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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 8 KB, 200x200, Kroniidisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33204097 No.33204097 [Reply] [Original]

She clearly doesn't care one bit about her identity as a vtuber, and shows clear signs of psychopathy and narcissism.
In every opportunity where she could show care for someone other than herself, she refused to lift a finger.

>1. Even after a year, Kronii is always the source of biggest problems when she joins collabs.
She is almost always the latest to join any collab streams, ignoring the problems she causes for her collab partners, and they "playfully" point it out every single time. How long has it been since she has actually *organized* a collab? She should be ashamed when comparing against so many more dedicated streamers.
>2. What's even worse is she clearly doesn't care one bit her so-called "friends" on screen.
She spent literally less than an hour for Bae and Kiara when they traveled over oceans to be with her in North America, instead flaunting her vacation with 3rd party streamers in her alt account.
>3. It's also clear that she doesn't care at all for her viewers.
Even after a year, she constantly has technical issues and is late for EVERY STREAM. When she does finally get her stream going (10, 20, sometimes even 30 minutes after the official start time), it's clear that she never prepares any topics to talk about, and her inane chatter just falls flat.
>4. What's even worse, she clearly doesn't care about her IRL family either.
When has she ever talked at all positively about anyone in her life? Yes, some of you may hate your own family with good cause, but there's a pattern here.
>5. It's clear all she really cares about is a "friend" in her alt account.
The wokeness of the friend obviously plays into shows how much she is actually hating her experience as a female streamer pandering to lonely men. Look, she is still constantly hiding her model, when it's perhaps the biggest buff in all of council.

Anyone can pay lip service about how nice they are, how much they care about others, and about you. Actions speak louder than words though. She's clearly a psycopath who can't empathize with others. It was clear from the start when she squandered the biggest debut buff since Gura.

She had the potential to be the second coming of Jesus in Hololive, but turned out to be the dirt underneath the toenails of Judas.

Don't wasting your time going out of your way to try to "save" this asshole that clearly refuses to be saved, despite lucking into the world's most coveted brand among vtubers.

>> No.33204404
File: 86 KB, 176x339, 1663021570309556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ain't reading that shit

>> No.33204571

where's the higher res image dumbass

>> No.33204578

I never liked her from the beginning. Her narcissistic joking is not faked. She really believes she's better than her viewers because she's a woman. Still not reading all of that though.

>> No.33204603

if she was an actual psychopath, i think that she will milk her viewers all the money they have by becoming a coomerbait. she's got the voice AND the model.

>> No.33204758

Why should I be emotionally invested in this? I don't normally watch her unless no one else is on but I do enjoy seeing her in collabs because she's funny.

>> No.33204823

She reads me in chat so I don't care what you say.

>> No.33204875

Maybe we want to worship a narcissist with a hot voice

>> No.33205213

This isn't leddit.

>> No.33205337

Better question, why watch anything with EN in the name? have standards, anon

>> No.33205366

I actually stopped after she became team homostars, I'm just sticking around here to shitpost to vent my frustrations about this entire ongoing situation of HoloEN. I really did like Kronii.

>> No.33205374

that clip was great

>> No.33205375


>> No.33205401


>> No.33205514

>Why do you still watch her?
sunk cost fallacy
>She had the potential
Are you potential schizo?
>Don't wasting your time going out of your way to try to "save"
I'm not saving anyone, I'm trying to save myself by slowly stopping watching Vtubers and fixing my life

>> No.33205942

Idgaf about any of that because she's not my oshi, but I gotta say...man she has a really cute laugh
