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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 259 KB, 1080x596, IMG_20220904_234409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32481948 No.32481948 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for a pure idol night???

>> No.32482239

I find it hilarious during the early days of ID2, ollie was constantly trying to get male collabs and wanted to tear down all this "idol culture" shit, and now with tempus, she's immediately right there, collabing with them whenever possible

>> No.32482264

I can't believe Kobo turned out to be as horrible as Ollie. ID is such a shit branch. I won't ever give any of them another chance.

>> No.32482327

Where's Kronii?

>> No.32482340

So you find it funny that she's doing what she wanted to do?

>> No.32482537

>ollie was constantly trying to get male collabs and wanted to tear down all this "idol culture" shit
what the fuck are you talking about? she was never denied male collabs

>> No.32482542

I find it funny that people were hating on her for trying to change established culture and now everything has turned out in her favor

>> No.32482603

Gone, reduced to atoms...

>> No.32482635

Under their desk giving them the sloppies.

>> No.32482654
File: 100 KB, 487x476, 1662283217007560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even watch them. Iofi drew this, Risu dedicates a whole month to cum jokes, Ollie calls mother Mary a dildo, Kobo eats shit. They've all always been like this.

>> No.32482721
File: 27 KB, 300x424, MinamiMinegishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and seethe dickless westoid cunts.
>Pic rel
If you keep doing this, you'll fucking get this.

>> No.32482728

Blue leader needs to get some better collaborators, this will be a total ear-bleed fest. Stick to the boys.

>> No.32482734

They're already EN clip watchers, you think they'll watch ID streams?

>> No.32482737

I'm talking about the outrage and drama she started EARLY ON, people were actively hating on her for it, of course she was never denied them but people with self respect avoid ollie now. Her dream came true and now holoEN and I guess ID are becoming more like nijisanji

>> No.32482796

based indog

>> No.32482936

Iofi biting Oga's leg in that drawing.

>> No.32483280

She continued as an idol for many years and was very happy and successful, btw.

>> No.32483456

Yes, after fucking shaving her head, crying and apologizing to the entire freaking fanbase.
Do you seriously want this to happen again? Rushia's debacle was due to her fear of something like this happening to her.

>> No.32483691

>Rushia's debacle was due to her fear of something like this happening to her.
no, it was because of anti-unicorn faggots lying about her situation to dunk on unicorns, her fanbase was loyal (still is)

>> No.32483712
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 52c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me see female kid already

>> No.32483897

The hair grew back fast and honestly, it was just a publicity stunt.

>> No.32483976

Like Brittney Spears years ago.

>> No.32484010
File: 24 KB, 505x607, doyourelebeleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck what a 6D chess.

>> No.32484134

nope, they were just opportunistically using a yab, they didn't plan to get her to graduate (although I'm sure they were happy about it)

>> No.32484175
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>> No.32484275

Ah, yes my fault. I fucking forgot that this is vt where evidence and logic don't matter.

>> No.32484525

Vtubers are not the same as idols

>> No.32484720

Indeed they are not the same. Then what is this fucking anger I see on the board?

>> No.32484954

What's funny is how she was so quiet during big brain collab with Gura, she's clearly scared of her

>> No.32485042

What you expect from nation that's been raped and cucked by western nations through centuries

>> No.32485111

That's a good point, idols are way better off than Brittney Spears. Western celebrity culture is much worse than Japanese idol culture.

>> No.32485117

Vtubers aren't not the same as idols but idol vtubers are the same as idols

>> No.32485302

yeah his third leg lol

>> No.32485526

I think Japanese idol culture is shit and you're thinking that western idol culture is worse than that.
Wow western idol culture must be a shithole.

>> No.32485680

You are spot on. VTubers have a lot more direct, intimate and frequent interactions with the audience (chat), so they naturally breed even more goslings and unicorns than a run-of-the-mill idol performing on a stage would.

>> No.32485769

Typical westoids. Destroying nations and then say "not our problem". See Iraq, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, the entire fucking African continent.
Now let's see how in a few decades how those sandniggers are destroying your country.

>> No.32485947
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>> No.32486279

your mom's mouth is a shithole

>> No.32486510

Your mom's pussy on the other hand is amazing. I must have cum 7 - 8 times inside last night. Congratulations on your soon-to-be sibling.

>> No.32486628

My sister is a Nijifag but for some reason she's watching this Collab. How do I stop her from sabotaging Hololive!?

>> No.32486791

>rushia was scared of this
>no she wasn't
>uh source????

>> No.32487061

Oh I forgot one other thing. Westoids are so degenerate these days they simply laugh if someone is asking proof. Must be due to the leftist influence of "assuming things are right cos they think they're right".

>> No.32487148

"It's okay, if it's Magni"

--What did she mean by this?

>> No.32487159

>Your mom's pussy
your mom gay

>> No.32487305

Why Kobo sounds like a 6 year old?

>> No.32487500

You mean like this ad?
Remind me again which country produced this ad? They don't seem to speak indogs though.

>> No.32488016

Alright, this is getting excessive now. Hololive management needs to step in and stop allowing this many male collabs.

>> No.32488981

I've long since given up on seeing Kobo as anything but a group onahole. God damn she's small. Imagine her tiny face being bukkake'd.

>> No.32489592

Why? If collabing with males can bring 30k++ CCV like yesterday Kobo - Manca collab, why should they care about several thousands max vt poster?

I pity the westoid incels who think that 'interacting with males = fucking', I truly do. There must be no quality girls in the west anymore, who can take care of themselves.

>> No.32489713

it's funny seeing altare transcend back into toxicity

>> No.32489768

I'm not even going to watch the stream or anything that has a male on screen. I just want to fap to Kobo.

>> No.32489838

this is a good stream lmao

>> No.32489986

Understandable. Have a good day mate.

>> No.32490029

You can't tell me that them dunking on the stream snipers and the pure malding in chat isn't one of the most entertaining things you've seen in days.

>> No.32490052

>the blue guy with the worst voice in the world
What a fucking combo, is there really someone in this world who can watch them without dying from blood pressure?

>> No.32490299

>Do you seriously want this to happen again?
>Rushia's debacle was due to her fear of something like this happening to her.
Good. Some of these spoiled bitches need the fear of God put back in them.

>> No.32490419
File: 214 KB, 476x531, neckurself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Now come here darling.

>> No.32490548

Let's repeat it again.
This has become a drama board and a drama board only. And 90% of the drama is fabricated, everybody knows it and nobody gives a shit. There's almost no thread that doesn't have some kind of drama in it for more than a couple of weeks. This place exists in it's own reality and you people have to stop calling each other out for not watching streams.
I don't even know what I wrote at the start of this and I am not proof reading shit what the fuck am I even doing FUCK

>> No.32491031

Cry about it.

>> No.32491415

>nearly identical posts to the ones ITT

>> No.32491637

repeating, i'm speaking for everyone when i say nobody watches vtuber on this shit

>> No.32491866

Shit branch, yes
-Get the popularity of hololive
-Has the most friendly and understanding fanbase ever
-Has the freedom of any other agency

If those criteria are the indicator of a branch being shit then Idk what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.32491931

I'm not watching that shit.

>> No.32492073

ID is unironically the best branch with the best chuubas Hololive has to offer. Only outliers from EN and JP can ever hope to compete with its poorest performing member.

>> No.32492484

>ID’s the best!
>t. SEA poster
This whole ordeal was a mistake.
