyond the duck-sounding tomboy spiel. Her voice is unique, but very easy to get tired of.)

30. Lui (She's alright, but obviously needs to build on those memorable moments. I strongly disagree with your take on Watame, she's a meme machine. It's her, Pekora and Korone that's the holy trinity of JP content. Rare controversies/yabs with a fuckton of quotable moments.)

32. Sora (What you said is not relevant, in a vacuum setting that I'm listing, she was never the one they built a company around on. I'm not keeping somebody bland for that purpose or trying to lean onto as if she's one of the managers.)

34. Suisei (She's a VSinger more than anything, and her only meme material revolves around people saying Suisex and Suipiss. I don't care.)

40. Mio (Nothing much is remarkable about her, including what you listed, and she's not even top 20 on this board in popularity. Baffling to see as complaint.)

53. Marine (Biggest coombait to exist, not a fucking chance. There's a reason why I didn't just put a vanilla list after just reading SC earners or MV stats. My list is staying sane, and not making me feel ashamed to be a VTuber fan, thanks.)

You can keep your Marines, Subarus, Suiseis and Soras. I'll keep my AZKi, Aqua, Chloe and Luna. Interestingly nothing about the English/Indonesian half, as if it's not as equally important part of the company, judging by your JP-only elitism.

>> No.33248308

preach! get rid of all the boring ones and keep only the gems

>> No.33248360
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> too many
There's NEVER too many!

>> No.33248438

>regardless of who it is
It matters. You'll probably see that if Pomu, Selen, Elira, and maybe a couple others do that. If it was Yugo? Maybe Sonny, I highly doubt anything would happen.

>> No.33248465

you don't need to keep up with all of them. Economics has proven that VTuber control doesn't work

>> No.33248911

NTA but I think you’re throwing around "going" a bit too casually. Only Sana and Coco left voluntarily, and that was after months of being an obviously dead channel with Sana and months of chinks losing their minds and coco likely having had many direct oppositions with Yagoo probably since her debut.
Basically the reasons for leaving have been pretty solid and obvious, I don’t think a girl will just leave "for the heck of it", it’s just too easy for that. Gura is basically doing exactly what fits her, what would she do otherwise? Go back to senzawa shitposting? I don’t think she’d quit without a really good reason.
And Mori I think hasn’t got a problem doing this even if on the side and I don’t see cover throwing her out either.

>> No.33249032

Sana did not leave willingly.
She was given an ultimatum and chose to take the more honest choice.
Even without roommate reps, its fucking clear that happened just from the short warning.

>> No.33249192

Well she didn’t want to continue and basically made that decision a long time prior. She had her art career that is obviously more important to her, she didn’t really want this and it’s obvious. They just gave her the push she needed

>> No.33249751

Law likely to pass in japan that de-anonymizes indie vtubers and mangaka.
It's not as bad as it sounds since it will technically be optional I think.

Basically, indies who make less than $70,000 a year will be made to register their real name and adress in a public list to be able to receive an invoice for tax purposes.

It's not the end of the world because so long as whoever is paying you doesnt require an invoice, you can continue business as usual without registering, but just have to pay slightly more in taxes.

The purpose of the invoice paperwork is to prove you don't have undeclared income, and thus allows you better taxes.

>> No.33249960

she definitely left on her own and probably because she isn't a sociopath to merely leech from others' work and feel fine with it

>> No.33250146


>> No.33250732
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Take the Phase Connect pill.

>> No.33256802

WW3 is close. Give it time.

>> No.33260908


>> No.33261132

Why the fuck i should watch someone just because of how "relevant" they are for the company or how many big their numbers are, and not because i like their personality and content? Its like those idiots that watch Xqc just because he is Xqc, even if his content is just react garbage

>> No.33264714

not my problem
