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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 702 KB, 1048x666, kikimicrophone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32583296 No.32583296 [Reply] [Original]

>What’s ASMR?
Standing for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, ASMR is the body's way of preparing itself to the sensory feeling before it gets touched, which is generally characterized by a tingling sensation throughout your body. There are many ways you can trigger it, mostly through touch, but listening to binaural audio can be a very relaxing method as well.

Previous thread: >>32358649
/asmr/ pastebin, including channel list, archiving tools, JP keywords, etc: https://pastebin.com/06ebPA2K

>> No.32583411

The big list of AVtubers
The current progress of the 2.0 pastebin link

>> No.32583467

>same IP
I'm disappointed in you

>> No.32583574

shut the fuck up

>> No.32583661

She's not very good at it, but it's nice to see her try

>> No.32583743


>> No.32583819

Yeah they try and do this to make other threads hate her

>> No.32583825

Someone must have called him a tourist last thread or something, last time he did a few threads back to back

>> No.32583876

Stop dramafagging

>> No.32584135 [DELETED] 

kiki's janny doesnt lurk here, i can doxx her freely.

>> No.32584183
File: 100 KB, 1409x331, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already caught that anon one time anyway when he tried to force his thread during a very weird time for /asmr/ thread to be created. I was the 3rd IP that thread so I know the IP count at that time.

>> No.32584207

Just make a new thread. this dude is just trying to piss people off

>> No.32584252

How am I pissing people off by posting a vtuber on the vtuber board?
Again stop dramafagging and take meds, I have nothing to do with anyone you are bringing up

>> No.32584284

You know Kiki doesn't want to piss people off, she wants to be liked here anon and has told you to stop outright. She barely does asmr, stop being a retard

>> No.32584310

Stick to working on the pastebin and leave the threads to someone else

>> No.32584469

Oi! I just got here!
Don't pin this shit on me!

>> No.32584773
File: 90 KB, 1048x1229, 1656205161252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad anon you're making Tamako mad

>> No.32584827

new thread or what

>> No.32584896

Op here
Sure yeah do it its up to you

>> No.32585138

Sound warning at 16:50, think the skip is because she went offline

>> No.32585194

>yeah i rather depending
ESL too because of course it is...lol

>> No.32588811

What are you guys on about?

>> No.32589045

Ffs anon...

>> No.32589219

Holy fuck Nekohara you are on fucking FC2. This is not the place to have a one hour zatsudan you stupid slut. If your title is "ぐちゅぐちゅ潮吹きオナニー~夜の部~" then the content shouldn't be an hour long zatsu.

>> No.32589305

Let the thread die, maybe we don't have a schizo fucking with the op this time.

>> No.32589349

nta but I don't mind using this one for the primetime but I will surely not bump and keep it alive later on

>> No.32589348

The thread is not going to die if it's the only /asmr/ thread on the catalog.

>> No.32589350

I have nothing to do with whoever you're talking about

>> No.32589405

why are kikifags trying so hard to make every thread about them? They do it here, in /uoh/, /vrt/ and even in /#/

>> No.32589421

I was letting the thread die! This was the post bump the thread >>32588811

>> No.32589522

Since the thread already got bumped and all
Uno and Komae

>> No.32589760

Is anyone interested in zatsudans from tamapro members on NN+? I kinda fucked today's live stream recording, but I see that it wasn't deleted, and I can get it.

>> No.32589865

>just whispering
into the trash it goes, waste of a collab

>> No.32590073
File: 3.02 MB, 320x288, 1585210088156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itigori Ena
Nice opinion OP!

>> No.32590137

I'm not OP dumbass. I came in this thread here >>32589219

>> No.32590144


>> No.32590609

hope anyone recrod it please https://live.fc2.com/37030653/

>> No.32590741

>t. "tingle"faggot

>> No.32590851

the agitated incel coomer

>> No.32590951

>kiki thread
>already trash quality
Like clockwork

>> No.32590981

I got it, will post it in the next thread.

>> No.32591119

Actually bumping this thread because it's shit lmao.

>> No.32591206

yeah theres no saving this one. time to sleep anyway.

>> No.32591243

Sleep well

>> No.32591376


>> No.32591396 [DELETED] 


>> No.32591579
File: 1.21 MB, 595x1057, breeding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

built for breeding

>> No.32591628

Yeah I'm not posting anything until next thread
Gonna a playlist so I can keep track of which streams to post
Have a good day...?

>> No.32591770

Sleep well anons

>> No.32592120


>> No.32592173

this was so cute

>> No.32592177


>> No.32592862


>> No.32593013

The last unarchive amane stream, anon onegai

>> No.32594484

Well done dramaniggers, a perfectly fine ASMR thread ruined by baseless schizo accusations. I hope you're proud of yourselves.

>> No.32594975

It was bound to get ruined anyway. Just look at how awful the posts are even without the accusations.

>> No.32595321

Sex with MSGK Amane

>> No.32598579

champyons keep forcing their oshi on everything like they did with retro and uoh
it doesn't help that champyons will blatantly quickly act like antis that boast about "using kiki to make people hate her" when they are cornered
and apparently it's always a schizo even if various people come to the same conclusion
they can't just stay in their containment

>> No.32598790

>new ip
>bumps thread
>doesn't post any content

>> No.32598834
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all of you kvetching so hard? It literally doesn't matter what chuuba you put in the OP.

Back on topic, how the fuck do I play these 360 asmr videos properly?

>> No.32599203

I wouldn't mind whoever in the OP is but my problem would be the OP being outed as someone who purposely shits the thread. Doesn't help that he tried forcing the same OP thread twice >>31438738 >>31463883 . Both of those thread being created at our dead hours though, those threads ended up dying.

>> No.32599313

wtf Choco did something like that??

>> No.32599622

yeah coming in from the catalogue dont let these faggots try to worm their way into your thread just like theyve done to /vrt/ and seemingly trying to do to /uoh/ theyre schizos and just care about shilling their oshi anywhere they can while shitting up threads. either way seems like this has already been discussed plenty here so sorry for taking another post to talk about this. hope you all have a nice resst of your thread

>> No.32599670
File: 1.03 MB, 1152x948, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're on her sub channel, with all the ARK marathon streams.

>> No.32599763

Yes let's all stop shitposting and take a moment to cum inside the 1〇-year-old
(I assume this is the stream you meant)

>> No.32600413

Anyone got Tamako archive? My hdd died and somehow this wasn't backed up even though I thought it was.

>> No.32600455


>> No.32601736
File: 31 KB, 717x402, 1546547018189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I move we make Kiki /asmr/'s new OFFICIAL /here/ asmrtist since Miyuyus is gone now. She's one of us and deserves our support!

>> No.32602735

Who tf is Kiki, and why are u retards shitposting

>> No.32602898
File: 36 KB, 960x540, Eb2tKWIXQAEfjzR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Educate yourself friendo. :^)

>> No.32603975

Thanks, got it. EOPs keep ruining things as always.

>> No.32605884

it works fine in my VR player

>> No.32607048

What is the point of all the retardation over the OP picture? Who gives a shit

>> No.32607299

It wasn't the OP picture but the poster

>> No.32607362

Unless he's some retard that deletes threads randomly that also doesn't matter.

>> No.32607651

>deletes threads randomly
guess we have another retard here

>> No.32607852

I just can't think of any other reason to give a shit who the OP is. That used to be a big enough problem in other boards (people deleting threads after x amount of posts, or getting themselves banned) which is why you can't delete threads on some boards now. I don't make threads on /vt/ but I also don't see a single reason to give a fuck who the OP is. Especially enough to tard out for over 50 posts.

>> No.32609741

Kumo makes my dick hard I hope she keeps making fun of its size

>> No.32609810


>> No.32610907

>deletes threads randomly
Uhh, BASED? Also this thread is BASED and high quality so have an free bumpy wumpy friendos. :^)

>> No.32610977 [DELETED] 

That's BASED

>> No.32611099

+1 Replies

>> No.32611107


>> No.32611185

based dicklet

>> No.32611251


>> No.32611714

stfu retard

>> No.32611908

can't handle the truth, lmao.

>> No.32612070

You fags say every vtuber is a dude no matter what
You are just obsessed with cock I understand

>> No.32612090

nth for chocos boobies

>> No.32612378

just look at her kemono page.

>> No.32612574

>You fags say every vtuber is a dude
More than 90% of them are if you do even a cursory level of research.

>> No.32612598

someone has Poko's booth release?
1st time I'm seeing it

did she post some kind of preview?
the description doesnt say much beside that there are a normal, flirty and stupid (?) voice versions

>> No.32612889

Based. That's why u don't follow indies.

>> No.32613085

It's just a system voice pack for replacing your windows sounds.

>> No.32613153

...i need a moment

>> No.32613249

Tell me what you all saw because I will not be visting
You will spoonfeed me NOW!

>> No.32613289

It's ok anon, just tell yourself she's a real woman doing the reverse of what Nico did for some reason.

>> No.32613494

I see thanks, I thought It was some kind of purposefully weird description like she does sometimes.

>> No.32613820

cock and flat ass
I listen to asmr to escape reality and now I gotta escape asmr too?

>> No.32617193

just care less
it's only audio

>> No.32619441

fyi this guy is the same guy that completely ruined the thread when miyu joined a few weeks ago. he's a failed groomer and he has been spamming the backroom for months.
he was banned twice from here because of all his spam.
he's mad at the thread for not hating miyu. his new plan is to have the archive link nuked.

>> No.32622719

Saving this BASED thread from page 10! :^)

>> No.32622928

I have no idea who what the fuck you're talking about and you framing me as a schizo threadshitter for a simple mistake ITT is beyond retarded
But I'll let the thread die I guess

>> No.32623683


>> No.32623866

Remember to watch all of Kiki's asmr streams!

>> No.32627892

no way fag
