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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 80 KB, 800x450, pego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32842748 No.32842748 [Reply] [Original]

And the meme is dead.
RIP in piss.

>> No.32842803

you gotta be kidding me

>> No.32842847

>implying this wasn't a twitterfaggot meme from the beginning

>> No.32842916

the meme is dead, and so is Jill-kun

>> No.32843086
File: 339 KB, 617x633, 1660305706835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monkey-posting in yt comments
You faggots are embarrasing

>> No.32843211

Alright Rev, I'm gonna level with you here. Nobody actually cares that Pekora bought a bushbaby. The reason people keep spamming it is to derail catalog shitpost threads.

>> No.32843307

This shit was twitter and leddit from the start. It started here, died down and then got picked up and spammed all over the place after a few weeks.

>> No.32843346

The meme is dead like her monkey.

>> No.32843423

I'm not watching that shit. How's the monkey?

>> No.32843427

monkey spam has never hijacked or derailed a thread so what was the point of that

>> No.32843435

You might wanna stay on fucking twitter if shitposting for fun bothers you that much, that you have to derrail every other thread with it. Noel fans and Hoshiyomi used to do that with image spam. Its beyond cringe.

>> No.32843480


>> No.32843487

>derail catalog shitpost threads.
It never did.

>> No.32843496

I care. Who just buys a monkey?

>> No.32843598

don't forgot that pekora bought a monkey

>> No.32843611

reported for harassing Pekora

>> No.32843615

a fucking WHAT

>> No.32843657

>The reason people keep spamming it is to derail catalog shitpost threads.
It doesn't derail shit

>> No.32843722

Don't let containment breachers and redditors distract you from the fact that Pekora bought a fucking monkey.

>> No.32843813


>> No.32843848

from this place where it wore out it's welcome very fast to okbhololive and twitter to being spammed in ame's fucking comment section by those couple of greys to this video, deader than dead in lightning fast speed

>> No.32843906

>rev says desu
this doxxnigger dramafag needs to disappear

>> No.32844806

>shitposting for fun

>> No.32845000
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1640848957033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitposting for fun

>> No.32847776

>shitposting for fun
Purest copium I've ever laid eyes on

>> No.32848156
File: 145 KB, 831x723, le_instant_karma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monkey lives matter

>> No.32849036

shitposting used to be fun
Now it's women throwing around their real feelings

>> No.32849104
File: 3.81 MB, 498x280, 1662499695152314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko apparently trained it to rape Pegor in her sleep causing all the old trauma she's worked so hard to process to come storming back to the surface of her fragile psyche. It's like she's reliving that terrible night all over again every time Jill grins at her that terrible simian grin, the one that says "We both know what happened, you and I, and we both know that no one will ever believe you."

>> No.32849207
File: 126 KB, 463x453, 1653818894003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32849390

That's all well and good but let's not lose sight of the fact that USDA Pellegrino bought a fucking MONKEY from a street vendor in downtown Chinatown, Itchykoorow.

>> No.32849710

>Rev Says Desu
Fuck this dramafag. I like his content that makes fun of Twitter trannies, but his VTuber related content is just an embarrassment to the community and humanity in general. He's no better than that one Keemstar wannabe VTuber.

>> No.32849728

What's the problem with shitposting in what you admit are shitpost threads? Help me out here.

>> No.32850328

it bumps them

>> No.32850494


>> No.32850865

it's kinda gross how little people actually care about the things well-being.
it's likely miserable if not already dead at this very moment. it's incredibly shitty to buy one of these as a pet.

>> No.32850992
File: 154 KB, 354x347, 1631926635174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animal rights are a meme

>> No.32851071

you're an animal too

>> No.32851164

people that treat animals shitty are at the same level of pedophiles, rapists and murderers desu.

>> No.32851263

bruh pekora is le warlord. a little animal cruelty is the least of her crimes

>> No.32851292

Fuck this dramafag who can't even pronounce the names of the vtubers hes constantly making videos about correctly

>> No.32852089

Nah, you mongolian basket weaving image board dwellers don't have the balls to do shit to him and will continue to seethe as he keeps doing his thing.

>> No.32852157

>is to derail catalog shitpost threads
You know, I always had a feeling those delusional dubsfags never really gave up.

>> No.32852382

Shitposting to derrail a thread serves a purpose and it is usually done to defend one of the talents or a corpo as a whole. We've seen many examples of it.
Or sometimes its just for "fun" or to get on that cancerous twitter page that posts screenshots from this place. You have no idea how many underage apes are hyped when they get included in the screenshots.
I checked some of the comments there and people are literally saying
>Why did you post this, my comment was better.
/vt/ is full of literal leddit tier subhumans

>> No.32852590

>Why did you post this, my comment was better.
What the fuck, nuke this board

>> No.32852697

It keeps threads alive rather than derail them.

>> No.32854965

>umpromtedly mentions twitter pages
rent free, cope and seethe, dial8 and kill yourself.
Or, how they say on your website touch grass you get no bitches ratio etc etc

>> No.32855147

>they live up to 10 years
But /vt/ told me it already died because they dont live long
Was I lied to? Surely /vt/ would never lie

>> No.32855148

This board is full of tourists, even the jannies are tourists. In my 15+ years of swimming in this ocean of piss, /vt/ is the only place I've been banned for "racism" and "being ironic"
>/vt/ mods are more strict that facebook/twitter/reddit nazi mods L E L

>> No.32855250

/a/ mods ban people for /pol/ing out all the time.

>> No.32855490
File: 1.27 MB, 2258x3491, 1648899333809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.32855614

Not true, I would rape and murder humans, I would never do something so horrible to animals.

>> No.32856020

thank god its over

>> No.32856196

What's wrong with the way he says peKORa?

>> No.32856447

>your website
You are a retarded tourist that came to /vt/ after holomyth debuted. get the fuck outta here you trash

>> No.32856732

Project harder.
You're gonna remain a retard forever.

>> No.32857032

Literally on 4chan since the burning crusade on warcraft. Keep flexing your "seniority" you mongoloid tourist shitter.

>> No.32858907
File: 1.13 MB, 3096x6120, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32859001

Report thie faggot and get his channel flagged same with the other retard khyo

>> No.32859034

You retards are going to get Pekora canceled for no goddamn reason. It's dead anyway. She will not be the first japanese vtuber to get an exotic animal nor the last.

>> No.32859195

perturbed that thine female purchased a simian friend

>> No.32859517

It didn't start in twitter. I started it here, in /vt/. I wanted to make an old school retarded rrat about pekora's monkey dying and hololive productions trying to erase every reference to it. It was my way of countering shitty yabs and unicorn posting.

>> No.32861546

I assume you are some kind of retarded vegan then? Or is that different somehow?

>> No.32861923

Project harder.
All these years and yet you remain a fucking retard.

>> No.32862951

lmao, all you fucks who were were trying to derail threads deserve this

>> No.32863086

There you go
Now you know the calibre of people spamming this shit
Americans, lol, lmao even

>> No.32863174

Not him but he's right, I think it's because most anons on /vt/ aren't from 4chan and just mass report everything that hurts their feelings so mods just get tired of it and autoban them
I've talked in IRC about it before and the mods didn't really defend themselves, they just said they don't care

>> No.32863426

he knows

>> No.32863467

>forced meme gets demolished by the masses picking it up
You love to see it.

>> No.32863588

I don't think the shitposters realized that they were on revsaysdesu's level until now

>> No.32863722

>The reason people keep spamming it is to derail
It never did, other than a few retards joining in the forced meme and being ignored by everyone else.
>catalog shitpost threads.
People spammed it in non-shitpost threads way more often.
In the end you and your discord picked up 2 month old news and spammed it all over the board for no actual reason.

>> No.32863746


>> No.32863960

What do you mean? He's one of you now, you're buddies

>> No.32864157

It tried to commit suicide but pekomama saved the day

>> No.32864264

ayame is blind?

>> No.32864477

>monkeynigger is an ecelebnigger
Imagine my shock

>> No.32865872

>I'm a /v/tard
ok, thanks for the input

>> No.32866589

its still a good meme

>> No.32870051

It wasn't a forced meme as much as it was selfmoderation
If the jannies wont do jackshit to clean up the catalog then anons will have to do it themselves to shit up every single bait thread until they're unusable
Nobody gives a fuck what twitter trannies say

>> No.32873754


>> No.32876055

Do contemporary 4chan users not know how to sage?

>> No.32876105

They do not unfortunately

>> No.32876555

this, I hope this has some actual consequences
