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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32674005 No.32674005 [Reply] [Original]

Watch Pippa, she's funny.

>> No.32674176
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>company identity is "shamessly pander to KiwiFarms and 4chan as much as you can"
Dude they know all the jokes me and my internet buddies make this is so epic... I will watch now...

>> No.32674185
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Dodon Dodon Don Don!
Who is the most based /here/ chuuba?
Dodon Dodon Don Don!
Honorary Holo Pippa!

>> No.32674256

Why are there still people who act like 4chan is a secret club in 2022

>> No.32674259

Does this work on you guys?

>> No.32674296

all she does is regurgitate 4chan/kiwifarms lingo

>> No.32674306

>Honorary Holo
Pippa wishes.

>> No.32674335
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Speak for yourself anon. I am very happy that she makes people from a certain company seethe

>> No.32674397

>another pickme girl in addition to lumi and pippa
Surely the market is starting to get saturated now, there are only so many retarded teens who think browsing 4chan is cool to go around

>> No.32674414

I get the impression that literally all of them started using this website in the last few years. It's weird because we didn't even think it was a secret club back then; the website has always been easy to find

>> No.32674528

She only had my attention for the duration of that clip of her laughing at Ethan Ralph at some point during the full 3 days that I cared about Ethan Ralph.

>> No.32674530

>I am totally from 4Chan
>Uses Gif from Reddit show
WTF did she mean by this?

>> No.32674640 [DELETED] 

just spam cp links to her chat and comments, maybe agency's email
ironic /b/whores are so annoying

>> No.32674659 [DELETED] 


>> No.32674698

Who's stopping you from doing it, anon?

>> No.32674831

For the love of god someone save Tenma already

>> No.32674856

It works on some people here, they have an active general after all. But it's mostly kiwifarmers.

>> No.32674869

>I'm such a 4channer look at how many memes I can reference
will never be funny

>> No.32674886

too bright

>> No.32674897

Yeah, funny lookin'

>> No.32674899

when you terrorists do blow up phase with cheese pizza please leave michiru alone

>> No.32674901

Save from what? She Pippa's friend from before PC even. She's one of them.

>> No.32674913

>Oct 17 2021

>> No.32675177

Handcuffing Pippa to the bed and beating her to death with a sledgehammer! BANG! BANG! BANG!

>> No.32675185

Ok redditor

>> No.32675509

Is she complaining about the kind of people she attracted? Aren't they a reflection of herself?

>> No.32675640

She's gonna be pawned over to Tsunderia

>> No.32675686

Why do you hate Tenma so much?

>> No.32675772

No thanks. This board is enough 4chan for me. I don't know 4chan/kiwifarms the youtuber.

>> No.32676062

If you weren't here for Tribes you have no business posting this kind of stuff.

>> No.32676077

There can't be a adult with a job that is into this shit.
How does she get payed?

>> No.32676490
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Shill Connect thread?!

>> No.32676675

>supporting a terrorist website that doxxes and sends in bomb threats
Not a good look for kiwi connect lmao

>> No.32676943

>look at how nice people can be
Kek, only because the staff are cucked. Golden Age 4chan would've constantly fucked up the threads of any vtuber who didn't post tits, while the Golden Age Mods sat back and did nothing for free. Where do you think twitch staff cut their teeth?

>> No.32677039

no, it's very cringe. and not in a fun or kino way.

>> No.32677048

seriously, what the fuck were any of the people in that company thinking by associating with kiwi farms? it gets nothing but bad PR

>> No.32677135

Didn't she complain all her fans were weirdos at a meet and greet? The fuck she expect when cultivating her fan base?

>> No.32677341

I imagine the average Phase Connect viewer stares at the screen slackjawed drooling on himself while the anime girl plays video games, only for her to occasionally entertain her audience with a "sneed /vt/ ogi rrat" to light a spark in the PC fan's eyes and make him giggle uncontrollably: he knows the words, he's finally in on the joke

>> No.32677423

No. Also, she isn't funny.

>> No.32677695

They’re like marvel fans if they were retarded. Their entire existence is devoted to recognizing the hecking epicrino reference from the interwebs

>> No.32677764

Is she still making snide jabs at her betters?

>> No.32678004

It really isn't, it's like any other type of forum site. It's just you can speak your mind freely without any real immediate repercussions.

>> No.32678199

Fuck off back to twitter tranny, don't forget to spray some perfume on your shit leaking gash too

>> No.32678281

your freedom of speech ends when my freedom to shout "meds" begins

>> No.32678290

sorry about your teenforum bro

>> No.32679087
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>> No.32679125

Pippa love Pippa love!!

>> No.32681195

Hopefully they block Pippa from the internet next.

>> No.32681298

At least the shit comes from my unnatural gash, whereas it seems to come naturally from your mouth because you’re full of it

>> No.32681336

Women can't think too far ahead

>> No.32681498

Holobronies why are you so mad? Don't you have a male collab to watch?

>> No.32681545
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Holdover from a time when there were less people /here/ and on the internet in general.

>> No.32681708

"Based" women are worse than normal women. They are too pathetic to compete with all the other whores, and hence they have to go for the low hanging fruit to get easy attention

>> No.32681762

Pippa is cringe

>> No.32682133

There's an active discordaround Lumi that's also used to defend her on 4ch. She doesn't even offer gfe to those cucks and you wonder if Pippa's got devoted fans?

>> No.32682221


>> No.32682275

At least they'll never get hauled away mid-stream to get dicked by their furry boyfriends

>> No.32682605

>h-how dare they not compete like a whore and develop into their own niche they actually enjoy and feel like they belong
Don't you have tinder whores to get ignored by?

>> No.32682851

If Pippa actually enjoys acting like that, then good for her. but its pretty clearly a massive grift, and appealing to dudes who will never truly respect you has to be draining.

>> No.32682887

>98% of Icelanders are online
>probably more than 2% of the population is children too young to know how to read
Do Icelandic parents just give their toddlers tablets with the web browser open and let them go to town?

>> No.32682974

pippa declares war on keffals when?

>> No.32683014

As a proud chumbud I admit that Pipper is funnier and a better gamer then Gura.

However her opinion about Jetstream Sam, also known as Minuano is bot based.

>> No.32683129

I truly respect Pippa though.

>> No.32683186
File: 1.60 MB, 465x349, tumblr_897703727e1f7ee5ecf56538c2ff01da_08eabf82_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>develop into their own niche they actually enjoy and feel like they belong
That's unironically based women...at least, as based as a woman can be. "Based" women simply latch onto other people's spaces but don't truly seek to conform or become a part of them. The latter don't have real interests or an understanding of the niche, are often self serving hypocrites, and are only ever really tourists. That's the difference between pic related and pink rabbit.

>> No.32683621

You have to be 18 to use this site.

>> No.32684427

No they are too busy getting dicked on stream LMAO

>> No.32684887

To be truly based one should not seek to conform, but some of that might happen naturally out of honest assesment and introspection. Being part of the community without destroying its core or subverting its culture would be enough. Pippa seems to be actually based now, even if a neophyte compared to some of us.

>> No.32685666

Pippa fucks this old furry guy and got groomed at age 15 or something at a furry con. He got her out of her shitty living situation with black mold and living with her bad family, but she's basically his pet and he lives through her. Her views don't seem to be her own and she's clearly groomed. I wish Pippers the ability to live on her own one day.

>> No.32685739

I'm so tired of this shit ass place being Twitter: The 4chan Board. There's even twitter accounts named after the board with tens of thousands of followers that posts shit from here so he can get his precious updoots. We also have more newfags than fucking /gif/ and jannies who treat this place like it's their personal subreddit.

>> No.32685977

so she really is one of us then?

>> No.32686851

Not based. There were claims she outed a groomer in the online mlp fandom...but the online mlp fandom since 2010 has been all about unfettered wanton filth and degeneracy. You can't be part of a community without destroying its core or subverting its culture while also attacking its core and culture, regardless of your reasoning. Especially not if you yourself hooked up with a groomer in your own community of choice. Being based is about being true to oneself, and that means being consistent. Having no principles isn't based, it's as basic as a bitch can get.

And now she's trying to pretend to be 4chan without actually understanding anything about chan culture, or following the golden rule of "lurking more." And it's incredibly ironic, given not4chan was a thing, CP spam used to be a thing, underage b&s posting nudes was a thing, and the culture used to be "tits or gtfo, no exceptions." Also that /a/ is an ancient board that's always been filled with lolicons.

What I'm trying to say is, you literally can't be a based /here/ chuba and also a misandrist neocon lolcow/kiwifarm shitter because chan culture has (originally) always glorified unaccountability and unrepentant misogyny in stark contrast to things like me2 bullshit and the glownonymous crusade against le ebil dark web pedo rings. Real anons aren't glowniggers. Real anons don't care about activism or social causes beyond "hey wouldn't this be neat or funny." Real anons don't give a fuck what random people are doing. Real anons aren't moralfags or aspiring heroes in search of people to save (except when someone's shitting up 4chan with demented shit). Real anons don't fly into a homicidal autistic rage at the sight of furry or pony shit. Real anons just wanna fuck around, have fun, and not have anyone shit things up when people are trying to have a good time, much like frat bros.

tldr her retarded unironic culture war bullshit is pozzed and globohomo, and she'll never be based so long as she's obsessed with how random people she doesn't know or have anything to do with are living their lives, instead of actually getting her own hobbies and life

>> No.32687129

Yes she is one of you, newfag.

>> No.32687270

I recognize those things. Those are from the website I go on.

>> No.32687994

>Holo says something remotely related to 4chan
>Chuuba is actually /here/ and enjoys shitposting. Even joining the yubicraft server
>uhhhh actually we don't like that, this is super secret club don't share it with the normies
People in this board are incredibly retarded, most of these faggots started browsing this fucking site only when /vt/ was made

>> No.32688477

sex is actually different from laughing at a joke! you should try it out sometime.

>> No.32688592

why are you talking about yourself in third perspective? everyone knows it's you pipa lmao what a name too
pipa means pussy in Polish.

>> No.32689161

So you are mad because she outed a groomer? Well, she did not. She just asked herself if she should but she did not name drop him, probably because she knows her own history too lol. So your first attack vector has been disabled already.
Your second attack vector, namely that she is a culture wars tourist disconnected from the old "for the lulz" spirit that is not beyond both good and evil deeds, also disappears when you actually watch her streams and stories about trolling with burner accounts and whatnot. And when has she gone on autistic rage due to furries? She embraces that. How is her content about culture wars when she only brings it up tangentially and mainly focuses on her own thing but with humor that somewhat appeals to the kinf of person you would find here? How is she a misandrist or neocon or anything similar? I think you might have a caricature painted by these threads of her instead of having watched her yourself to form your own opinion.

Also you say that >we don't do a bunch of things as if you were some form of authority in this basket weaving forum. What if I like pointing out and rambling about current lunacy? What if I find that not only morally good, but entertaining? Am I pushing it on you? If you don't like it, stick to your own thing and don't mind the interested anons joining. Maybe in your attempt to preserve a past instance of the flame, you are supressing that same flame itself, only manifested in the current context, gripping an image of what it was in the past and by doing so letting people that do not get it corrupt it in the present.

>> No.32689304

Why is kiwifarms raiding 4chan?
>kiwifarms got killed by the host

>> No.32689386

pippa you slut I know you're here, stop dropping muh sekret club into casual conversation on twitter

>> No.32689550

pippa has never not once posted on 4chan
she brags about being a fruit and redditor instead

>> No.32689641

>wojakspamming twitter immigrant

>> No.32689682

Kronii is trying Altare dick. Keep seething though!

>> No.32689692

We don't care if they are here or not, in fact sometimes I like that they are.
But keep it a secret or use TINY HINTS to allude your presence here.
THIS IS NOT A GOOD SITE. We are and have always been the asshole back end of the surface web (English speaking)
Most of the internet that knows about us hates us. Which is good since it's a filter, but they will look at those who come here and admit it, with disgust and dislike

>> No.32691873

>we don't like that, this is super secret club don't share it with the normies
Unironically. People post on 4chan exactly because normalfags/sheeple are cancerous bootlickers. The point is compartmentalization and separation of identities. Accordingly, being a /here/ chuba isn't supposed to be explicit or invite outside attention. It can be overt and obvious to everyone here, but a chuba shouldn't associate their main identity with 4chan or broadcast to the rest of the world that this is where they can be found. That defeats the point of 4chan and causes culture clash. That's the issue with containment breaking, it attracts people who shit up the place but otherwise have no business posting here. Then the jannies go nuts and start banning everyone, causing board slowdown for days.

For the sake of practicality (and not being cringe), /here/s should only ever have a dedicated /here/ identity that's only ever used /here/, even if they resemble a vtuber. Never cross the streams.

I'm put off because she's a hypocrite and a moral imperialist. Sexually degenerate subcultures are sexually degenerate. Being a part of one at any point disqualifies you from having any standing to throw shade at other people's sexual degeneracy. Because even if that wasn't your vice, you still had a vice and other people who didn't share it probably thought was perverse, twisted and sick.

There's also the personal responsibility aspect of it. I'm sorry, but parents oughta be held responsible for their children. If they give their children access to the internet, which is and has always been for porn, that's primarily on them. Children shouldn't be in the internet. And if they are, the ones who let them on the internet should take full responsibility instead of demanding the entire rest of the world accommodate their stupidity. Blaming groomers is just a cope for shitty parenting, of which there's currently an epidemic in the west that's not helped by indulging those fuckers who refuse to own the fact that they let a child browse the internet unsupervised. Parental irresponsibility apologists deserve the rope.

>> No.32693150

I do not think Pippa currently is a "moral imperialist", more like a girl with a troublesome (but far from terrible) family life and bad internet hygiene being pushed by meds and circumstance (and weakness of character) to be not based and cowardly in the past (if anything, pushed around by different flavors of moral imperialists), but the rest of your comment is rock solid. Carry on.

>> No.32693213

Just dropped Ame for Pippa as my oshi. Pippa is more creative and entertaining.

>> No.32693332

>lives with boyfriend
>boring as fuck, just yells all the time
>panders hard to retarded 4chan zoomers
Yeah how about no.

>> No.32694911

That's the retardation of it all. In cultures where women are married off young to older men, family is often considered something incredibly important, to be protected, provided for and cherished. In contrast, in the oh so enlightened west where the rights of women and children are protected by the state, there's apparently tons of domestic violence and dysfunction. Bed-shitter Amber Heard is the patron saint of this dynamic. Subsequently, broken homes produce broken children, who then grow up to pass on the dysfunction that was just their normal. Or they just hop into bed with random guys as underage b&s...thereby defeating the entire point of trying to "protect them."

tldr Complaining about pedos and groomers is basically broadcasting that you're literally retarded, haven't actually thought your own opinions through, don't understand the world outside of western society let alone prior to this time period, and are simply parroting off things other people have told you instead of actually taking some time to figure yourself out and get a real personality. That's where the NPC meme comes from, and why you can't even have a conversation with people like that. Because if they don't even understand their own opinions, obviously they won't understand anyone else's.

>> No.32695139

Lol, the false flagging trannies are mad. Daily reminder that you will never be a woman.

>> No.32695432

>Being a part of one at any point disqualifies you from having any standing to throw shade at other people's sexual degeneracy
No. Its like saying bdsm is on the same level of necrophilia. And even inside subcultures there are levels of degeneracy

>> No.32695751

You aways start your arguments extremely based and then do some logical parkours into pedo apologism?

>> No.32696528

magni is a famous reddit panderer. You better be anti-ing the fuck out of him too.

>> No.32697142

He is right though. This is what has been relabeled /here/ as "wholesome grooming", as opposed to political grooming or queer grooming or downright predatory/pederasty grooming.

>> No.32697208

b-but Magni is c-cool

>> No.32697555

At the end of the day, that's all subjective. Not saying some fetishes aren't less destructive or harmful, just that it's a completely different, more objective and nuanced argument than the one normally trotted out. The standard argument usually just devolves into one-sided virtue signaling which completely ignores how much people's own shit stinks, thereby making real discussions impossible if you don't first sit moralfags down at the kids' table while the adults talk.
>logical parkours into pedo apologism
No, you were just willfully blind to what I was talking about. I literally started off by saying young women were married off to older men in arranged marriages. Obviously they weren't gonna be educated first because their purpose was to be wives and mothers, not scholars, accountants, stock traders, sculptors, scribes, translators or glass makers. And obviously that means they would've been married off at childbearing age sooner rather than later to maximize their reproductive value to their husbands.

Delaying marriage ability for the purpose of pursuing an education and career is a modern invention meant to turn women into an exploitable voter and consumer base at the expense of social cohesion, which in turn necessitates greater levels of policing and welfare to compensate for the fracturing and decaying of a society that spits in the face of human biology. Even so, that's a race against time as casualties of that dysfunctional system build up...until they eventually start marching in the streets and demanding communism because they're so spiritually and familially bankrupt that the only thing they want in life is to rip away other people's material wealth to enrich themselves.

Society is a complex system, and you can't just inject pure unfettered ideology into it devoid of any rational justification for how it's even supposed to jive with human nature and then expect there not to be consequences down the line.

>> No.32698128
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Autistic and dishonest retard.

>> No.32698382

This isn't anywhere near wholesome, it's pathetic dregs taking advantage of those who don't know any better. 13 year old girls have no frame of reference for what would make a good partner, just having a car or $100 to spend is impressive to them. It leads to situations like the one Pippa allegedly tried to stop where a girl gets on a plane to go be with some creepy fuck. Or her own where a girl moves across the entire county to be with a man that lives with his parents and tries to make her live in a bus with him.

>> No.32698484

I think there is a healthy middle point between arranged marriages and women's autonomy in their romantic life. I think they should be able to decide on their own once they reach the majority of age (21 for this particular case), but before that the family shouod have veto power and be proactive in their daughter's future. Regarding their professional career, they should be free to pursue it, but not to the detriment of their future family life, so society should push in that direction with no compulsion. They should either first build a family and then pursue a career or slowly follow up their studies at a pace that does not prevent them from engaging in aforementioned family oriented and family modulated partner selection. This might be seen as risking it for someone of your perspective, but nothing that cannot be lost (usually due to what is enforced) is really valued long term.

>> No.32698565

Remember when Pippa collabed with a male who specifically told her not to talk about anything 4chan/Kiwi related and it caused her to mentally shut down?

>> No.32698606

>next week says she doesn't use 4chan and spends more time on kiwifarms than anywhere else
lol? lmao even

>> No.32698764

I laughed, but would prefer it if she wasn't married.

>> No.32698778

She moved when she was an adult though. We know this because she was still having to go to another state to visit him until relatively recently (like 2018 if I remember the instagram pic correctly). If her family neglects her, I prefer she finds another place where she can flourish (as she is doing now). This does not mean her original family is evil, but it might be somewhat dysfunctional (towards the neglect side of things), even if they love her. She should work on fixing her relationship with her family, but not to the detriment of what she can build now.

>> No.32698804

>more shit you made up

>> No.32698960

She was like that because of those annoying bunnies: an insufferable faggot and a lol le random le chaotic bunny. Although to be fair she could have done a little more there.

>> No.32699143


>> No.32699257

I wish Reddit had never found about vtubers at all, fucking hell.

>> No.32699402

She is streaming btw

>> No.32699565

>pippafags trying to shill even harder now that the farms are fucking dead
rumao even

>> No.32699670

Both situations are a product of young women having autonomy. That's kind of the issue. Maybe it shouldn't be up to them.
A woman with a family doesn't need autonomy. In fact, that autonomy is a threat to familial cohesion as it facilitates her being able to leave her family. Your naive, childishly idealistic worldview still tears women in two and forces them to struggle to find whatever might pass as a balance between work and home life. The thing is, women aren't and were never meant to be, live, act, work or play like men, and the pursuit of equality serves no practical purpose. It's exactly this entitled "have the cake and eat it too" mentality that causes so many problems. Not only that, but you're pushing this on a board where women actively want to NOT work, and instead sit around singing and playing games all day.

tldr There's no sound, rational argument against men having a monopoly on all decision making authority within society.

>> No.32700355

You posted the link on the wrong site anon, the people who watch her use Kiwifarms. Go to your other tab

>> No.32700393

There is no reason why people shoudn't be able to choose what they want to do with their lives. All the problems are emeging from propaganda shaming women from taking background roles in the family economy and not the concept.

>> No.32700437

.....what is the joke?

>> No.32700701

Every KF poster is transparent as fuck. They write essays and essays of shit nobody cares to read. They’re fucking delusional

>> No.32700866

Better than watching softcore cuck porn your pink woman and blondie puts up every other week holobronnies

>> No.32701133

>There is no reason why people shoudn't be able to choose what they want to do with their lives
If preventing widespread harm and dysfunction across society by balancing people's competing self interests isn't a good enough reason, then law itself is pointless and anarchy might as well reign supreme. I hope you're just trolling me and aren't actually an underage b&. Kids shouldn't be getting ideologically dicked down by old men on Cambodian coffee-making bulletin boards.
Pippa being a kiwifarms is a hard filter, so you can't expect threads about her to not derail. There's nothing to talk about if people don't watch her streams, and the only people who'd stay on topic would basically be outing themselves as the farmers. It's more fulfilling to talk about the problem with her worldview than whatever cringe content she's streaming at any given time. No, I don't care about watching someone else tell me what I should think about ecelebs or lolcows. Thanks, but I can form my own opinions.

>> No.32701329

how many weeks until the girls start calling each other pickmes on stream?

>> No.32701370
File: 141 KB, 1062x452, Pippa is an experienced rimmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather watch her rim some loser aussie

>> No.32701468

idk, depends how often it shows up on vt_kek

>> No.32701694

Lumi made jokes about being constantly called pickme weeks ago.

>> No.32701788

Has she tried just being herself?

>> No.32702008

it amazes me too ngl
bet they think b was good at some point too

>> No.32702481

I would slit my mother's throat if she told me to.

>> No.32702667


>> No.32702800

They started meeting at furcons when she was 15 at the oldest. She moved from having to walk on eggshells around her house to having to walk on eggshells around someone else's house. She's complaining on her personal twitter about his mom being a asshole to her openly after less than a month and kept complaining about it for more than a year with her guy not saying shit about it. After she started making enough to move after aparrently burning her money on a bus they abandoned she couldn't stop talking about how relieved she was to be away from it. She's managed to put herself in a better position but she could have done that easier elsewhere.

>> No.32703645

Pippa please stop. You are now more annoying than YouTube ads.

>> No.32703747

>posts wojak
Opinion disregarded.

>> No.32704068

she's friends with the wonton slut so no

>> No.32707479

talking about 4chan outside of 4chan used to be actively discouraged both by regular users and also by people from other communities that didn't like their spaces being flooded by memes that originated here

>> No.32712404

She's on now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzAFDo3QUg0

>> No.32712606

Sure, but who is to say that (You) know better? How about you let people succeed or fail on their own? Give them advice, push them towards functional and more traditional family life, but why force them? Isn't the purpose of strong families to protect the development of its members so they are able to maximize their freedom, understood as the degree of control they have over themselves and their lives? Isn't the purpose of families to maintain a strong lineage that can stand up in the face of advesity, often promoted by corporations, governments, intelligence agencies and NGOs and the ideologues and oportunist within them? Even if I think the modern perspective being pushed with propaganda is harmful for this end, I also think that the compromise I outlined in a previous post, which really isn't about equality as you said, is a better approach than a hard coded patriarchy enforced ultimately by force (be it governmental or in an abusive family situation).

>> No.32712710

Which personal twitter? Because sounds like either bullshit or something minor blown out of proportion.

>> No.32713027

The Little Bismarck one and she complained about this on stream with both of her characters as well.

>> No.32713224

The what?! Any @?

>> No.32713555

Because you're FUCKING BORING. If your whole identity rides on being >kek sneed niggers amirite epic 4chan memer, you're a hack. Chuubas that aren't blatant about it actually have something of their own to contribute outside of being /here/. That's why Taylor Swift supposedly having been a /b/tard was a thing you fucking newfag

>> No.32714082

Guessing it is Azur Lane related, but cannot find anything that seems to be from her.

>> No.32715733

You're baiting me but that's fine. Bismeowrck.

>> No.32716069 [DELETED] 


>> No.32716591

she's just saying catchphrases. you have to have downs syndrome.

>> No.32716728
File: 2 KB, 125x125, pekora monkey 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32719075

hi wontons

>> No.32719176

I think pippa genuinely is a autist who enjoys her time being here. the chuuba pictured there is a grifter with a boyfriend who will do anything for views

>> No.32719291

they're newfags

>> No.32719573

I like Pippa weird voice and the say she say things
Also I like rabbit chuuba

>> No.32719875

Why do people use Twitter, then? I've seen more death threats on there then any other website.

>> No.32721344

>pickme girl
back to twitter, troon

>> No.32722101

The fact that Pippa threads are always full of obvious twitterniggers seething proves that she's doing something right.

>> No.32722291

I can’t stand GFE, and I used to wonder why, until I realized that it’s not particularly believable or realistic.

I like watching Lumi because it’s fun hearing her interact with chat about random shit. I never thought I’d hear someone talk about CRISPR on stream, and seeing an anime girl talk about that shit is interesting

>> No.32722414

rent free

>> No.32722519

I like Pippa. The only parts of her that are less than respectable are because she grew up in hillbilly country. I’m not a psycho who makes fun of poor people irl, what is there not to respect about her?

>> No.32722570

you're talking to someone who probably complains about pandering on a fucking vtuber board.

>> No.32722693

What the actual fuck is any of this, and how do you not see the irony of this autistic rage post?

>> No.32722884

> That's kind of the issue. Maybe it shouldn't be up to them.

As someone who has actually made it past adolescence, I can firmly say that young males and females are equally fucked up. That’s not particularly feminist or sjw, that’s just basic common sense.

>> No.32722953

There is really no incentive for someone like Pippa to be /here/ so much except that she enjoys it. If she really was good at faking her personality that much, why couldn’t she pander to a far more mainstream and lucrative audience instead?

>> No.32723053

“TLDR” is meant to be shorter you retard. So I ain’t reading any of it
TLDR neck yourself

>> No.32723478

I'd hope you guys aren't paying any rent right now since you're homeless

>> No.32723584

because it's far easier to go "sneed" and watch dozens of autistic nerds go "YAAAAAAASSSSS QUEEN SLAYYYYYYY" than it is to entertain regular people who actually have standards for their entertainment

>> No.32723607

Congrats Pippa, you're no longer a newfag. Welcome to hell.

>> No.32723738

Bazinga my fellow nerd.

>> No.32724326

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.32724409

yes, pippa has no talent, charisma or anything at all

all she has is spouting stuff she read on knowyourmeme to autistic rejects who are desperate for any attention

>> No.32724820

Pippa is talented at entertaining groomer man-children because she's been doing it since she was 16. People with half a brain, not so much

>> No.32725369

I just got done watching Magni talk to some anti-white SJW chink who sounds like a man. This is why I watch Pippa.

>> No.32725628

underaged newfags who think they're in the cool kids club
literally every EN chuubas in existence are /here/ since /vt/ was created, they just choose to acknowledge it or not

>> No.32725905

>Sure, but who is to say that (You) know better?
>How about you let people succeed or fail on their own?
Western society already does. Cue getting gunned or stabbed down in a mass killling by a failure. There's a reason Semper Fidelis is a thing, and it's because strong social bonds are forged by loyalty rather than complete independence.
>Give them advice, push them towards functional and more traditional family life, but why force them?
You don't leave holes in the boat and allow it to continue to leak, because then those people who make poor choices turn around and demand society compensate even when it's not society's fault. Although to be fair, it often is in social darwinist police states that glorify psychopathy and materialism, allow people the freedom to fuck up their own lives as well as the lives of those around them, while outlawing violent retaliation regardless of how much damage someone did to your wellbeing. But that's more due to the fact that society actively facilitates harm and toxic hypercompetition rather than trying to curb its excesses.
>Isn't the purpose of strong families to protect the development of its members so they are able to maximize their freedom, understood as the degree of control they have over themselves and their lives?
For men and boys, yes. Women don't need (or deep down necessarily want) complete freedom. At a certain point, after seeing women young and old thirsting to be groomed, controlled and financially exploited by Vox Akuma, you really need to sit down and be honest about gender differences.
>Isn't the purpose of families to maintain a strong lineage that can stand up in the face of advesity, often promoted by corporations, governments, intelligence agencies and NGOs and the ideologues and oportunist within them?
And that's why you don't give any of those an "in" by affording freedom to those most likely to be manipulated and turned against their own interests. Take magni's recent collab partner. By all accounts she has every reason to be satisfied with notoriety and freedom, yet she's still a discontent raging against schrodinger's boogeymen to compensate for something missing in her life.
>Even if I think the modern perspective being pushed with propaganda is harmful for this end, I also think that the compromise I outlined in a previous post, which really isn't about equality as you said, is a better approach than a hard coded patriarchy enforced ultimately by force (be it governmental or in an abusive family situation)
You're right. It should be enforced from the bottom up. But saying that all male authority and the enforcement of it is abusive is literally just a feminist talking point. Nobody alive even remembers what life or society was like in the west prior to women gaining the right to vote, so people don't actually have any personal point of reference for saying that a hard patriarchy is in fact worse than modern empowerment. All we know is that things like mass killings, terrorism and human unhappiness have steadily increased since "EQUALITY" between demographics became the driving ideological motivation behind culture and law, and sometimes you do have to consider that correlation may indeed be tied to causation.

>> No.32725948

>reddit spacing

go back to r/hololive

>> No.32726161

>watched that garbage

>> No.32726186

Why do you look so mad at some internet girl? Also, what "talent" are you referring? No talent is needed to talk to a camera, and there's no "standards" to watch a freaking streamer, it's the cheapest kind of entertainment there is. regarding being desperate for attention, literally anyone who watches vtubers fits the criteria. So I ask you to stop talking bullshit.

Just to clarify, I do think Pippa is overrated as fuck, she is indeed a zoomer spouting shit trying to look cool to channers, those short videos she is doing trying to look "i'm not like the other girls" are cringe.

>> No.32726337

I've been watching Pippa on and off for some months and the kind of autism that she has is the sort that's not really possible to fake. People are right in that she's a zoomer newfag though, she's hardly a /here/tuber and you don't even need to dig around her past life to know that she was a member of the mlp furry tumblr crowd a few years back.

>> No.32726455

It was sobering and I'm glad I did it. The Koreans in Tempus apparently hate whites. Only Vesper (white) and Axel (Japanese) are good anyway.

>> No.32726471

Ok, but at least they were not talkong about that on stream, right?
That is so weird.

>> No.32726805

4chan has been known to normies since it was on the news in fucking 2007, motherfucking george w bush jr was still US president when most people found out about 4chan and anyone still pretending this is a secret clubhouse is the newest of newfags

>> No.32727072

Agree, but it still is the tradition to maintain proper and subtle off-site signaling in order to preserve the local board culture with varying degrees of success going by time and the specific board in question.

>> No.32727073

Because she'd be accused of being Nyanners 2.0 and the vast majority of her audience would leave her. Part of her appeal is that she's genuine and NOT Nyanners.

>> No.32727154

Nyanners is the bad ending while Ironmouse is the somewhat good ending. Why do we hate VShoujo again?

>> No.32727203

Their stream was like watching paint dry. She may have been fighting in a thread here while phone posting. (Search the catalog for "snow roach" and "chalk possum" to find it) Worst collab I think I've ever seen Hololive or Stars do.

>> No.32727339

It only took 3 generations for EN to become everything /jp/ said it would be, incredible

>> No.32727671

Dude what

>> No.32727735

No she's not, you're just an ape that claps when someone makes a reference you get

>> No.32727751

Dude I’ve bumped into people nostalgic for /b/ and like, lol. It was one of the first boards I read but I dropped it pretty quickly

>> No.32727908

It is true. It is best to not be a "lol I am so 4chan xD" sperg. Not saying Pippa is one.

>> No.32727954

It is worse now though.

>> No.32729011

She is though

>> No.32729078

it's a woman (tranny) seething at her

>> No.32729496

It really is. Post /b/day 4chan is a different beast. Used to be more unfettered, with (iirc) embedded viruses, all sorts of grotesque things, demands for tits from /here/s, invasions, and a full on mix of all the things that got banned by global rules. Also, people posted about their crimes and terror threats on /b/ instead of zuckbook or leddit. After getting cucked, it eventually devolved into a "rate my gf" board...at which point I stopped even visiting once a year or acknowledging its existence. Peak /b/ was closer to Japanese schizo tier heckin' unity an shiet, and actually mobilized to pull pranks. Sadly, being an unironic hatemonger is the only thing that unites people on the internet nowadays.

>> No.32729931

This bitch really wants attention..

>> No.32730403

Tenma is doing great, there's nothing to save, by next year she will be bigger than some of the low performing holojp's

>> No.32730499
File: 218 KB, 718x1256, 1662627740892568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really trying to paint keffals as innocent? This is someone that routinely doxxes other people because they think they are "an untouchable goddess," their own words.

>> No.32731941

Watch all of Phase Connect

>> No.32731986

keffals made thousands of kiwicucks cry like little bitches and for that she (a valid trans cutie) is based beyond belief

>> No.32732368

Who are they quoting, aside from the delusions in their head?

>> No.32732592

Don't forget that they're also a groomer and sell illegal drugs.

>> No.32732747

>literally edited fake news of BASED keffals laughing at a seething doxxnigger
Shameless, are there no lows kiwicucks won't sink to?

>> No.32732837
File: 357 KB, 803x1451, 1662634239437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot proof, kiwicucks must be desperate for allies in their anti-keffals crusade and thought the average chumbud would be too dumb to check it themselves. Thankfully we are smarter than the average cookie.

>> No.32733124

>the gubment should decide who I have sex with
Enjoy your mandatory tranny pegging, just like the britbongs. Hopefully he'll be gentle. Don't forget to call him ma'am.
>sell illegal drugs
>the gubment should decide what substances I can or can't consume
Hello, fellow apostle of Pfizer. I too worship at the altar of large pharmaceutical companies with lobbying ties to the government. Opioids truly are the correct choice of additiction, aren't they?

>> No.32733330

You can't go any lower than defending that dude. Even the other anti-kiwi troons are talking about distancing themselves from him.

>> No.32733495

Keffals won, get over it incel

>> No.32733658

holy shit you're gonna be so fucking alone and depressed when you will die

>> No.32733741

>grooming underage teenagers from Reddit and Discord
>brewing hormonal treatments in your bathtub without any training, education, or quality control
I know you're just being a contrarian shitposter, but too many trannies think that way

>> No.32734103

Nah. Feels like the zoomer /pol/ adjavent twitch streamer cult of personalities who spend all day reacting to fucking social media

>> No.32735424

Go back to Twitter if you want to continue publicly sucking their putrid axe wound.

>> No.32735965

your efforts in trying me to go to twitter will be about as successful as your other efforts against the trans movement, you have achieved nothing, you will continue achieve nothing, and you will die alone seething in a world that has moved past your twisted ideology

kiwifarms is never coming back, incel

>> No.32736669

I just don't like the taste of boot, although y'all are welcome to lick the bottom of mine.

>> No.32736715

If you were such a Pippa expert you wouldn't use "going sneed" as an example.
Why are you so mad over a vtuber you know nothing about? Are you retarded?

>> No.32736782

There were tons of situations where idiots like you predicted her entire audience leaving and she only has grown through them all.
/vt/ is not as important as you think it is either.

>> No.32736791

Bunnygirls are hot and I want to manhandle Pippa's tiny yet developed body

>> No.32738599

>I just don't like the taste of boot
But you sure like the taste of dick huh, you retarded fag.
I hope you'll join that pathetic rat cunt when he inevitably hangs himself. Don't worry, as much as you hate the government they'll still use your deaths for their propaganda.

>> No.32740704

Your obsession with sexual perversion reflects even in the insults you choose. Please do not hesitate to off yourself when your self mutilation finally prevents you from having any gratification in your depressing existence.

>> No.32741088

Anon, please, I don't feel like flirting right now. Kiwifarms may be blown the fuck out, but Cover is imploding and the resulting shit storm will decimate /vt/.

>> No.32741212

Get in here


>> No.32742744

I can totally buy that. I've used this site for ages but all it took was a handful of shock images to get me to more or less steer clear of every red board on here; never bothered to keep up with them.

>> No.32744355
File: 152 KB, 1097x475, 1662649162370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile, the actual old /b/ that existed outside of encyclopediadramatica tourists' delusions
>bunch of teens posting anime screenshots and art
>"omg roflmao this is epic for the win... one internet to you good sir" is a post you would have seen made unironically
>humor is essentially "check out this CrAZy furry vore porn picture i found" and the rest of the thread will be nothing but "OMG LOL" and "I fapped to this >:)" (yes, with the emoticon)
>literally everyone is using tripcodes to the point that shii has to convince moot to turn on forced anonymous

>> No.32745415

>posting the original /a/
Anon, that's only because /a/ didn't exist until /l/. When people are talking about old /b/, they mean after the post-weeb migration during the true random shitposting era of harbls (teh rei ver.), zippocat, longcats, raptor jesus, shitting dick nipples, party vans, flashes, goatse, lemonparty, and all the other stupid/disgusting/creative shit that wound up consuming the board.

>> No.32745560

>"omg roflmao this is epic for the win... one internet to you good sir" is a post you would have seen made unironically
it's been over fifteen years and you still can't parse irony online? anon?

>> No.32745599
File: 112 KB, 583x517, 1662650455205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was like this until Chanology and then it was bad but in an entirely different and new way and anyone who disagrees bases their knowledge on some shit they've read second hand about what a bunch of epic hackers 4channel used to be

>> No.32745755
File: 148 KB, 1024x768, 1662650778609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I parse irony just fine

>> No.32745899

waow I'm pretty sure I actually read this one.

>> No.32746281 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 447x599, 447px-Manlytears3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, those were simpler times. There wasn't as much jockeying for attention from women on the internet by thirsty insecure simps, or femanons trying to get a rise out of anons while masturbating to the thought of getting dicked down by us, so things were often said in a wholesome tongue in cheek way since there was a comfy lack of sexual hierarchy most of the time. Also, the lack of overt constant autist shaming by ironic weebs hadn't yet hardened and embittered anons. This is why women on the internet were harassed, out of a genuine desire to gatekeep and tone police cattiness out of weeb spaces so as to keep the comfy.
I was there. If you scrolled through the thread list, you'd often find grotesque shit that'd get you banned for posting a screencap of it on /vt/. Cherrypicking doesn't change that.
It's raining awfully hard all of a sudden, huh...

>> No.32746788

>This is why women on the internet were harassed, out of a genuine desire to gatekeep and tone police cattiness out of weeb spaces so as to keep the comfy.
It was actually because the userbase was exclusively 15-year-old boys.

>I was there. If you scrolled through the thread list, you'd often find grotesque shit that'd get you banned for posting a screencap of it on /vt/. Cherrypicking doesn't change that.
Yeah, well, you can probably do that on /b/ now if you skip past all the porn threads. Reposting shit from rotten.com isn't exactly groundbreaking stuff, it was a part of the whole "look at this ~crazy~ picture I found" teen shock humor thing. You make it sound like it was a website full of hardened psychopaths and hackers on steroids who will make your life miserable if you look at them wrong when it was literally just retarded teens posting about anime and video games with an occasional shitting dick nipples type picture thrown in because that's peak 15-year-old humor.

>> No.32747024

>No, those were simpler times. There wasn't as much jockeying for attention from women on the internet by thirsty insecure simps,
I was there too and although they were simpler, come on. Epic winrar roflmao shit was almost always ironic, even back then.

>> No.32747107

It started being ironic in like 2011

>> No.32747201

Hard disagree. Maybe like 2008 at the latest

>> No.32747625

>>seriously, what the fuck were any of the people in that company thinking by associating with kiwi farms?
Because every pathetic loser incel and tranny on the internet goes there to see people "lower than him" bullied. That's pretty much your target market as a vtuber pickmeisha.

>> No.32748909

>sends in bomb threats
Ah yes, the person said they were from kiwifarms so they must have been telling the complete truth. Or you believe screenshots of posts of accounts with no history for years that suddenly popped up and were screenshotted within 14 minutes before deletion as being a representation of the site.

>> No.32749179

don't you have your own website to whine about devious tranny plots on

>> No.32749934

they actually don't anymore

>> No.32750007

Josh is a fat gay incel pedo.

>> No.32751892

>the person said they were from kiwifarms so they must have been telling the complete truth
I selectively believe this in outright defiance of common sense because internet vigilantes are cringe, online cancel culture is unsympathetic, containment breaking farmers literally try to get people unpersoned, and their supposed right-wing traditionalism doesn't even extend beyond the post-feminist late 1970s. Don't like moral busybodies or posers, simple as.

>> No.32751912

fucking hell, she reminds me of everything that's wrong with this dump.

>> No.32752092

I'm so glad we can all come together and dunk on kiwi farms users.

>> No.32752477

Did you ever see that huge archive of Kiwifarmer pics and posts about their personal lives?

>> No.32755053

...Why would I?

>> No.32759485

