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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32570672 No.32570672 [Reply] [Original]

I get happy when someone's oshi gets outed for being a whore because they may have had a boyfriend or currently have one but then at the same time it makes me scared. Times are changing and I'm scared idol culture isn't as strong here in the west. If it's to week vtubers might get comfortable and say they have had boyfriend or that they are in relationships without the fear of being canceled. I know we are a ways off from this apocalyptic future but it still is a nightmare I have.

>> No.32570738

thank Science my oshi is s pure

>> No.32570794

If your oshi doesn't commit cruelty to animals she's based in my book

>> No.32570820

Chumbud... I hate to break it to you but...

>> No.32570839

just ate a glizzy, ama

>> No.32570849

Having an active boyfriend is bad work ethic, but how is an ex bad? It is in fact reassuring.

>> No.32570895 [DELETED] 

>idol culture
It's pretty simple- stop giving women money for playing games badly.

>> No.32570924

That isn't going to happen. The straightoids shall be crushed comrade.

>> No.32571011

Just quit being an unicorn or quit watching vtuber. Stop acting like a victim when you can just walk away faggot.

>> No.32571137

mama ain't raised no quitter.
i will either be burned alive and die in a glorious blaze as the last bastion of hope for pure, undefiled women who abandon their 3DPD Western whore ways, or I will be the anti that burns it all because my existence became vacuous.
No in-betweens, faggot. No walking away. We ride or we die, nigga

>> No.32571256

No we will bully whores.

>> No.32571299

You get it
I feel the same way
Even tho I'm scared I won't back down if idol culture fails me

>> No.32571308


>> No.32571329

I'm not a unibrony but I understand why they have no tolerance for animal abusers and lazy whores.

>> No.32571364

>EN oshi
It was over for you before it even began

>> No.32571450

We are not a ways off. Someone like Kobo or Mori could literally go on and tell their audience that they've either had or currently have a boyfriend and their fans would cheer them on and defend them. It's too late.

>> No.32571469

This has no bearing on anything.

>> No.32571489

I'd say 10/11 of HoloEN has a significant other. Kiara is the only one because no one can handle austrian schizo

>> No.32571629

>tfw we're about to see a holomeet massacre
you can't make this up.

>> No.32571707

No I don't accept this
I still have hope that we'd be able to cancel them if that happened

>> No.32571731

Godspeed to whoever does it. An actual hero in the making.

>> No.32572220 [DELETED] 


>> No.32572281

If they have a ex that means they might have had sex

>> No.32572467

it's over

>> No.32572549

It's never over

>> No.32572830

It's fucking Mori and Kobo. They won't be happy until Hololive is as westernized as vshitshow, where the girls fucking stream with their boyfriends. It will come to pass so if you don't want to be mindbroken you'd best start looking at your options and find new things to enjoy. Get that pull out plan ready.

>> No.32573142

Is it true Pekora has a monkey?

>> No.32573318

shitty bait OP

>> No.32573488
File: 474 KB, 720x960, 20220905_220441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it's us vs the world we can't give up
We must fight on
Having a pull out plan is like admitting defeat
This war of cultures and ideology hasn't even properly stated yet

>> No.32577371


>> No.32577431

Im with you brother

>> No.32579873
File: 200 KB, 738x741, 1662045484205797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sticker not real fanart
Stop using Gura for your bait
Watch the fucking streams, before you embarrass yourself

>> No.32579923
File: 3.64 MB, 640x640, 1662438441600271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God Gura is a JP

>> No.32580082

You right but I was feeling lazy and wanted to get this off my chest.
Also Gura my favorite English vtuber.

>> No.32580262

>English vtuber

>> No.32580556

nice crop shitlord

>> No.32580893

My bad G
>en vtuber
