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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32203856 No.32203856 [Reply] [Original]

literally pulling ID numbers rn
shameful for a ''global audience''

>> No.32204071 [DELETED] 

Kroniicucks deflecting using Mori... oh the irony

>> No.32204153

At this point, I don't care what that wigger is doing. The last holocollab proved that she and her "circle" will stop at nothing to destroy the gold standard.

>> No.32204210

I went full circle

>> No.32204557

deadbeats are praying the fallout will not affect her music numbers at this point, kiara-tier numbers are one hell of a red flag

>> No.32204654 [DELETED] 

Uniclockrns deflecting thread

>> No.32206017 [DELETED] 

kronigger deflection thread

>> No.32206073

And I care because?

>> No.32206322
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Never seen a stream sniper shill before, new low for Double Chinigami. she won’t shut the fuck up, even in text.

>> No.32206362

Have you tried stop being french?

>> No.32206702

how? his mother is french.

>> No.32206823

In big group events like this you can see how many viewers are truly loyal viewers and who are just orbiting around to watch whatever. This is as close as you will get to true fan numbers.

>> No.32206842

she has more subs than pekora yet has less than 10% of the viewers
gura also has double pekora's subs but pekora has almost 3x more viewers
ENs are pathetic

>> No.32207405

Killing himself would be a great way to do it.

>> No.32207737
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>> No.32207785

Didn't most myth girls use vtubing as a steping stone for their other careers? This is what happens when you hire a one trick pony. She can only "rap" for the JP audience and no one else.
She's not entertaining.
She's not charismatic.
She's not a team player.
At this point her model and company are carrying her. I don't think most people would care for her if she was an indie.

>> No.32208207

I've seen Pomu with higher CCV yesterday, wtf

>> No.32208688

As much as I love to shit on her subs this is because she's not playing Rust properly during an event. She's an absolute moron to decide to be contrarian like this, it'll murder Youtube's favor in her.

>> No.32209154

>muh ccv
when will you numberfags learn? gura gets the most yt money because of mid-roll ads and japs don't use youtube premium ever they're too used to using nnd.
her mortuary assistant stream for example had like 100K vod views at first but now has 510k, thats how you rake in yt money.

>> No.32210738

coping en cucks i see

>> No.32211176

>2nd most subbed vtuber in the world
>pulls id numbers
Poor calli

>> No.32211601

Male collab debuff

>> No.32212142

If her subs were 500k, I wonder what kind of personality she would have now.

>> No.32212298

>Expecting higher numbers when she had already established she was going to stay away from any conflict, reducing people's interest in watching her PoV

Yup, this is another certified morischizo thread.

>> No.32213148

Are you going to ignore the fact that gura's at 13k now which is like 7k lower than her usual numbers and all that while peko is at 49k despite having half the subs gura has? Did you by any chance confuse HoloEN with NijiCN? They're streaming at JP prime time while 70% of their usual audience is from the US and is either sleeping or working. On top of that it seems that mori is basically just doing nothing while the rest of the members are slaughtering each other. If you're gonna shit on someone at least make it good.

>> No.32213294
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>> No.32213461

reminder that ccv is only used as a metric because numberfags need a way to keep pekora over gura. that EN sub explosion really broke their brains

>> No.32213803

ah yes , the "not in the prime time"
mf then when is the prime time ?
its fucking EN everyone can speak english you idiot

>> No.32215291

Now that you said it, these guys use "dead sub" or "sub is irrelevant" as an insult to pit Pekora against Gura, but the fact that they do that is because of the very same metric they deem irrelevant. Is there an adjective for that behavior? The very same thing one deems non-important is the same thing that keeps occupying one's head?

>> No.32215378

what year are you living in that you think gura pulls >20k in her regular streams?

>> No.32216125

Are you retarded? This is the equivalent of asking why most streams are concentrated in the 6-11PM time slot.
First of all, you're overestimating how many viewers can follow conversations in English and still find it entertaining. If you need to get a grasp of average Asian's English proficiency look no further than HoloJP members. They don't live in Scandinavia where at least 70% of local populations are fluent in English.
Secondly, JPs will prioritize their own chuubas and other Asians will do the same. The only ones who'll turn up are tourists or someone who may be a fan but could never catch a stream because of timezone differences.
Finally, you can't just expect huge number of people to turn up out of nowhere when fans who watch them regularly are MIA. Gura never bothered to stream during JP or Euro prime hours except for big collabs or that one time when she streamed RDR. There are certain English speaking outliers like Luxiem gays who have specifically targeted Asian audiences but it took time to build their fanbases and there were no one to contest them.

>> No.32216338

>CCV doesn't matter!!
>actually CCV matters but it's not high because of X and Y!

>> No.32216542
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>Enter HoloRust server
>Refuse to fight and hardly play at all
>No one wants to watch her drink lean and play roulette for 6 hours

Gura played with JP instead of EN in the final battle, that should tell you all you need to know as to why she's still at top while the others are declining

>> No.32216972

Maybe if she played games I give a shit about I'll watch! I don't care about Rust, or Dead by Daylight, or Jump King.

>> No.32217517

You are right, Kizuna Ai is the 2nd most popular vtuber, that is totally and absolutely true

>> No.32217543

t. Threadwatcher.

>> No.32217743
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>> No.32217908

"are you retarded"
no , you are , idiot.

SEA especially pinoys dont watch IDs , EU is different timezone than NA . theres others like australia who watch them too for argument sake .

why then u got those ID numbers ? retard?

>> No.32218112 [DELETED] 
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>> No.32218270

i guess people don't want to watch obnoxious wigger being annoying anymore

>> No.32218313

Do it Gura, bash her fat fucking skull in.

>> No.32218535

She's busy plotting how to make Gura collab with males

>> No.32218547

>implying they aren't winning
Now Mori is much more easily groomable.

>> No.32220520 [DELETED] 
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Kekbeats... KFPsharts...

>> No.32222831

Disgusting nijichink...

>> No.32224693

>>32206322 (Checked)
>Double Chinigami
yea, i'm stealing that

>> No.32227609

Man.. How did we end up like this..

>> No.32227828

>She gave people a heads up she was going to be boring
Honestly, she should put that as a disclaimer on every stream
