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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32700852 No.32700852 [Reply] [Original]

Dear god...

>> No.32701336

>Obnoxious glasses bitch
>Brown latinx bitch

To think that there were people who thought these were good Vtuber designs. Good riddance.

>> No.32701521

people always have rose tinted glasses on when new Vtubers debut

>> No.32701572

are these indies groomable?

>> No.32701575

FlopLuna never let me down with those horrendous numbers, and there is Aster too hovering the 3view, looks like the only one from this garbage wave that is anything decent is Kyo, in numbers and maybe content

>> No.32701604

more spaces to build around, Luca's unintentionally doing god's works

>> No.32701707
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Dear god....

>> No.32701826

Scarle deserves more than that

>> No.32702249

dumbass should learn to speak spic or flip and pander to that audience if she wants to incline

>> No.32702387

She gets shat on a lot for being a chicano (and shat on for being mexican by all the non mexican hispanics), but she's just a dumb air head with heart of gold. I
case in point, they want her to speak in their meme language when the branch is EN focused.

>> No.32702625

>buff game during NA hours with little overlap
How do we save them?

>> No.32702716

She actually does really good despite how it looks in terms of median CCV, watched hours, stream hours and SC, Aia on the other hand...

>> No.32702760

Scarle never streams in NA hours, she always streams in japan hours. That's where all her audience is.
Aia just doesn't have any audience.

>> No.32702784

What the fuck is a chicano?

>> No.32702842

>little overlap
Besides Selen, and Elira (playing the same game as them), and Rosemi membership

>> No.32702888

learning flip speak is stupid. any flip worth pandering to aka one with money speaks english anyways. you can pander by mentioning jollibee or lumpia and bam your in.

>> No.32702929

nice, nijizhangji learned to make the botting less obvious

>> No.32702953

It's a spic raised in california who pretends to be a real mexican despite not really being one. california is over 50% hispanic these days btw

>> No.32703144

i can save aia but it would require one of those brainwashing helmets from taimanin

>> No.32703177

>the branch is EN focused
>more than half their audience are chinks

>> No.32703219

are they phase gen 3 or tsunderia gen 4

>> No.32703220
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There's more.

>> No.32703233

Not surprise,girl can sing

>> No.32703284

Enna's karaoke is legitimately amazing anon.

rebroadcast Saturday

>> No.32703496

I like Aia she is way better than Scarle she has a nice voice and she is trying. Sucks that she is such a generic normie like all of her gen that people don't really give a shit.

>> No.32703511

Anyone who wants to watch minecraft is watching Elira right now, there's literally no reason to watch iluna

>> No.32703620

She's pretty good, but IRyS has better technique

>> No.32703706

>source: it came to me in a dream

>> No.32704214

I knew it from day one the Latina whore would flop. Non white vtubbers never succeed.

>> No.32704392

NTA, and the guy definitely overgeneralized NijiEN (the only one with clearly significant portion of Chink viewers is Vox), but it's true that NijiEN - well, the more popular members at least - focus heavily on Chinks and SEA, which isn't really what people expect when they look at the "EN" part.
It's not really a secret that most, if not all, of their top members stream in CN / SEA hours instead of NA / EU hours, and when they streamed during EN hours, their numbers suffer significantly. Saying that "the branch is EN focused" isn't entirely correct unless you are one of those "H-Hongkong / Philippine / Taiwan <insert SEA country> speaks English, so they are part of EN market too" fags

>> No.32704460

Not bad, without bots this is like 5-10k

>> No.32704968

Will they keep accelerating despite they have obviously tapped out the potential pool of viewers?

>> No.32705369

fuck off
I want to murder every little fuck who uses that faggot American word

>> No.32705487

kys yourself

>> No.32705574

ITT: Tempiss deflection thread

>> No.32705719

Akshually she's half latinx, half filipinx

>> No.32705729

Vox, Ike and Mysta are the only ones really that stream CN friendly hours, but everyone else not, the ppl from Australia get a pass for me and Shu streams in NA hours.
So that's like 3 popular people out of 26, you can really see how many threadwatchers shitpost just to shit on Nijisanji

>> No.32705788

She’s a literal flipxicana mutt that can’t speak either language. It’s warranted here

>> No.32705831

happy for her, people showing up for her singing.
who's her new audience?

>> No.32706104

she's sitting now at 4-5k average viewers

>> No.32706143
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>I wonder why?

>> No.32706396

The only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around; When I'm much too far away

>> No.32706609

Shit, Riku turned on the bots for Enna? I thought they were reserved for Luxiem only, damn

>> No.32706654

Man, the whole "crossed out thing teehee" on debuts is only funny if it happens once, but when literally everyone is doing it in their debuts, it loses its fun and becomes generic

>> No.32706676

>Plan It Takes Two
>Swerve at the last second with MC on their broken ass server
All Luca did was cause more people to pour into MC, its pissing me off.
Also, MC isn't a debuff game for Scarle, all of her first month content was creative hand cam stuff or endurance gaming(usually horror games.)

>> No.32706895

There are so many fucking flips in Nijisanji EN. Is there some BOGO discount in that country on vtubers?

>> No.32706982
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Is there a greater cope than "muh bots" from numberfags?
Months down the line and they remain so utterly mindbroken by Vox, its so goddamn funny.

>> No.32707062

Nah, it can still be funny, but the whole "Hehe i'm a criminal" when the streamer is a huge harmless dork is absolute cringe.
Are there any vtubers that sound like they actually went to jail at least once?

>> No.32707142

I should have been there instead of them. I would have made Iluna at least somehow enjoyable. Whoever made the decision to accept these creatures, I hope you got what you wished for.

>> No.32707511

it's fine for her, she doesn't even speak spanish. Even Amelia seems more latina

>> No.32707650

>she doesn't even speak spanish
then call her a cara de nopal

>> No.32708123

>she doesn't even speak spanish
so she really is latinx / filipinx, then?

>> No.32708211

>focus heavily on Chinks and SEA
The only member that heavily relies on Asia prime time, the sole reason you faggots seethe about NijiEN so much, is Vox and Mysta, sometimes Ike. You can even argue that Mysta didn't plan to attract that many Asian at first, as he streamed at the same time slot in his PL. Vox is the only one who purposefully arranges all his activities for Asia hour. Luca is an Aussie, so his normal time slot naturally overlaps with Asia hour. Shu now only streams at NA hours. Also, their appearance at the NA anime convention attracted tons of people to go there to meet them, and chink is now still stuck in their country because of covid.
Not to mention that Pomu, Enna, and Selen can get good numbers during NA hours.

>> No.32708270

Yeah, Iluna didn't do as well as they expected

Also fuck you Fungus, I know you're /here/. You will never live that down.

>> No.32708983
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Rank A) Enna
>regularly gets 5k+ streams, over 20k for karaoke
Rank B) Selen
>Regularly gets 4k+ streams, over 8k for tournaments
Rank C) Elira, Pomu, Maria
>regularly gets 3k+, but can reach 5k+ on special streams
Rank D) Rosemi, Petra, Millie, Scarle
>regularly gets 2k+, increasing a lot over time
Rank F) Finana, Reimu, Nina, Aia
>regularly gets 1k+, stagnating and not growing much

Keep in mind, Enna was in Rank F earlier this year. She's multiplied her audience rapidly, she's almost Luxiem-tier at this point. Although she gets low donations. The ones getting donations are Pomu, Elira, Scarle, and Millie when she does ASMR

>> No.32709293

thank you for outing yourself as a mutt.

>> No.32709385

>m-muh bots!
Fulgur will never stop being right.

>> No.32709450

>regularly gets 1k+, stagnating and not growing much
>regularly gets 1k+
> Aia

>> No.32709631

I like how niji also debut showcased their designs with are rather than their live2ds. The live2ds are much inferior except for ren zottos.

>> No.32710367

So Enna is Mrs.Coom now? Also since when Pomu and Elira consistently 3k+

>> No.32710493

Why so angry my latinx friends

>> No.32710521

Are you ignoring holoEN also has a big SEA fanbase or something

>> No.32710552

Faggotchama, the branch is EN focused because they speak English 99% of the time.
Also their current top female liver streams mainly 3-6pm GMT and her noooombers continue to grow

>> No.32710685

That's pretty bad considering it's Minecraft where you are suppose to get better numbers.

>> No.32711013

Consistently != regularly. I'd work that into your grammar lesson next week if I were you
And yeah regularly is true if you check the numbers site

>> No.32711157

You can check by yourself though. The whole NijiEN just keeps growing.

>> No.32711510

still eternally keking over how libs created the worst latino slur to date by accident

>> No.32711722

I just want them to form a unit at this point and off-collab themselves eating balut and dinuguan. I looove dinuguan

>> No.32711896

Not sure about the brown one but the white one is built for rape, anon go help yourself

>> No.32712067

Why was the server wiped?

>> No.32712097

u mad?

>> No.32712235

cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.32712253

she has to be hot IRL right?... RIGHT?

>> No.32712317
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>> No.32712403

Sleen Lardsuki fell on the server and destroyed a lot of it. Luckily some was able to be salvaged

>> No.32712410

Altare sounds prison gay

>> No.32714984

They'll improve, right?

>> No.32719081

i watched that higurashi fan concert live. withou knowing she could actually sing. i fucking teared up...she deserves her views.

>> No.32719353

The chinese. For some reason they gravitated towards her. Or oh wait, she did a Chinese stream some time ago didn't she?

>> No.32719617

Because that's where the bots are hosted.

>> No.32719736

>Bottom of the barrel superchats
>A year has come and gone and council still only has one outfit
>No 3D announcement
>Barely stream
>Had a member graduate
Council is a worthless, miserable failure.
You seethe because fungus was right.

>> No.32719895

Psst, don't tell them, SEANIGGER mods will ban you for shitting their favourite.

>> No.32720533

ENNA LOVE I teared up too, especially with her duet with Ike. I fucking love Enna God and Savior Alouette.
We’ll of course they didn’t do well. They’re all just boring fleshtubers (except kyo, you rock little man).
