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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 748 KB, 2150x3035, __pipkin_pippa_phase_connect_drawn_by_valefal_coneri__01911e0077f58a6c288cccf2a1de44a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33156640 No.33156640 [Reply] [Original]

the Andrew Tate of vtubing

>> No.33156701

More like the barstool cuckservatism of vtubing.

>> No.33157008

she got the hairline right at least

>> No.33157453

the rantsona vtuber

>> No.33158338

i don't follow politics stuff, who's andrew tate?

>> No.33160022

the next US president

>> No.33160158

who x2

>> No.33160451

Pippa is the Lee Harvey Oswald of vtubing

>> No.33160513

Who the fuck is Lee Harvey Oswald?

>> No.33160611
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>> No.33160618

The Andrew Tate of presidential assassins.

>> No.33160742

>Andrew Tate

>> No.33160863

Pipkin Pippa

>> No.33161051

Isn't hating other women the literal definition of being a pick me roastie?

>> No.33161073

hasanabi humiliated that faggot lol

>> No.33161115

>pippa antis are hasan fanboys
you can't made this shit up

>> No.33161134

Ligma Balls

>> No.33161142

>The Donald Trump of vtubing
>The Keemstar of vtubing
I love my trailer trash vtuber

>> No.33161148
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Im neither of those things weirdo

>> No.33161193

The Candyman humiliated hasan

>> No.33161205

The big G actually has a personality, though

>> No.33161256

>pick me
Seething f*moid detected.

>> No.33161269
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Making an analogy with two literal "who's?"

>> No.33161400

>pick me roastie
Do you even know what these mean?

>> No.33161446

>putting other women down in order to appeal to men
my rapist in christ if that isnt a pickme to you then what is?

>> No.33161583

I hate Hassan as much as the next anon, but that conversation was embarrassing for Tate. You have to be a special kind of retarded for Hassan to beat you.

>> No.33161631

So women are supposed to be brainless creatures that only hold good opinions of other women no matter how they act or what they do?

>> No.33161818

Never watched her, why is she considered right-wing?

>> No.33161892

She's not. Retard casuals try to subscribe a political opinion. She has left and right values with a Libertarian taint. Whether or not it's real or kayfabe is up for debate.

>> No.33161918

i hate pick mes so much it's unreal

>> No.33162062

She also larps as a conspiracy nut, which schizos interpret as a dog whistle.

>> No.33162101

>>putting other women down in order to appeal to men
Does that sound like a roastie to you?

>> No.33162177

Just go away, Pippa.

>> No.33162262

I quite like her conspiracy talk. It's probably the best larp in the Vtuber sphere.

>> No.33162275

No but it'd be great if women did a better job of presenting their arguments due to th fact that so many of them act like crabs in a bucket headed for market.

>> No.33162318

The only people I've ever seen complain about and call people pick me girls, are retarded women on Twitter that get mad when a woman disagrees with them, and /vt/ during Indo hours

>> No.33162369

The Hasan of vtubing more like.

>> No.33162397

She's the Nuxtaku of vtubing

>> No.33162747

Should be Sharon Tate.

>> No.33162813

wow... a Libertarian

>> No.33162837

who's Nux Taku

>> No.33163351

Deez Nux

>> No.33164057


>> No.33165251


>> No.33165550

the Andrew Tate of vtubing..
the barstool cuckservatism of vtubing..
the rantsona vtuber..
the Lee Harvey Oswald of vtubing..
the Donald Trump of vtubing..
the Keemstar of vtubing..
the Hasan of vtubing..
the Nuxtaku of vtubing..

>> No.33167032

who and who

>> No.33167155

She's mentioned on stream that she supports owning guns and the right to self defense once and retards ran with it and projected their own political views on her. The statement itself isn't that political, she's literally trailer trash that grew up in the middle of redneck country, it would be even more surprising if she didnt have 200 guns stashed in her moldy apartment.

>> No.33167800

She's a lefty that supports lgbt rights. Kys

>> No.33167960

she made fun of trannies once and said she know what kiwi farms is and that makes her literally hitler

shes as left wing as any zoomer, pro socialism, pro shitshins, pro lgbt, furry, brony, hates kids, anti marriage, and into weird porn shit
she also watches far left lunatics like vaush or assmaldgold, so its clear where her political compass points

pretty sure all the spam threads are made by trannies

>> No.33167975

No. Pipkin Pippa is a centrist socialist activist that has only the betterment of the vtubing community in mind.

>> No.33168211

Ever time someone mentions that commie cuck Hassan i cant stop thinking about how Sam Hyde humiliated him on public stage
Hassan will never again be able to act as the tough boy, and ironically he did the right thing, Sam would fucking kill him or fuck him up so bad he would never show his face on stream again

>> No.33168777


>> No.33168818

Are you willing to breed antis with so many threads... just for the ghost of a possibility for a chance at a shot to maybe get Pippa's feet pics?

>> No.33168859


>> No.33169055

She literally sent hate to Vaush last week (he tainted something to be exact, do your reps). The old discord leaks do not show support for him beyond daring to not fear cancel culture (because he seeks to wield it like a faggot commie), and that was before he went full tankie. Well, he was always a stalinist going by his irishladdie content. See? You can watch people and disagree with them. Although I usually watch him indirectly through small channels that analyze point per point his idiocy. Also you have to be a special kind of retard to think she is a socialist. The furry part is true though.
>far left
He is center left at most (and old school center left at that), unlike Vaush that is actually far left (but mainly a grifter at the end of the day).

>> No.33169554

The only politics I accept is hard patriarchy. I won't bother with any vtuber who opens their mouth, talk about politics, and says anything other than "men should wield absolute supremacy over women within society."

>> No.33171165

I want to ram my cock deep inside her while smashing her face in

>> No.33171437

>He is center left at most

>Opens every stream by preaching about the glory of Marxism and doing sermons against racism an bigotry and how you need to pay reoperations right now
You can like him, but calling him anything that far left wokester is pretty delusional. Hes a dumber version of Destiny.

>> No.33172280

Hes a gigantic piece of shit in every clip I have ever seen of him
Genuine little bitch

>> No.33172342

My wife is so multi talented!

>> No.33172349

so who did she traffic, anon?

>> No.33172468

>forgetting she wets herself for daddy jim
up your game anon

>> No.33172594

the guy banging your mom

>> No.33172651

hes a millionaire who is also famous and never had to look for a job or work hard in his life
set up in good schools and as a news station producer by his uncle since he was a kid

obviously hes an out of touch piece of shit

>> No.33172709

ye, and jim is a leftist himself, which is ironic hes called "alt right" since he made one gamergate video back in 2014

>> No.33172766

Lads, I love Pippa. So proud of her.

>> No.33172948

Everything you said except vaush makes me want to impregnate more, she sounds like a tryhard conservative while still being retarded like is expected of women

>> No.33173007

'Pick me' is so fucking retarded. Yes, everyone knows when alone the 'one of the guys!' women are not going to be the exact same. No one will be, and to expect that is fucking retarded.
Pippa, loke most vtubers/entertainers, exagerates her beliefs and humor to be more of a personality that stands out. There's nothing wrong with it and the only people who get salty are other faggot women who're made they don't think the same way.

>> No.33176279


>> No.33180454

the who?

>> No.33180781

Entertainment with politics is cringe

>> No.33181062

>the Andrew Tate of vtubing

>> No.33184263

shes not it's just retarded normies that find what she says edgy or offensive when it really isn't

>> No.33184557

Not even close. Pippa has toned it down pretty bigly. She wants more paypigs.

>> No.33184660

"toxic masculinity" but unironically
the guy's a schizo

>> No.33184807

Important reminder that the famous Sam Hyde line about people like Hassan wanting your children raped and brainwashed was made years before we found out what heinous shit they've doing to kids in schools.

>> No.33184871

I dislike both and tate got assblasted to the point he had to kick hasan from the call.

>> No.33184993

Labeling asmongold as far left pretty much discredits everything you said.

>> No.33185179

free speech, being against exploiting minors, and pro-meritocracy are far right in this day and age. Jim went to bat for trump in the destiny debate back in 2016~ btw.

>> No.33185632
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from the daph collab thread

>> No.33186981

sounds accurate because theyre both whos

>> No.33188882

thats cruel

>> No.33189370
File: 2.52 MB, 373x498, しぐれうい-shigure-ui.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /vt/ actually watch vtubers or is everyone here roleplaying that they do? SNEED!

>> No.33190854

smug jk needs rape correction

>> No.33193796


>> No.33197059

Pippa sucks but not as much as Lumi

>> No.33201207


>> No.33209447

she watches vaush lol

>> No.33212341

I want to buy her plushies!

>> No.33213462

The r/4chan of vtubing.

>> No.33217607

A classic Libertarian which is considered right these days

>> No.33217854

Since the left don't want her anymore. The right can welcome her anytime

>> No.33218295

I'm so glad so many people on here said they dislikes Pippa.
Shining fucking endorsement, my dudes. Checked her out, fucking love this conspiracy following redneck rabbit woman.
Watching an anime rabbit girl make other anime girls highly uncomfortable while spouting off about reptilians is the chicken soup for my cold dead soul.

>> No.33218444

Go back watching your other 1000+ coomberbait chubba

>> No.33218611

Hah, coomerbait. She's more gremlin than person, dude. I don't want to fuck any of these anime girls. I just enjoy the absolute fucking insanity that they exist at all.
Most of all one that tries to explain to a distressed anime sheep that big pharma is going to kill some dude because he's trying to give cheap medication for the masses?
Fucking beautiful. There was deep concern from that poor sheep girl that just thought she was playing minecraft with a bunny girl.

>> No.33219135

What's her best conspiracy rant? I want to see it.

>> No.33219407

Pippa vs Helen Keller comes to mind


>> No.33219453


>> No.33219569

Off the top of my head there's the clip where she explains reptilians to Beatani, but she's constantly dropping truth bombs about the deep state and such.

Holy shit, I didn't know she was redpilled on Hellen Keller. Just the other day I had a discussion with my grandma about this.

>> No.33219723

She was just knocking Helen's handler for coaching until she learned from chat that Helen was a Eugenics advocate. Lost her shit in real time. Absolute kino moment.

>> No.33219942

This is a good one too.

>> No.33219982

When did she become a eugenicist? When she left the home I guess she became crazy--she was a socialist/communist to at one point.
link doko?

>> No.33220087

The False Prophet who has unironically set the fuse for the Beta Uprising

>> No.33221687

I don't give a shit about the libertarian/redneck/schizo conspiracy persona, I hate her because she was a cunt to one of my favorite small vtubers on Twitter for no fucking reason. They literally never interacted before and she posts a passive aggressive remark out of the blue under the small vtuber's anouncement she's gonna have a special stream.

This paired with the fact she has no problem sucking up to other larger vtubers to collab with them leads me to believe she's an awful person.

>> No.33221977

>I don't give a shit about the libertarian/redneck/schizo conspiracy persona, I hate her because she was a cunt to one of my favorite small vtubers on Twitter for no fucking reason. They literally never interacted before and she posts a passive aggressive remark out of the blue under the small vtuber's anouncement she's gonna have a special stream.
Straight up lying lmao, never happened. Post it or get out.

>This paired with the fact she has no problem sucking up to other larger vtubers to collab with them leads me to believe she's an awful person.
Who? She hasn't collabed with a big corpo.

You need to take your meds.

>> No.33222069

Not posting it because I know you Pippa's simps are fucking insane and would bother her.

>> No.33222130
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You should stop living in your imagination

>> No.33222856

She's so based bros

>> No.33222916

Holy shit a red pilled chubba, I can't lose her again

>> No.33223866

Also doompilled.

>> No.33223897

who's andrew tate?

>> No.33224089

Ok last link I post, I just remembered this one and it's probably my favourite. My job is done shilling the schizo rabbit.

>> No.33224372
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It's refreshing to see attempts for new content in vtubing
