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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33173701 No.33173701 [Reply] [Original]

If there really is high demand for male vtubers why are there no small corpos who focus solely on them?

>> No.33173754

There isn't. Don't fall for the homoshilling

>> No.33174144

The corpos only showed up after Nijisanji and Hololive. Corpos are the biggest pussies out there and hate risk

>> No.33174832

It's not about entertainment. It's about making a statement.

>> No.33175018

But male focused small corpos do exist, but no one is watching them because there is no demand

>> No.33175579

Females only want the biggest and most popular/trendy males which they don't get with small corpos

>> No.33175693

The demand for them somewhat exists, but it's not big, and most of that audience has brand loyalty to Nijisanji. Trying to make a male corpo would be as hard as trying to dethrone hololive at their own game, but with less rewards.

>> No.33175740

Because it isn't. The existing groups have largely all the available market. Tempus is actually shrinking, not growing, and waves after Luxiem can't find ground.

>> No.33175754

You can’t just make a claim without posting sauce

>> No.33175898

>If there really is high demand for male vtubers
There isn't but it's cool to see male vtubers thriving and and finding a niche market. Gives you hope that this is not just a cringe incel hobby but something more than that, the future is bright
Even in this bear market, a male can have decent views if he's interesting and funny

>> No.33176323


>> No.33176395

Still a niche market.

>> No.33176971

Suger Stella (しゅがすて) is the first that comes to mind, but they all stopped being vtubers and are now just utaites. One of the guys from this, Kohaku, did a cover song with Izuru from Holostars once.
D-Prince! (Dぷり) is another I have heard about, but I think that died back in december.
Both of those are japanese, but I have also come across an EN corpo where everyone has a bara model, but total fuckboy voices. Can't remember what it was called, sadly.

>> No.33177248


>> No.33177597

No it's just Omega jew trying to destroy last hobby i can enjoy

>> No.33177754

>I have also come across an EN corpo where everyone has a bara model, but total fuckboy voices
Lmao. If they went with bishounen femboy fuckboy models they could find a semblance of an audience.

>> No.33179817

>Gives you hope that this is not just a cringe incel hobby but something more than that, the future is bright
nijisanji has no incels or femcels

>> No.33180710

It's simple, male join female corpo just to fuck them and make fan watch. Not demand for male but demand for cuckoldry

>> No.33181028

FPBP. Most people that shill the homos are just the ilk you see on twitter.

>> No.33181923
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There's literally no demand for male vtubers

>> No.33182105

Because entering an industry that isn’t profitable, but which you think might be, is easier when you have money from other parts of the business to invest.
Why do you think Aniplex exists? It’s because anime studios are an important part of anime but don’t make much money, so Sony decided to create a studio with their own money so they’d be able to channel the fans to their music and gaming divisions.

>> No.33182658

Because it's the big corporations that can afford to. There's always going to be a bigger market for women and its only after covering that to make the real money that they can diversify into more niche audiences using the males.

>> No.33185081

i think you‘re talking about INVICTA? i don‘t think they‘re gonna hit the big leagues, especially since one of them is obviously a woman

>> No.33185184

I keep saying i would watch an all-female group with bishonen avatars

>> No.33185448

There is none. Twitter niggers only shill it because their faggoty culture wars. If there was you'd have seen a successful agency already.

>> No.33185561


>> No.33187730

>Not demand for male but demand for cuckoldry
This, twitchfags got bored with ethots so they look for vthots

>> No.33188162

Because men don't need a corp to monitor them and men don't need a virtual skin to attract audiences.
Just look at the top 10 youtubers, men are more successful than women by nature

>> No.33188331

fbpb, it's a loud minority and chinks that only want them

>> No.33188403


>> No.33188632

Never mind corpos, it feels like every time I check out the twitch category the top is nothing but women, then the top male vtuber is a full-fledged furry avatar followed by nothing below him

>> No.33188674
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I wonder, would the novelty of a full shota themed corpo work? It'd have to be voiced by women or actual young boys though, and the latter's a can of worms with child labor shit and the eventual puberty voice crack

>> No.33188938
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yup, there literally isn't a mainline market for homo vtubers since most people will just watch there usual flesh-brotubers anyway (Jerma,xqc,Ludwig etc). even some of the mentally ill fujos of twitter don't really give a fuck about them besides the few outliners (chinese fujos)

>> No.33189047

women only like things that are already popular, so they will never support or actively look for male indies

>> No.33189411

Easy. Twitch teaches us that women are successful cash making machines and there's plenty of retards(us included) willing to pay.
Men on the other hand are only good streamers with fun to watch streams.
Clearly a corporation is going to concentrate itself on milking titty money here.

>> No.33189657

It's this. Women didn't know or care about what vtubers were until the names we all know made it big... poor women.

>> No.33190557

The harsh reality who make the homominority seethe

>> No.33190772

there's no female businesswoman looking for 2view males to groom in the EN world

>> No.33190788


>> No.33190898


>> No.33193887

who knows

>> No.33197104

Stars is not necessary, JPBro proves.

>> No.33197675
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NijiEn literally blows you the fuck out though. Woman only want to watch shit that has a big name attached to it though while men are more willing to give smaller names a chance. NijiEN blowing up and StarsEN not being an emberrasing flop and able to maintain 2000 viewers on the regular shows that there was a demand that no one was filling in the EN sphere for the longest time. Even then some indie males have made a name for themselves, there was even one guy named Randon who was able to do a live stream on youtube and break into over 100 viewers. Wonder what happened to that guy.

>> No.33198023

Wowowowo, the males with the big corpo logo attached to their asses are popular? How's that even possible?
Kys homobeggar, your shit will never be as popular as luxiem, don't try to compare

>> No.33198126
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I just looked them up and it's a bunch of bara bodies with effeminate bishounen faces, who the fuck is this for? Barafags won't like their faces and fujos/yume won't like their bodies

>> No.33200801


>> No.33200942

There isn't a high demand but there is a market share to protect. Learn to business

>> No.33201304


>> No.33208187

no one but gay men would watch these guys

>> No.33211742

Maybe femboys since chicks love that shit. Some guys here too.

>> No.33211960

I concur. But their end goal always aim at killing business

>> No.33212103

cuz Male gaze chud, we need to subvert expectations
t. EN management

>> No.33212102

Yeah. Men who has to hide behind an avatar for streaming are scumbags. I saw tempus lies too many time to count

>> No.33212782

>the outlier proves you wrong bro
also mucho texto nobody gives fuck

>> No.33217480

There's only high demand for Hololive to have males

>> No.33217995

Anon did you forget Niji EN exists? They are a small corpo centered around males. Not sure how you could forget though yhey have like 30 threads in the catalog.

>> No.33218093

Cover isn't a small corpo. They could debut an entire gen of Swedish trannies and would still net a profit.

>> No.33218200

There's a really high demand for your mom and noone focuses on her but did we ask why?

>> No.33224424

The point of demanding male vtubers is to show how morally righteous you are to smite down the oriental idolfag barbarians.

it's performative morality. Once you have got your male group there is no longer any need to invest time watching them
