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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32700198 No.32700198 [Reply] [Original]

>if I ever get a boyfriend, I won't let you guys know
>because is none of your fucking business
Why is she, from all the chubbas in the world, the only one that understands this?

>> No.32700373

She knows what we are here for.

>> No.32700411

She has literally had her literal real actual boyfriend who she calls babe on stream multiple fucking times lmao

>> No.32700441

huh, that's funny coming from someone like her, I'll give her props for that.

>> No.32700532

Don’t her fans already know that she has a boyfriend?

>> No.32700592

That's cool, but does she have a FUCKING MONKEY?

>> No.32700665

anon. i...

>> No.32701461

trolling should be illegal

>> No.32701881

>he doesn't know

>> No.32702098

sorry to have to inform you, OP, but she changed her mind about this and has since let everyone know she has a boyfriend

>> No.32705888
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She works as a Channel Manager for her boyfriend's stream now, anon.

>> No.32707654

I don't like this bitch

>> No.32709698

Please anon-chama don't go full retard.

>> No.32713203

Its all virtue signaling

>> No.32713963

Ive never understood why people liked vei. She's so OBVIOUSLY just a horrible fucking person that it's hard to listen to her for an extended period of time.

>> No.32717952

Contrary to what /vt/ believes, people fucking LOVE real unrepentant whores. If she's a legit whore who will fuck anyone, she might fuck you too. This is what they believe.

>> No.32718201

Is this supposed to be better than a unicorn?

>> No.32718340

Yeah, but my question is why you wouldn't feel like a pathetic sack of shit for even entertaining the thought.

The thought of having sex with someone with veibei's actual personality makes me want to puke. I don't care how hot she is or how good she is at sex, I would feel sick to my stomach for even giving her the time of day.

fun captcha: RAT5A

>> No.32718410

>>32718340 (me) yes I know, reddit spacing, forgive me

>> No.32718441

newfag doesnt know what a unicorn is
its cute how youre trying to fit in

>> No.32718504

Yeah, you care, but they don't.

>> No.32718639

Vei is the antithesis of what unicorns fight for. It's the opposite, also extremist end. She's a whore, it just makes me puke thinking about it, why the fuck would people give this bitch with ZERO ENTERTAINMENT VALUE other than "MUH SEX XP" money is beyond my understanding.

>> No.32719178

Ok, show me your definition mr. oldfag

>> No.32719299

youd like that wouldnt you newfag?

>> No.32719387

how fucking stupid are you

>> No.32720381

instead don't stream for months.
Everyone knows they are in a relation.
Great work.

>> No.32720808

>the only non-holo EN one that understands this?

>> No.32721400

Thanks for the bump

I would mr. oldfag

>> No.32722032

See but the thing is it's never publicly acknowledged as such and while she might spend 30h non-stop grinding levels with Soda in WoW on his stream she never brings him on her stream ever..she don't even stream when she's doing stuff with him. But honestly neither Vei or Nyan lost anything by having bfs, the viewers they supposedly lost weren't their viewers to begin with but LSF/OTK viewers that were checking out the new interesting thing and then over a couple of months they left cus they found something else.

>> No.32724564
File: 619 KB, 2689x4096, __vei_vshojo_drawn_by_deccatezu__23d412e73125a54e5320b8874ae15bca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vei is the antithesis of what unicorns fight for
Imagine believing unicorns to be so shallow. What turns people off to sluts is the lies, rationalizations and the horridness their souls exude. In contrast, Vei's been up front about (among other things) being a slut for years. That transparency, coupled with her innocently curious demeanor, is also a type of purity. Contrary to how it might seem if all you do is check arbitrary boxes on a litmus test, Vei is a unicorn friendly vtuber.

>> No.32724632

isnt she dating Chance(sodapoppin)?

>> No.32726727

Pretty sure the rise of hornytubers can be attributed to her and in some ways considering she grew over night for being against the norm by being her degenerate self...sadly these days it's hard to find someone that's a true degenerate like her instead of a fake one for views.

>> No.32726825

I woul have sex with Veibae

>> No.32728468


>> No.32728924

she is simply based

>> No.32728949

excellent bait anon

>> No.32729132

>she grew over night for being against the norm
That's the thing. She went against convention, took a risk, and built her brand in a way that was true to herself. Not out of spite, malice, owning the haters, sticking it to the chudcels, getting revenge on her father, or throwing a fit over "muh freedom," but rather to create a persona reflective of herself. Vshoujo may get dunked on for their trashy humor, lack of class, and various woman moments, but they're still held in higher esteem than full on two-faced grifters.

>> No.32729436

>What turns people off to sluts is the lies, rationalizations and the horridness their souls exude. In contrast, Vei's been up front about (among other things) being a slut for years.
No, I am disgusted that she's a WHORE. Period.
Just like society thinks they're bottom feeders, which, well, they are.
Fucking makes me sick. Unicorns are extremist, yes, but they are absolutely right that without them, this fucking hobby would be populated by these whores who are worse than thots on twitch.

>> No.32729729

All women are whores. It's really always been about character and empathy.

>> No.32730059
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And I'm not done for the day

>> No.32730889
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>liked it
>replied to it
It's no longer a secret to the public.

>> No.32731627

he's trolling unicorns
veibae is not GFE pandering and has her bf on the stream many times

>> No.32732014
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Normalfaggots really are subhuman.

>> No.32732262

I'll bite. Unicorn friendly how? I thought unicorns are called that because the actual mythical animal can only be attracted by virgin/pure women.

>> No.32732472

Purity isn't one dimensional. In this case, Veibae is pure slut. It's like how Vegeta achieved Super Saiyan despite not having a friend die.

>> No.32732757

She's a pure slut in the sense that she's only a slut to one man, her man unironically.

>> No.32732791

>All women are whores
Ahh.. so this is what whore shiteating watchers believe.
You do realize that Vei such a whore that even women would call her a whore, right?

>> No.32732844

While Vei is a degenerate whore with a horrible personality. She's one of the few girls that was a vtuber fan from the very start and not just a generic twitch whore. She knows the deal.

>> No.32732865
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>> No.32733076

This woman talks about getting fucked by random dudes for fucks sakes

>> No.32733389

Implying I care what women think. In fact, it's that arrogance I despise. Being a "lesser whore" doesn't make one any less of a whore, as being a whore is a binary distinction.
Yes, for years. Never pulled a bait and switch, and outright told her audience that she'd hook up with a rich guy. Guys don't mind if you're a great liar, and being honest is fine too. The yab chubas are the ones who usually slip up and get caught looking like liars, which is where the backlash comes from. Either do it right or not at all.

>> No.32733486
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My oshi
>I won't be in a relationship to not make you sad
>I will stop collabing with male even if they are my idol

>> No.32734203

>Being a "lesser whore" doesn't make one any less of a whore, as being a whore is a binary distinction.
Keep believing that, cuck.

>The yab chubas are the ones who usually slip up and get caught looking like liars, which is where the backlash comes from. Either do it right or not at all.
No, the yab chuubas are the ones that are literal whores of the worst kind.
Anyways, your standards are already pretty low, practically eating shit from an asshole (or leftover cum from vei's vagoo after having sex with whoever) so there's really nothing to debate about at this point, it is pointless.
