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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33158923 No.33158923 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.33158991

Pippafags are very quickly becoming more insufferable than cumpedos
at least Goombus has a somewhat redeeming personality

>> No.33159144

I wonder if her career will take a turn that will make her denounce both this place and the tranny farms. Or even better/worse, turn her into one of the Vshojo girls that are flexing trans rights, support for ukraine, and other shit like that.

>> No.33159282

She'd lose her audience if she goes that route. Her appeal is that she's the anti-Nyanners.
Also she pretty much stopped mentioning the farms, those fuckers betrayed her and it's dead anyway.

>> No.33159885

i kneel to you Pippa

>> No.33160026

>at least Goombus has a somewhat redeeming personality
Funniest joke of this week.

>> No.33160148
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Kiss her feet

>> No.33160259

I watched her a few times and she comes across as a semi-right wing oldfag with a lot to say on real world phenomenons. It was interesting to see a woman shred the woke Saints Row the way she did. She doesn't go unhinged far-right and always keeps some degree of reasonableness. If for nothing else, I just like her for the idea that she can get more people to break their conditioning.

She's cute.

>> No.33160265

I like it when she roasted the Brits

>> No.33160292

Can't wait for the moment pippa gets popular enough that being/here/ becomes liability and she will drop your ass without second thought, it will be a fun day.

>> No.33160348

Why are femanons like this? >>33160292

>> No.33160356

She's like red pilled Mumei to me. Leftist chubba can be found everywhere but Pippa is the only one of her kind

>> No.33160423

I wish I was a woman, life would be easier

>> No.33160464

Too bad she deal with you dramafag in a daily basis. Not the thin skinned big corpo snowflakes you can bully.

>> No.33160479

Being a /here/ youtuber isn't always a liability, Ssethtzeentach is still going strong, and he says fag, and retard every other video.

>> No.33160510

Stop trying to bait dramafags and antifags into dog-pilling her. Not your personal army.

>> No.33160529

Is she/he corpo or indie?

>> No.33160557

YWNBAW. What the fuck are you doing here? Go back to your anus cave. This place is not metal help center

>> No.33160583

He is a joke

>> No.33160666

she's forever associated with kiwifarms now which will end her career once she inclines a little too much and the people who took it down find out about pippa

>> No.33160750

classic kiwifarms roastie cope. the site was nothing. less than a vocal minority. it's gone now and no one gives a fuck, certainly not enough to cancel a vtuber for it.

>> No.33160834

Is that a threat? Blackmailing? Doxxing?
If she pissed off your kind of people who ready to bully someone just because she's weird, that mean she did something's right.

>> No.33160852

I never watched her and i still fucking dislike her on the sole basis of giant fucking niggers that needs to be beaten like fucking OP, have a good day

>> No.33160918

As if trannies and antis need a reason to hate someone. If Pippa has haters a celebratory thread isn't going to change that.

>> No.33160925

Just now? They've been spamming the board for 6 fucking months at least.

>> No.33160965

Watch Pippa, you stupid faggot.

>> No.33160980

kill yourself

>> No.33161029

Shhh... making her live rent free in their heads is exposure too.

>> No.33161089

>antis who hate pipkin so hate gura
well now i know pipkin is fucking based

>> No.33161264


>> No.33161350

There might be more of her type, but lack the courage to say it publicly.

>> No.33161783


>> No.33162066

>betrayed her
lmao even

>> No.33162128

Pipkin Pooper...

>> No.33162313

What are pippa achievements and scene recognition? Just having a loud fanbase and twitteroids appealment that are basically barely a step above viewbots still make you a very forgettable person

>> No.33162319

PC is in the process of shifting from /here/ pandering to troon/breadtube pandering. I'm getting out now to save myself from the grief.

>> No.33162515

Achievements? She's just breaking ground, Anon. She's popular on this board but if your looking for something significant the only real thing ai can point to is her steady increase in visibility and views.

>> No.33162572

Explain how supporting Ukraine is a bad thing.

>> No.33162625

Rushia did nothing wrong

>> No.33162673

Thoughts and prayers are one thing but it goes overboard when you're funding a proxy war during a recession domestically.

>> No.33162683 [SPOILER] 
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Largest viewer growth of any small corpo Vtuber

>> No.33162850

So literally a fucking who with obnoxious fans that will drop her no second thoughts the moment they get bored/something more flashy catch their twitteroid attention

>> No.33162909

Why are femanons like this?>>33162850

>> No.33162975

If that's what you want to believe but she has fans for a reason. If you dont like the answer maybe don't ask a stupid fucking question you seething nigger.

>> No.33163001
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Most vtubers have just became too boring to watch. It's been almost 3 years now on the western scene, and there is no much range in the vtuber scene. Cute girl plays game of the moment, saying ara ara (not even knowing where the phrase came from), gremlin, sussy, mid opinions, asmr, wholesomerino, yass queenslay, bark bark, twitter drama, hyping a new jello live2d model each 6 months since it's their only content, etc etc etc etc.

It's just so mindless now. JP has soul, EN doesn't. Anime culture has always been about fanservice(I don't mean hentai exclusively) and style.
The JP scene follows this, EN doesn't. It's all self absorbed, narcissistic egirls that now get their simp bucks from confused anime fans (The same Stacies who laughed at him on high school for liking anime).

I find Pippa kinda too crass for my taste, I prefer cuter stuff, but FUCK at least she is offering something different. I got more sympathy for her after all the Pick Me bullshit that jealous females tried to force on her, pic related.
(Case in point >>33162850).

>> No.33163048

her fans really try their best at being annoying little shits with how much you spam this literally who

>> No.33163078

Gets more viewers live now that most of the Niji En.

>> No.33163127


>> No.33163199

Vee made her.

>> No.33163230

Have you ever considered focusing on loving your Oshi more than hating on someone else's.

If she lived any more rent free in your mind you'd have to start actually donating.

>> No.33163245

Ugly bastard and anime loli
les gooo

>> No.33163315

who's her oshi

>> No.33163341


>> No.33163366

Both EU and Russia lose, only Mutt win

>> No.33163458

She pander to right wing audience, which is something very few chubba do

>> No.33163494

>Have you ever considered focusing on loving your Oshi more than hating on someone else's.
>If she lived any more rent free in your mind you'd have to start actually donating.

The issue is that in some part of their mind they understand Pippa is not bound to the same social contract their oshi and them are. They are not enjoying being fans as much as they wish. The magic is gone. Who is at fault? They cannot blame their oshi, it must be someone else at fault, someone who is having it better...

>> No.33163518

1. Supporting a foreign war that pit w against w, killing many w's.
2. Supporting glob*h*m* agenda
3. Making a war longer than necessary and leaving the region in permanent conflict, a.k.a. the standard american military industrial complex package
4. Most importantly, diverting resources away from Zhang and gave Zhang a permanent vassal states which is rich in natural resources.

>> No.33163654

Very wise words. Sad that people have to externalize their issues instead of dealing with the truth. They hate Pippa because she represents everything their oshi could have been or should have been.


>> No.33163706
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>She pander to right wing audience, which is something very few chubba do
It's funny she doesn't even want to have politics in her channel and says she only wants escapism.
She has been a content creator for many many years and figured making content is just easier if you stop faking shit and are honest with your reactions, so she can laugh at offensive humor.

It's why a lot of vtubers, youtubers, artists, burn out. Always trying to keep on a mask, a social status, it wears you down to the bone.

I honestly believe a lot of content creators have the same opinions and feelings as Pippa, except they are afraid to be honest. It's not something too socially acceptable nowadays. No one actively seeks conflict or haters.

>> No.33163711

Her cultural exchanging stream where she talk about structure history and vacation is pretty great. She put effort into developing new contents and she deserved praise from that

>> No.33163744

She's just a react streamer except with random internet shit instead of Youtube videos. It's not interesting unless you've never seen a non-Hololive stream before.

>> No.33163781

Who stop you from spamming your oshi?

>> No.33163801

They're oshi is actually a literal who. They're just projecting.

>> No.33163827

i don't have to spam her here to see her incline bro

>> No.33163874

you can't be this dense, do you watch CNN or some shit like this

>> No.33164113

Smart yabbit. Politic only divide people

>> No.33164156

Good. Now go back. Whining about someone you don't even watch is stupid anyway

>> No.33165296

How are the rest doing?

>> No.33165362

Sseth already toned down his jokes

>> No.33165559

"Who stop you from making everyone hate your Oshi by being over-the-top persistent that everyone should watch them",
I dunno man, probably most people's desire to keep their Oshi out of trouble so they can watch them in peace.

>> No.33165852

How selfish they are, only thinking about themselves. As long as my oshi say "please subcribe to my channel" at the end of her stream I'll give her a hand, or nothing will change.
