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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33115507 No.33115507 [Reply] [Original]

>First they came for the deadbeats, and I did not speak out—because I was not a deadbeat.
>Then they came for the teammates, and I did not speak out—because I was not a teammate.
>Then they came for the kronies, and I did not speak out—because I was not a kronie.
>Then they came for Pochi—and there was no one left to speak for me.
>-Anon 9/13/2022
I'm going to be real, I'm not a unicorn and I think hating these dudes is irrational because they're obviously not having sex with or trying to court all of these people they probably will barely interact with in person, and I have no relation to these people either. But I felt my heart sink a little when I saw this screencap because there is a part of me that wishes I could find such a lovely artist as Pochi who I could take care of and be loved by....Maybe I owe those freaks a little understanding when they're not spamming shitpost threads everywhere. I am disgusted with myself on many levels.

>> No.33115770

Pochi actually visited his Minecraft stream first, she's a frequent there, sorry but I had to tell you. Non of the tempus boys actively try to interact with your "waifus" first, unlike Ren, so take your meds

>> No.33115800

if it makes you feel better, she's already riding it (me)

>> No.33115951

just happy for her. She is dying, old and already doing a solo wedding at the same time with her birthday this year. Imaginehow sad it is to wear a wedding dress on her birthday

>> No.33115993

I am too, but it's still bitter sweet.

>> No.33116021
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She will breed

>> No.33116382

if you're offended by a male interacting with Pochi then you just don't watch Pochi at all. she has a male vtuber friend that she shills in all her streams, that's about as anti-unicorn as you can get.

>> No.33116454

I'm not offended. It's more that I'm jealous I'm not in Holostars getting to interact with my oshi by happenstance.

>> No.33116465

Axel is good boy doggo himbo. Even if a girl were to throw herself at him he'd just be too dense to notice. (unless that girl is Nodoka bit you already knew that)

>> No.33116489

it’s fucking pochi, what’s wrong with you? if you thought she was unicorn bait you never watched her in the first place.

>> No.33116565

Oh the typical unicorn behavior

>> No.33116690

Then why she draws yuri porn lying bitch

>> No.33116759

Pochi is a huge Holosta fan you fucking moron.

>> No.33116930

I want mommy Pochi to milk my cock so bad

>> No.33116946

still, physiology possible

>> No.33116976

>hating these dudes is irrational
its rational. anglo niggers can never act like a professional. all anglo niggers are obsessed with twatter and turn everything into some garbage infantile circle activity. and then they start to keep gatekeeping a shitty way like their sjws and woke fucktards have done.

>> No.33117096
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>>33115507 (me)
Well I've got to thank you /vt/. Your rude comments about my mental state and psychology have shaken some sense into me. Paired with busting a nut to some of Pochi's work I have returned to my state of indifference to this kind of thing.
Now I will go back to lurking and watamelon posting like any decent person.

>> No.33117174

>im jealous it isn't me playing game with them this an outrage!

>> No.33117201

Who? No, seriously I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything.

>> No.33117335

Pretty well know hentai artist. Also the artist for Reine in ID

>> No.33117366

Reine's mom and made her name drawing femdom hentai. Just do a google search bro.

>> No.33117527
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>> No.33117706

She likes to draw things that aren't real

>> No.33117738

they're obviously having copious amounts of sex and you can't keep denying it forever

>> No.33117825

Pochi-sensei was depressed and tuned into Axel's stream and left very happy and refreshed.
You gonna bully her too how you guys bullied Kronii for having fun?
You really gonna go after a well known artist and face the wrath of her actual fandom instead of some 4th rate coomer sucha s yourself?

>> No.33117930

You are years late m8

>> No.33118137

>we share a board with people who unironically enable him and call him a gigachad
No different from Reddit.

>> No.33118239
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>she draws yuri porn

>> No.33118420

That's you and every schizo on this board, move on or.... keep making threads like this every day, sure, your changing the world anon

>> No.33118759

Ah come the fuck on, are you gonna argue for the purity of a ero-doujin artist?
You holocunts have no cure.

>> No.33118883

>hating these dudes is irrational because they're obviously not having sex with or trying to court all of these people
You say that, but it's the kind of slippery slope you've been warned about. You could absolutely have a situation where streamers are trying to date each other and get with someone new every few months.

>> No.33119251

>doing a solo wedding

>> No.33119329
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I already moved on bro, chill the fuck out.

>> No.33119915


>> No.33120006

OP....she visited his stream and commented in it before he ever interacted with her. Stop getting angry at the guys when they don't interact without being invited first. They're not fucking Ren Zotto.

>> No.33120134

Why won't they become vtubers and marry their fanbase?

>> No.33120289

Roberto has a safe pass.

>> No.33120341

that's a lie, Axel is way too old for Pochi

>> No.33120390
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She changed her mind because of Pavonashi.

>> No.33120412


>> No.33120416

Pochi is not even a holo. what is this thread

>> No.33120694
File: 201 KB, 701x469, 1660210657698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake bait thread about pochi, a woman who entered vtubing so she could create her own personal harem of young boys to molest
>people are replying to this thread seriously because no one on this board watches streams
i hate every single one of you tremendous turbofaggots but especially you OP

>> No.33121622

professional manga artist and shota fan who works with males all the time somehow attracting unicorns because.. unicorn desperation?

>> No.33122102


>> No.33122302

sounds like ur salty cuz ur jelly

>> No.33122463

This guy's Japanese is a weird mix of beginner and advanced

>> No.33124215
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Humanity would be nowhere with this attitude. Don't look for excuses. Look for solutions. Try to achieve the impossible. Einstein thought stars couldn't be weighted with gravity. He was wrong. There is always a change.

>> No.33124404

just like me frfr

>> No.33129626

I think this is a bait thread to see how many people actually know about the wider Vtuber scene which is no one in the catalog since this is /vt/. Who tf would unicorn the woman who always works with males and wants a shot harem?

>> No.33130222

There are a lot of vtubers, and most people only follow a few closely.

>> No.33130704

Isn't Pochi married IRL? Why the fuck would you worry about collabs?

>> No.33130774

Ok, but why do we care so much about an artist again?

Like they're important and all, but there is like several levels of separation between them and a Vtuber they created.

>> No.33130944

First they came for OP and I didn't say anything cause he's a faggot.

>> No.33131322

>Then they came for the kronies,
And then the Kronies revolted to where Kronii will only collab under extremely strict circumstances and they'll never be a 1 on 1 which caused the homobeggers to attack and get her suspended.

>> No.33131532

2/4 of the Tempus boys are like 21, Pochi is grooming them

>> No.33131858

>Ok, but why do we care so much about an artist again?
vt really is just a containment board.

>> No.33132023

What? She's a fairly successful indie Vtuber as well, she has over 200k subs.

>> No.33132857

Lol keep seething mr seanigger. You will never be white. Your oshi will never see you as anything more than someone's well trained pet.

>> No.33133184

Anon, she's a Stargfag and most of her children are males using voice changer

>> No.33133380

Anon you need to fucking lurk more, jesus christ, a bunch of the hololive girls have collabed with her

>> No.33138164

If you think I'm going to waste even 2 min of my time listening to how sad it is that there aren't enough 10/10 20 something corporate executives to go around for all Japanese women so therefore they HAVE to marry themselves, then you're fucking crazy.

>> No.33139109

Pochi needs a man in her life to stop her working herself to death

>> No.33139179
File: 246 KB, 475x470, 1662681685864031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard it is to argue with kids who don't value Idol culture, I thank God and life that my Oshi doesn't collaborate with men and this way I avoid hurting my ears with the voices of generic men full of heterosexuals wanting to fuck your Oshi and artists without talent like blackpink. Watching a Calli collab is fine and enjoyable, but it doesn't compare to the virginal beauty of Pekora or the purity of Heejin.
purity of Watame. I would advise them to stop fanning so much ultra-produced, brain-rotting shit and start surfing less popular indie groups in order to trade quantity for quality if they want to lead a healthy and fulfilling musical life.
a healthy and fulfilling life. They can't spend their whole lives living on Americanised products that the Chinese are trying to impose in pursuit of cultural degeneration through shitty "music" that's in vogue, that's no
crazy life. They need to take advantage of their youth and see virgin vtubers, with ambitious concepts, and who care about the fans, then they'll start enjoying life. Phase Connect and Tsunderia are good companies a thousand times richer in detail and with more
They care about their fans, not like Holomyth and other companies that try to force Nijiniggers on us every day. For me, the subject is no longer up for discussion.

>> No.33139414
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My big brother really is a great guy, motivating even people who want to become Vtubers. You should do the same.

>> No.33139811
File: 576 KB, 900x900, 1660697904914956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is he going to encourage next? I could see doggo appearing in Delta's live2d debut at this rate and encouraging her. Just kidding... he already does that because he is a ln utaite fan and already follows her.

>> No.33140224

>I thank God and life that my Oshi doesn't collaborate with men and this way I avoid hurting my ears with the voices of generic men full of heterosexuals wanting to fuck your Oshi

Unfortunately, God and The Bible don't agree with you.

>> No.33140354

finally, more people are realizing how annoying and "whore-ish" EN male ecelebs are, especially ones turned to big corpo vtubers, this was honestly what I'd expect one would do now that they got the Hololive branding behind them, they can go around getting attention easily.

>> No.33140634

...should I get the doctor?

>> No.33141752

And they said this guy has a gf already. Must be fake information for damage control again

>> No.33142263

So this is the newfag containment thread for now huh

>> No.33150556

this reminded me about finding about a futa x futa mutual penetration image and searching for the source (it was hard) only to find out that it was for a visual novel and drawn by none other than Pochi herself like 10+ years ago

>> No.33158410

>talking like he know shit

>> No.33158512

>I'm not a unicorn
You are definitely a unicorn.

>> No.33158620


>> No.33161945


>> No.33163943

Lmao, what a fag

>> No.33164016

Damn they practically fucked!!!
It's over!!!

>> No.33164112

>make a thread talking shit about pochi
What the hell is wrong with you

>> No.33164311

So that guy like office ladies huh? Twitter has become their flirting place. Aren't you entertained?

>> No.33164389

What the fuck even is this bait, everyone fucking knows Pochi is a StarsFriend

>> No.33164582

Pochi has been known as Starsfag OP what the hell is this thread

>> No.33164641

Catalog shitposters don't even know who Pochi is. All they ever see is "I can use this as bait".

>> No.33165144

I wrote this.

>> No.33165158


>> No.33166767

Is that a euphemism for sex?
