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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32750386 No.32750386 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.32750782

Women are retarded

>> No.32751924
File: 562 KB, 680x665, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32752024

whats a hz?

>> No.32752075

Tech autism is peak cringe

>> No.32752111


>> No.32752143

framerate of your monitor
A 60hz screen can display 60fps
A 240hz screen can display 240fps

>> No.32752195

Timestamp / clip?

>> No.32752257

oh, but that means everything is laggy as fuck on her screen

>> No.32752296

30hz is perfectly useable and playable, speaking as a 165hz philosopher king. That is pretty weird though; I can't think of any PC game that's been released in over a decade that defaults to 30fps.

>> No.32752377

anon... what lol. what dude. you're thinking of latency

>> No.32752532

The game's FPS is irrelevant. The graphics card can push out 2 billion FPS and the monitor will just display whatever the fuck it can due to the refresh rate.
This is also why vtubers should limit the FPS (easiest way to do it is set the monitor to 60 hz and turn on vsync) to prevent their stream from dropping frames when using NVENC to encode in OBS. That or use CPU encoding. But most female vtubers are too retarded to know this.

>> No.32752598

Never use vsync its dogshit and gives you heaps of input lag
Use 3rd party software like RTSS to cap framerates instead

>> No.32752700

Who told her how to fix it?

>> No.32752727

Nigga, as you can see in Kiara's case. Vtubers don't even understand refresh rates. Let alone input lag. They won't notice it. If they use third party software to limit framerate they'll likely get banned by anticheat services when they forget to turn it off. Turning on vsync is the best option for retards.

>> No.32752766

30 hurrrs

>> No.32752787

I mean yeah but I was talking to the retards in this thread so they do it right at least

>> No.32752948

i am retard please help i cant understand what >>32752532 means
frames are bad?

>> No.32753101
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I can fix her...

>> No.32753168


>> No.32753196

The other guy said he doesnt know any game that defaults to 30 but that doesnt matter cause this is about her monitors refreshrate not a videogames settings.
Having more fps than your display can show does make a very tiny difference though.

>> No.32753256


>> No.32753308

Higher framerate is a meme, 30fps is where it's at.

>> No.32753351

Too many frames is bad when you're using the GPU to encode the stream and shitting out so many frames that the GPU can't keep up anymore and starts dropping frames because it can't keep up with encoding anymore. You remedy this by either capping the framerate or using CPU encoding.
This always fucking happens when EN plays apex on a new computer.

>> No.32753456

>previous occupation was you know
>can't even cook without burning down her house
>expecting her to know technology

>> No.32753518

i am unable to see any difference above 30hz
it is all bullshit to sell you more expensive hardware

>> No.32753794

I brought up the game's FPS because I have literally no idea how she could have managed to set her monitor's refresh rate to 30hz to begin with. You would have to do that on purpose; I can't think of any other way that could have possibly happened.

>> No.32753883


>> No.32753889

To expand on this, I would assume that a HoloPro employee probably has enough money to throw around that someone would just buy them a "good" monitor; likely one with VRR.

>> No.32753962

Are there monitors that have a 30hz mode as an option?
While looking for a new monitor all I've see is 60hz being the lowest a monitor will allow out of the box.

>> No.32754005

I can't really tell the difference beyond 120hz, personally. 30hz is just fine, but 60hz or more is ideal in my opinion. I grew up playing games at like 25fps tops; the difference is very noticeable.

>> No.32754128

There are some with variable refresh rates that go pretty low, but honestly I think the lowest I've seen is only down to 40hz. That's not to say that one that could go lower doesn't exist; I just don't know about it.

>> No.32754256

I also grew up playing games sub 30fps, i find 30fps to be the sweet spot while 60fps and upwards to be unnecessary, a vanity spec if you will.

>> No.32754387
File: 33 KB, 900x506, The_More_You_Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30hz is the european standard
you need to manually increase it in options the first time after u bought it
that is about the difference of ampere in the european electric grid, most monitors cant handle that are not fabricated specifically for the european market and would just blow their resistors
so u have to make sure you got the filter between your poweroutlet and the monitor so u can then safely increase the hz
but many people dont care and dont use filters, so thats why the 30hz is the standard factory setting


>> No.32754454

30 Fps are fine as long as you don't try hard on PVP bullshit game, then you really need at least 60 Fps to compete, at least as long as your reaction time is good enought. t. excompetitive shit game player.

>> No.32754510

30fps is not ok for any interactive media that has a moving camera
You might be fine playing tetris but anything else youll be at a massive disadvantage

>> No.32754522

Extra frames when playing games normally is fine. They're a problem when you're streaming because nobody can watch your stream at more than 60fps anyway, so anything beyond that is just extra work. Sometimes that extra work will actually overburden your PC and fuck up the stream. Just because you can run a game at 144fps, doesn't mean you can stream it at 144fps. So it's better to cap the fps at 60 to ensure that you can stream it smoothly.

>> No.32754617

Oh, i see. Thank you for explaining, i did not now that.

>> No.32754692

It's why those poor bastards got the worst versions of video games back in the day vs US and JP.

>> No.32754709

>a vanity spec if you will
I agree, if 60fps is nice for racing games and shooters but unnecessary for everything else. everything above 60fps is just pure memery defended mainly by people looking to justify their own purchases

>> No.32754721

So, faggots who buy in to the high frame rate bs are p2w tryhards? Kek.

>> No.32754797

RTSS is whitelisted in anti-cheat software

>> No.32754835

>30fps is not ok for any interactive media that has a moving camera
the original version of ocarina of time is still completely playable

>> No.32754834

Maybe i should buy a monitor from the EU, thank you for this info.

>> No.32754912

Stupid sexy ass-bird

>> No.32754916

That's fair, but following that same line of thought, all video games are a materialistic and vain waste of your time. I play a lot of fast-paced games on my fancy pants monitor and the higher refresh rates really do make just about everything look nicer and much more legible to me. I was also very skeptical of this shit in the past until I saw something on someone else's fancy gaming monitor.
I also think there's something to be said for peoples' eyes just being able to see higher or lower framerates, honestly.
I didn't know you guys still had to deal with that on modern monitors, honestly. I'm well acquainted with the difference in the power grid over in Europe compared to here in the states (I have family in England), but I just assumed monitors designed for the Euro market were primarily what gets bought and sold over there. Interesting.

>> No.32755035

Fairly sure PAL was 25 and 50 Hz

>> No.32755159

ok grandpa

>> No.32755200

you are actually right, my bad
25Hz is the standard and then u could switch up to 50Hz
All the americans only talking in 30 and 60 had me confused. I forgot it was even worse.

>> No.32755281

Sure, 30 is enough, but 60 is simply better.

>> No.32755486

It sure is. I tried the PC port in 120hz the other day and it looks better than I thought it would but still pretty uncanny. Most of the animations were interpolated surprisingly well.

>> No.32755502

If you're feeling fancy, sure.

>> No.32755661

Jesus fucking christ you guys are a bunch of retards. 30hz is standard for EU? My monitors don't even have a setting below 50hz. I hope this is some sort of trolling and you're not actually that stupid to believe this shit.

>> No.32755733

why bring race into it?

>> No.32755751

I was willing to take that guy's word for it but I assumed the default was still 50hz for you guys.

>> No.32756024

nah i was just making a funny
this is not the 90s anymore
there is no such thing, i have no idea how the chicken would manage to go to 30hz. I don´t own any monitor that can actually go that low. and i am from the same country as her, so no idea what that is about

>> No.32756291

As long as you don't get used to 60 fps or more, it's totaly berable even enjoyable. When you get used to 60 or more it's hard to go back, like if you get used to 120 it's hard to go back to 60.

>> No.32756467
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My monitor can go as low as 24hz. But it defaults to 60hz out of the box.
Everyone that says these monitors don't exist is retarded.

>> No.32756486

Very mischievous of you to go and tell lies online, anon!
I don't know of any that go that low either, aside from maybe one with an unnecessarily wide range of VRR. That's why I brought up FPS and then some moron tried to tell me I don't know how refresh rates work.
>like if you get used to 120 it's hard to go back to 60.
I prefer 120hz whenever possible, but I can't say that I agree with this. 60hz is still pretty great.

>> No.32756549

source stream is still live.
You'll have to wait until the stream is over for clips/timestamps

>> No.32756632
File: 18 KB, 241x181, 1691387924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would she ever set it to 30 tho

>> No.32756702

nah that's PAL instead of NTSC, it's the encoding of the signal, pal had increased color precision, but used some of the bandwith for that ence the slightly slowe refresh rate (25v30)

>> No.32756727

thanks anon, til
so the real problem is obs?
i had heard of unlimited fps frying graphic cards, doesn't stuff just limit them to the max that can be shown?

>> No.32756748

It just can because it supports adaptive refresh rates as low as 24hz. Why wouldn't the manufacturer enable the setting if the display can do it? There's no reason to not give the customer the option.

>> No.32756775

PC monitors have the same refresh rates everywhere, it's not an European thing

>> No.32756861

Pal sucks.

>> No.32756918

>so the real problem is obs?
different anon, but no, not really. OBS is just the bottleneck since your stream will be 60fps no matter what, at least as far as I know.
>i had heard of unlimited fps frying graphic cards, doesn't stuff just limit them to the max that can be shown?
no. that's what v-sync is for. it caps your framerate to your monitor's refresh rate, but often increases input delay slightly. you can set a manual frame cap for your graphics card in its settings, and you can manually set your monitor's refresh rate there too.

>> No.32756960

we are talking about dead analog signals anyway, but germany still has fucked 50Hz for television or something, maybe some anon from there can expand, i just know marginally about that because LEC (European LoL) is in berlin and the stream is 50Hz instead of 60

>> No.32757036

Your system will render as many frames as it can if it's not limited in some way (vsync, framerate cap, adaptive refresh rate settings etc.). Some graphics cards with bad VRMs did fry because of this.
Most of the time the FPS will be bottle necked by the GPU, but in older games the bottle neck might be the CPU.
Also, OBS isn't the problem. This is just how computers work. I have no idea why people use NVENC in OBS anyways. Just use software encoding, high end CPUs have so many cores that are doing jackshit these days. People won't even notice the quality difference.

>> No.32757274

Is 144hz an issue when streaming?
Should it be set to 120 so it’s divisible by 60?

>> No.32757499


>> No.32757642

thanks techanons!

>> No.32757843

I am able to see even 144fps no issue but the truth is still that 30fps is much more pleasant to your eyes

>> No.32757968

This fucking retard. I will administer mating press and impregnation correction

>> No.32758641

Better for people with slower internet

>> No.32760964

I don't understand shit

>> No.32761274

the human eye can't even distinguish more than 8GB of RAM

>> No.32762750

Kiara, I...

>> No.32767042

I have been able to tell the difference between 60Hz and 144Hz all of once - when comparing my 60Hz drawing tablet on Clip Studio vs my 144Hz iPad on Clip Studio. A tiny, tiny delay in how the pencil marks register that you probably wouldn't notice if you didn't regularly use both.

I have never been able to tell the FPS difference in videogames past 60. Call it cope but I just can't feel it.

>> No.32767839


Apologize for making an anti-Kiara thread.

>> No.32769254

>what should normal the refresh rate be?
i cant believe she asked this kek

>> No.32770092

I fucking kneel, I dont have a problem with male vtubers existing but they really get fucking shoved down our throats

>> No.32770151

I love Kiara so much you guys. She brings me joy.

>> No.32770302

chicken fuckers I kneel

>> No.32770395

nothing is getting shoved down your throat
some girls want to play with the boys and some girls don't, as evidenced by that video, just watch what you like

>> No.32770519

There have been more shart collabs in EN than there have been in JP all year. You are persona non grata.

>> No.32771054

she might be using a laptop

>> No.32771242
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Cute girls are allowed to be somewhat retarded.

>> No.32773675


>> No.32774043

25/50 is european standard, but most monitors (even my dogshit one) do 60hz out of the box, and my current laptop won't even let me select 50

you are talking out of your ass

>> No.32775848


>> No.32777052

People actually fell for this.

>> No.32777365

Retard, humans can't see anything beyond 24fps. Why are you wasting your money on these overblown, overpriced monitors?
