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32522233 No.32522233 [Reply] [Original]

>adds fuel to the drama
>goes on a week break
What did she mean by this?

>> No.32522291

> makes another thread about the same thing
> tries to hide his seething and coping
What did he mean by this?

>> No.32522424

it's what rushia should've done

>> No.32522462 [DELETED] 

she's having sex with me.

>> No.32522945

She ran away like a coward simple

>> No.32523139


>> No.32523162


>> No.32523416


>> No.32523711

She's a master strategist


>> No.32524184

>a week break
forced break

>> No.32524219

Similar to Rushia's 'break'...

>> No.32525248

DYRBI? Management is the one pushing for these homo collabs

>> No.32525308

>Streams Super hot while having sex
>Needs a week long break
Sorry anons, I'll go easy on him next time

>> No.32525382

What time is it? Oh yeah! It is cucking time!

>> No.32525440

I'll also take this rrat. Being a menhera is a thing, straight face lying and getting caught is another history.

>> No.32525689

Stop...making...new threads

>> No.32525777

She isnt sorry

>> No.32526351

those triplets dont lie

>> No.32526398 [DELETED] 


>> No.32526428

Uterus, ovaries, different brain chemistry and brain size.
tl;dr "because woman"

>> No.32526550
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>> No.32526617

It means you should go back, you can't even greentext right.

>> No.32526724

Oh wow, I didn't know she made this kind of statement. I always wondered why people were so uptight about a collab with males but it's Kronii herself that presented a stance she had and went back on it.
She actively welcomed unicorns and then betrayed them. I don't find it to be a big deal, still, but I know why there are so many unicorns now

>> No.32526855

Graduation in two days

>> No.32528207

You have to be really naive to think that that break she's taking isn't a suspension from mngmt for going against their direct order of not engaging with the issue. Kronii got suspended for trying to save her ego on a clippers comment section.

>> No.32528745

Yeah, it was fucked up of her to do this. She literally brought them into her house just to torture them. I can't believe she bought that monkey.

>> No.32528920

I don't think the monkey smokescreen is working.

>> No.32528969

human things like openly lying? human things like making promises and immediately breaking them? not sure where you’re going with this.

>> No.32530455

Literally in shambles
I can imagine you crying at your PC

>> No.32530531

I do it because it's fun
Kronii can go suck a dick

>> No.32530610

same. never cared for them. my oshi is japanese

>> No.32530790

Is it Pekora by chance?
Did you know she has a monkey now?

>> No.32530886

Anon, humans have always tried to subjugate beings that they feel superior over. But a fucking monkey though!?

>> No.32530991

Good I really hope management starts cracking down on their shit. It's very clear that someone needs to put a muzzle on Mori and a chastity belt on Baelz.

>> No.32531031

Can someone post a quick recap of the drama?
I'm lazy, and I haven't been paying attention to Kronii all that much lately.

>> No.32531132

Not worth it. Just wait until she collabs with Tempus again this month and unicorns will make sure to spoonfeed you everything you need to know.

>> No.32531161

She's been acting like a bitch whore and hasn't been corrected yet.

>> No.32531260

Talking to redditors is a bizarre experience

>> No.32531471

Have you stopped sobbing yet?

>> No.32531501

>told her unicorns she wouldn't interact with tempiss
>collabs with them
>replies to a pic of a homo's underwear
>goes on a break after getting shat on

>> No.32531740

>does GFE streams and other gachi bait
>sells gachi merch
>recently, collabs with males
>whines and moans about the reactions of gachis and unicorns
>shits on them publicly and on members stream
>"do you guys not have female friends", mocks someone for pointing out she sells dakis, reads her fans a self-help book on parasocial relationships, etc.
>tells people not to ship her since shipping coworkers is deranged
>dials it back to not shipping "without consent" or something like that
>dials it back further to "don't ship me with guys" while having a meltdown in a clip's comment section, further stirs the pot throughout
>part of this was saying that the reason yuri ships are okay is that no one can take them seriously (this pisses of some /u/schizos too)
>sorta made compromises in a members stream by saying things like how she doesn't talk to homos on twitter, how she won't approach them much, won't host collabs in her channel, and will only respond when invited
>shortly after tweet replies to Vesper about his cock
>announces she's taking a break
That's the story so far. I'm all for homo and holo collabs but this shitfest HAS been pretty fun.

>> No.32531869

She's a public representative for a company, anon. Some level of professionalism is expected.

>> No.32531996
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>Reads self help book on parasocial relationships
>Has a meltdown in a clip's comment section
I don't believe you. She can't be that retarded

>> No.32532620
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No yeah, that's not even slightly twisted or exaggerated.
The member's VOD is still up, though the comment section got nuked by the clipper.

>> No.32534953

