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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32449314 No.32449314 [Reply] [Original]

>Tempus stream time limit restriction ends
>Vespy immediately starts doing 4-10 hour streams
>no one else does
What did he mean by this?

>> No.32449367

stay in your containment thread, homofaggot

>> No.32449424

>Magni 10hr45min Subnautica https://youtu.be/1ogZAqo574A
>Altare 11hr52min Minecraft https://youtu.be/W6SLtZXG9EA
Blind tourist, please at least try

>> No.32449430

Both Magni and Altare passed 10 hour mark. Watch streams

>> No.32449650

Thanks, didn't feel like going through their channels one by one to check.

>> No.32450561

you got timecucked you leddit-tier spoonfeeding fag lmao

>> No.32450624

afaik regis hold the current record. anyway my personal rrat : he do it to spite the holoen girls. the fact that almost a dozen of them exist but is still making mostly low quality low quantity content is pathetic beyond believe. is it that hard to stream 2 hr 3 times a week? is permission so fucking shit your only option is minecraft and fotm bs that already milked to oblivion 1 week ago?

>> No.32452099

He has a crippling stream addiction

>> No.32452485

So what's Axel's problem, how come he never does long streams? Isn't he the only one that knows Japanese? He could be pounding out collabs with all the JPs and he doesn't seem to bother.

>> No.32452549

Management can't get perms for the things he wants to do.

>> No.32452641

Vesper is hoping to gain enough attention by constantly streaming so that he can eventually force Gura to do a Collab with him.

>> No.32452725

They, unlike the en woman, actually enjoy their audience and like spending time discussing things with them.

>> No.32452994

So do things he already has permission for.
>Hey Aruran let's play some Mario Kart.
Simple as that.

>> No.32453082

Gura's not against collabing with men, but he picked a bad time to try and collab with her. It's clear she's lost the spark for streaming, she hardly ever streams anymore and when she does she's clearly not enjoying it.

>> No.32453105

Male streamer has a bunch of women fawning over him: Whoa Awesome! I'm so motivated!!

Female streamer has a bunch of men fawning over her: Ew disgusting, I fucking hate you guys. I hate my job.

>> No.32453141

He wanted to do a long raft stream with the other tempus boys next weekend.

>> No.32453234

>streams less than Mori and Kiara
>Every other Tempus is solidly middle of the pack for stream times at best
Stop jerking yourself off

>> No.32453587

Only in Hololive. All the non-Hololive women I've seen love the adoration.

>> No.32454049

Same shit can be said to you cuck.

>> No.32454115

Making shit out your ass now huh
