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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32322687 No.32322687 [Reply] [Original]

Since some EN girls are going in new directions
>gachi hate
>mocking unicorns
>male collabs
>collabs outside hololive

>> No.32322789

I don't care about EN3, I dropped HoloEN.

>> No.32323479

EN3 whores will all collab with the homos
Maybe if Omega is feeling generous he's gonna hire one to pander to unicorns

>> No.32323592

>>gachi hate
>>mocking unicorns
These are really the major red flags. Unicorns built this field from scratch. They would be fucking nothing without us.

>> No.32323651
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our time has passed...

>> No.32323653

Omega is picking them, expect all of it

>> No.32323681

I have already abandoned this ship. It's time to watch small corpos and indies

>> No.32323688

There won't be a 3rd Gen of EN, nothing to worry about

>> No.32323721

>>mocking unicorns
>>male collabs
why is /vt/ the most faggy board ever?

>> No.32323726

Based, me too

>> No.32323766 [DELETED] 


>> No.32323814

I'm surprised you have enough time to post between your fantasies of getting cucked by every single male in the world

>> No.32323845

Based. Fuck HoloEN and Omegay

>> No.32323931

I just hope we will see HoloEN fall into urrelevency like kizuna Ai in the near future.
That's all they deserve most of them are lazy fuck anyway and now they also spit in the face of a major part of their fanbase.

>> No.32323933

EN3 will get into Hololive JUST to groom the homos.

>> No.32323953

Us? Post your donation screenshot or your mom will die tonight

>> No.32324038


>> No.32324174

Your time has passed. Once it became mainstream, their main source of income is not through you anymore. Adapt or move on.

>> No.32324576

These aren't red flags.

>> No.32324593

EN3 will be a mixed gen with males and females. The normalfags that pollute this hobby have spoken.

>> No.32324764

It doesn't have to be that way though. Didn't happen to JP. In fact JP kinda went the other way around, they used to have more male collabs and interaction in the past and phased them out over time with just a few exceptions.

>> No.32325015 [DELETED] 

I want everyone to abandon myth, council and Irys and move on to EN3. They have betrayed us all!!

Mumei = BF
Fauna = BF
Bae = Collabs with men
Sana = RIP traitor
Kronii = Collabs with men and destroy all ships

Ame= Wants to collab with men
Gura = BF
Mori = BF and collabs with men
Ina = Nepotism
Kiara = Annoying

Irys= Constantly talks about men she meets in the studio and hiding gender of manager.

>> No.32325389
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>Still believing this when merch and sponsorship exist.
How cute. None of them beside Kiara have high SC anyway to begin with.

>> No.32325602

>Gachi hate
>Mocking unicorns
Beyond based
>Male collabs
I'm indifferent.
>>Collabs outside of Hololive
That's a good thing!
Hey man Koyori and Lui are great.

>> No.32325651

what the high SC do for her
she still doesnt has mocap suit or 3d equipment at home anyway

>> No.32325698

HoloES will mogg all of HoloEN

>> No.32325745

you think it's gonna get better?

>> No.32325801

EN3 will have the first real black member at this rate

>> No.32325918

The problem is not even pandering to unicorns but I think we will get multiple "touch grass right now, Immersion? Hahahaha go touch grass *roommate talk*" type of girls

>> No.32325977

Based. Hold the line.

>> No.32326171

With everything that just happened, you should accept that Tempus was EN3

>> No.32326328
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>gachi hate
>mocking unicorns
>male collabs
>collabs outside of hololive
I'm loving it, especially all of the crying threads. Life is good.

>> No.32326401

guaranteed EN3 will be very open with mentioning and collabing with HomoEN, I'm willing to bet money on this. HoloEN really is going to become a bootleg NijiEN like this, fuck omega and EN management

>> No.32328684

>reddit made a thread to virtue signal and white knight the blue retard

>> No.32328759

The golden age of EN chubba is over. Next the great decline

>> No.32328824

Just don't give money to whores who hate you for not being chad. It's that easy. Spend it on actual whores, because they will touch your dick. Much better use.

>> No.32328825


>> No.32328937

The end of an age...

>> No.32328984

You don't watch streams.

>> No.32328999

Based and same

>> No.32329074

we need a spanish mommy to save us

>> No.32329105

It's a given at this point kek. Not because "they collabed with males" but because the management has total contempt for the fans regardless of how much or little they care about shit like that. It's that cancerous western "if we piss off the fans then ???" like they brought in normalfags for a nerd hobby under the delusion that 'anime is mainstream now so get these dorks out of here'. And the girls just walked into the success too, once they lose it it's over because they have no conception of how to put it back together from nothing.

>> No.32329301

careful... he is baseed...

>> No.32330185
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There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new Hololive will be born.

>> No.32330500

MOst normalfags don't buy merchs faggot. Also sponsorship don't happen that much lol.

>> No.32330522

>gachi hate
most succesful VTubers find a way to lead on the gachikoi long enoiugh to profit....
>mocking unicorns
transcancel culture is the gestapo of our time, they have it coming.
>male collabs
>collabs outside hololive
also pfft.
up to the designer

>> No.32330856

Not going to lie; the interactions between HoloEN and StarsEN along with management probably pushing for them and talent being passive aggressive towards longtime fans gives me very little hope for EN3.

>> No.32330860

I love coming into these threads and seeing the same vocabulary and sentence structure being used from my earlier posts. Makes you realize just how hard at work the antis and "non" antis are.

>> No.32331083

fippy bippy, irredeemable branch.

>> No.32331196

>the management has total contempt for the fans
I would not agree with this, until yesterday when irys let slip that she's dating her manager. If a fucking hololive manager has so little regard for idol culture that he dates the talent himself, then the whole company truly does not give a shit. I'm 100% done with vtubers. From now on, any time I feel like watching a stream, I'm going to lift weights instead.

>> No.32331224

Myth and Council are setting the example of how EN3 can behave. EN3 is doomed from the start, I'm telling you.

>> No.32331337

The problem isn't male collabs, it's the people involved being indecisive wishy-washy cowards who don't want to risk offending a part of their fanbase by setting clear boundaries from the start.

>> No.32331445

the boys are based, it's these bitches that are the problem.

>> No.32331674

Yeah it's gonna be a generation of guras and kroniis
>'work' for a few months
>coast for the rest of the time
HoloEN, no, the west itself was a mistake.

>> No.32331726

Because autistic gachikoi money is good but ultimately the 'societal' mindset is to fuck them over. So you end up in a position where you take money from autists who scream every time a male is mentioned but also pander to normalfags on tweeter who don't watch streams.

>> No.32331797
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>mfw an anti stole my post word for word to shit on IRyS

>> No.32331995

Im gonna need proof of this claim.
I refuse to believe irys would do that since its against the company rules.

>> No.32333448

Based and same. I switched to Tempus and haven't looked back.

>> No.32333502

Here she is accidentally saying "manager-kun"
As for her dating him, it is pretty much an unavoidable conclusion due to the above. In japan, an employee would never, ever, ever refer to their workplace superior with the -kun suffix, or anyone of the opposite sex really, unless they were dating. It is the utmost casual and affectionate suffix a girl can give to a guy, and the mere fact it is a gendered suffix gives a strong romantic connotation. If you're a coper, you'll deny this and there's nothing I can do to convince you otherwise. But if you're levelheaded, you will immediately grasp all this.

>> No.32333662

I didn't think it was possible to be this much of an EOP.

>> No.32333976

Normalfags are not the ones sending superchats or buying fan merch and their attention span is notoriously short. Trying to pander to them instead of the dedicated nerds and outcasts is a very shortsighted strategy.

>> No.32334162


>> No.32334349

that worked out well for almost everyone that did that eh?
opps it didn't for majority of them

till today there's the shit mori threads.
she's pure garbage

>> No.32334818

wtf I guess I'm gonna start watching ENs now

>> No.32336597

For me it's Tenma.

>> No.32337563

Most normalfags dont use adblockers either. All Holo or Niji vids are monetized.
There's also memberships where a big chunk of money comes from, hell yesterday they gave that fungus covid guy over 1k gifted subs.

Vtubers have so many ways they make money its unreal, look at Amelia, she's sabotaged herself like crazy and makes fuck all SC, still has more than enough to fund numerous projects for herself and other people, Kiara said she qualifies for the rich people Visa if she wanted to go to Japan and that's 250k at a minimum.

Gachis and unicorns don't fucking matter.

Kek, real schizo hours. Truly if no drama exists people will just make it up.

>> No.32344139


>> No.32344663

Yeah she should've said manager-san, not kun. Or she'd like to imply manager boy is younger than her

>> No.32344818

If you dig deep enough with Watson and Omega, the shock will make you paralized

>> No.32344916

My hype for EN3 us dying

>> No.32345253

Manager is planning to overthrow streaming women in the long run. Since 2020 vtuber is united and respected in holo, but in 2022 you can see their bond become weaker and weaker. Vtuber become disposable and replacable (Sana) and manager stay in power. With homo EN to further divide women, soon most of EN women will be at management's mercy

>> No.32345690

So you're telling me EN3 is going to be based? Awesome, hopefully they get people who like to stream, too.

>> No.32345810


>> No.32346002

If by some chance they fail, at least they can latch on to both HoloEN and HomoEN

>> No.32346094

>With homo EN to further divide women, soon most of EN women will be at management's mercy
Yeah, it would be great to see Gura graduate from HoloEN and take her fanbase to her rm

>> No.32347508

Is Ame dating Omega or something?

>> No.32348957

there was a point where you could overlook all the shitty little yabs and management fuckups because holo was legit on a roll and it was magical.
but with how everything's looking like lately i don't have much hope for EN3 anymore. from here on it's only going to stray further from the JP branch.
more splitting up, even less branch unity. a bunch of ambitionless part-timers who have no interest in making EN itself great but who applied for a vaguely lore-disguised SC shower.
please prove me wrong.

>> No.32349189

Imagine if Sykunno was Hololive EN3 leader...

He'd be having over Kroni or Gura over 200% no condom sex

>> No.32352847
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>> No.32354045

Anon, vtubing as a whole went mainstream, it's the main reason why so many indies now get higher numbers than the HoloEN girls.
It's exactly the reason why shitting on your unicorns is the most retarded thing possible

Korone laid it out for all the girls on how they should treat their gachikoi so that no one gets hurt and that the streamers can continue to stream and be comfortable the rest of their lives

Many of these non-unicorn vtubers are going to hit the bubble soon, guys WILL lose interest because the woman isn't giving them the parasocial attention that warrants being a loyal fan for long periods of time.
This happens with every simp industry, weak men will always seek out comfort women, but if the women aren't giving enough comfort, these men will eventually find a woman that will, or they'll die.

>> No.32354249
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holy fucking shit imagine knowing Luxiem, Noctyx, and Iluna exist and getting blessed with Tempus and thinking "uh oh I don't like where this is going :((( EN3 is doomed" Your casting is top notch, calm down
just don't let women into your threads

>> No.32354848

I don’t give a fuck. I’m going to go back to watching 3rd Rock from the Sun.
The only funny woman was Joan Rivers.

>> No.32355074

Tenma drops into dudes streams all the time

>> No.32356337

Wrong. Gachikoi and unicorns will always be the main source of income because they are the only ones willing to superchat and buy merch. Anyone who watches for """""entertainment""""" isn’t going to spend a lot because they aren’t heavily invested in the hobby.

>> No.32356430

Based minus Gura and IRyS

>> No.32356489


>> No.32356529

EN didn't grind from the bottom to feel the pain without the help of gachis
It's normalfags entertainment now

>> No.32356885

Who need your 1 view when gachi drops 5 bucks every stream.
Also gachi friendly chuuba still attract normalfags

>> No.32357047
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>> No.32357671
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>> No.32357725

Gachis are snowflakes that get triggered at the slightest provocation and their whole diet is made of nothingburgers. Not worth the risk

>> No.32357825
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don't pick a fight you can't win teacuck

>> No.32357922

Proficiency in stylometry is like opening your third eye, but many choose to remain ignorant. I don't blame them; it can be a curse on many boards.

>> No.32358038

Anyone with INT above 1 would have known that EN was lost cause from the start.

>> No.32358735


>> No.32361270

>Unicorns built this field from scratch. They would be fucking nothing without us.
Just when I think you sad fucks can't get any more pathetic. I know this may come as a shock to you since your level of awareness makes some mold species look like intelligent life, but plenty of people without holes in their brains have been watching and supporting the hobby since the beginning as well.

>> No.32361602

The amount of salty unicornfag cope in this thread, rumao

>> No.32361692

>red flags
These are all positives though?

>> No.32361875

You've seen nothing. There are gay crossdressers, gay Rpers, Saplings, Ame mates, like holy fuck this board is gay. It makes /fit/ look straight

>> No.32361931

When nijiEN changed course with male debuts people went back to or tried HoloEN, where is there to go with HoloEN going to shit?

>> No.32362014

t. clipwatcher

>> No.32362231

Gura has a euro fetish

>> No.32366134


>> No.32366668

I've barely watched any Hololive at all lately.

>Oh boy time to see what my favourite member has been doing
>Oh, well that game is boring as fuck to watch so I'll check out this other member
>Damn, well guess I'll watch this other member then
>Well mayb-
>Or how about-

Christ on a fucking bike if I'm going to have to put up with mentally ill Canadian lesbian troons can I at least watch something even remotely entertaining while doing it?

>> No.32366905

>they would be nothing without us
roru rumao even

>> No.32369463

Oh? Those tend to be bought by dedicated fans willing to pay marked up prices for highly autistic collectibles.
IIRC, the entire purpose of those is to afford them to those with the most viewers. If the viewer numbers drop, what's even the point? Might as well just shortchange a 3view instead.

>> No.32371297

You WILL pay the condom funds
She WILL cuck you with her boyfriend
She WILL cuck you with her male coworkers
And you will be happy

>> No.32376047
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with how shitty en1+2 are getting, i can't even imagine how big the en3 whores are going to be, we're going full nijisanji from here on out. gotta make sure those glorious western values are represented in every form of media
