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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33016185 No.33016185 [Reply] [Original]

If any of you wish the worst for the VTubers out there, then Kishida-san is your hope.


>Japan is planning to enroll an invoice system in Oct.2023. As it stands now, this system will likely force contractors such as mangakas, Vtubers, singers, etc. to reveal their real names to be incorporated into a national database open to the public.

In the same thread linked above:

>When pressed over the fact that people's privacy will be compromised if their real name and reg. no will be available online to be downloaded by all, Finance Ministry disagreed saying listing of real names should not be an invasion of privacy.

Link to news in Japanese: https://shueisha.online/culture/52936

>> No.33016699

just don't enroll lol
EN don't pay taxes in japan anyway

>> No.33016930

It's JP VTubers that are at stake, which means Hololive and Nijisanji (and other VTuber agencies in JP) will most likely be in the government's eyes.

>> No.33017297

Government gonna force all content creator to do their dirty deed by making them spread propaganda. Once they have that list, government agents will meet the important one in person, blackmail them to enforce cooperation. The age of freedom for content creator is over, people can't made thing government don't want anymore

>> No.33017856

That's good. Fighting Tax evasion is never bad. That they didn't need to provide real names of who is getting paid is crazy. That it's going to be public is a cultural difference.

>> No.33018192

I think the JP entertainment industry will fight against this law and they can't be underestimated, given the amount of capital they generate and their influence on JP and around the world. Also, the timeline is more than one year, so it's very tentative for now.

I know this news from R*ddit. One of the comments said about how it's difficult for VTubers in JP (inc. Hololive and Nijisanji) to find a better place to stream because some people in JP (like landlords or rental companies) don't see VTuber as a legit job.

Still, it'll be one case when privacy interest clash with another interest.

>> No.33018357

>If any of you wish the worst for the VTubers
I legit just want them to be their best selves and become people worthy of adoration.

>> No.33018456


>> No.33018687

Imagine the mindset of "person" babbling that drivel about a corpo chuba. You're literally an NPC.

>> No.33018769

because "youtuber" isn't a legit a job or better said a stable job. Not only that they are also loud when the neighbours sleep. God forbid the landlord don't want any problem tenant. In my Country you cant rent a place without providing where your income comes from and your previous place. You can be sure the landlords will contact each other and ask questions aber that tenant.

>> No.33018808

JP Vtubers will get fucked.

Other branches don't apply though.

>> No.33018904

They need opposing politician to lead them. Someone benevolent like Abe. But Abe ded. Shit it all make sense now

>> No.33018966

Fuck off tourist. NPCs will praise government's restriction and suck politician's dick.

>> No.33019065

They just need to get out of Japan. I'll take Marine into my own home.

>> No.33019137
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I guess that's a fair point. When I read your post, my mind comes to several famous VTubers that becomes "inspiration" to many people to start VTubing. If they explicitly encourage it, I guess you can call them the "enablers", or so I think.

Anon, if the main branch of Hololive and Nijisanji is going to get fucked, then who knows about other branches.

There's a famous mangaka that was recently elected as a member of the upper house in Japan. His name is Ken Akamatsu (picrel). As far as I know, he advocated several policies in favor of mangaka, one of them being the protection of freedom of expression in manga and anime against "external pressure". It'll be interesting to see his view on this proposed law.

>> No.33019165 [SPOILER] 
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>This week Seattle's police department is launching a new opt-in registry system aimed at making it harder for people to harass others by filing hoax emergency reports (aka "SWATting") which might lead an armed response team to show up at an innocent person's door.

>This is a big deal because SWATting has caused a number of injuries and at least one death, not to mention countless needlessly stressful situations. If you're a game dev in the Seattle area who likes to livestream, this seems like a program you might be interested in.

oh, you mean this finally went federal/international. someone always ruins it for everyone else, just wait a little longer for the internet baluns to formally instate online legislation. Swatting in a nutshell? The Seattle article is 2018, and it states despite multiple incidents of injury, only one Death on record has occurred.
The natural order etc.

chumbuds cute. nice pic >>33016185
t. chumbud

>> No.33019255
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>> No.33019330
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One of the problems with this proposed law (at least according to the thread's OP) is you can download the data.

>Furthermore, the Finance Ministry justified how this database could be downloaded in whole & be commercialized as part of software packages saying making wholesale downloading would be expedient for big businesses since they wouldn't be forced to look & enter this info manually.

Who knows that somehow that data will end up in the black market on the deep web for sale?

My VTuber pics for posting are somehow full of Gura, even though I'm not a Chumbud lol.

>> No.33019628

He should expand to movie too. I remember Miyazaki complained about too many restriction these days. You can't do this you can't do that and such

>> No.33019671

Yes. Government can just threaten to expose the list to blackmail content creators once they get their hand on it.

>> No.33019705

>Fighting Tax evasion is never bad
Tax evasion is based. Fuck taxes.

>> No.33019982

I guess it depends on how many lawmakers in favor of content creators are elected in the Japanese parliament. Surely he can't fight alone. More so, he's elected as part of the current ruling party that has several factions, so he'll have to deal with them.

That'll be a national-wide scandal and surely will catch the eyes of international news agencies if that happens.

>> No.33020093

YES! I can finally realize my dream of raping my oshi. God bless Japan

>> No.33020233

Aren't corpos supposed to handle financial matters, including taxes?

>> No.33020476

As far as I know, based on this, the main criticism from the opponent is this proposed law place major corporation interest above citizens' privacy interest. I'll put the translation of said criticism.

>(1) Why is it available for commercial use? Because it is intended to be used as a database reference by accounting software vendors (i.e., the convenience of accounting software vendors and large companies that use accounting software is given priority).

>(2) Why is it possible to download all the data Because it is time-consuming for large companies with many clients to check each data one by one (= priority is given to convenience for large companies with many clients).

>> No.33020537

Their channels are registered as Japanese

>> No.33020617

Capitalism at its finest

>> No.33020628

>listing of real names should not be an invasion of privacy.
Knowing some ones first and last name is the first step to knowing literally everything else about them....

>> No.33020686

even if they lived in japan they only need to pay taxes in their home country

>> No.33020772

nigger, this is Japan, not muttmerica. They ain't going to do shit

>> No.33022083
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Allow me to demonstrate a point. See pic.

>> No.33022292

They can register themselves as voice actors I'd reckon. Voice actors for what? They can leave that vague.

>> No.33022865

Japan of all countries on the globe arguing "it's for more effective bureaucracy" got to be the worst joke I've heard in weeks when fax is mandatory and hanko technology from the middle ages still the standard. What a joke of a government.

>> No.33023203

It's another way around, but with the stupidest idea. It's for companies' convenient at the expense of anyone else's privacy. From that Twitter thread:

>Furthermore, the Finance Ministry justified how this database could be downloaded in whole & be commercialized as part of software packages saying making wholesale downloading would be expedient for big businesses since they wouldn't be forced to look & enter this info manually.

>> No.33023870


>> No.33023925

A government does not need a public list to find and blackmail a vtuber or anyone else.

>> No.33024976

Literally happened to Subaru

>> No.33029481

just move to a different country

>> No.33029565

Actual nothing burger.
Women will find a way to solve this and keep their easy job.

>> No.33029861

Information Retrieval will break their legs until they go honest.

>> No.33030201

Literal NPC drivvel. Could you even pickyourself out of a lineup?

>> No.33031146

All of you mutts already in the hand of NSA, unlike nihonjin

>> No.33031293

Yes they will. The assassination of Abe shown current Japan no longer the Abe's Japan you know

>> No.33031323

You should probably check where the NSA mass tested their peekhole tech when Snowden said enough is enough.

>> No.33031538

Mori did

>> No.33032122

>JP and Burgerland have no tax treaty for income tax
You guys have a shit ton of military in that country that can basically do whatever they fucking want but you didn't even bother to sign a tax treaty?

>> No.33034815

they do
she just doesn't know
