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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33094996 No.33094996 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you have friends of the opposite sex? Eh?

>> No.33095262

I have. It's pleasant as long as you play games. Then the troubles starts. Yaoi, Twiglight, going to watch a movie only to realise it's something worse than the 2 before combined. Why do you think I'm watching Vtuber anon? it's because for once i don't have to deal with the countless downsides.

>> No.33095271

Yes, I do. Next thread please.

>> No.33095329

If you’re just friends because you share some of the same interests, and not because you’re secretly trying to fuck her, you can just say no to the yaoi shit and the Twilight movies
> assuming that this isn’t a troll, and you have experience talking non-relatives of the opposite gender without having paid money beforehand

>> No.33095335

What are friends?

>> No.33095378

every female friend I've ever had has stopped talking to me the shortly after they get a boyfriend, can someone explain this behavior to me

>> No.33095380

4 of them never said that

>> No.33095451

I don't even have real friends of the same sex let alone the opposite sex
at some point when I was like 15 I just randomly decided that I was bored of dealing with people and ghosted all of the friends who tried to contact me until everybody left me alone.

Anyway, fuck off from my e girlfriends

>> No.33095519
File: 97 KB, 848x1200, E682071E-A150-404D-8BA1-D1F92A40B242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in a house full of women. Because of this I never had trouble talking to and befriending girls, and never understood why so many guys struggle with it.

>> No.33095534
File: 342 KB, 1000x1123, 1657892086746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having fucking ANY friends and watching vtubers, let alone POSTING HERE. Go back to twitter if you do, you filthy fucking normalfag.

>> No.33095557

No, I'm too ugly for that.

>> No.33095620

One of three possibilities:
> her boyfriend is shitty and jealous of her and doesn’t let her talk to guys
> you only got to know her on a superficial level and she got the feeling you just wanted to fuck her
> she’s a bitch

Also, it could be a different reason depending on the girl.

>> No.33095705

Fuck no, I don't fuck my friends.

>> No.33095746

What the fuck blue women is a genre of fanart now. I need more

>> No.33095783

As someone who used to struggle with it and struggles a bit less now, it’s simply a matter of experience. You can’t really explain it to someone who hasn’t done it before. It’s like riding a bike: after you do it once, it’s easy.

>> No.33095826

Not a very good market strategy, Kroner.

>> No.33095986

No, I have two close male friends and that's it.

>> No.33096016
File: 1.25 MB, 598x420, Looks like SEAmonkeys [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fo4xjak.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no friends. If I had friends I wouldn't be watching some whores pretend to be anime girls.

>> No.33096041

I do. She forces KPop shit on me but I indulge her because I'm literally her only vent.

>> No.33096092

Sure do, I always have had

>> No.33096093

yes. Actually in my opinion it is easier to befriend girls than men.

>> No.33096110

Nope, both of my friends are guys. I was friends with some girls in high school but apparently a couple of them were competing for my affection, and when I dated one of them the rest of them fucked off.
I’m still very close with my sister if that counts.

>> No.33096595

Saddly it's not that simple, maintaining social circle require to do concesions from time to time, and those are hard time.

>> No.33096706

what confuses me so much is why people think it's so special whether someone is of the other gender.
they're all people, so if you want to befriend them...just go talk to them?

>> No.33097233
File: 153 KB, 836x1024, 1663028090575411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having friends
>at all

>> No.33097450

The difference is that I fuck women

>> No.33097858

I used to have one, then her boyfriend forbade her from playing games with me (we live in different cities).

>> No.33098191

Its so sickening to see how these femoids can't keep their contempt and disgust for their audience from bubbling up to the surface.
>don't you have female friends!?
>Improooove yourself!!
>Educate yourself bigot!!
You have the easiest sinecure in the world and yet you hate men that don't personally attract you so much that you have to attack them despite the fact that they pay you.

>> No.33098362

Men pay to be abused everyday
Why should it be different for anons?

>> No.33099665

what does that even mean?

>> No.33100003

RORU, for me it's always women in relationships that become my friends, 3 housewives, 2 girls with bf(they all weebs of course), I hate this because every single woman avoids me

>> No.33100816

Bitch I don't even have friends of the same sex. Take that.
