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32810930 No.32810930 [Reply] [Original]

>Yagoo good
>Holostars bad
So Holo girls kissing Yagoo's ass is okay but the moment they collab with the boys, you instantly flip your shit. Isn't Yagoo a boy too? Oh wait, he's the "best girl", according to Holocucks

>> No.32811152
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Yagoo is the owner of the company and as such acts as asexual as possible to the point even Japanese girls feel comfortable making jokes about him.
Holostars are young men that your oshi flirts with and gets giggly over. Just see the Kron drooling with pure laughter over one being playful with her. So glad I could clear that up for you teacuck! Enjoy your worms collab, I know Ame's emasculated you all enough that you pretend you love the boys.

>> No.32811352

So the problem is the girls not being able to control their own behavior rather than the boys?

>> No.32811378

Kronii's interaction with Altare
Mumei's avoidance during the collab

Learn the difference and stop being a catalog shitter.

>> No.32811469

Learn the difference between the writer and the character in his book.

>> No.32811491

Yagoo good
Holostar good
Homobeggar bad

>> No.32811528
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>> No.32811967

It's interesting as a point of comparison thinking about NijiEN before and after they had males. They all regularly collab with them but some girls like Selen, Elira and Pomu seem to have managed to hang onto their gachis while others just lost them like Reimu. I feel like the main difference is just in how they act the girls that kept them seem the same in collabs with males as they do in their solo content and collabs with girls. While someone like Reimu her demeanor noticeably changes when you add males to the mix her voice is more cutesy.

>> No.32812205

Yagoo is a father figure so it's ok.

>> No.32812334

As the wise Bushiroad found said about Bang Dream.
>"There's no problem with male characters appearing, as long as they're a father or a little brother whose penis can't get hard yet."

>> No.32814212

Yagoo himself avoids interacting with the girls unless it's official event.
Spitting things without context will always be homo fans thing

>> No.32814290

if anyone says Holostars bad, they don't deserve YAGOO

>> No.32814566

Correct. Bunch of slack jawed faggots would rather hang out with Yagoo's money making cabaret girls than with his ACTUAL bros, the Holostars.

>> No.32814756

Why do you reddit losers keep making these terrible threads to justify male collabs? I see these shitty threads almost daily, your arguments are high school level at best

>> No.32814880

kind of like your mom

>> No.32815411

I think you should collab with my cock.

>> No.32815876

No one forced them to collab with males in the end the one who made it happened was themselves.

>> No.32816009

Actually I hate Yagoo too after the mag shirt episode. JP fans don’t treat him with the idiot reverence EN fans do, probably because they can understand his speech and body language and recognize what a piece of shit he is.

>> No.32816079

Oh boy unicucks now shitting on yagoo kek

>> No.32816112

Ok, so middle school.

>> No.32816176

Kissing Yagoo's ass was always weird, as was the "Best Girl" memes. He's a middle aged CEO and has approved many bad things in his time: for example, Sana, Giving IRyS a ridiculous overcomplicated art style that stops from doing her job, Omega......

>> No.32816268

B-b-b-but I thought my oshi was a lesbian???? And she flirted and joked with her girl genmates?????????

>> No.32816430

not to mention pissing away funds into money-losing side projects like a horror game nobody cares about and "metaverse" bullshit

Meanwhile their live2D app breaks all the fucking time and lots of members have crappy 3D

>> No.32822245

Hololive is literally Idolmaster but even more canceorus, littered with self-insert cucks, literal faggots and landwhales

>> No.32823623

If Yagoo starts doing casual gaming collabs then i'll call him a faggot too. I have no problem with him sitting on his office at the HQ signing documents and receipts.

>> No.32823734
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>So Holo girls kissing Yagoo's ass is okay
>but the moment they collab with the boys, you instantly flip your shit.

>> No.32823815

beggar logic

>> No.32823968

Yass queen Slay!

>> No.32824029

Typical women not being to control their urges.

>> No.32824043

Except he(she?) doesn't have children

>> No.32824045

>would rather go to a gay bar than a cabaret
Found the fag

>> No.32824215

Why are anons mad at tempus when it's Yagoo who put them there in the first place?

>> No.32824408

Yagoo has a wife, 2 kids and gave his game company to two girls who wanted to make a 2nd Kizuna AI. Even if he's the CEO, he let the talents bully him to make content. So yes, YAGOO good

>> No.32824864

Yeah and they hate Holostars/Tempus but they love Yagoo because they think he's their Producer self-insert shithead. Fucking hypocrites

>> No.32824999

Yagoo is the Producer of Hololive. He's Holofags' beloved self-insert fuckface

>Yagoo has a wife, 2 kids
Vince McMahon was a CEO and has a family but he quit when he got #MeToo. Can't wait for this Yagoo shitlord to get #MeTood too

>> No.32825211

We hate Yagoo now. Fuck the Stars. The industry vs unicorn schism he caused is literally Gamergate 2, and for the exact same reasons:
>muh profit
>muh social standing
>muh entitlement
>muh freedom
>muh not understanding and actively hating the customers
>muh how dare you have basic standards and expectations for the products you consume
>muh get fucked, lowly chudcels
I suppose it was inevitable. Sad to see.

>> No.32826582

the boys are fine. No menheras as far as I can see, hololive chose them well. anons frequently mistake their own social ineptitude and degeneracy as a universal trait among all guys when that's obviously untrue.
