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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 436 KB, 1540x2448, 1632355159828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32856782 No.32856782 [Reply] [Original]

You do realize that once the virtue signalers normalize male collabs, they won't stop there right? They never stop, they will turn on each other and cannibalize until they can declare themselves the most virtuous. It's happened so many times and it keeps fucking happening. So even if you don't personally see the big deal with male collabs because you're a fucking tourist, know that there are genuinely people out to destroy this fucking hobby, and everyone who participates in it. And you are aiding them.

The next, most obvious target, will be Gura. Oh do you like the cute shark girl? Do you enjoy her content? Too bad, you're now a pedophile. Gura is promoting an unhealthy fixation on child like bodies. Only incels watch Gura. The same incels that were against male collabs. You don't want to be one of THOSE do you? It doesn't matter if you were originally for male collabs, if you're a Gura supporter in her current form you're just as bad as her. There have already been other small Vtubers who have been forced to change model due to "public outcry". So this isn't some slippery slope fallacy, this has actually happened.

Eventually you'll get to the crux of it which is "all anime is bad and promotes unhealthy unattainable body images for women based on an idealized male gaze." There are Redditors and Twitter users that already believe this and you'd best bet they are chomping at the bit with this "male collabs" issue and next they will try to get rid of Gura and then all anime avatars. They want to turn everyone into a Twitch thot because "women shouldn't be afraid to be themselves and play some gross character". Things like "embracing natural beauty" and "not conforming to otaku roles" will be thrown about. They will keep going and going in order to prove themselves as the ones on the highest moral ground and everyone who disagrees is a virgin loser. This is what is already happening with the "male collabs" the demonization of anyone who disagrees. Which is why I'm offering an olive branch, if you are TRULY someone who enjoys Hololive and doesn't see the issue with Homobeggars, just know it won't stop there.

>> No.32857069

Trust in hololive, trust in Yagoo, they've cut out the zhangs, the biggest Market in the whole world. They're not gonna let SJWs invade then whole thing.

>> No.32857092

>It's happened so many times and it keeps fucking happening

>> No.32857099
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I didn't read all of that shit. My oshi told homobeggars to fuck off. Get fucked.

>> No.32857476

mucho texto

>> No.32857519

i cant read

>> No.32857550


>> No.32857707

/vt/ - Histrionic Women

>> No.32857780

>anime after mid-2010s
>vidya after 2007
>movies after the writer's strike

>> No.32857801
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>> No.32857850

Finally at the bargaining stage, are we?

>> No.32857929

Actually what they'll do is fuck off. They'll destroy the community and then pack up and leave. Not like they were ever actually invested in the first place. Big Corpos make these stupid decisions all the time. You NEVER pander to femcells faggots and troons. They don't consume product. They never consume product. They just bitch louder than anyone on Twitter, which Big Corpos confuse as the voice of the majority. Cover is going to fuck themselves over listening to that shit.

>> No.32857947
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>> No.32858083

Anime has not changed at all to please "virtue signalers". Zero
Vidya has barely changed really, the whole "gamergate" culture wars turned out to be a nothing burger.
Movies are your best case, but this "hobby" has always been dominated by normeis.

>> No.32858239
File: 587 KB, 1000x1000, sopatally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want examples of times things have been destroyed in the name of "protecting the vulnerable"? Do you have 12 hours and are you willing to read all of it or are you just shitposting?

Let's condense it, I'll keep it to a few just regarding the internet and anime.

First do you recognize this picture? Probably not, you're either a tourist or a newfag. But back in 2011 there was a bill proposed by some old boomer in US Congress. It was called the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA for short. On the surface it was designed to expand law enforcement powers in order to protect copyright. But it was actually a fucking nightmare of a bill that was one more step towards controlling the internet and wanted to jail anyone who posted memes. Ironically Reddit was one of the places most opposed to this bill, one of the few times they agreed with 4chan. The bill was a danger to free speech and the proceedings were watched with great interest here, I remember people saying how handsome Darrell Issa was or how they wanted to fuck Tally chan who was the cutie taking notes during the proceedings. This art came out of that.

Around the same time, the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance Regarding the Healthy Development of Youths was expanded to include "harmful publications" targeted manga and LNs, specifcally taking aim at Aki Sora and Ore No Imouto for promoting incest, and To Love Ru for promoting nudity. Later, Ken Akamatsu would also list it as one of the reasons he ended Negima so abruptly. (worst fucking ending ever of anything in history)

Reddit and Twitter were both against this to begin with, at least in the beginning. Yet even then there were people who praised these measures as necessary, and "oh man if you're against these, you must want to distribute child porn both real and fake across the internet." Eventually they turned against themselves as they always do and now they bootlick pretty much everything in the name of "justice" and the moral high ground.

There are people that would see all anime content gone and homobeggars are actively helping them.

>> No.32858304
File: 2.97 MB, 768x432, TLDR[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fn7t8xd.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo future alternate history fanfic

>> No.32858318

didn't read, but also where did the narrative of "sjws are the homobeggars" come from?

>> No.32858347
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>> No.32858409
File: 878 KB, 1200x675, It's just like it used to be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vidya has barely changed really
Actual retard.

>> No.32858486

Everything has to encapsulate the greater culture war, that's what happens to these hollowed out creatures. Having a bad shit in the morning is either because of those damn dirty chuds or those filthy leftists.

>> No.32858651

Not likely. More likely is that once they properly stomp out any goslings or parasocial fans they will move onto the next thing that 'needs' their presence.
The girls will be confused where all their new fans went while also sad their old fans are also gone leading to them being in a worse position than they started.
That's how these things tend to go at least.

>> No.32858650

Because Homobeggars have caught the eye of SJWs and they are using this to fight their greater culture war. That's why you had a bunch of grays who never even watched Kronii starting a war in her community post over shit they don't even consume.

>> No.32858832

Anon lesbian/gay main characters and nerfed titties wasn't always the norm. You're either ignorant or a zoomer that doesn't know how shit used to be for us.

>> No.32858981

I'm saying that Gura's loli body and then anime avatars as a whole IS the next thing that will demand their presence. Once they're on a roll, they won't stop, if they get a victory, blood is in the water. Look how this whole thing has blown up with Mori, instead of "occasional homo collabs" it's turned into "if you don't collab with homos you promote incel mindesets"

>> No.32859069

How the fuck is this connected to wanting male collabs, no one is being censored here, you're the ones who harass the talents with condom money when they "act up" from your perspective.

>> No.32859149
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>Vidya has barely changed really

>> No.32859184

there was anime that had traps and homos before zoomers were even born, and anime wasn't always balloon tits. look beyond your shitty FOTM spy can't communicate garbage.

>> No.32859289

You're clearly not arguing in good faith so feel free to leave.

>> No.32859388

Just pray for a big yab that puts everyone at their places. Mori, for once I trust in you fucker

>> No.32859558
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That's right fellow poster. Videogames have always been filled with gay pride shit and tranny flags!

>> No.32859678
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>> No.32859701
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Like clockwork.

>> No.32859730

Last big person who bitched and moaned about Gura's avatar was that Venti bitch, and she definitely isn't a leftist, so this all sounds like cope and mental gymnastics to force your narrative. There's always going to be busybody moralists, nobody gives a shit but you panicky doomers. You even have niggersanji as the canary in the coal mine since they're right on that cusp of a lot of that activist viewer mindset, and they're just a bunch of coomers. You guys really don't have to twist yourselves into pretzels making some Holo's deciding to collab with these herbivore ass Tempus boys into a fight for the future of vtubing. Anyone who hasn't gone off the deep end just thinks you're bizarre, and you're against some real freaks so you literally just have to be normal and you win. How can you not manage that? Are you off your SSRIs?

>> No.32859825

Your argument crumbles because of the action your side does, just admit that you lose the argument everytime, your argument has no bearing in normalcy here.

>> No.32859890

Rainbow Road is a reference to the Noahide covenant, not gay pride

>> No.32860219

Yep. There are already redditors complaining that the yuribaiting is homophobic, and that it's a 'double standard' if the girls don't want to be shipped with the boys

>> No.32861139

Just admit you didn't read anything I wrote and you're just here to "dunk on incels"

>> No.32861513

Just call them ni- groomers.

>> No.32861679


>> No.32861888

got a laugh out of me but he's right
we're at the point where even faggots and troons are fighting, a recent example being over the gender of some fighting game character (bridget from guilty gear)

>> No.32862225

>bridget from guilty gear
which is retarded because theres no female catholics

>> No.32862285

>those Niggrooms over there are into homosexual pederasty, social justice and rapeculture awareness.

>> No.32862793

Sounds like a nu-pokemon name honestly.

>> No.32863020

Help Gura and Hololive, anons

>> No.32863150

Drawfag a mascot named Niggroom and make it represent al those subhumans at once. Then the word and its image can't be banned.

>> No.32863274

*and make it look like a pokemon yes. A homo, nigger, feminist, nu-male pokemon.

>> No.32863955

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
you have to actually learn English one day

>> No.32864520

Sadly I am no artist.

>> No.32864704

>A wild Niggroom appeared.
>Niggroom, Niggroom!
>Niggroom want bussy! Incel Niggroom?!
>Niggroom dialate monkeypoxx

>> No.32864933

The thing, OP, is that the people who are supporting male collabs either are already part of the group of virtue signaling redditors you mentioned, or shitposters who hate vtubers and want to kill this hobby already. Why those people spend their entire lives in a board dedicated to discussing something they hate while being very angry at everything, I have no idea, but it's probably brain problems.

>> No.32865118


>> No.32865477

>LeArN EngLiSh oMg OMG im Gayyy
Fuck you, Niggroom.

>> No.32865646
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>> No.32868681
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Sadly the majority of people on this board are ESL.

>> No.32868759

>Trust in Yagoo
Yagoo made Holostars... and he absolutely loves Tempus

>> No.32868873

This, Yagoo is the reason Holostars even exist. Also I was never a fan of how he was shoehorned into all the Hololive shit in the first place. To me that's like the one thing Coco did wrong, she made it acceptable to mention Yagoo and then by extension, other males in the streams.

>> No.32869182
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Everything changed for the worst retard zoomer.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.32869311

Black Panther makes sense cause that was always about Black people but making Ariel Black is retarded, just like the people who wanted to make Danny Rand Asian.

>> No.32869928


>> No.32870687

>Nort America
>Eas Asia
i see

>> No.32871043

That's already the life of a chumbud since debut

>> No.32871222

>Vidya has barely changed really, the whole "gamergate" culture wars turned out to be a nothing burger.
You can't be serious

>> No.32871334

The person who made it was probably ESL.

>> No.32871442

>Wanting vtubers to be able to interact with member of opposite sex with out neckbeards sperging out is virtue signaling

None of the holo girls are obligated to acknowledge any males, but you retards shit your pants if one does decide to do it. It's not woke to think you're being a huge neckbeardy faggot for doing that.

Range ban when?

>> No.32871742

Fucking never considering we have a SEA janny.

>> No.32873366

What does this have to do with male collabs? Just don't watch it if you don't like it. I personally don't like tempus so I don't watch streams where they're in, but bringing the up SOPA and censorship is just unhinged. There's a reason the slippery slope is considered a logical fallacy and not good argumentation.

>> No.32873669
File: 325 KB, 250x250, 1606442344293.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute!

>> No.32873834

>Non-heteros represented in the rich tapestry of life
>Gamers are upset
Cry me a river.

>> No.32874004

>anime after mid-2010s
Overlord, My Dressup Darling, and One Piece STILL have some of the most beautiful women in anime.
>vidya after 2007
Action Taimanin, Dead or Alive 6, and Tekken 7 still have some of the prettiest video game girls.
>movies after the writer's strike
Frozen 2 was great (Elsa is bae), Anything with Milla Jovovich is fun and sexy no matter how bad the writing is, and the recent Dragon Ball Super movies were all amazing and had cute girls.

You just have to know where to look.

>> No.32875805

i was so wrong about kiwawa...
pink lady was the bad one...
im sorry kfc

>> No.32876334


>> No.32876385

99% of the rich tapestry of life is shit

>> No.32876499
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>> No.32876523
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tldr, pic related

Private companies who cater to, shore up and defend a niche while accepting the reality that nothing lasts forever tend to remain more steadfast than those who ACCELERATE by blindly chasing dollar signs.

>> No.32879054

>Cute tomboy
>Nope you're a tranny now
I fucking hate this world.

>> No.32879374
File: 26 KB, 315x315, -3q3l6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing im signaling is my hog inside your mom fag

>> No.32879915

based, push back against the twitter trannies

>> No.32881290

The world follows money. Sexy is money.

You can't change what's sexy with shame.

>> No.32882339

Really? The fat acceptance movement and the shoving in of ugly people in every movie now doesn't tip you off?

>> No.32886086
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>You can't change what's sexy with shame
No, but you can still declare a jihad on subversive influences.

>> No.32886196

Thats why trannies will fail and holo JP will be always good

>> No.32886647

Only people supporting the fat movement are fatties themselves, stop thinking the Media is actually neutral and not just promoting the RadLeft
